A Court of Lost Stars-Chapter 9: The Star and The Snowflake

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Chapter 9: The Star and The Snowflake

"Why have it at the Spring Court?" Cassian cringed. He could already feel himself getting ready to sneeze at the thought of it. They all sat at the table in the House of Wind, updating Elain, Lucien, and Nesta on the request they'd received.

Less of a request and more of a demand, Feyre thought, frowning. She stared at the letter on the table and sighed. "Because Tamlin is petty."

"He's reached a new low if he's knowingly involving a child in his schemes," Lucien said, watching Nova, who sat across from Azriel, examine his hands.

Azriel was quiet, letting Nova observe the scars that riddled his fingers.

"Ouch?" Nova asked, looking up at him.

The soft smile curved the corner of his lip as he nodded. "Yes, ouch."

Furrowing her brow, she slipped off her chair and disappeared down the hallway. Rhys couldn't seem to smile as he watched her leave.

"We can't take her," Rhys said, "I don't care that we'll all be there. I don't want their eyes on her. Whatever plans they have, she's not part of it."

"Unless she is," Nesat said, swirling her glass of wine.

Rhys settled a violent gaze on her. "It's nine o'clock in the morning."

Rolling her eyes, Nesta sighed, "I don't disagree she shouldn't be there. I'm just saying that maybe she has a part to play."

Nova came bounding back, carrying supplies in her arms. She proceeded to wrap gauze around Azriel's fingers and hands, covering the places he'd been scarred. Patiently, he kept still and smiled softly as she patted the tops of his hands.

Nova nodded with a sigh, "Better."

"Thank you for taking care of me," Azriel said quietly with a smile.

Rhys swallowed harshly and looked back at Nesta. "I'm uninterested in whatever part they want her to play."

"Enough," Feyre snapped at the table in frustration. Nova is not going because I don't like how Tamlin is trying to weasel the information out of us out of spite. She will not be used as a pawn in his little games. So, Nova can't go, but she can't be alone. All we have to do is find someone we can trust to be with her. She's learned enough that basic safety isn't as much of a problem."

"Who?" Rhys asked gently. "Yes, she's made progress, but when she can still be a handful."

"What about Edith?" Feyre suggested. "She loved learning to play the lute with her."

He countered, "What about when she becomes disinterested? Edith is wonderful, but if Nova decides to leave, she wouldn't be able to stop her."

"What about..." Elain began and trailed off when all eyes turned on her. She took a breath and tried again. "What about the new friends she made during the celebration?"

Cas frowned, "I know I'm not her father, but I think I speak for everyone when I say I don't like the idea of her being around Finch for too long," he added under his breath before taking a sip of water, "He's too much like us."

Cringing, Feyre knew he had a point. She knew Nova wasn't the type to let people get too close, but sometimes starry eyes were too enchanting to avoid.

"Finch wasn't the only one in that group," Mor cut in, "Cyprus seemed alright, and Kyra. I don't think Peter would ever cross that line. It might not be so bad if she's with them as a group."

Everyone could tell Rhys wasn't fond of the idea, but what other choice did they have? Finally, he nodded. "Alright, but there's going to be ground rules that they follow."

"Naturally." Feyre nodded, swallowing a scalding mouthful of coffee.

Nova removed the bandages from Azriel's hand and looked down with a quirk of her eyebrows.

"It doesn't work quite like that," Azriel chuckled.

Nova looked at the bandages and his hands, sighed, and tossed them to the table. She scoffed, "Broken."

Chuckling, Rhys rubbed his eyes from their sleepless night before gazing fondly at his daughter. "She has been saying names now," he said to the table, "She'll usually put 'my' in front of it. My Rhys. My Cas. All except for one name in particular." He flashed a grin at Feyre, who blushed to her ears.

Lucien smiled. "What does she call you?" He asked, arching a brow.

Grinning, Cas tapped Nova on the shoulder. When she looked at him, he pointed at Feyre. "Who is that?"

Nova answered without hesitation, "Darling."

The day scheduled for the gathering came far too quickly, and nerves were frayed thin. Not knowing what Tamlin would say, being in his territory, and knowing Nova would be here was too much to process.

