A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 1039: Sprang To Life

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Chapter 1039: Sprang To Life

Archer was introduced to the other world leaders. It was clear they all wanted to keep their distance, which didn't bother him in the slightest, so they left the room or avoided getting in

his way.

His attention was drawn to a curvy woman with dark brown eyes and long, flowing hair. Her well-endowed figure stood out even in the tense atmosphere. Archer noticed she wore a business suit, which made her look elegant but professional.

While they looked at each other, Elizabeth whispered, "That's Maria Montello, the Italian Leader of Europe. She is a direct and assertive woman, known for her unyielding approach."

"Sounds like the European version of you, Liza," he replied with a grin before standing up and approaching the woman who still watched him.

Archer watched as Maria stood up and spoke in an Italian accent that nearly charmed him, "'So you're the famous Mr Wyldheart. I'm sure Elizabeth told you who I was, would you like to go for a coffee? There are some things I'd like to talk to you about."

"We can talk here," he replied.

She nodded before speaking, "My forces have located several monster caverns below Europe, and if the rumors are true, you can help."

Archer smiled as he answered, "Not for free; everything comes with a price."

"Two million dollars per incursion will be paid directly to your account," the older woman revealed.

"Deal," he said while handing over his phone and continuing. "Take my number and contact me whenever there's an attack."

Maria did as he said and thanked him before leaving the meeting room. Once she was gone, Elizabeth said with a warm smile, "Another source of income, darling; thank you for coming to help."

Archer turned to her while replying, "Yeah, but I don't need it as I can feel my mana slowly increasing."

The older woman frowned, but he reassured her, "I will come back regularly, and when your term is up, you can come to help me with my kingdom if it's something you want."

Elizabeth nodded, "That would be good; this world is getting chaotic and only getting worse."

They continued chatting about life until her assistant appeared and revealed that she had another meeting, but Archer wasn't welcome, which made him laugh. Elizabeth turned to him with an apologetic look.

"I'm Sorry, Arch. They are paranoid and worried, but they will warm up to you," she said before saying her goodbyes.

Once the older woman was gone, Archer opened a Gate and returned to Michelle's house. It was midday, and the traffic outside was busy. He summoned his wings before shooting into the air and heading toward the closest national park.

'Let's see if I can increase my mana pool,' he thought while crossing over the highway. 'I've been putting off since getting here.'

After ten minutes of flying, he spotted one before descending and landing in a clearing deep inside the giant forest. Once inside, Archer noticed the place was poisoned by chemicals, causing him to send a stream of mana into the ground.

'People don't appreciate the world, it's a shame, really but at least it can help me.'

He felt it spread out for miles as it slowly started healing the land by destroying the harmful stuff. Archer felt the mana slowly dropping, but thanks to Regeneration, it began returning to him like a never-ending cycle.

As Archer worked on restoring the entire national park, the animals sensed the change and hurried to establish their homes. He cleared the river of all pollution while watching as life began to return to the area.

Thanks to his senses, he could feel the chaos of the Forest Rangers panicking across the park, which amused him. Archer wasn't worried about being found because he was too deep within the park to be spotted, immersed in his task.

The calm sounds of nature gradually returned, filling the air with a profound sense of peace. Archer watched as the trees and bushes came to life, vibrant green leaves unfurling in the sunlight.

A few songbirds approached him, landing nearby and chirping softly. Their songs were a sweet acknowledgment of his efforts to restore their home. Archer smiled at the tiny creatures as his mana finally reached the edges of the forest.

Archer didn't realize the chaos unfolding at the park's entrance. All the dying plants suddenly sprang to life, shocking visitors and staff. Once he finished his restoration work, he began walking through the forest, the sounds of nature thriving around him.

As he moved deeper into the woods, he scanned the area for cryptids lurking nearby. It wasn't long before he discovered three tunnels running beneath the park, with only a few entry points spread across it.

Ten minutes later, Archer stumbled upon one of the tunnels and jumped inside. After falling for five minutes, he landed with a crash, dust swirling around him as he hit the ground. The darkness enveloped him, but it didn't faze him until he noticed the clothing scattered across the tunnel floor.

'So this is where people are vanishing to,' Archer thought, glancing around the dimly lit tunnel. 'I always knew there was something behind it.'

He began walking deeper into the tunnel, soon noticing large veins of gold glimmering in the darkness. Without hesitation, he stored them in his Item Box, but he heard heavy footsteps echoing toward him just as he did.

The ground shook with each thud until the source finally appeared. Archer's smile widened as Bigfoot stared with wide eyes before him. 'It looks exactly how people describe it,' he mused. After that thought, he stepped forward, but the Bigfoot remained motionless. As he got closer, he noticed the creature's expression twist into a snarl of anger. Suddenly, it charged at him, massive arms swinging wide, ready to defend its territory.

As Bigfoot's massive fist swung toward him, Archer chuckled softly, effortlessly catching the punch without any effort. He spoke calmly, not to spook the creature anymore. "Why the sudden anger? I'm not here to hurt you." novelbuddy.cσ๓

The creature hesitated, then backed off, its aggressive stance softening. Archer smiled, sensing a shift with his new friend. "I'm repairing the forest above. It was dying and needed help," he explained.

It grunted in response and motioned for him to follow. Archer's amused smile widened as he watched the creature turn its back to him, his curiosity piqued before he stepped behind the


'Let's see where this thing will take me,' he thought.

The tunnel was covered in moss, and clothing was spread all over. Some look like it was from decades ago, while others look recent. He shook his head and ignored it while they entered a

small pathway.

'Can't do much for them now, but I can sense its anger rising. It's going to attack me,' Archer thought while walking through the passage.

As the tunnel started to narrow, Archer noticed the space getting tighter, but it didn't faze him he could still fit through quickly enough. After about twenty minutes of winding through the cramped passage, they emerged into a dark cavern.

His eyes quickly adjusted, and he realized even more Bigfoots surrounded him. 'Well, this just got interesting,' he thought, grinning as he sized up the gathering.

Archer chuckled at the sight of the crowd of Bigfoots gathering around him, his amusement evident. "You foolish beasts," he said, his voice laced with menace. "You've just invited the

wolf into the chicken coop."

Without another word, Archer took a deep breath and unleashed a roaring stream of dragon fire, scorching the cavern. Flames danced across the room, reducing several creatures to ashes in mere moments, while the others recoiled in fear at the sudden display of power. Following that, he butchered the remaining Bigfoots but left one alive, allowing Archer to cast Soul Sunder. He quickly ate it and learned that these creatures were evil and nothing like

people think.

Once the Bigfoots were reduced to ash, Archer began searching the area. He soon found their nest, a grim sight littered with animal bones scattered across the ground. His eyes fell on rotten human limbs mixed among the remains as he scanned the scene.

Archer's jaw clenched in disgust as he growled, 'Monsters.'

He shook his head before returning to the surface and texting Elizabeth about the tunnels under the National Park. The older woman was shocked but told him she would send people to

deal with them.

'I'll use my creatures to kill the Bigfoots for the experience.'

But Archer rejected that and said he'd deal with them due to getting more veins of rare resources he could use. Afterward, he continued walking through the forest. He summoned hundreds of Shadow Creatures and ordered them to hunt down the Bigfoots.

Half an hour later, he reached the entrance and noticed dozens of people mingling around the car park. Archer walked past them and reached a road leading back to town, which caused him

to start walking down.

Archer enjoyed the walk, taking in the scenery as cars whizzed by. When he reached Rosemary

Beach, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the town. The streetlights flickered on, illuminating the cozy streets and bathing the surroundings in a soft, golden


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