A Court of Lost Stars-Chapter 35: Falling From the Highest Branch

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Chapter 35: Falling From the Highest Branch

The morning dove cooed as Hollis stepped across the boundary, signifying they had arrived in their temporary home. After bypassing Velaris at a wide berth, they'd trekked miles and miles to get to the war camp.

It was, Hollis slowly took the place in...well, it was a place to stay.

He hadn't expected brilliance, but coming from a gleaming ice palace to a mucky barrack would undoubtedly take time to get used to. A housing area that was much longer than it was wide, with a row of windows five feet apart, was erected at the far-left quadrant of the camp. A bit beyond that was a building Hollis didn't recognize, but his gaze quickly shifted to Bran as he spoke.

"Over here is where you'll get fresh water," Bran said, leading the group through the camp. He stopped in front of a spigot. "The toilets and bathtubs have plumbing; you won't have to worry about that, but the water for drinking and cooking will come from this." He demonstrated its function by turning the handle, letting a bit of clear water spew out, and turning it off again.

Bran continued toward another location, with the Winter Court dragging their feet behind him, shoulders hunched. Still, they didn't argue or complain as they toured the grounds. "Here," he continued, walking into a wooden pit a good ten square feet filled with sand, "Is the sparring box. Its purpose is hand-to-hand combat, but your children can play here if you'd like." He rubbed the back of his neck. "It's the only place to play aside from the forest and the lake. Just keep an eye out for broken glass or stray blades."

A mother pulled her daughter closer, keeping her from touching the sand as they passed.

"Over this way," he continued, "Are the barracks. It's where you'll sleep and be together. There's no curfew for you all. You're not soldiers, but it isn't safe for you to be out by yourself, especially after dark. There are animals that roam through. Bears, wolves, and the like. You should always be with someone." He pointed to the left. "The building there is the bathing area and toilets," he pointed to the right, "A bit of a way through the trees is an obstacle course. It's off-limits. I know you're all exhausted. I suggest getting some rest."

Hollis met his eyes and offered a tight smile and a nod before guiding his Court through the barracks doors. Although the outside of the camp seemed dirty, with muddy paths and defeated grass stubble, the inside was the opposite—plain, yes, but clean. The faint scent of lemons was delightful. Against each window was a set of bunk beds, doubling the sleeping quarters to sixty possible inhabitants. They'd have enough beds to spare, and some were already taken.

"It's about time you all got here!" Jane bustled over and took Hollis by the hands. "How did you all fair?"

Smiling, Hollis nodded, "We're all accounted for."

"Well, that is the best scenario, isn't it?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Jane patted his hand and moved to a mother with her three children. One was a toddler resting against her shoulder with heavy lids, and the other two, seven and eight, were standing, somewhat wobbly, next to her, covered from head to toe in sweat and dirt. "Come on then, dears. Let's get you all cleaned up."

While some ventured to the bathing rooms, others collapsed into a random bed and were asleep before Hollis could ask how they were doing. In the meantime, Hollis walked down the row of beds, ensuring everyone had enough blankets before he arrived at the end, where a massive wardrobe sat against the wall. Smiling gratefully, he opened it to find rows of new, comfortable clothing of all sizes and colors hanging inside. Children's clothing had been neatly folded at the bottom, along with cloth linens for diapers and various items any infants might need.

"It's kind of them to think about the babies." Came a familiar voice.

Glancing over, Hollis swallowed and forced a small smile. "It is."

Reign was beautiful, as always, but he couldn't remember the last time they'd spoken to each other. It might have been when she was begging him to fuck her harder.

Hollis inwardly cringed.

While Reign was one of the stronger members of the Court and could have braced the storms, she had come to aid the mothers still breastfeeding. She made a wonderful midwife and an even better sex partner, but they hadn't seen much of each other after the opposing threats began growing again. His father had kept him inside with more Illyrian bodyguards, and Reign was cast aside.

She likely hated him.

"You look like shit." Reign nodded, and Hollis snorted, shaking his head.

"I feel like shit..." Hollis pursed his lips and took out a single white t-shirt and black slacks to wear, not wanting to take more than he needed.

Goosebumps erupted over his skin as her fingernails lightly skimmed the hairline at his neck. It was like his scalp had been infiltrated by crawling ants. He quickly turned to look and was met with her knowing smile. They didn't know each other, not really, not outside the bedroom. Still, the silver of her eyes brought him back to their first meeting.


