A Court of Lost Stars-Chapter 7: The Girl Who Could Fly Without Wings

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Chapter 7: The Girl Who Could Fly Without Wings

The days that followed were filled with busy hours. Many were in and out of the townhouse, helping prepare for the upcoming celebration. Velaris was ready to withdraw from the shadows and dance the night away in the music-filled streets.

While the others rebuilt and cleaned anything neglected over the last few weeks, Feyre painted over the walls with fresh designs. Using blues and purples, she turned the bridge that crossed the Sidra into a starry night sky.

It was like crossing over the universe.

Nova was busy, too. She spent most of her hours in the day on her obstacle course. At least one person kept an eye on her while she climbed and jumped—usually, it was Elain. If Elain was gardening, it was Nesta with a book in her lap.

After working all week to redress the city, the day had finally come, and later that evening, they'd all join the festivities. They all sat off to the side in the training area, watching Nova scale the pole yet again. This time, to retrieve a pearl. Each day, the item she was working toward changed, usually by Lucien.

Feyre watched her daughter examine the pearl as she sat precariously on the top of the pole. She didn't seem phased, even by the wind.

"You said the pole she climbed at the camp was twice this size?" She asked, glancing over at Cassian.

Nodding, he met her eyes. "Yes."

Feyre rubbed the back of her neck and slowly shook her head. "I just don't understand."

Everyone, Cas, Rhys, Az, and Mor, looked at her with a raised brow.

Cas smirked. "It means that this pole is twenty feet high, and the pole at the camp is forty feet high..."

Feyre cast him an incredulous look as Rhys snickered. "That's not what I'm saying. She panics at the idea of flying, yet heights seem to not factor into that. She takes risks; we all know this. She's a thrill seeker, but she won't fly?"

"She showed us a terrible experience with a flood," Azriel pursed his lips into a thin line, "Maybe something terrible happened the last time she flew."

Mor chimed in. "Maybe it's related to the flood. If she was caught in a current and the wings weighed her down, that could be traumatizing. If that did happen, she would have nearly drowned."

Cringing at the thought, Feyre watched Nova throw herself off the pole and land on the springy netting below. "Lucien was right," she smiled, "I haven't had to have her clean up any of my paint supplies in days."

"I haven't had teeth marks in my soap." Rhys threw his head back and laughed.

His laugh caught Nova's attention, and with a grin, she bounded over, carrying her pearl in her tightly clenched fist. She skidded to a stop in front of them- how it didn't burn her feet, they would never know- and held the pearl up proudly for them to see.

"Is blue." She said happily.

Rhys smiled and shook his head. He tapped the pearl. "It's white. It's a white pearl."

"No, is blue." Nova corrected.

Feyre chewed her lip, biting back a laugh. "Nova, look," she pointed to the Siphon on Azriel's armor, "This is blue," she pointed at the pearl, "This is white."

Looking between the Siphon and the pearl, she pulled a sour face and sprinted into the house.

Cas smirked, "I think you hurt her feelings."

Releasing a sigh, Feyre smiled and rubbed her forehead. A moment later, Nova came racing back and held up a globby, blue-paint-covered sphere. They could only assume it was the pearl.

"Is blue," Nova said, breathlessly.

Feyre put her hands over her mouth to hide her grin and looked over at Rhys, who stared at the dripping ball in her hands. "She went out of her way to be right. I guess she is your daughter, after all."

The look Rhys returned sent Feyre into a fit of laughter.

Turning her attention back to Nova. "Did you track paint through the house?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Is blue."

"I'm going to take that as a yes," Feyre smiled and stood, "Come on. Let's go clean up."

Nova skipped inside after her, more than happy to wash her hands and the pearl at the sink before taking a soapy washcloth to scrub the trail she'd left from the art room to the training space.

By the time she was finished, it was time for lunch.

"Nova," Feyre said across from her at the table, "We're going to go to the city in a little while. There's going to be a party."

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"Party?" She asked.

"Yes," Rhys smiled, "A party with music and dancing. We have reason to celebrate." He leaned toward her, closer and closer, until she burst into giggles. "And you are one of the reasons." He chuckled, gazing at her with affection.

Mor grinned. "Oh, that laugh!" she turned to Feyre. I'm not pushing; I'm just asking. Has she shown any interest in dresses?"

Shaking her head, Feyre snorted. "She hasn't shown interest in socks yet. I think we're a while away for dresses."

"I saw a dress that would be the perfect color for her, and I couldn't help myself. I bought it. So, if she ever shows interest, let me know."

Feyre smiled and nodded, "I'm sure she'll love it no matter what."

