©Novel Buddy
A Court of Lost Stars-Chapter 16: The Night Court and The Governess
Chapter 16: The Night Court and The Governess
The morning came that they'd be conducting interviews for a tutor for Nova. With three days left til the Solstice Ball, things were busy, and this added stress was starting to tip Feyre, in particular, over.
"It'll be just fine." Rhys squeezed her hand lightly, to which she returned a small, pained smile. They could be entrusting a new person to their Nova, their star. This person would be alone with her sometimes, and the fear of it made her belly ache.
Not wanting others who may not be hired in their townhouse or the House of Wind, Edith graciously offered her home, provided that she would at least listen and provide potential feedback should they ask. Honestly, knowing they'd have another set of ears listening on Nova's behalf was nice.
While seemingly inattentive, Amren sat at the kitchen table just off the sitting room, working on a jigsaw. Mor, Cas, and Az sat in the sitting room, with Nova comfortably on the floor in front of the fire. Everyone except Nova sat stiffly, waiting for the first possible scholar to arrive. There were eight on their list who'd shown the most potential.
There was a knock at the door, and Rhys stood. "Intimidation is not the goal," he addressed Az and Cas. "We don't want them to be afraid to be her teacher. We want to know that they wield the capabilities to teach her."
With that reminder, Azriel and Cassian loosened up a bit, but they couldn't wipe the serious worry look off their faces.
Rhys opened the door with a cordial smile and welcomed Bernadette into Edith's home. "Welcome, it's a pleasure."
"Always my High Lord," she addressed Feyre, "My High Lady."
She was a stout woman with a freckled complexion and dark hair pulled back into a tight, precise bun. Bernadette addressed everyone in the room before sitting in the spot dedicated to her.
"This is quite informal," Feyre said with a small smile. Bernadette seemed nice enough, but was she a fit for their Nova? "We just wanted to talk. I want to get to know you a little better and learn about your view on education. Especially teaching children."
Nova glanced skeptically at the new woman in the room and moved closer to the couch Cassian and Mor sat on. She turned the pages in her book, quietly entertaining herself as the others talked.
"I have fifty years of teaching experience," she began, "I've taught many to learn to read in less than a month and write in less than two."
Nodding slowly, Feyre pursed her lips, "While that is...impressive," she nodded, "We're more focused on different skill levels other than reading and writing."
"Well, that is the most important skill to be head, my High Lady."
She didn't say it rudely but with matter-of-fact firmness, and it took Feyre considerable effort not to frown.
After a bit of polite conversation, Rhysand nodded with a smile, "We will be in touch with you. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us." After he guided her out, he shut the door behind her with a quiet click and glanced over his shoulder. Flashing a smile at Nova, he asked, "What do you think, little star?"
Nova looked up from her book. A heavy scowl twisted her features.
Biting her lip, Feyre nodded. "Hm, we'll keep looking."
The next three possible contenders shared almost the same rigid mindset as Bernadette, and by the time the fourth teacher left, Feyre glided her fingers through her hair in frustration.
"There has to be one...just one person out there that isn't going to force Nova's nose into a book all day."
By the time the third had vacated, Nova had given up looking through her books and started coloring with pastels on a piece of paper Edith had brought to her.
"This is the City of Starlight- the Rainbow District. What happened to the creativity?" Feyre asked with a frown.
Edith offered a gentle smile, though her eyes were sad. "In your absence, much was lost to the lair we hid in. Some still keep it, though not as fierce as they had. The new generation grew in darkness, and those before them also adopted it. Only after your return did I see real light enter their eyes again. It's still building and growing, but it will take time."
The next teacher came in, and it was the opposite of what they'd previously experienced. She bustled in, everything, including her hair, in disarray as she settled into the chair, laughing as stuff spilled from her bag.
"Oh, never mind that." Tessy waved it off, but Nova's interest peaked as she inched closer to look inside the bag.
Feyre managed a smile and nodded, saying what she'd said five times today. "Tell us your thoughts on education."
"I think you need to experience it, learn it," Tessy said, "Throw 'em in the pit of it. Let 'em learn to swim."