Shoving the shovel under the debris in Winter's stall, Hollis hoisted it into the wheelbarrow. His cheeks were flushed, but he couldn't be sure if it were from the exertion or the bite of the frosty air. The task was mind-numbing enough to keep his thoughts from reflecting on the fact that he hadn't been truly alone in weeks.

His father had made good on his promise- no alcohol was permitted in the palace, he'd forbade his friends from visiting, and his only companions were two silent, brooding Illyrians.

Azriel must have trained them.

"You're out here more than the stable hands."

Hollis turned to watch Reign walk toward him and managed a small but polite smile. He didn't know her well, only that she'd been to the palace recently to help one of the maids give birth. A healthy baby girl, he'd heard. They occasionally crossed paths in the corridors, usually when he was on his way to the stables.

Had she ever come down here before?

"How would you know that?" Hollis asked, arching a brow, setting his shovel against the wall space between stables as she grew nearer.

"Because I watch you from the windows."

Pausing, Hollis slowly shifted his eyes and stared at her. It certainly hadn't been an answer he was expecting, at least not so outright.

"You watch me?" Did he want to know the answer?

"Often," was her reply.

Hollis quickly glanced at Bran and Ansel, staring absently at an opposite wall, and returned his gaze to her. He smiled tightly and nodded, rubbing the back of his neck, "Oh...uhm..."

She closed the gap between them before he could finish the thought he didn't have. He stagger-stepped backward into the vacant stall next to Winter's as his heart skipped a beat, blinking down at her. Suddenly, Hollis could count the silver freckles that dotted the pale cheeks of her heart-shaped face and the little dip that cut into her upper lip. The intoxicating scent of spiced vanilla tickled his nose as she stepped closer.

"I was thinking," she smiled at him, eyes flashing. "Would you like to go somewhere with me?"

"Go somewhere?" Hollis asked, eyes searching hers before glancing over her shoulder to see Bran and Ansel watching them intently.

"Yes," Reign giggled, "Don't worry. I don't mind if they hear us."

Realization slapped him sharply across the face. "Oh..." Heat rushed up his neck and reddened his cheeks, which earned laughter from Reign. He pursed his and glanced again at Bran and Ansel before asking, "Give us just a moment...please?"

With that, they exchanged a look between each other before walking at a slow gait toward the lip of the walkway.

"I'll likely be the best you've ever had." Reign said when they were out of earshot.

Not that I'd have anything to compare to, he thought, but how was he supposed to answer something like that? Decline and say, 'No, thank you, I'm a virgin, and I've been waiting for the person a piece of paper told me is my soulmate, but thanks for the offer.'

Hollis had never been ashamed or embarrassed about his lack of activity, but suddenly, now near the presence of two other men who likely had sex consistently, the pressure to go along with her offer was overwhelming. Most anyone else would have immediately flirted back and agreed without hesitation. Kole would have, he knew.

Did it make him less-than to feel more pressured by them than her?

"It's...a very forward offer." Hollis finally answered, voice low, wishing the ground would swallow him whole.

"I know what I like and want," Reign shrugged, lip curling into a sly smirk, "I figured I'd at least ask."

When Hollis hesitated again to answer, Reign moved forward, and he had no choice but to step back further. With his back pressed against the wall that joined Winter's stall, they were hidden from sight by shadows. Leaning forward, Reign pressed her chest against his, and Hollis' eyes widened while her lips lightly brushed against his lower lip.

His heart thundered in his ears as she said, "I'd have you right here if you didn't look like a scared fawn." She smiled as her hands slowly slid down his chest and stomach, but Hollis was frozen. Speechless.

Was this what men wanted?

Would others find it strange that fear was the only emotion he could recognize?

"See?" Reign whispered with a smirk against the shell of his ear as her hand ran down the front of his pants. "You like it..."

Hollis looked down as she caressed the noticeable bulge creeping down his inner thigh. He supposed...maybe he did. Swallowing harshly, his sight fogged over as she stroked him through his pants. It was the strangest, most debilitating sensation he'd ever felt. He'd experimented occasionally while bathing, but the touch from another was vastly different.

"Admit it," Reign murmured with hooded eyes and flushed cheeks, "You want this as much as I do."

Hollis parted his lips to speak, but the only thing that came out was a soft, strangled moan. The sound urged Reign to rub against his shaft faster.

"Tell me you like it." Reign demanded.