Feyre looked into the long-length mirror as she slipped a pair of earrings in. The diamonds held a stunning resemblance to the moon's glow. If she was to walk into High Lord of the Spring Court's dining room, she was going to look damn good while she did it.

A few feet away, Rhys was elegantly perched on the edge. He watched her with a sly smirk- a predatory glaze over his eyes. Catching his eyes in the mirror, Feyre smirked.

"See something you like?" She asked innocently.

"I always see something I like," Rhys responded with a velvet-like purr.

A shiver raked down Feyre's spine.

"I was thinking," He said, voice low as he approached her from behind.

Feyre smirked and said, "A dangerous pass time, indeed."

Chuckling, he brushed his lips against the shell of her ear, "It's been tense the last few days, and I'm going to be honest. If I walk into that room today and see that smug smile on his face..." He dragged his tongue against the tender spot behind her ear, preening as her head tilted back. Rhys continued, "Perhaps we should expend some energy before we leave."

Feyre would have laughed if she hadn't already lost her breath. "Only with one condition."

Arching a brow, he lightly nipped at the nape of her neck. "What might that be?"

"You don't hold back."

A growl rumbled in his chest as his violet eyes flicked up, meeting her wanton gaze in the mirror. His snarl morphed into a wicked grin, and he snapped his fingers. Their clothing was gone, though the earrings remained.

His calloused fingers trailed the delicate flesh of her belly and up, teasing the rigid edge of her nipple. Feyre sucked in a soft gasp as his thumb rotated torturous circles against the pebbled surface.

"Shh," he smirked against her neck, "We wouldn't want to draw attention."

It took everything in her being to stay quiet as Rhys moved from one breast to the other while his other fingers grazed across her pelvis. He tickled up and down her inner thigh. Feyre squeaked as he stroked the sensitive skin between the start of her thigh and below her hip.

"Oh, Feyre, darling. You must be quiet." Rhys grinned wolfishly as his fingers delved between her folds, swirling in her heated arousal. "For me?" He chuckled against her ear as her breath shook.

Feyre could feel his thick cock pulsing against her back. She couldn't stop releasing the soft, desperate whine that made its way up her chest. She spread her legs apart, leaning against him as her hips followed his hand greedily, but he relieved the pressure all too soon.

Lifting his fingers to his mouth, he sucked them clean. "Heavenly..." Without another moment of hesitation, he used a foot to spread her legs wider. Wrapping one arm around her torso, he leaned back for a better position and let his tip graze her soaked entrance.

"Rhys!" Feyre started, but his other hand pressed firmly over her mouth before he thrusted the rest of his length inside her.

"Fuck..." His wings shuddered as Feyre cried out against the muffling of his hand. "So perfect," he whispered against her ear, "and I'm going to destroy it."

Feyre didn't have a chance to get out another sound. Staring at their reflection, she watched Rhys start pumping his massive cock in and out of her. She could see herself expanding around him, taking him to his hips. With every harsh inward thrust, her arousal leaked down his shaft and dripped down her thighs. Every wet slide sent Feyre a little closer to pure bliss as Rhys grunted against her shoulder as he fucked her, jaw clenched so he too didn't make noise, but eyes ablaze.

Feyre watched his fingers drift to the her throbbing clit. She screamed against his hand as he rubbed harsh, fast circles against her. In the next instant, Feyre saw stars as her orgasm ripped through her like a tidal wave. She clenched around him as she came, pulling on his cock, which was released a moment later. Rhys sucked in a breath as his eyes pinched shut, trying to stay quiet as her pussy claimed him. Milking him for every last drop he had.

They were a panting mess by the time they could think again—a dripping, panting mess.

"Woah! Nova, don't go in there!" Cas' voice came from down the hall. "They're, uhm, busy."


"Uhhh...yeah, they're having a...jumping contest."

"I jump?"

"No!" His voice came a little too quick. "Come on, let's go mess with your uncle Az."

Feyre released her withheld breath and shuddered, looking at Rhys in the mirror with wide eyes. The room was silent until they heard Nova's bare feet leave the hallway.

Together, they snorted with laughter.