"Let's be honest," Cas chuckled, "You could give her a bean, and she'd treasure it."

Grinning, Feyre and Rhys exchanged a look. It was one of the things about Nova that they loved—how she found wonder in almost anything. Somehow, it had changed their way of thinking, too. Watching a trail of ants didn't feel the same anymore.

Unable to resist, Rhys set one of his lentils before Nova. Eyeing it momentarily, she snatched it and stuffed it into her pocket, then looked around with a curious expression as they all laughed.

She laughed, too.

As Nova turned slowly in a circle, she tried to take in the scene.

The sun was setting over the mountains, and twinkling lights had been strung down the street they walked. They winked at her as she walked ahead of her family. She watched the shadows slowly slink away, replacing the dusky sky with sparkling starlight above.

Feyre smiled, snapping a mental picture in her mind as they followed Nova into the heart of Velaris. She'd convinced her to wear jeans and a jacket now that the months were getting colder.

The sudden heavy beat of drums startled Nova, making her stop dead in her tracks. She looked up at the sky and held her hand out as if she might catch a drop of rain.

With a crooked grin, Rhys approached her and offered his arm. "It's not thunder. It's the party."

"Party?" She repeated as they walked, but her jaw dropped when they turned the corner and could see the center of the Sidra.

Everyone, old and young, wings or not, and every Fae in between gathered in the area. Many danced to the music that filled the space while others sat with each other, talking and laughing over their meals. The scent in the air was potent with warm, savory foods.

Nova pointed at the dancing crowd, flowing here and there as they tossed their heads back and laughed. She looked up at Rhys and tugged his arm.

"Would you like to dance, Nova?"


Rhys nodded with a grin and gestured to the group. "They're dancing."

Looking out over the crowd again, she shouted, "Dance!" and nodded excitedly.

Together, they ventured among the crowd and danced to the drum's beat. Nova, who had never danced in her life, flung and shook every body part, looking more like a puppet on a string with a less-than-skilled puppet master.

"You would think," Cas grinned as they watched Rhys about double-over laughing, "She'd have a little more grace on the dance floor the way she clears the obstacle course." Nova on the dance floor was like Feyre with Faerie wine, but the best part was she didn't care about anyone's watching eyes.

"Oh, my..." Elain put her fingers to her mouth as she and Lucien approached. "She's..."

"Daring?" Mor asked with a grin.

Elain pursed her lips to withhold a laugh. "Yes, quite."

Dispersing, everyone found something to occupy their time. Feyre, Cas, Mor, and Az joined Rhys and Nova on the dance floor while Elain, Lucien, and Amren found a spot to eat. Nesta joined them at the table sometime later, watching the dance floor with a raised brow.

The songs slowly drifted into something slower, and Nova quickly lost interest in dancing. Something caught her attention, and she quickly weaved in and out of bodies, moving toward the sound of plucking strings.

On the other side of the crowd, she stared at a woman with something in her lap. Moving closer, she ignored the people around her and stared at the way her fingers moved across the musical instrument to create different sounds.

The woman was older, with gray hair and spindly fingers, but they seemed to move effortlessly across her neck.

"It's called a lute," she smiled, her voice like the crunch of gravel, "Do you like music?"

Nova looked up at her with wide, violet eyes. "Music?" She asked as Rhys and Feyre approached from behind.

Feyre was just about to remind Nova to tell them when she wanted to go somewhere else, but she paused when she saw the fascination on her face. The woman, Edith, smiled up at them.

"Hello, My High Lord, My High Lady." Edith gave a respectful bow, then turned her attention back to Nova, who sat patiently. Attentively. "Music speaks to your soul, and I see your soul is listening. Would you like to try?"

Nova grinned and nodded.

As Rhys and Feyre settled into one of the chairs, they watched with smiles as Edith helped Nova hold the precious lute. Her wrinkled fingers helped place where Nova's small ones would go, then proceeded to help her strum.

Nova would have stayed with Edith and her lute all night, but soon, everyone who'd been dancing was ready for a meal.

"You can see me any time you like, Nova," Edith smiled warmly. "My muse and I enjoy the company. Provided you ask your parents first, of course."

Rhys and Feyre smiled and thanked Edith before returning to the table the others had saved. Everyone had settled down a little. They were talking and eating with light music in the background.

A burst of laughter came from a group not far away. Nova glanced over with raised brows, then returned to her stew. Feyre couldn't help but look and tilted her head with a small smile.

It was a group of teenagers.

They appeared to be the same age as Nova, give or take a few years. They all sat in a circle on the ground, eating their meals. Boys and girls pushed each other and cracked jokes. Some with wings- some without. They reminded her of her own friends and family.

