21st Century Archmage-Chapter 123: All That Remains is a Fight

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“…O’ merciful Mother, may we be granted your infinite love, and may you bless the future days of your inadequate servants. I sincerely pray in your name as your inadequate servant.”

Aramis intoned a quiet prayer. As she prayed, she knelt while holding the holy artifact of Neran and gazed into the sky.

As if giving a response, sacred lights lit up around the woman who never shed her appearance as a pure servant of God. In the dimness of the early morning, Aramis kneeled atop the dais set up in the Denfors city square, earnestly praying to God.

‘The new year has already dawned.’

In front of thousands of residents kneeling around the square, I was also kneeling, showing respect towards God, an existence on a completely different level from humans. For just today, I, too, wanted to be treated as a child of God.

“In your heavenly name we pray…”

Drawing crosses, the people of Nerman once again bowed their heads as they showed utmost respect to God.

I followed suit as well. Through Aramis, I came to know the infinite love of the Goddess of Mercy, Neran, and didn’t feel ashamed in the least to bow my head.

“The prayer is complete. Now, the Lord you all respect will say a few words.”

Smiling brightly, Aramis gazed at me. I rose and silently approached the dais where she was standing. Not every citizen of the territory was able to participate in this moment, but the leaders of every village were here. There was something I wanted to tell them using the new year’s address as an opportunity.

‘It’s a bit embarrassing.’

Thousands of people were braving the cold weather, kneeling atop pieces of leather while watching me with shining eyes. The mood was different from when I was fighting in battle. If they were enemies, I would boldly bellow at them, but these were the citizens who were relying on me. I smiled softly.

“In the last year, you have all suffered because of a foolish lord such as I.” There were old elders here, but I was formally the lord with absolute power of life and death over them. I had to assert my authority to maintain the territory’s flow of efficiency, so I spoke with a gravity befitting my station. “On this new year’s day— which has been granted to us after overcoming several instances of great peril through the extraordinary love of Neran-nim— this lord of yours wishes to once again give a prayer of thanks to the gods.”

As I spoke, I drew a cross in Aramis’ direction as I bowed my head. Although she was the woman I loved, right now, she was a spokesperson for a god. Aramis met my address with a pious, bright smile.

“I dare not say that I will be able to give the same peace to you all this year as well as, Right now, with greedy wolves lusting after Nerman all around us, how could I deceive you with lies.”

Even if I didn’t say so, everyone was probably well aware.

“However, I hope you are all aware that Nerman is not just mine. There is only one thing this lord of yours can do, and that is to shed my sweat and the meager blood flowing in my body… I know, just as you do, that it is not nearly enough to protect Nerman.”

I poured my heart and mana into my words, thinking about the hardships that we would face this year. If things went wrong, it could become the greatest peril these people will have ever experienced.

“People of Nerman… I, your lord, humbly entreat that you shed your blood and sweat with me in order to cultivate this beautiful land, the land you will pass on to your successors. If one drop of sweat and blood shed by each of us today can ensure a bright tomorrow for future generations, it is my wish that you will shed such sweat and blood without fear.”

As my speech continued, the air in the square was solemn, but growing more heated.

“All of you, trust in me, and follow me! I dare to promise you that I will turn this land into one where the milk and honey of the gods flow! My beloved people of Nerman…”

I trailed off, finishing my new year’s address. I said my honest thoughts with nothing missing and nothing superfluous.


The square instantly fell into silence. I was certain that no lord had ever requested the people— or encouraged them— to work together with them like this. Lords were all existences who either exploited or oppressed the people.

But I was different. I was not proposing free democracy, but earnestly asking them to trust and follow me. Only then could this territory surmount the approaching crisis, so I opened my heart to them entirely.

“By your will… shall I shed my blood and sweat. Oh lord of mine…”

Speaking as if singing with a passionate heart, Aramis knelt beside me.

“For you, my liege, we would gladly shed our blood and sweat, nay, we would lay our lives on the line!”

The knights down on one knee created an intense harmony as they gazed at me with blazing eyes.

“For the Lord, we, too, shall put our lives on the line!”

“Ohh! Oh master of ours— who was granted to us by the grace of God— Wherever you go, we shall follow, even if the path takes us into a sea of fire!”

“M-My lord…!”

Heartfelt cries from the people rang out everywhere in the square.

