A Billion Dollar Exchange-Chapter 242: A girl with no background

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242 A girl with no background

Da Xia did not expect that reaction, thus her smile dwindled drastically. ๐™›๐ซe๐šŽwโ„ฏ๐—ฏ๐’๐—ผัต๐™šl.๐’„o๐š–

''I'm yet to understand what would make you think that I would leave Liu Wei if you tell me to. What makes you think you can tell me what to do?'' ๐’‡๐‘Ÿe๐™š๐‘ค๐™š๐›๐—ป๐จฮฝ๐šŽ๐˜ญ.c๐จm

Liling asked; she looked scary.

''No, I know you wouldn't. I mean, who would leave some money making machine?''

Da Xia joked as she opened her bag and took out a check.

She slid it across to Liling, a smirk on her lips.

''That is a blank check, you put in any amount you deem fit. Take the money and disappear from his side.''

Liling stared at Da Xia then at the check in front of her.

''You know right now, Miss Da Xia, I'm ashamed on your behalf. So you want to tell me that this beautiful skull of yours has no brain in it?''

Liling was discernably angry. She was irritated that the lady felt she could buy her off with money but more importantly she was angry that she referred to Liu Wei as a money making machine_ as though she was only with him because of his money.

If she thought she was with him for his money then that's good then! She would let her swim in her lake of ignorance.

''I mean, how can you expect me to take a check in exchange of a money making machine? Please, who does that?''

Liling asked, a mocking chuckle leaving her lips.

Da Xia stared at her for a moment before smiling.

''Hmm, you're harder than I thought. ''

She paused before leaning back on the seat.

''You see Liling, I'm not stupid, neither should you be. We both know that you have no place in the Fa family. You are nobody and without a background, how do you expect to marry into such a family?

Li Wei knows this; he's just wasting time with you. When it's time for him to marry, he'll do what is right. I don't want it to be too late for you; that's why I'm offering you this chance. Take the money and leave. I'm his betrothed and I will be his wife, so it's left for you to choose, to leave now or let him break your heart _ because that will surely happen.''

Liling listened to the woman sitting leisurely on the other side. When she finished talking, she pushed some strands of hair behind her ear as she waited for her to make a choice, a smirk on her lips.

''If you are that confident; why are you here wasting your time with someone without a background? ''

Liling asked tilting her head to a side. Da Xia's smirk disappeared instantly.Find authorized novels in Webnovel๏ผŒfaster updates, better experience๏ผŒPlease click www.novelkiss.com for visiting.

''He'll leave me; you sounded so sure, so why are you here trying to force me to accept a check? Unless you are scared that he won't leave me after all! ''

Liling chuckled as she stared at the pitiful lady sitting across.

Liling made a pitiful face.

''Maybe then I'll consider this check. Oh well, I'm sure Liu Wei, as a money making machine will provide me with better terms, don't you think?''

A clever smile warmed her features as she picked up her bag from the table.

''You should be more worried about your wedding ring and not some girl with no background.''

Liling chuckled and stood up from the table, she took a few steps before turning to look at Da Xia, who now looked like a washed potato.

''Oh and be sure to take your check, you don't want these waiters getting hold of it. It was nice talking to you, Miss Da Xia.''

Liling smiled and turned around swiftly, making her hair sweep the air.

Da Xia sat at a spot for good three minutes before angrily taking out her phone.

She swiped through her contacts and dialed a number.

''You can start now, she did not comply.''


Liling's mood deteriorated drastically after meeting with Da Xia. Liu Wei loved her, true, but that did not mean that it made what Da Xia said altogether wrong.

The last thing she wanted was for her to be married into a family that no-one wanted her. It was Liu Wei's dad that brought Da Xia over that day, which meant that he had chosen her for his son and she knew how these things worked.