"I like it..." Hollis gasped softly as he leaned his head against the wall, and his brows furrowed together. He couldn't think straight; he could only comprehend the building pressure.

Reign pressed forward and ground her hips against his with a breathless sigh, "Then take me."

His chest rose and fell in quicker succession as he looked down at her with wide eyes. "I-" He started, but the words fell off before they could come out. How was he supposed to suddenly admit he didn't know what the fuck he was doing? He could pretend, he supposed, but she would know. She would definitely know.

Reign's wanton expression morphed into one of sinful glee. "Are you a virgin, Prince Hollis?"


"Don't worry," she smirked, gripping his hips firmly, "I can show you exactly what to do."

With enough force to knock the air from him, Hollis found himself on the ground. The stall was clean with fresh hay, as it had been emptied weeks ago. He didn't have the time to think of much else as Reign leered over him before gripping his trousers and yanking them down. His cock sprang free but was exposed only for a short moment to the air as she quickly hiked up the skirts to her dress and settled down on him, sheathing him completely.

Hollis' jaw dropped as he looked down, staring at where they had connected. The warmth around his length was a delicious heat he never knew could exist. Reign grabbed his chin with a firm jerk and forced him to look up at her.

"I am going to defile you any moment I get."

That same sickening fear from before began creeping through his veins but dissipated the moment she writhed her hips. Fireworks exploded in his mind as she leaned forward, placed her hands against his chest, and began to ride his erection. Their breaths were in time with each other, feeding off of each other's gasps as her hips rose and dipped in deep, rolling waves.

Reign cried, "Yes! Yes!" Her channel quivered and began pulsing around Hollis' cock.

The pressure he'd felt before had skyrocketed, and he was suddenly terrified his heart might stop. Squirming his hips, he knew what the tightening meant, but he'd never felt it so intensely before. All at once, he released with a groan, digging his heels into the ground as he pumped every last bit of himself into her.

Leaning forward, she rested her forehead against his chest as they panted.

"I told you you'd like it," Reign smirked, but Hollis could only stare up at the ceiling as his skin prickled and a sense of uneasy dread washed over him.

"Hollis," Reign smiled softly as her eyes roamed his body, "Your father isn't here. You can relax."

Hollis blinked and swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat as she walked away, likely to attend to a nursing mother.

"I'd give that a ride..." Finch said, and Hollis jumped, quickly turning to stare at the Illyrian. How long had he been standing next to him?

Unable to stop himself, his brow shifted into a scowl, but Finch only laughed.

"Easy, Snowflake," Finch grinned, "I'm not here to steal your girl."

Hollis muttered, "She's not my girl..." An unsavory sensation prickled over his skin.

Finch continued as if he hadn't heard him, "I wanted to take you to the obstacle course."

Frowning, Hollis shook his head with confusion. "Bran said it's off limits."

"Unless you have special permission," Finch rolled his eyes and smirked, "Unless you don't think you can handle it."

"I can handle it," Hollis said a little too quickly, immediately feeling the souring of his stomach. "But I...don't think it would be a good idea. I might be needed here."

"By whom? Half of them are asleep. It won't be long, I swear."

Hollis glanced around the barrack and let out a slow sigh. "Only for a short time." He finally conceded. The truth was, he was utterly exhausted, but Finch had arrived at the camp at the same time he had. So had Bran. Yet they weren't swaying on their feet.

Didn't anyone in the Illyrian camps sleep?

Taking a slow, deep breath, Hollis finally nodded and said, "I don't want to be away too long."

Finch grinned and clapped him on the shoulder, "Come on. The others are probably already there."

"Others?" Hollis questioned, but Finch had already left.

It was a short walk from the barracks to the obstacle course, which sat like a landmark through the copse of trees. Bran had been right to keep its visitors to a minimum, Hollis thought as he gazed up at the structure. He couldn't be sure of its length or height, but it was impressive. Spanning from one side of the clearing to the other, the space was rigged with physical challenges. High bars and netting with barbed wire low to the ground- the entire place was a sticky pool of mud.

Back home, Hollis had toured the training area for Winter Court soldiers—a building of weights and blades to throw, skilled, but not as tactical. Hollis hated to use the term barbaric, but it was all that would surface in his mind.

Laughter from the tree line, opposite his position with Finch, pulled his attention. Walking into the clearing, he recognized a few people and some he didn't. Bran and Caspian he knew, but the other four he hadn't the slightest clue. Frowning, he stared at them as they drew nearer.

