A Girl and Her Best Friends Time Travel to Ancient Times-Chapter 21: Shoulder Injury, Ring.

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Chapter 21

Fang Qing was no match for the man in black. In just a moment, Fang Qing was stabbed by the man in black.

He staggered a few steps and fell to the ground. At this time, the man in black flung out a willow leaf dart. Fang Qing rolled over to dodge it, but was not fast enough, and the willow leaf dart pierced Fang Qing's left calf.

Just as Fang Qing was about to get up, the man in black's sword was placed against his neck.

"Young lady, if you make another move, your friend here will lose his life!"

Seeing this, Su Mo had no choice but to withdraw the whip that had entangled the man in black's sword.

"Miss Su, don't mind me, run first!" Fang Qing said immediately.

"Come with us obediently, and we can spare his life." said the man in black.

Su Mo paused for a moment, then put away her whip. "I'll go with you!"

"Tie her up!" The man in black signaled to the other man in black with his eyes.

The other man in black came forward, took out some ropes, and tied Su Mo's wrists behind her back.

Then, the two grabbed Su Mo's arms, leapt onto the roof, and disappeared into the darkness.

Su Mo stared in shock.

Damn, they really have some serious martial arts skills!

"Miss Su!" Fang Qing wanted to chase after them, but with his injured leg, he couldn't move at all.

Fang Qing was getting anxious. Soon, he saw Yi bring a group of guards over to the alley.

Seeing Fang Qing, Yi immediately ran over to help him up.

"Brother Fang, are you okay? Where is Miss Su?" Yi asked anxiously.

"She was taken away by those two men in black!"

Wang Fu came forward and examined Fang Qing's leg injury. "There is poison on this dart. We have to detoxify it quickly, or else your leg will be crippled!"

Yi grabbed Wang Fu. "Father, please go save Miss Su! I'll carry Brother Fang back!"

This was the first time Yi resented the fact that he hadn't properly learned martial arts from his father. Right now he was completely useless!

Wang Fu said solemnly, "I will send people to search for her!"

"You don't need to go," came a voice from behind.

Yi looked back and saw Wu Ying standing at the mouth of the alley.

"I will find her," said Wu Ying. Then he leapt onto the roof.


Fang Qing had just been brought back to the Bai family when the other three came over immediately.

"Where is Mo Mo? Why didn't she come back?" Sang Li was visibly anxious.

Fang Qing felt very guilty. "Miss Sang, I'm sorry... Miss Su was taken away by two men in black..."

Xiao Han looked at Fang Qing's injured leg and immediately went to examine it. The area around his wound had turned purple.

"You're poisoned. It needs to be detoxified immediately."

"I'm fine," said Fang Qing, feeling guilty that Su Mo had been taken away to save him.

Xiao Han immediately grabbed his leg, pulled out the willow leaf dart, and wrapped the wound area tightly with cloth to prevent blood flow.

Seeing her treat the wound, the others didn't dare say anything more.

"Miaomiao, get me some paper and pen."

Hearing this, Xia Miaomiao immediately ran to get paper and pen and brought them to Xiao Han, who wrote down a few medicines and handed them to Yi.

"Hurry and tell the doctor to prepare these medicines, then crush them and soak them in white liquor and bring them here!"

"Oh, okay." Yi took the prescription and was just about to leave when he saw Wang Fu come in with the doctor.

"Dad, Miss Xiao asked the doctor to hurry up and prepare these medicines! Then crush them and soak them in white liquor and bring them here!" Yi quickly handed the paper to the doctor.

The doctor took the paper and looked at it. "Miss, are you sure? One of these medicines is poisonous."

"I told you to go so hurry up and go! I don't have time to explain to you, any later and his leg will be crippled!" Xiao Han yelled immediately.

The doctor was startled, somewhat dissatisfied, but still said, "I'll go prepare them right away."

Fang Qing's face was a little pale. Seeing Xiao Han's serious and solemn expression, something inside him seemed to be stirred. He immediately averted his gaze and no longer looked at her.

Just then, Bai Yunhan hurried in through the door and looked towards the injured Fang Qing. "What happened?"

Seeing Bai Yunhan, Sang Li immediately went up and anxiously grabbed his arm. "Young Master Bai, Mo Mo was taken away. Please send people to find her!"

"Young Master, Miss Su was taken away by two men in black!" Yi was also extremely anxious. "Young Master Wu has already gone to search, but with just him alone, who knows if he can find her."

Bai Yunhan looked at Sang Li's fair fingers and his eyes flickered uneasily. He awkwardly pulled his arm back. "Miss Sang, don't worry. I will send people to search."

Xia Miaomiao was helping Xiao Han treat Fang Qing's injury. Both were feeling nervous and anxious.

The doctor soon brought the medicines Xiao Han had asked for.

After a lot of effort, Xiao Han finally breathed a sigh of relief, her forehead beaded with sweat.

Fang Qing had already passed out.

"Miss Xiao, is Brother Fang okay?" Yi asked anxiously.

"He should be fine now. We'll take another look at it tomorrow." Xiao Han wiped the sweat from her brow.

Yi breathed a sigh of relief. "Good."

The three returned to the guest room, all feeling gloomy and worried about Su Mo's safety.

"Sister Li, Mo Mo is very capable, she will definitely be alright," Xiao Han consoled.

Sang Li leaned her head on her hand and blamed herself. "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have let her keep an eye on the Second Aunt."

"I don't think it was the Second Aunt's people who took Mo Mo," said Xia Miaomiao. "Since even Fang Qing was no match for them, the other party is clearly no ordinary people."

