A Girl Who Wants to Be a Beneficial Person to Society-Chapter 45: The Mermaid Teacher

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Chapter 45

Liang Jiajia thought everyone swam like her - just paddling lazily round after round, advancing a lap then turning back a lap, and soon panting heavily out of breath.

At least that's how her classmates swam. Her mom wasn't much better either.

But watching Teacher Xiao Qi swim, she realized it was totally different, completely different, though she couldn't quite find the words to describe it.

The moment Teacher entered the water, things changed.

It seemed even better than the coach's swimming just now. Hmm, it was an indescribable feeling - very light and agile...

Liang Jiajia stuffed a steamed bun into her mouth in one go, as it was inconvenient holding it in her hand. Then, phone in hand, she went to the poolside and started filming. But the swimming pool was so big, and her phone wasn't professional equipment. By the time Teacher Xiao Qi had swum far out, the image was too blurry to see clearly.

It's at times of need that one regrets having too little. The phone she was using was an Apple X, which had cost her nearly 10,000 RMB when she bought it. But now the photography effects seemed just average. She wished she had a video camera.

She dragged a deckchair step by step to the poolside. It was better than standing there holding up her shaking phone. She could rest her phone on her lap and use her legs as a tripod.

Once Xiao Qi began practicing, she paid no more attention to Liang Jiajia. After all, they were in a sports center with lifeguards around. No need to worry about her safety. Xiao Qi concentrated wholeheartedly on practicing - lap after lap.

Coach Wu said she had to swim until she felt she was pushing her physical limits, because that's when one makes progress.

Wu Peirong felt her new student was very talented, but talent alone didn't mean one was formidable. One had to uncover and develop that talent.

Having grown up as a young athlete herself, her experience told her that with each training session pushing past one's limits, qualitative leaps in skills and performance would follow.

Though she too had hated the gruelling practices then, being cursed by her coach daily, sometimes even crying.

By comparison, her present 17-year-old student was much better - highly self-disciplined, never compromising on the practices Teacher assigned. Such dedication was truly precious.

Xiao Qi wasn't thinking so much. She knew the money from the System was impossible for her to explain for now. But if she won swimming competitions, she could rightfully collect prize money. Then her parents wouldn't have to worry all day long. Moreover, she knew she had a swimming buff now - it was like taking the same exam but having done similar questions before, giving her an advantage over others. With so many advantages, how could she not work hard?

She would feel she was letting herself down if she didn't give it her all.

So she swam with utmost concentration.

Besides, exercising did make her feel differently.

When she threw herself entirely into the water, as if she herself were a fish, the world seemed vast and full of infinite possibilities. She felt free and unrestrained.

And when physically spent after the swim, it gave her the same feeling of relief from pressure as after a long run - tired but fulfilled.

After she had swum nearly 10 laps, Coach Wu asked her to stop and rest, moving a deckchair over. But she didn't let Xiao Qi lie down, asking her to do some stretching first.

She also handed Xiao Qi a towel with the swimming team logo, and a bottle of glucose water - supplies from the team.

Their team logo consisted of three little flowers, hence they were called the Three Flowers Team. Quite unknown, but they did have a basic budget.

Seeing the teacher get out of the water, Liang Jiajia grew very excited. Her eyes opened wide eagerly as she fawned over Teacher with a drink. "Teacher, I didn't know you're so good at swimming too!"

Eyeing the Coke Liang Jiajia handed over, Xiao Qi felt quite tempted to drink it. A Coke after an intense swim must taste heavenly. But she first looked over at Coach Wu.

Coach Wu shook her head. "No carbonated drinks for you now. The sweetness is too high. My glucose water will replenish your energy. Drink that."

Liang Jiajia was undaunted, taking out all kinds of yogurt and snacks from her bag, which was fully stuffed with food.

But of course she was too occupied to actually eat any, only biting on a yogurt bottle as she continued filming with her phone.

Xiao Qi was quite used to her student playing on her phone and filming all the time during lessons. And she had a delightful personality too. Though rather silly at times, Liang Jiajia was smart and had an excellent memory overall, much smarter than Xiao Qi herself actually.

Xiao Qi didn't understand so many of the things Liang Jiajia fiddled with at home, like cameras. Xiao Qi hadn't even touched those before.

After drinking some water and resting for a bit, she prepared to do another round in the pool.

Seeing Liang Jiajia's feet still perfectly dry, she asked, "Would you like to swim a lap with me?" After all, it was Xiao Qi who'd brought her student here.

Liang Jiajia rolled her eyes around. Still in her white dress and slippers, she ran off with a clatter, calling out as she left, "Wait for me for a bit, teacher. Keep resting!"

Soon she returned from outside, now with a plastic phone case - seemed she was all set to play on her phone even in the water. Xiao Qi shook her head helplessly.

"Do you have a deep swim certificate?" Xiao Qi asked. "Or shall we swim in the shallow area?"

"I do, I do! I got my deep swim cert in elementary school," Liang Jiajia answered smugly. Back then her dad often brought her swimming. He swam very well. Remembering this, Liang Jiajia drifted off briefly. Those were better times with dad... His eyes looking at her then were the same as when he looked at her brother...

Liang Jiajia shook her head. With phone now safely encased, she jumped into the pool.

As soon as she hit the water, she shuddered from the cold.

Her white dress immediately billowed up like a flower.

After informing Coach Wu, Xiao Qi accompanied Liang Jiajia into the pool.

Coach Wu knew Xiao Qi was diligently training and didn't mind her taking a fun break. Rest was important too for peak performance. Pushing oneself too hard could be counterproductive. Everything in moderation.

She didn't really mind the girl causing some distraction either.

After swimming for a bit, Liang Jiajia slowly got her bearings back.

Seeing that she could in fact swim - though her form was a bit flawed - Xiao Qi relaxed, relieved that if her student couldn't swim at all, a rescue or whatnot could have been tricky for her too.

But Liang Jiajia hadn't come to actually swim. After convincing herself that she still remembered how to swim and wouldn't drown pathetically in front of the teacher, she began playing in earnest.

She'd specifically bought an 80-RMB waterproof phone case from the gym shop, the only young girl customer. She didn't know if it was value-for-money, buying it straight off without bargaining.

"Teacher, teacher! You keep swimming, don't mind me. I'm helping you film!" Liang Jiajia shouted.

One moment she was underwater, the next she popped up. Busier than a bee.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoqi had no choice but to swim a while for her filming. She then shooed the girl out, afraid she'd get hurt.

Satisfied with her shots, Liang Jiajia now sat cozily wrapped in a towel on a deckchair, editing her videos. Xiao Qi continued training in the pool.

The more Liang Jiajia watched, the more thrilled she became, sure that these TikTok videos would smash it online. Unfortunately her account couldn't post long videos in one go. She'd have to split and post separately.

She must polish and refine them further! First Teacher's warm-ups by the poolside. Then Teacher swimming. Next, her epic underwater shots! And finally, Teacher getting out, leaning against a chair drinking water, droplets rolling down her face, long eyelashes bejeweled...

After she finished piecing it all together, she searched tirelessly for fitting music. Nothing felt quite right. Until the quirky song "Riding My Beloved Moped"! Something about the “moped” lyrics drew her, though the images and lyrics seemed worlds apart.

Besides, Teacher looked so mesmerizing - sporting swimsuit and swim cap, showing a rounder face with the hair all tucked in. And that glowing smile, perfect pearly teeth...

So she finally posted her series, grandly titled: “My All-Round Invincible Home Tutor Teacher Su - Swimming Series".