"Nova," Feyre said gently, waiting for her to look at her. "If you want, you could introduce yourself." When Nova stared at her, she smiled and gestured to the group, who were starting to stand from the spots on the ground.

Nova stared at the group with minor interest, but when one of them looked over at her, she immediately shied away. She slunk back in her seat so that Azriel's frame hid hers.

That didn't seem to stop the boy from walking over. He shook his sandy hair off his brow and grinned. "We're going to the lake. Want to come?" Feyre recognized him as the son of the baker. He was what others outside of Velaris would call 'Lesser Fae.'

Nova hadn't worn her scowl in a long time, but it came back in full force while his attention was on her.

"Peter!" One of the other boys yelled as they were jogging toward the lip of the forest. "Come on! The last one to get there jumps first!"

"Jump?" Nova asked, interest peaked. She liked jumping.

Peter grinned, his green eyes sparkling with delight. "Yeah,

Frozen, Rhys watched the events unfold. His daughter was already being looked at with interest. He clenched his jaw to keep his dinner down.

Easy, Feyre murmured against his mind. She needed the opportunity to make friends; if anyone could take care of themself, it's our daughter.

That didn't help unclench his jaw as Nova looked at Rhys and Feyre.

"I jump?" She asked.

Rhys forced the best smile he could muster and nodded. "Yes, you can go jump. Be careful." His eyes flashed to Peter, and he repeated, "Be. Careful."

"W-we will." Peter stammered.

Grinning, Nova slid off her seat to join Peter, but when he offered his hand to her, she swatted it away with a scowl and sprinted toward the woods where the others had already disappeared.

Peter blinked his eyes in confusion but ran after them. "Wait up!" He called, but he wasn't nearly as fast as the others.

"Way to scare the kid, Rhys." Mor snorted, but Rhys, Az, and Cas were preoccupied with staring after them with rigid brows.

"Hey," Feyre sighed, "This is in her best interest. You said it yourself, she needs to explore her surroundings."

"Yes, and by that, I didn't mean explore the eligible bachelor of Velaris." Rhys retorted bitterly.

Mor smirked. "You know what? Be glad it was Peter who asked her and not one of your soldiers." Rhys, Cas, and Az flashed a severe glare at her. With a shrug, she smiled as she swirled the wine in her glass. "I'm just saying. The baker's son is a moth compared to them."

"It's hard for me too," Feyre sighed, "But she needs space and a chance to make friends."

"All I'm saying is they better not get too friendly," Rhys grumbled, "She might look fifteen, but she's not ready for something like that. I don't want her to be taken advantage of."

"You're talking about the girl who just smacked his hand for offering it to her?" Nesta smirked. "She'll be fine."

Rhys still glanced over at Az, who gave a knowing smile, and Feyre knew she couldn't stop the worry they all held.

"Instead of plotting to spy on her behind my back, at least have the decency to talk about it."

Rhys let out a defeated sigh and looked at her. "Are you okay if Azriel keeps an eye on her from the shadows?"

"Yes," Feyre said automatically, and Az disappeared.

The darkness that enclosed the woods didn't slow Nova at full speed toward the sound of laughter. She stopped when the group came into view and watched them from afar. Frowning, she looked over her shoulder as if waiting for her family to follow. They didn't, but Peter came cresting over the slope.

Holding the pinch in his side, he stopped behind her. "You're fast," he smiled, "Probably the fastest of the group. Come on, they're all up here."

Nova tilted her head to the side and stared at him.

"I'll introduce you," he smiled, "Your name is Nova, right?"

Nova thought for a moment and nodded. "Yes."

With a grin, Peter held his hand out to her again, as he had once before. Nova looked down at it, crossed her arms, and said, "Uh, no."

"That's okay," Peter smiled, "We don't bite, you know." He said before walking toward the group who had slipped through a wall of prickly shrubs.

Tilting her head to the side, Nova walked after him. She used her forearms to keep the brambles out of her face and came out on the other side. Ignoring the scrapes against her skin, she watched the group on a rocky ledge overlooking the lake.

"This is Nova," Peter said, smiling as she moved closer.

The group turned to look at her. There were five of them in total. Peter, with his freckled nose and bright eyes, was the youngest in the group. Gesturing to the other six, Peter introduced them in turn.

"Finch, Cyrus, Sara, and Kyra. I'm Peter, but you met me already."

Nova stared at them, blinking as she tried to understand, but it was too much information.

Finch smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "I think you went too fast for her," he chuckled as he spread his wings, "Don't worry. You'll catch on." Nova stared at him for a long moment, his flexed biceps and expanding wings.