Feyre's eyes widened. "What pit, exactly?"
"Oh, you know, life. Best to catch it before it catches you."
All eyes, except Tessy's, drifted to watch Nova rifle through her belongings. She pulled things out and examined them curiously while Tessy paid no mind. Only after Nova removed what seemed to be a can of something only prescribed by a Healer, Azriel cleared his throat and moved forward, packing the things safely away.
Feyre forced a tight smile, "We'll let you know."
When the door closed again, Cassian snorted. "At least she didn't have a stick up her ass."
Rolling his eyes, Rhys grimaced as he said, "Nova would end up lost in space if she cared for her, and she wouldn't even realize it." He massaged the bridge of his nose.
"There's only three more." Feyre sighed softly, taking a long gulp of fresh coffee to combat the growing ache behind her eyes. "We can put on a smile for three more."
So they did. They met two more of the same rigid teachers who only wanted Nova to learn how to read and write. By the time the second to last tutor left, Nova had hit her limit of staying still. Feyre watched with a frown as she pressed her face against the rug and dragged her forehead back and forth with an irritated grumble.
"She's been sitting still all morning," Rhys frowned, "She needs to be able to move..." Sighing softly, he nodded. "Just one more, Nova. Fifteen more minutes and you'll be able to go pl-"
Feyre cut in frantically, "Don't say that word. Not yet."
Chuckling softly, Rhys nodded as another knock came at the door. Everyone sat up a little, but the energy in the room had diminished. He looked down at the paper and nodded. "Ana Whitmore," he furrowed his brows, "She's not labeled a tutor or scholar but a governess." He glanced at Feyre, who arched a brow.
"That sounds very human," Feyre said with slight curiosity.
Rhys looked over her application. "She grew up in the mortal world," he glanced up, "She's half human, half fae."
"Oh, yes," Edith suddenly smiled, "Hm. She heeded my suggestion, it seems."
"You suggested her?" Feyre asked as a wash of relief covered her skin.
Cassian cleared his throat. "You know she's still at the door, right?"
Quickly, Rhys opened the door and smiled politely at the young woman who stood patiently waiting. "Please, come in." He stepped aside.
She smiled warmly and offered a polite bow. "Thank you."
Ana was small and soft-looking. She had human features, but even by human standards, she would be deemed average-looking. Her brown hair was pinned neatly into a bun, and she wore a simple greige frock. Feyre could imagine her moving silently through a manor in the mortal world, only addressed when spoken to but keeping a light spirit all the same.
While they gestured for her to sit, Ana's calm amber eyes drifted around the room before landing on Nova, who still had her face pressed firmly against the rug's fabric.
"Hello, Nova." Ana addressed, and Nova lifted her head with a sight scowl. She was moody, likely hungry, and starved of using her muscles. Yet, Ana approached and kneeled before her. "My name is Ana. It's very nice to meet you."
Slowly, Nova moved to sit on her knees. She tilted her head, staring at Ana with suspicious eyes before she glanced down at the bag she carried.
"I didn't know what I might need today," she said, "But I brought something in case you might be here." Reaching into her bag, Ana pulled out a little book. As she opened it for Nova to see, the inside wasn't just pictures. There were puppets attached that Nova could stick her fingers through. Immediately taking the book, she jammed her fingers in and made the little characters move, grinning with fascination.
Ana carefully stood, positioned herself on the chair, and addressed Feyre and Rhysand.
How soon can she start? Feyre brushed his mind.
Rhys' smile widened to a grin.
"How long have you been teaching?" Feyre asked curiously, finding herself interested to know.
"My mother was a governess, and I took the years she was alive to her. I learned from her until I began teaching beside her at age sixteen. I'm twenty-three now, so I'm perhaps not as experienced as others, but I do hold myself implementing new ways of teaching."
Rhys smiled as he glanced at Nova, still infatuated by the puppets in the book, "And what is your way of teaching?"