"Note to self," Rhys chuckled, guiding her to the bathroom to clean up, "Make sure the house is empty before we have a...jumping contest." He smirked as Feyre released another laugh.

When she caught her breath, she sighed, "You were right. We needed that." It was time to face what they'd been putting from their minds.

Traveling to the Spring Court.

The streets of Velaris were colder. With fewer people roaming the streets, the energy wasn't the same as the night of celebration. Nova seemed to notice this and was already starting to turn around to go back home.

"Wait," Feyre smiled as she walked along the street, "Look, your friends are here."

Sitting outside the bakery, Peter's mother owned were Nova's friends. Feyre and Rhys walked with Nova to them- Az and Cas following close behind, wearing rigid brows. The morning after they'd discussed their plans, Cassian and Azriel went to the group and, without too much detail, explained the situation.

Any other situation would have been dealt with with gentle ease, but this task was not to be taken lightly. They'd told them this while, more or less, instilling in them the fear of God. Finch, who had gotten the most severe warning, wouldn't even look at Nova as they approached.

Cyrus smiled in greeting, "We're just going to the theater. Want to come?"

Titling her head to the side, she smiled and turned. "No. Home."

Feyre's worst fear came to light as she watched her start walking back the way they'd come, but Rhys moved in front of her with a soft smile.

"Not home," he said gently, "you're going to stay here for a little while."

"Stay?" Nova asked with a frown.

Rhys swallowed and forced a smile. "Yes. Stay."

"No," Nova shook her head, "Home." She started walking again, but Az and Cas moved to block her path.

How were they supposed to explain this to her? The only time she'd been away from someone in their family was when she'd gone to the lake, but that had been by her own accord.

Nova frowned at them, but they wouldn't meet her eyes as Rhys carefully took her arm and guided her toward the bakery.

"No!" She slammed her heels on the ground, trying to dig them into place.

Rhys took a slow, deep breath through his nose. "Yes." He answered calmly.

Tears welled in Nova's eyes as she ripped her arm from his grip. She tried to walk around him, but he moved again to block her path. Leaning to her level, Rhys gently took her hands.

"It is not safe to take you with us," he said gently, "and I need you to be safe."

Nova's lower lip trembled as she took in a shaky breath. Rhys willed his eyes to stay dry as tears fell down her cheeks.

Feyre had to turn her back; facing Azriel and Cassian with red eyes was better than letting Nova see them.

"Nova," Kyra said gently as she ventured forward, "Can you help me with something?"

Nova breathed in another shaking breath that threatened to turn into a sob. She turned her head to look at her and the warm smile she wore.

"I was told you're good at finding things that are special," Nova's breath hitched again, but she watched as Kyra took out the coins from her pocket that Azriel had given her specifically for this morning, "Can you help me find something special?"

"Special?" Nova asked, finally able to take a deep breath that warmed her chest.

Kyra nodded with a smile and offered her hand. It took a long moment before Nova took her hand. She lifted her eyes as Rhys slowly stood to his full height.

"We'll protect her," Kyra said, her dark eyes holding the wisdom of a thousand lives rather than a teenager.

Rhys smiled softly in return. "I trust that you will." He said, weighing his gaze on her. "Please don't make me regret that trust." His eyes flashed to Finch, who immediately dropped his gaze, pretending his shoes were more interesting.

"We'll be back soon," Feyre turned to face them, having collected herself, and they disappeared.

Nova looked at the spot where they'd been a moment before, and her lip began to tremble again.

"Come on," Kyra smiled and pulled Nova toward their table, "Peter just went inside to get some bread. It'll be fresh from the oven."

As if on cue, Peter returned carrying a steaming batch of sweet buns. Nova looked at them and breathed in, the scent of honey and cinnamon hugging her senses. When the plate was offered to her, she tentatively took one and sank her teeth in. She sighed when the melted honey butter touched her tongue.

"Have you ever been to the theater?" Cyrus asked as Finch joined the table, snagging a sweet bun from the plate and pulling it apart with his fingers to eat a bite at a time.

"Theater?" Nova asked.