Wait...he did know them. It had just been so long since they'd first met, and they looked so different—older, naturally.

Kyra smirked as she approached, tossing her coiled hair into a twisted bun. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" She asked, arching a brow.

Glancing around, Hollis frowned. Was she talking to him?

"Ready for what?" Hollis asked, brows furrowed as he observed the others. Cyrus and Sara had filled it out, but it was Peter whose change of appearance was most drastic. With broad shoulders and sun-kissed skin, he was at least a foot taller than himself.

"Finch said you wanted to try out the course."

Hollis flashed a look at Finch, who was beaming brightly, and shrugged, "Maybe he didn't tell me that," Peter rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "But I thought we were told to-"

"Hollis had a long night of traveling," Bran cut in, "It would be best not to disturb someone's rest."

Shaking his head, Hollis turned to Finch and asked, "You were told to what?" The group was silent as he waited for an answer.

For a moment, he thought he might not get one when Kyra said, "Feyre and Rhysand asked that we reach out to you."

"It's difficult to leave your home," Peter said gently, "Friends make it easier."

Hollis blinked in surprise before nodding slowly, "Oh...thank you. It's very kind."

Scoffing, Kyra walked toward him and shoved Finch so hard he nearly fell back on his tucked-in wings. "Yeah, sorry this asshole got involved, though."

"Fuck off," Finch grinned, "It's a rite of passage to do the course. Cyrus did it...Peter did it. Even Sara did it!"

Sara narrowed her gaze on him and cocked her hip to the side. "Ouch?"

Cringing, Hollis glanced between the group members. His most impressive skill was horseback riding, but this, what Finch was suggesting he do, was so far out of the realm of his expertise that all he could feel was the unnerving wave of panic settling into his chest.

"You don't have to, Hollis," Kyra said as Hollis tried to wipe the sweat from his palm onto his pants discreetly.

"I can," he answered a little too quickly, "I like to think I'm more capable than filling water jugs."

Bran smirked and rubbed the back of his neck, but Finch piped up before he could offer his advice, "Alright, go on then! Impress us."

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Swallowing, Hollis slowly looked at Finch, who had a shit-eating grin. Hollis had never been a competitive person by nature, but something about how he spoke sent a strange fire through his belly. Setting his jaw, Hollis walked toward the course's starting point, which consisted of a high bar at least ten feet off the ground. There were spikes on the poles to his left and right. He could only assume he was meant to climb them up to the bar above.

"The first is ten pull-ups," Bran informed, "Ankles crossed. Chin above the bar."

Everyone clustered a few feet behind, keeping some distance as Hollis took a deep breath, gripped the prodding metal spikes, and climbed carefully. Keeping his eyes above, he refused to look down as he neared the top and shifted his grip from the poles to the metal bar. It took an extra mental push to pull his feet from the safety of the climbing spikes and allow his body to dangle.

"Dammnnn! Look at him up there! Hot!" Finch grinned and hooted; he grunted as Kyra slammed her elbow into his gut.

"Just breathe up there," Bran instructed, "Ankles crossed."

Crossing his ankles, another stream of whistles came from not just Finch but Cyrus and Caspian, too.

"You got it! You can do it!" Came Cyrus' voice.

Somehow, their hoots and whistles helped Hollis breathe a little easier. It was strange how what sounded like catcalls felt...encouraging. He pulled himself upward, but before he could reach past his chin on the first pull-up, the sweat on his palms betrayed him, and he slipped, falling the ten feet and landing with a loud, wet smack against the globs of mud below.

Sputtering, Hollis lifted his head from the ground and blinked as he tried to slop to his feet. Hands reached under both arms as Bran and Peter dashed forward and lifted him to his feet.

"Are you okay?" It was Finch who asked as they jogged toward him.

Hollis didn't trust his voice not to betray him, so he said nothing as he looked down at himself. He was covered in a thick layer of mud from head to toe. Perhaps it wasn't so terrible if it meant they couldn't see how red his face must have been. The heat of embarrassment crept to his scalp as he spit out a bit of grit from his teeth.

When he could finally speak, he said, "I think I'm going to go to bed..."

"You might want to wash up first," Finch replied, and he glanced at him, but Hollis wasn't smiling. "Right," Finch grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck, "You probably knew that. I'll walk with you."

"I'd rather you didn't."