Rolling her eyes, Kyra shook her head. "Back off, she's their daughter, remember? They'll chew you up and spit you back out."

Finch put his hands up in defense but smirked and winked at Nova as he said, "I'm behaving."

"Who's going to jump first?" Sara asked, wringing her fingers timidly as she looked over the edge. The wind whipped at her blonde hair, and Cyrus moved closer to the edge to ensure she didn't fall by accident.

"Ease up, big bro," Finch smirked, "Let her live a little."

"Are you volunteering, Finch?" Kyra asked, arching a brow at him. "By all means, you have our attention."

Nova observed them, trying to keep up with the conversation. Utterly unaware that across the river, Azriel was perched in a tree. Watching the scene intently.

"Peter," Cyrus turned to him, "You technically were the last one here. Even Nova beat you," Nova tilted her head at the sound of her name and stared at Cyrus as he continued, "You know the rule."

When Cyrus looked at her, his expression differed from that of Finch or Peter. His smile evoked an image of Cassian's face, and she smiled back.

Peter grimaced. "I don't know..."

Kyra placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled, "You owe me." She slipped her shirt off, followed by her socks, shoes, and pants. She brushed the thick curls from her face as she adjusted her shorts and bra.

"She won't do it," Finch chuckled.

Kyra had wings, too, and they spread now as she prepared for the free fall. "Just say you're too scared, Finch." She flashed him a grin before she leaned forward and let gravity take her down.

Scrambling to the edge, Nova peered over and watched Kyra meet the surface in a spraying splash.

"She's okay," Peter reassured her, "She dives all the time- more than any of us. You don't have to jump if you don't want to."

"Jump?" Nova asked, looking up at him as she moved to her feet.

"Okay," Finch looked around, "Who's ne-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Nova had skipped ten feet back and took off at a full sprint. They watched with wide eyes as she sprang from the edge and soared through the sky, laughing the whole way down until she met the sting of the water.

It was invigorating.

Azriel's jaw tightened as he watched the place Nova had disappeared under and waited with bated breath. When her head broke the surface, he leaned back with a soft sigh of relief.

"You're braver than I would have thought," Kyra smiled at Nova.

Nova grinned back and looked up at the ledge she'd jumped from. The others still stood, looking down at them.

Finch jumped next, followed by Sara, who screamed the whole way down, and then Peter, who landed not so painlessly on her back.

Finch cringed. "Are you alright?"

"Never better," Peter replied through chattering teeth.

Cyprus came down next, with more skill than the others. He resurfaced with a grin before checking on his sister, who trod water with her arms clutched around herself.

"The fireworks are going to start soon," Peter smiled, slicking his hair back as he looked at Nova, "We're going to watch them on the roof."

"Roof?" She asked.

Finch smirked, "Yeah, the roof. We can sit up there together. I can keep you warm."

Kyra splashed the side of Finch's face. "Leave her alone. She's been through enough without having to deal with you."

"Did you really live in a forest all your life?" Sara asked, staring at her with wide blue eyes.

"We didn't exactly have it much better," Finch said as he floated on his back, "We lived in a literal lair."

Nova stared at him and looked over at Peter, brows furrowing in confusion.

"She doesn't speak much, remember," Sara said, "She doesn't know how."

"What does she know?" Finch scoffed.

Kyra splashed his face again, making him sputter. "How to jump off a fucking ledge."

"Okay," Finch wiped his face as he righted himself in the water, "I get it. Let's go before all the spots on the roof are taken."

They began swimming for the shore, and Nova beamed brightly at the chance to exert her muscles. She took off, swimming hard and fast. Nova overtook all of them except for Finch, who had taken the lead.

"You want to race?" Finch asked from the side of his mouth.

"Race?" Nova repeated.

Laughing, Finch pushed himself harder to the shore, kicked his legs, and moved his arms with every bit of strength he had left. Nova took off after him, but she arrived only a moment after his palm hit the shore. Panting, she looked up at him. Hair sticking to her face as she grinned wildly.

Still trying to catch his breath, Finch smiled crookedly, "We'll call it a tie."

By the time they trekked back through the forest, they were all shivering. However, Nova had been the only one not to undress. She'd been so preoccupied with jumping that she hadn't heeded Kyra's example.

They could finally hear the beat of the drums as they neared the city, and relief poured over Nova as she saw her family sitting around a fire. She was still trembling with cold as she approached them.

Feyre raised her brows. "You look like you had fun." She couldn't help but smile and glance at Az, who sat diagonal to her. They had received a quick rundown just a minute before, and it seemed everything had gone well. She may have actually made some new friends.