Sara smiled, "It's wonderful. It's where you can see people act out beautiful and tragic stories," she sighed as if caught in a daydream, "and people sing and dance."

"Dance." Nova nodded, picking up on the word.

Finch smirked, "Yeah, we saw you...dancing." He quickly averted his eyes from the severity of Kyra's stare.

When the buns were gone, Kyra stood. "Best to keep busy until they get back. Let's go."

The theater district wasn't busy, either, but a show had already started playing. A few patrons were watching from the chilled seating as they crept through to find a seat in the front.

Cyrus rolled out a blanket on the stone before they sat, letting Nova and Sara have the majority.

"Always the gentleman," Finch smirked as he sat down.

Cyrus responded with a smirk, "At least one of us is."

Rolling his eyes, he turned his attention to the play. Nova stared at his profile for a long moment before looking over at Cyrus and down at the blanket she sat on. There wasn't enough for them all to sit with warmth. She furrowed her brow when she caught Cyrus's eyes.

"It's alright, Nova. I don't mind."

Still, she slipped out of her jacket and poked his thigh, urging him to stand up.

"Nova," Cyrus started, "really, it's okay..." He met her scowl with a deafted sigh and stood up, allowing her to place her jacket on his seat. "Thank you." However, her attention had turned to ensuring the others had something warm to sit on. Finch watched her from the corner of his eye.

A small smile carved his lips.

"I hate it here," Cassian sighed as they walked the path to the manor, a sneeze already tickling the back of his throat.

Feyre said nothing as she grasped Rhys' hand tighter while walking over the threshold. Judging by the voices from the dining hall, it seemed they were the last to arrive. The altercation with Nova not wanting to walk away from them freely had put them behind on time. Still, they sauntered in as if unbothered.

Today would be a day of pulling off their best acting skills.

The room quieted as they entered, and Tamlin looked up with a knowing, crooked smile. "Fashionably late are we, Rhysand? Feyre?"

"Our apologies," Rhysand offered a feline-like twist of a smile. "We were a bit..." He let his gaze slide to Feyre, "Preoccupied."

They took their seats as Tamlin's jaw audibly clicked, forced a tight smile, and allowed the servants to serve the meals. As everyone awkwardly picked up their forks, Feyre observed the table.

Every High Lord of each court attended, but only one had a guest from their Court. A young boy, likely near Nova's age, sat beside Kallias. He looked to be a direct descendant from his near-identical snowy hair and icy eyes; even his demeanor was similar with his calm presentation.

Kallias must have had a son while we were captured, Rhys' voice slid across her mind.

Why bring him?

I don't know.

"Hello, Lucien," Beron smiled, hiding the sneer that resided in the fire of his eyes.

Lucien nodded, "Father." He addressed him politely and turned his attention back to Elain, relying on her presence to keep him calm.

Helion finally spoke a few slow bites later, "Why are we here?" He asked, glancing over at the members of the Night Court, smirking at Azriel. "Not that I mind the company," he winked – Azriel's expression remained placid – and looked at Tamlin, "Did we not decide the last time that Hybern was of little importance anymore?"

"We did." Tamlin nodded.

Helion waved an exasperated hand, "And?"

Tamlin's eyes flashed to Rhysand and Feyre, "Perhaps that is a question best suited for the Night Court."

The show lasted long enough to keep Nova's interest, but as soon as the actors bowed, she stood to her feet with a grin. She turned to her friends and said, "Home."

Kyra grimaced and looked around. Their High Lord and Lady had not yet returned. "Uh," she looked at Nova and smiled, "We haven't found something special yet."

Nova frowned a little and looked in the direction of the townhouse.

"Yeah!" Peter chimed in, catching on. "We could take a walk. You like being in the woods, right?" He didn't wait for her to answer before offering him her hand. She tucked her hands against her sides and scowled at him. "Okay," he nodded, "You don't have to hold my hand, but we can still walk."

Nova seemed to contemplate before slowly nodding. "Walk," she conceded as Cyrus offered her jacket back. She put it on and snuggled against it—it swallowed her, as it belonged to Rhys. His scent calmed her enough to walk with them out of the theater district and toward the forest.