Ana sat thoughtfully before answering, "My way of teaching is their way of learning." Exchanging a glance, Edith and Feyre smiled as Ana continued. "I don't like to advise a child to learn one way; rather, they should use all their senses to take in information and convert it to meaningful understanding."
Feyre grinned. "We...whole-heartedly agree."
Ana smiled, soft and genuine. "If I may ask, what are your goals for Nova?"
Holding the book up to Azriel, Nova grinned, excitedly showing him what she could do with the puppets. He smiled and let her use his fingers to make the puppets dance while his eyes drifted back to Ana- observing her.
"We don't want her main goal to be to read and write," Feyre finally said with a soft sigh, "We understand that's important, but right now..." She trailed off, pursing her lips into a thin, worried line. Oh, please, she begged internally, please agree.
"Of course," Ana nodded with a slight, concerned frown, "You don't need to justify that with me. I understand." She paused, thought over her response, and nodded. "Academics will come naturally with time. Each stepping stone in education has a meaningful purpose. There is as much, if not more, opportunity to learn in a sandbox as behind a desk, and I firmly believe that."
Looking over at Rhys, desperation filled her gaze, and he read it instantly, feeling the exact same way.
"Would you be able to start on Monday after the Solstice?" Rhys asked, turning his attention to Ana."
Ana blinked with surprise but smiled. "Oh, yes, of course," she nodded, "But I'd have thought you'd need more time to deliberate."
Shaking her head, Feyre smiled softly. "You are the first and only person we interviewed today that acknowledged Nova's existence. There's no need for deliberation."
With a smile, Ana nodded graciously. "I gladly accept."
They invited Ana to dinner at the townhouse and sat around the dining table. It was a split-moment decision when Feyre asked her, wanting to learn more about Ana and allow her to be more comfortable with them in their home. After all, she would live nearby and spend much of her time in the house with Nova. It was a good time to introduce her to the family while setting expectations.
"We'll provide you housing and a salary," Rhysand said as the food appeared before them, "And we'll need your availability from eight until six, excluding the weekends."
"That's very generous," Ana said with slight surprise as she carefully picked her fork up, "And very doable."
Smiling, Feyre nodded. "We're glad to hear it."
Nova stared down at the in front of her plate before sneaking a curious glance at Ana. She still held the puppet book in her lap, unwilling to relinquish it. Watching her from across the table with apprehension, Nova picked up her glass of water and continued to watch her as she took a slow drink.
"I've been told you like squirrels," Ana smiled at Nova, who raised her brows and sat up a little taller.
"Mine squirrel?"
Ana made a mental note and smiled, glancing at Feyre and Rhysand. "If it isn't too much trouble, I know you asked that I start after the Solstice, but I'd like to observe Nova tomorrow before I'm required to teach her. I want to watch how she interacts with her environment."
Rhys smiled, "By all means."
Rolling her eyes, Nesta muttered, "Typical."
Clenching his jaw, Rhys started to speak when Cassian cleared his throat. "So your application said you grew up over the wall..." He paused, almost cringing as he asked, "What's that about?"
Az sent him what almost looked like a scowl but drifted his eyes back to Ana- whom he'd been watching since her arrival.
Smiling kindly, Ana nodded, though there was a sadness in her eyes. "My father was of the Autumn Court."
Next to Elain, Lucien froze. "Was he?" He asked, his metal eye whirring frantically.
"Yes." She pursed her lips into a thin line. "I met him only a handful of times, but he was kind. Always wanted to stay longer, but couldn't."
"What happened?" Elain asked before she could stop herself.
It took Ana a moment to put her answer together. "I was eighteen the last time he visited us. He told us the High Lord had been informed of the offspring he'd created and...was sentenced to death," silence fell across the room like heavy snow, "My mother told me they would soon come to kill us both, if not worse. She gave me a map he'd given her and told me to run. I didn't want to leave her, but..." Ana sighed softly. "I had false hope that we'd meet again at our destination. She never arrived."
"I'm sorry," Feyre frowned, "Did you ever hear anything from her? We could-"
Ana offered a sad smile and nodded, "She was killed shortly after crossing the wall. They'd waited for her. Though, I doubt they know of my existence. I've not heard anything else from the informant Edith contacted."