Finch pursed his lips and nodded slowly as Hollis began walking, rather stiffly, toward the trees. He was desperate to let them cover him, perhaps even swallow him into another dimension. He couldn't have done at least one? Just one?! He rubbed at his face as a familiar need began to rise.


He needed distraction.

Just calm down.

But how could he? The fate of the world was in his hands, his slippery hands, and everyone was fucked.

Hollis took his time, trekking the long way around to the bathing area without needing to be seen by anyone near the barracks. How could he present himself this way? If anyone saw him, he'd have to explain himself, and, worse, when Finch inevitably said something, he'd surely lose any and all respect he may have gained crossing the lands to Velaris.

He stopped and waited at the forest's edge, watching the building that promised a hot shower. When he was sure no one was using the facilities, he staggered forward and pushed through the heavy doors. It wasn't like any place he'd bathed before- the stalls were lined next to each other, but at least there was privacy with doors that could lock.

Hollis stepped behind the changing curtain, dropped his heavy clothing into a provided basket, wrapped a towel around his waist, and walked across the short space to the first stall. Closing the door behind him, he let out a soft sigh.

Why did he have to fail with an audience?

Shaking his head, he turned to the shower and turned the knob. Warm water sprayed, and he closed his eyes, letting the stream wash the dirt away. Letting his shoulders relax, he suddenly stiffened as a voice caught him off guard.

"I thought I saw you walk in here," Reign said as she opened the door to the shower and closed it behind her, "Are you okay? What happened?" She frowned, looking him up and down.

Clenching his jaw, Hollis snatched his towel and wrapped it around his waist while trying not to look at her bare chest. "I didn't invite you in here."

"You didn't need to," Reign shrugged and moved toward him, smiling as her fingers touched the hem of the towel at his waist. He swallowed as her nails skimmed the damp skin just above. "Let me help you...please?"

Hollis stared at her for a long moment, taking in the soft gentleness of her eyes. Something inside him squirmed as her hand pressed lightly against his forearm. Finally, he nodded, giving in as he lowered himself to the wooden bench wedged in the corner of the stall.

"How did this happen?" Reign asked as she dolloped a generous amount of shampoo into her hands and stopped before him. She stroked her fingers through his hair, lathering the soap in dirty suds. She pulled a grimace and had him bend to reach the water, washing out the first layer of dirt that covered his usually pristinely white hair.



"You fell?" She asked with a sly smirk as she worked another round of soap into his hair. "I think you're lying to me."

"Why would you think that?"

Reign glided her nails from the base of his neck up his scalp and gripped the hair at the crown of his head in a tight fist. Pulling back, Hollis gasped as his head tilted back. His throat bobbed as he gazed up at her, lips parted as she smirked down at him.

"Because I know you, my dear Prince," Reign purred, "I also don't like when you lie to me."

Hollis' tongue couldn't form words before she was suddenly devouring his mouth. Her tongue found its way to the back of his throat while her hand kept a firm grip on his hair, pulling at the root with each deep stroke of her tongue.

"Reign..." Hollis gasped softly, trying to bring himself back to reality. This wasn't something he wanted right now. He was too overwhelmed- felt too vulnerable to follow through with any intimacy. "Stop..." He turned his head, but Reign continued her assaulting kisses down the side of his throat. Clenching his jaw, Hollis placed his hands on her hips and began pushing against her in hopes she'd release on her own. He sucked in a sharp breath as she bit the skin of his throat and sucked harshly.

"I said stop." Hollis used more force this time to push her off his body, but as he did, she whipped her head back and snarled at him.

"What do you mean stop? What, does your cock not work?"

Heat flushed his body, and Hollis wasn't sure if it was anger or embarrassment, but he knew it wasn't arousal.

"I don't have to justify anything to you."

Reign rolled her eyes and pulled away, starting for the door. Before she left, she glanced over her shoulder, "I guess the line of Winter Court High Lords really will end with you, won't it? Not even able to get it up?" She let out a shrill laugh. "How pathetic."

The stall door slammed behind her, leaving Hollis alone with the running water. He stayed there for a long time, staring at the drain to which the water was fed. Cold numbness slowly crept through his body as he sat there, trying not to think of anything.

Trying not to feel anything.

He was unaware of the ice infiltrating the stall until he realized he could see his breath. Looking up from the drain, he stared at the falling water. It was beginning to slow as ice crawled across the slick surface of the shower floor and up the walls. Folding his arms against himself, he shuddered and closed his eyes.

"Calm down..." His heart pounded.