"Race." Nova grinned, her hair dripping while her teeth chattered. With a wave of his hand, she was dry again from Rhys' magic. She let out a relieved sigh and embraced the warmth.

"She beat your ass," Kyra said to Finch on their way past.

"We tied," He rebutted quickly.

"Yeah, because you took a head start."

Finch rolled his eyes and smirked at Nova, who stared at him with a tilted head. "You can race me any time."

Shifting in their chairs, Rhys and Cassian turned to look at Finch. Azriel's brow was already set into a rigid line as they observed Finch.

"If...that's okay..." Finch's brows crept up his forehead.

Feyre bit back a smile. He couldn't be older than sixteen, but he certainly thought he had swagger. She glanced at Rhys with an arched brow.

He's who you should have been worried about.

Rhys narrowed his eyes in response but kept his eyes on Finch. "Enjoy the fireworks."

"Yes, sir." Finch quickly retreated.

A little down the way, Kyra shoved him. "Not so brave now?"

"Shut up." He muttered as Cyprus snickered.

Mor grinned as she watched Nova's new friends follow a trail they'd once taken as kids. They climbed to the top of a roof to watch the fireworks together. "They're not so bad." She murmured.

They followed her gaze, and Rhys's expression softened a little. It was like watching themselves years ago. He sighed softly and looked at Nova as she watched Peter help Sara climb onto the roof.

"Would you like to go sit with them?" He asked gently. It pained him to risk not experiencing this with her, but he also knew that those friends could be willing to take a dagger for her in fifty years.

Pledging their loyalty to her.

Nova stared at him for a long moment before snuggling against his side and said, "I stay."

Smiling softly, Rhys pressed a kiss to the top of her head just as the fireworks started. She lifted her face to shiny colors that danced and sparkled in her wide eyes. The resounding boom that followed made her flinch, but Rhys gently squeezed her arm.

"It's okay," he soothed, "It's not thunder. They're fireworks."

Nova whispered, "Fireworks," as a bloom of cascading gold filled the sky. As she watched the colors, Feyre watched her. Moving a little closer, tears brimmed her eyes before she looked up at the sky as more prisms rained down. Reaching behind Nova, she squeezed Rhys' hand and smiled when he returned the pressure.

It seemed all too soon that the fireworks were over, but almost immediately after, Illyrian's took flight. They soared high above, swirling through the residual smoke left behind.

"What do you think, Nova?" Rhys asked, looking up at them with a smile. "Think you might want to fly?" Glancing down, he frowned to see tears in her eyes. "Nova?" He asked gently. "What's wrong?"

Everyone looked over at Nova, and Nesta rolled her eyes but didn't speak her thoughts.

"Gone." Nova finally said, her voice coming out in a strangled whisper.

"Gone?" Feyre asked. "What's gone?"

Nova reached behind her and touched her along her shoulder blade. Watching her movements, Cassian frowned. "Her wings..."

With careful fingers, Feyre slowly pulled down the back of Nova's shirt to peek inside. Her stomach dropped as the color in her cheeks drained. Where her wings had sprouted, in their place, was a flat, scarred area.


Feyre had only been able to look for a moment as Nova pulled away from her, but it was long enough to see the damage. The amount of scarring that was there would have meant a substantial wound. One Feyre was sure would have left her near death from blood loss alone.

She shook her head and pressed her hand to her mouth as she looked up at Rhys.

Tears trailed down her cheeks."She did have wings," her breath hitched, "Someone cut them off."

While Nova gazed up at the sky and watched the Illyrians fly in circles and complicated loops, all eyes were on her. Mixed with sorrow and rage, they all had one thought.

Rhys' voice was ice as he turned to Azriel, "The men who threatened her in the woods?"

"They suffered." He replied coldly.

Elain murmured, "Good."

"Maybe we should go," Feyre frowned, offering her hand to Nova, but she promptly ignored her.

"I fly." Nova scowled at the sky.

"Do you want to?" Rhys asked, puzzled.

Then, Nova was on her feet but didn't turn to Rhys, Az, or Cas. No, she took off running back to the woods.

"Nova!" Feyre called after her. "Where is she going?"

"I think I have an idea..." Rhys trailed off.

Nova bolted through the thick underbrush and skidded to the top of the ledge overlooking the lake. She glared at the sky and down at the chilled, cropping water.

Rhys and Feyre winnowed together, appearing behind her. As did Cas, Az, and Mor. Then, they watched Nova throw herself off the edge. Sprinting after her, Rhys grinned as they watched her plummet. She spun and twirled in the air, and though she might not be able to gain height, she was a natural in the air. Nova sliced through the water and emerged a moment later, laughing.

Chuckling, he said, "Our girl doesn't need wings to fly."