Despite the sad storytelling, the rest of dinner was not otherwise uncomfortable. While Ana had a horrific backstory, she still spoke of her love of things, including teaching and poetry. She could go to the theater district and listen to sonnets all day.
"Of course, we won't force you to move into the house we have, but it is ready for you if you ever decide to. It might make the travel easier for you."
Ana smiled, "I don't have much, but I think it'll be perfect. Thank you."
"You said your mother was a governess?" Azriel asked now, his burning hazel eyes trained on her.
"A very talented one, though there were always employers who could test her patience," she smiled fondly, "She was a kind woman but passionate. She had no problem whisking us away to another situation if we were mistreated. Some, mostly men, sometimes women, had a severe disposition for learning and education."
As they talked and finished their desserts, Rhys smirked at Nova, who had fallen asleep at the table. He glanced at Azriel and nodded, "Az, can you show Ana to her house?"
Azriel glanced in his direction, but Rhys only offered a knowing, crooked grin. "Of course," Az said, turning to Ana with a polite smile. "It's just this way." He offered his arm to Ana, which she took gratefully. She thanked them for the meal and bid them goodnight before walking with Azriel into the silent winter frost.
Chuckling, Cassian down another glass of wine as Elain shifted uncomfortably.
"What happened to not playing matchmaker?" Feyre asked, raising a skeptical brow at Rhys.
With a grin, he just shrugged and took another bite of chocolate mousse.
The walk wasn't long, but it was cold, and Azriel continued casting sly glances in her direction. Neither spoke—not the whole way. The little log cabin sat just up ahead in a small clearing, and Ana finally spoke.
Smiling, she said, "Oh, it's lovely. Yes, I can see it now." Ana could imagine a garden of roses clustered around the walkway and ducklings marching past to wet their feathers in the pond just to the side. Looking up, she watched smoke billow from the chimney top. It would already be warm inside.
Opening the door, Ana stepped inside and sighed. Sure enough, a fire roared in the hearth, relieving her reddened nose. The place was small but had plenty of room for just herself.
"You'll have access to the townhouse at any time," Azriel said, standing halfway in the door as she shed her coat.
Ana smiled, "Thank you." Looking at the room, she admired its potential. "Am I allowed to decorate for the Solstice?" She asked him, hands clasped in front of her pleated dress.
"Uh, yes," Azriel nodded, "You can do as you wish here. It's all yours...uhm," he paused, "Goodnight." He started to leave, then stopped and glanced over at her. "Are you in need of a tree?"
Ana smiled gently, "Oh, I don't want to put you out."
"It's no trouble," he smiled slightly.
Pondering momentarily, Ana nodded, "Only if it's not an inconvenience. How about this," she smiled, "You find a tree, and I'll have a cup of hot tea waiting for you when you return. Hurry now, before you're too chilled."
Blinking in surprise, Ana ushered him out, and he didn't fight her. He left with a light chuckle and crooked smile.
It didn't take Azriel long to return, bringing with him a decently sized tree that Ana could easily decorate. It was full and lush with soft, green needles. He wouldn't want her to step on anything sharp. Swallowing, he shook himself from the snow and the feelings gathering on his shoulders before pushing into the house.
Upon entering, the house now smelled of more than burning wood. The scent of spices and cranberry infiltrated his senses as he closed the door with his boot.
"Oh, it's beautiful," Ana said with a smile, walking from the connected kitchen. She held two cups of tea and set one on the coffee table before the fire. "Thank you, Azriel." She said, unaware that his name on her tongue sent a strange warmth through his chest. "Come sit," she patted the seat next to her and sipped her tea, "I imagine you can't stay long, but humor me. Tell me about your family. Nova. Things I should know to help her best."
Sitting calmly, Az kept his guard up, especially regarding Nova and her well-being. He lifted the cup to his lips and sipped the spicy, fruity concoction. It balmed his throat pleasantly.
"What I mean is," Ana tried again, "How can I engage her interests? I don't need to know anything personal, though. Not unless it will help her."