“What are you all doing?! Let us all cheer for the Lord and Nerman! Long live the apostle of God who came for this god-given land for us! Long live! Long live!”



Someone’s passionate words aroused a wave of cheers from the people.

‘Thank you.’

The people of Nerman were trusting and following a lord who was, with the turning of the new year, now eighteen years old. Surrounded by their cheers, I once again resolved myself. That I would, without fail, make this place, Nerman, into paradise!

* * *

“This coming year will be a difficult one.”

After completing the new year’s prayer, I called all of my important knights to the covert office that had become the lord’s office. It was now time to reveal Nerman’s situation, as well as the situation of the continent. No one was stupid, so they all braced themselves, growing solemn at my first words.

“As you all know, Nerman is the most dangerous place on the continent. Not only are there monsters in the mountains surrounding Nerman, but the pirates of the Kesmire Archipelago, the Temir who are said to be savages, and the rulers of the continent, the Bajran and Laviter Empires, are nearby.”

I started with things they already knew. It was a joyful day of a new year, but the world did not permit us to smile without a care.

“I am revealing this only now, but the pirates of the Kesmire Archipelago, or rather, the Kesmire Kingdom, have made an alliance with me.”



Besides Derval and a few knights who either knew the gist of it or guessed the truth, everyone else groaned. They knew that this was something that could never be revealed to another empire or kingdom.

“Not only that, but I also recently concluded a permanent peace treaty with the Temir folk.”


“M-My liege…”

This time, only Derval was calm, while everyone else stared at me in shock. In the history of the continent, the Temir race had maintained hostile relations with everyone. It was probably a great shock that Nerman had established a peace treaty—and a permanent one, at that—with such an aggressive race.

“My liege, they are both untrustworthy parties. How can we possibly trust pirates and savages?” said Andriave, who hadn’t been in Nerman for very long, with a grave expression.

“Then tell me this, is there anyone our Nerman can trust right now?”

“That is…”

“As you all know, in our current situation, an enemy of today is a friend of tomorrow, and a friend of today can become an enemy of tomorrow. And right now, the only ones who are friends of Nerman are pirates and the Temir folk,” I uttered. It might sound heartless, but reality was reality.

“According to the information from Jamir, Executive of the Rubis Merchants, the Emperor of the Bajran Empire will likely not make it past this winter.”


“His Majesty will…”

Most of the people here had either studied in the Bajran Empire or were knighted there. They were once again shocked by the news of the emperor’s impending death.

“If that happens, Poltviran, the mad Crown Prince, will ascend the throne, and after that, something so gruesome I do not wish to think of it will come to pass.”

Today, I had to say everything frankly.

“The continent has been too quiet. Kingdoms have accumulated national power for decades, and in conjunction, the greed of the nobles has reached an extreme. What do you think would happen if, at such a moment, the emperor of the Bajran Empire was an insane tyrant?”


No one responded. I didn’t have to spell it out. Everyone knew that a bloody wind would blow across the continent.

“That’s not all. I have been told that an Inquisition, a judgement of heresy, has been announced on Nerman.”

“H-How can that be…”

“Oh, Gods above…”

They might be knights, but the people of this continent were inextricably tied to the gods. At my mention of an Inquisition, they called for the gods.

“Did you think that was all? When spring arrives, the Laviter Empire will dispatch two armies to subjugate Nerman.”

“E-Even the Laviter Empire…”

It was said that when people were too shocked, they became numb.

‘I’m sorry. If you’re guilty of anything, you’re guilty of meeting the wrong lord.’

Unlike the surprised knights, my heart was calm. The cause of all this was that my neck was too stiff to bow to people I truly did not like.

“It would be nice if that was all, but our relationship with the merchant groups, magic towers, and even the shadow merchants is not good.”


“Haha, it’s still a relief that the entirety of the continent is not our enemy, at least.”

Among the knights, there was someone who had a very unique mentality, and that was Ryker, who hadn’t shown much surprise from the beginning. With the enemies I listed, it could be said that we were facing the entirety of the continent’s power, but Ryker still said it was a relief.

“Do you intend to joke right now?”

“Well, should I cry, then? What are we supposed to do when they’ve already become our enemies? At least, if we’re not gonna abandon the territory and flee to a different continent.”


After spending every day stuck to Janice’s side, the air between the two of them was pretty damn suspicious these days. Janice snorted, as if they were having a love spat.