"Calm down..." His breathing quickened.

"Calm down..." He gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut.

Please, he thought, calm me...

Hollis had no idea if his pleas would work or if the mysterious hug around his soul would come to his aid as a new attack was set into motion. As time ticked past and the comforting glowing warmth was nowhere to be felt, Hollis lurched to his feet and did the only thing he knew to do. He reached for the handle and turned the temperature as hot as the shower allowed.

Steam cut through the ice on the floor, pelting his body with scalding water. Hollis sucked in a scream as his skin turned red upon contact with the water. Shaking, he could hardly breathe as he forced himself to stay beneath the water until the first tears escaped and ran down his cheeks. Dark shadows warped his vision; before he could lose consciousness, he turned the water to the coldest temperature and shuddered, convulsing under the water from the sudden shock of heat to cold.

Hollis didn't care, as his mind was forced to participate in the pain.

Collapsing onto the bench, having lost his towel ages ago, he lay half-sprawled against the ground as he tried to catch his breath. The swimming sensation behind his eyes was almost like having too much to drink.

It was euphoric.

It had taken Hollis some time to come down from his self-inflicted high and return to the barracks. Noon rolled around, and while some ate lunch, others were sound asleep in their beds. Hollis chose the latter and crawled into the bed in the far-left corner of the room. Under the covers, he could still feel the pleasant pulsing of his skin from his shower.

As though a weight was being placed on him, he found he couldn't move a single digit from his exhaustion. Hollis didn't remember the moment he'd fallen asleep, but when he reopened his eyes, the moon outside his window greeted him.

"About time..." Finch pursed his lips from where he sat on the floor near his bed.

Hollis frowned and slowly lifted his head off the pillow. A headache pounded behind his forehead, but he ignored it as he stared down at Finch and leaned against the wall.

"I came to apologize."

"We came to apologize," Bran corrected gently.

Hollis could hardly comprehend what they were saying, then it flooded back, and he flopped his head down on the pillow again and grumbled. "I don't have the energy for this."

"Well, here," Finch pulled a plate from beside him and offered the assortment of bread, meats, and cheeses, "A peace offering."

In any other circumstance, Hollis might have rolled over and gone back to sleep, but his stomach lurched at the prospect of food, so he sat up a little straighter. As he took the plate, Finch handed him a filled water jug.

"I can be a dick," Finch finally said as Hollis chewed a bite of bread, "So...I'm sorry, but we did have an idea if you'd be interested to hear it."

Hollis' chewing slowed and paused as he glanced at Bran, still standing at the foot of the bed. "What kind of idea?"

Biting his lip, Bran nodded slowly, "Just an offering if you'd ever like to train with us."

Hollis cringed, "I think everyone realized today how horrible of an idea that is..."

Sighing, Finch fluttered his wings out to get more comfortable and settled his arms behind his head. "The first day I arrived at Windhaven, I fell from the rock-climbing wall and nearly broke my wing. In front of Cassian and Azriel."

Hollis raised his brows and glanced at Bran, who bit back a smile.

"No one knows embarrassment as I do," Finch continued a bit bitterly, "Especially when the General says, 'Just got your wings little guy?' If I could have chosen death over that, I would have." Finch's head fell into his hands.

Hollis pursed his lips and nodded slowly. "Fighting wasn't the focus of my teachings. I've had some lessons, but..." He cringed. "It's never been a talent."

"It doesn't need to be a talent," Bran countered, "It's a skill you grow, and I have the sense this is a skill you'll need."

"Why?" Hollis asked, his question a little bolder. "I just don't understand trying to hone a skill I have no abilities with."

"No abilities?" Bran asked, narrowing his eyes as he studied Hollis for a long moment and nodded. "Give us a week. Then tell us you have no abilities. Just one week to prove you wrong."

Was this a test? Was Rhysand or Cassian going to walk around the corner and demand he become a trained fighter? After all, he was supposedly destined to be with Nova, their star...of course, they would want him to be able to protect her.

The idea of being in charge of her safety made Hollis want to throw up.

Sighing, he quickly realized even if he didn't want to, it was something he at least needed to explore. How could he be so selfish as to not even try?

"I can't do a pull-up..."

"Yeah, we saw," Finch smirked.

Hollis rolled his eyes and collapsed back into his pillow. "Fine. I'll try, but when I'm a loss cause, the blame cannot be placed on me."

He was met with their chuckles, and the slightest twinge of something warm hugged his soul.