Az nodded. "She likes to collect things, especially anything reflective or textured. The issue, though, I imagine Rhysand and Feyre will tell you this, or you may notice on your own...for being very naive, she's quite..."
Smiling, he chuckled. "Very," his smile dropped, "To the point that sometimes she can endanger herself and others."
Ana listened with understanding. "Much of that will come with time, age, patience, and experience. As difficult as that is for her, every action has a natural consequence, and she'll learn eventually."
"You sound like Feyre." He smiled softly, fondly.
Ana returned the smile. "I take that as the highest compliment."
Gazing down at his empty cup, Azriel suddenly wished he hadn't drunk it so fast. "Nova usually wakes with the dawn," he nodded, "She's usually very active."
"Then I will be there, bright and early."
By the time Azriel had walked back through the snowy forest, his smile slowly faded to a grim line. Off limits, he scolded himself as he entered the townhouse. As he entered, some of the table occupants had left. Feyre, Rhys, Cas, Mor, and Nesta remained.
"That took some time..." Cassian said, a slow grin spread across his lips.
While Azriel walked by, he tried smacking him upside down, but he quickly ducked, and only air caught his irritation.
Nesta scoffed into her wine. "She's not even pretty."
Pausing on his way out the door, he glanced over his shoulder with a tight jaw and directed his words to Feyre and Rhys. "She'll be here early tomorrow morning."
Azriel left without another word.
Ana entered the townhouse the following morning. She wore a new outfit that the cabin had provided today but chose the mutest colors available and extra layering.
"Good morning." She greeted them, and they welcomed her back with smiles.
Azriel and Cas had slept over so they could be there at first daybreak, and sure enough, the sun was only just rising over the horizon.
"Good morning, Nova." Ana smiled, and to her delight, she was met with a smile.
Nova, who had already scarfed down her pancakes, stared at Ana with curiosity as her mother said, "How would you like the day to go?"
Glancing over, Ana smiled. "How any other day is spent. Pretend I'm not here. I'll just observe what she does and use the information in later lessons."
After a cup of yogurt and berries, Ana watched Nova slide off her chair and skip over to Rhys to tug at his arm. "Play?"
With a chuckle, he nodded. "Alright, let's go play." Together, they left the table and went outside. They did their best to keep the obstacle course free of snow and ice, but Nova needed to wear her boots now that it was too cold, and she didn't grip the course as easily as before.
Ana followed like a silent shadow, watching and observing from afar. She roamed wherever Nova went, occasionally scratching into the notebook she carried with her. She watched with a smile as Nova soon switched from the outside obstacle course to using paint inside Feyre's studio. More paint went on her body than on the canvas, but she smiled nonetheless.
When lunch rolled around, Ana watched Nova sit at the table and scowl at the food in front of her. "Is yuck!" She said, pushing the plate away. On it was a sandwich of meat and bread with blackberries on the side.
Feyre arched a brow, watching her carefully. "You like blackberries, Nova. This is what's for lunch."
"No," Nova said resolutely, glaring at the table.
Nodding patiently, Rhys said, "Alright. You can eat it when you're ready." The rest of them, including Ana, ate their meals while watching her.
Nova glanced at her parents before slowly inching the plate toward the table's edge.
"Nova," Rhys said in a warning tone, "Do not dump your plate."
With a sly smirk, she looked at him with a glint of mischief. "Cheese."
"If you want cheese on your plate, you have to ask for it."
"Hm, no."
Rhys shrugged and said, "Then you don't get cheese."
She narrowed her eyes and started scooting the plate closer to the edge. No one smiled as they watched her.
This content is taken from freёnovelkiss.com.
"Nova," Feyre frowned, "If you make a mess, you will clean every last bit."
With a crash, the plate fell to the ground and sent the food scattered. It hadn't shattered the plate, but berries rolled in every direction across the floor. Clenching his jaw, Rhys looked down at her and spoke in a low voice of authority, "You will not leave the table until every bit of it is cleaned."
"No, I play." She started getting up, but Rhys put an arm over her, stopping her before she could.