The trees' cover removed some of the wind's blasting chills. Sara shivered as they walked, Nova taking the lead ahead of them.

"I think she likes it out here." Cyrus mused, watching her spin in circles as she gazed into the trees.

"Well, she was raised by them," Sara said through chattering teeth.

Finch smirked, "Maybe she talks to them."

Kyra smacked him upside the head.


"Then stop being an asshole. We get it. The scary Illyrian Warriors ruined your game, but look at her," Kyra gestured to Nova, who was trying to lick something off a tree, "Does she look like someone you should be trying to swoon? Another comment, and I'll go straight to Rhysand, and we'll see how fast you can shit yourself."


"Yeah, you keep saying that."

"Uhm..." Cyrus looked up with wide eyes.

Kyra and Finch spoke at the same time with equal irritation, "What?" They followed his gaze, watching Nova, who sat perched at the top of one of the trees.

"Nova," Kyra called, "That's not safe, come down."

Nova looked down at them and grinned, then, with a laugh, she jumped to the next tree, soaring through the air like an acrobat.

"Wait!" Peter called, running along the trail after her.

As Nova cleared each tree, they followed along as fast as they could, but the deeper they delved into the forest, the more difficult it was to keep track of her. Coming to a stop, they fervently searched the trees.

"No, no, no..." Kyra ran her fingers through her coiled hair. "This can't be happening."

Cyrus moved closer to the trees to look straight up from underneath. "We'll find her."

This chapt𝙚r is updated by freeωebnovēl.c૦m.

"We're good as dead." Peter pressed a frantic hand to his forehead.

Suddenly, Nova's head appeared from one of the trees. She swung upside down from a concealed limb and grinned.

Kyra let out a sigh of relief. "Nova, you can't run off like that. You scared us."

"Scared?" Nova asked.

"Yes, scared. Come down here."

Nova dropped from the tree and tucked something into her pocket, but a low snarl came down the path as her feet hit the frozen ground. Looking up, her eyes were met with two orbs that shined like lanterns in the glinting sunset.

Everyone froze as they faced the large wolf that stared them down.

Rhysand chuckled low in his throat as he lifted his glass and swirled the bit of wine inside, "What a presumptuous thing to suggest."

"I'm not suggesting." Came Tamlin's cool voice.

The table was quiet as the look of calm reserve on Rhysand's face slipped into one of dark hatred.

Thesan spoke in a calm voice that was almost a caress against the coil of Feyre's nerves. "In what way does this?" he glanced between Rhys's and Tamlin's rigid expression. "Effect the remaining courts."

"I'd love to know." Came Rhys' chilling purr.

"There is a prophecy," Beron began, and all eyes shifted to him, "That this day would come."

Cassian grinned through gritted teeth. "Partners in crime again, are we?"

"What day?" Feyre asked before anyone could pay too much attention to Cassian's words.

"The day the Courts fall," Tamlin answered, meeting her wary gaze.

After more silence, Helion retorted, "Well, that's a bit dramatic."

Snapping his fingers, Beron's servant came to his side and offered the scroll. "Written in a since-dead language," he held it up. The Courts will fall if not for the connection of The Star and The Snowflake." He rolled his eyes. "A rough translation, but a translation all the same."

Kallias stiffened at the same time the Night Court did. The boy at his side seemed to start opening his mouth to say something to his father, but he quietly hushed him from speaking.

From revealing, Feyre realized. Kallias had no idea that Tamlin and Beron's schemes had involved his son, too.

His son...a deep, penetrating fear set ice through Feyre's veins. She snatched Rhys' hand under the table, willing herself not to throw up.

"If you'll notice," Tamlin gestured to the empty chair beside Rhys, "We were expecting one more."

Nova's chair.

Tamlin leaned forward at the table, "Did you think word wouldn't spread? That we wouldn't hear from over the wall that a group of surprising strangers was searching for a girl? Said to be lost in a fire, no less. Only," he paused, "She wasn't lost was she?"

"Stop," Feyre said before she could refrain, her breath fluttering like a dead leaf.