‘Sir Janice is a knight, but a woman is a woman.’

I hadn’t felt any feminity from Janice at all, but I saw her in a new light.

“Please be quiet. The lord is talking,” warned Derval with a low voice. There was no mana in it, but he was absolutely unintimidated by the knights.

“When spring comes, I believe we will have to go to war. The Laviter bastards will most certainly cross the border, we won’t know what will happen in Bajran, and we don’t know what kind of nitpick the temples will have with us. However, the biggest issue is that we must survive.”

Even if war broke out, we had to sow the seeds so that the people would not starve in the fall, and we were forced to worry about monster attacks even during war with men. There was no place more pitiful than Nerman in the world.

“Knights, what do you think should be done…”

After exposing all the problems I had been bearing on my shoulders up until now, I asked my knights to offer countermeasures.


Today, the knights fell into silence quite often. They all assumed positions of unresponsive contemplation.

Like Ryker said, unless we were going to flee, the answer was already clear.

“I will do everything to fulfill my duty as a knight.”

The first one to say something was the man responsible for Orakk Castle and someone who had properly studied the road of a knight, Sir Shailt. His response was based in knightly chivalry.

The most important vow of a knight was to be loyal to their lord and to protect the weak. It was a valiant response.

“I have long since entrusted my dream to you, my liege.”

The second to answer me was the former leader of the Herz Mercenaries, Sir Cedrian.

This man had abandoned even his revenge to side with me. I nodded to him and received his feelings.

“Haha, if you raise my wage, I’ll happily give my life to serve.” Ryker gave a joking but refreshing response.

“I’ll consider a raise if you repay all the advance pay I’ve given you.”


“The moment I came here, I cast aside my life. So what do I have to fear?”

“I am the same, my liege.”

Andriave and Thevedian also revealed their inner attitudes.

“Nerman… is my home. If I am given the opportunity to die on this land, there is no greater happiness for me.”

Janice’s answer was one that only someone who knew the meaning of home could give.

“By your will, my liege. Everyone here is already yours.”

Finally, Derval bowed his head with a smile.

“Thank you, my knights. It’s because you are here that I can face the enemies without fear. I ask you to watch over me. Allow me to promise once again, that I will become a lord who will never betray your dreams and trust!”

‘Kyaa, this feeling must be why people play liege and retainer, no?’

The legendary loyalty of knights to their lord… Only those who had received loyalty with a person’s life on the line could experience this joy.

‘Shit, come if you dare, you’re all dead.’

As I confirmed the loyalty of my knights, my fighting spirit towards the enemies in our future blazed bright.

“Also, I will announce a new military organization today.”

I had done a lot of thinking in the last few days regarding a system of military organization that was unique to me, something a little different from the military organization centered on wyverns and Skyknights that was preeminent on the continent.

“We will establish three flight formations. The 1st Flight will have Denfors at its center— occupying the most key position— and will be led by Sir Cedrian.”

“Yes, sir!”

“The 2nd Flight will have Orakk Castle at its center, and will be led by Sir Shailt.”

“Your wish is my command, my liege!”

“The 3rd Flight will have Fort Ciaris at its center, and will be led by Sir Ryker.”

“A wise choice, sir!”

I chose Ryker, who always made me smile, while glancing at Janice. In fact, the appointment of the leader for the 3rd Flight was the hardest decision to make. Baroness Janice’s position could not be ignored. However, I had to place more value on skills than position.

“At the same time, the leaders will also get command of infantry troops. A directive outlining the general appointment of soldiers will come in the coming days, but as you have already experienced in the battle with the Havis nobles, ordinary knights have more than enough ability to repel wyverns. In the future, we will further capitalize on that advantage to prepare for the enemies.”

“Yes, sir!”

Wyverns and Skyknights were not enough to stop all our enemies. I planned on making use of ballistas that could keep wyverns and ground units in check, while going all out to distribute Blessed Spears— that could take down wyverns from the ground— to knights who could use mana. That’s why I shamelessly and doggedly collected all the spears we got from the Roen Principality’s forces.

“Do your best moving forward, men. I hope you shall all keep in mind that you are my swords and shields!”

“Glory to our liege!”

I locked gazes with my knights. My eyes were full of heat, but my knights were quite something as well.

‘We’re gonna give this a go!’

I had never experienced the prowess of the Laviter Empire’s armies. However, we were ready, and all that remained between us was a fight.