"You will not play until it's cleaned and you apologize."
"I play!" She snarled at him.
Rhys calmly responded, "No."
Tears welled in her eyes as she pushed at his arm, but Rhysand remained still as he watched her with patient eyes. Everyone was quiet as they ate their lunch- Ana didn't dare write anything in her notebook yet. She would save her mental notations to scribe later.
Sobs wracked through Nova's body as she tried to escape from the table to go to her obstacle course, but when she realized her father would not let her leave, she half-collapsed on the table with weeping tears. This lasted more than ten minutes before Feyre sent a worried glance in Ana's direction, but she didn't seem phased.
Ana offered Feyre a smile of understanding. "Emotional regulation is something even adults struggle with. She'll get there with time and patience, which all of you are wonderful with."
They waited until Nova was calm again, only slightly hiccuping when Rhys touched her shoulder.
"Nova," he murmured, "After you clean the mess, you can play."
"Play?" She asked, lifting her head.
"First clean." Rhys pointed at the floor.
Nova's head fell back to the table. It took a few more minutes before Nova could look at the floor and assess the mess, but more tears flowed as she stared at it. She asked, "Berries?"
"Do you want to eat the berries?" Rhys asked gently, and she nodded.
"Then you'll need to wash them off, but first, you need to pick them all up."
With a resigned sigh, Nova moved from her chair and put the food back on the plate. She breathed in a shaky breath, residual tears marking her face as she set the plate on the table and said, "Sorry."
Rhys smiled softly and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Let's go wash them off."
"I have cheese?" She asked and then added. "Please?"
"Yes," he chuckled, "You can have cheese." Together, they disappeared to the kitchens, and Ana smiled.
"We understand if...this might not be what you applied for," Feyre told Ana gently. "Most wouldn't expect to have to teach a fifteen-year-old not to throw fits over cheese."
Ana just laughed lightly and shook her head. "Oh, you won't scare me away that easily. Her story is unique, but I assure you, I take the care and education of my pupils very seriously. For her to have survived all of this, yet be able to calm herself enough to ask for what she wants," she smiled softly, "Nova is very lucky to have you for parents," she glanced at Cassian and Azriel, "and uncles." She smiled.
A moment later, Nova returned with a plate of berries and cheese as her cheery self. The rest of the day was spent with Nova zig-zagging to different locations in the townhouse to play various games, either by herself or with someone nearby—one game involved hopping on one foot up and down the hallway, while another entailed dressing Azriel in gems and sequins from Mor's spare closet.
Cassian grinned at him from across the sitting room. "You make a very pretty princess." Then Nova placed a pearl necklace around Cassian's neck, "Oh, thank you."
Dinner was easier than lunch. Nova ate happily before retiring to the couch with a stack of her books. She flipped through the pages, staring at the pictures as Ana watched her.
"Hm," Ana nodded, "I'm very excited to begin working with her."
Rhysand smiled as he removed his clip-on earrings. "Our little star didn't scare you away?"
Laughing, Ana shook her head. "She's inquisitive. Imaginative. Resourceful. I think she and I will be perfect once we build rapport."
Feyre bit her lip and smiled, avoiding Azriel's eyes as she asked, "Will you be going to the ball tomorrow evening?"
"The ball?" Ana asked. "In Velaris?"
"No," Feyre paused, "In the Winter Court...did you not receive..." She trailed off; how could she have been missed in the invitations?
Ana nodded with sudden understanding. "My being here was always meant to be secret. No one from outside of Velaris would know that I'm here."
"Well, you're more than welcome to attend." Feyre smiled encouragingly.
"Oh, I don't know..."
"Think about it overnight," Feyre said before she could say no, "We can discuss it more tomorrow."
Without room to argue, Ana bid them all goodnight and started the trek home. Azriel's narrowed gaze landed on her.
"What?" She asked innocently but smiling mischievously as she cleared her dinner plate, leaving Rhys and Cas snickering at the table.
Indeed, the governess had left a lasting impression on the Inner-Circle.
One in particular.