Tamlin continued, "When was your daughter born?" He asked. "August 18th?" He glanced at Kallias, who held a cold, stone-faced expression. "Same as your boy, Hollis. Yes?" He turned back to them. "Hybern takes you for fifteen long years, and the moment you leave, you don't rebuild the Court you lost in the battle? No, you travel to the most trivial town a mortal could live in. Quiet. Inconspicuous. A perfect place to hide something of importance."

Nesta's death glare was enough to make Tamlin sit back a little.

"I bring this to the table, not be your villain, but allow the Court to understand what is at stake should the prophecy not be fulfilled."

"And what exactly is at stake?" Rhysand asked, his voice cold as death.

"You don't deny it?"

Shadows crept along the ridge of his shoulders as he said, "I will not repeat myself."

The entire table held a collective breath.

"Famine," Tamlin answered, "Illness. Death to all."

Feyre ground her teeth and quipped, "Because of a scroll you happened to find?"

"What I say is true. Whether or not you believe me is up to you. If it isn't true, life goes on as it always was, but if it is," he lowered his voice, "The Fae fall from existence." Searching the faces of the table, "Is that something you're all willing to risk?"

Slowly, Nova crept to the center of the path. She stared ahead with vigilant eyes, watching how its maw snapped at the air. Behind her, Sara let out a squeak, but Nova didn't falter in her movements.

With careful steps, she began backing up, forcing the rest of the group to back up, too. Together, they walked backward up the path they'd just come from.

"What do we do?" Peter asked in a hushed whisper, watching Nova, struck by her intensity.

Kyra shook her head and furrowed her brows. "Finch and I can't carry everyone at once to fly away," she whispered. "Be ready to run."

They continued further back, about a hundred feet until Nova stopped. The wolf continued moving forward, but she slowly pivoted her stance and began backing up again. Following her lead, Cyprus frowned as his back pressed against the flat side of a massive boulder.

"Why are we stopping?" Finch whispered frantically, his hazel eyes wide.

Nova held a hand up to him but didn't look at him as she focused. She stared at the wolf as it roamed closer...closer until it stood a foot before them.

It sniffed the air.

Leaning dangerously close to Nova's face- who kept as still as a statue. Unmoving-unwavering. The wolf sneezed out a snort and turned its head, continuing to walk down the path it was on. They all let out their breath as it disappeared over the hill ahead.

"How did you do that?" Kyra asked.

Nova looked up at her, tilted her head, and smiled before she said, "Hide."

Frowning, Sara shook her head. "I don't get it."

"She hid us from the wolf," Cyprus said, blinking in surprise before he grinned, "That's amazing...you are amazing, Nova." He gazed down at her in wonder.

Nova grinned, "Beautiful!"

They stared at her in confusion before Finch burst out laughing, holding his stomach. He shook his head, grinning in delight. "Let's go get something to eat. I'm starved."

"Race?" Nova asked.

Finch smirked and nodded, "Race."

Nova and Hollis.

Born the same day of the same year in the same month- tied to an ancient prophecy that destined them to unite and save the Courts from The Fall. With the tension in the air, it was a mercy when Thesan said they would leave and rejoin later after deliberation within the Courts over the matter.

Leaving the manor should have felt like a breath of fresh air, but Feyre could only feel the turmoil of what lay ahead of them. Nova, their innocent...naive daughter with the language and understanding of a toddler, was about to be thrust into this.

Walking swiftly after them, Kallias stopped short in front of Rhys and Feyre. Az and Cas started forward, but Rhys held a hand up, stopping them in their tracks. They didn't take their eyes off Kallias as Hollis stood just to the side, looking up at all of them with wide, worried eyes.

"Don't mistake my silence for submission," Kallias spoke in a hushed voice to them, "I don't want my son involved in this any more than you want your daughter. I'll be in touch," he glanced over Feyre's shoulder to watch the door for listening ears, "We can discuss further privately. Come to the Winter Court. Tonight." As quickly as the discussion began, it was over, and Kallias turned and placed a protective hand over Hollis' shoulder before guiding him away to their transport.

Feyre released a shaky breath and slowly looked up at Rhys. He met her gaze, his mouth set into a grim line. She grieved silently against his mind.

Our star...

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