Sang Li closed her eyes for a moment, forcing herself to calm down. She thought about what had happened recently and suddenly opened her eyes.

"Could it be them?"


"When Mo Mo and I first crossed over, we encountered a group of men in black whose target was Wu Ying. Could they have captured Mo Mo to lure out Wu Ying?"

"Yi said Wu Ying has already gone to find Mo Mo. Wu Ying is clearly very skilled, so Mo Mo should be fine," said Xiao Han.

"Hopefully. Now we can only wait for news..." said Sang Li.

Unable to sleep, the few sat together analyzing the Old Master Bai's case.

Xiao Han took the ledger book from the table that Yi had brought back for them.

"I took a look - the things Xia He bought previously were all some virility medicines. They were probably purchased by the Second Aunt for the Old Master Bai to use."

"Is there anything wrong with those medicines?" asked Xia Miaomiao.

"The medicines themselves are fine, but that doesn't mean the Old Master Bai only took those medicines. We need to find the medicine dregs and examine them," said Xiao Han.

Sang Li thought for a moment. "If there's something wrong with the medicines and the Second Aunt didn't know, then there must be a problem with the pharmacy owner!"

Sang Li seemed to think of something and immediately stood up. "I need to find Bai Yunhan!"

"What's the matter?" asked Xiao Han.

Xia Miaomiao seemed to realize as well. "Is the pharmacy owner in danger?"

The few looked at each other and immediately left the room.


Outside the mourning hall.

All the Bai family members had been called over.

After hearing Sang Li's words, Wang Fu immediately sent people into the streets to look for the pharmacy owner.

The Second Aunt knelt on the ground, crying nonstop.

Xia He knelt next to her, also not daring to make a sound.

"Second Aunt, how long have you been giving the Old Master this medicine?" Lady Bai asked solemnly.

"I...over a year now... My lady, I didn't poison him. These are all normal medicines. The owner told me that the Old Master's occasional dizziness and diarrhea were normal reactions and would not affect his health!"

"The medicines, do you still have them?" asked Xiao Han.

"There's still one set left..."

"Bring it here for me to take a look!"

Bai Yunhan immediately ordered someone to have Xia He take them to retrieve the medicines.

"My lady, I really didn't poison him. With the Old Master dead, my and He'er's reliance is gone. How could I have poisoned him?" cried the Second Aunt.

Sang Li looked around and suddenly stepped forward to ask, "My lady, where is the Third Aunt? How come I don't see her here?"

"She kept vigil at the Old Master's side for two days and fainted from exhaustion. The maidservants have taken her back to her quarters," said the Lady Bai.

Sang Li looked thoughtful, and the first time she had seen the Third Aunt suddenly came to mind - gentle and soft-spoken, seemingly inconspicuous.

The Third Aunt had married in two years prior and was also quite young. Sang Li suddenly recalled that the Third Aunt had a similar build to her.

Sang Li looked up sharply. "Take me to see the Third Aunt!"

They immediately went to the Third Aunt's courtyard.

After the door was knocked on for a while, the maid dozing on the table finally lazily awoke. She glanced at the Third Aunt on the bed and went to open the door.

She rubbed her dizzy head. "Young ladies, what brings you here? The Third Aunt is unwell and hasn't woken up yet."

"My friend here knows medicine, he can help Third Aunt take a look!" Sang Li ignored the maid and went straight into the room.

"You..." The maid was a little confused, but seeing Lady Bai coming over too, she didn't dare say anything more.

Sang Li walked to the bedside and saw Third Aunt lying in bed, looking a little haggard.

Sang Li frowned, could she have been wrong?

"Little Han, take a look at her for me." Sang Li said.

Xiao Han went over, took Third Aunt's hand and checked her pulse.

As Third Aunt's hand was taken out, Sang Li's gaze immediately fell on the ring on her index finger.

A profiteer's ring?

No, it should be a shoulder injury ring.

Thinking this, Sang Li immediately pulled open Third Aunt's clothes over her shoulder.

"Mm..." Third Aunt was awakened and subconsciously covered her chest with her hands.

"Miss, what is the meaning of this?" Third Aunt looked at Lady Bai, "Madam, what are you... what are you doing?"

Sang Li looked at the injury on Third Aunt's shoulder, and curved her lips, "Third Aunt, how did you injure your shoulder?"

"This... I accidentally got hit a couple days ago when preparing the funeral hall, wasn't the madam there at the time?" Third Aunt looked at Lady Bai.

Lady Bai nodded at Sang Li, "Miss Sang, what exactly have you discovered?"

"Ah!" Xia Miaomiao suddenly remembered, "Old Master Bai mentioned a shoulder injury! A shoulder injury! And a ring too?"

Xia Miaomiao looked over, and Third Aunt subconsciously fiddled with the ring on her hand.

"Take off her ring and take a look!"

Third Aunt's ring was removed.

A few people picked it up and looked at it, but didn't notice anything unusual.

Lady Bai also took it and looked at it, "This is just an ordinary ring, there is nothing strange about it."

"Madam..." Third Aunt started crying, "I don't know what you all mean, but this ring is the only keepsake left to me by my late mother, I've always worn it on my hand, haven't you all seen it before?"

Lady Bai returned the ring to Third Aunt, and looked to Sang Li, "Miss Sang, could there have been some misunderstanding?"

At this time, the guard Wang Fu had sent out rushed back in a hurry, and Bai Yunhan outside the door immediately asked: "What happened?"

"Young Master, the owner of that drug store was killed!"