A Journey That Changed The World.-Chapter 1041: I Feel Much Better

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Chapter 1041: I Feel Much Better

Archer looked up at her, amusement dancing in his eyes, "What are you up to, woman?" he teased, raising an eyebrow. "I know that look-you're up to something."

Nancy leaned in closer, her smirk widening. "Maybe I am. Guess you'll just have to wait and see."

After that, she started kissing his neck, sending goosebumps across his body and causing him to smile. Archer grabbed her waist, but soon she stopped, saying, "We can continue you this when we get to the hotel?"

He nodded and glanced at Ashoka, who was casually watching the fights, her head resting on her hand. The sight made him smile. Turning back to Nancy, they began to talk, and she shared how she got into fighting.

"I love the thrill of it," she said with a grin. "I've been training since I was fourteen. And thank you for healing me, darling; I've felt so much better since then."

Archer smiled as Nancy joined Ashoka, who immediately launched into stories of her past battles. He closed his eyes to rest while the plane soared above the ocean, and hours later, a ding woke him up.

The two women were looking out the window when a city suddenly appeared. The sun shone down and lit up the world. Archer shook his head, causing them to realize he was awake, as smiles appeared on their beautiful faces.

Ashoka stood up and stepped closer before sitting on his lap and kissing him. In a voice full of affection, she said, "You need to rest, Arch; I can feel the exhaustion radiating to you."

He nodded in agreement before replying, "Yeah, and both of you are joining me."

They laughed as the plane dipped. Nancy's trainer appeared and spoke to the Davis sister, "We will get a rest today as the fights are tomorrow evening."

Nancy smiled at the older woman before replying, "That's good, Sandra. We can check in as jet lag will hit me soon."

The brown-haired trainer laughed as she sat back down just after the airport appeared. Ashoka was amazed by everything but asked in a confused tone, "Why didn't we use Gate? Wouldn't that have been better?"

Archer looked at the tiger with a knowing smile as he answered, "I love experiencing the journey. It's not like I get to fly in a private jet every day when I can do it myself."

She studied him with her amber eyes before speaking, "It makes sense. If you were to fly everywhere, you would miss out on time with us."

"'Exactly," Archer said with a smile. "Plus, the mana above the sea is nice, helping me recover quicker."

Nancy's head tilted to the side as she questioned, "Are you using magic now?"

"Yes," he answered, raising his hand to see several colorful orbs.

When the navy-haired woman saw this, her green eyes sparkled with fascination, causing her to speak excitedly, "Can you do anything with them?"

Archer began summoning all the Davis sisters using the orbs. Her eyes lit up with excitement, but the moment was cut short as the plane descended toward the runway. When the aircraft touched down, it bumped but soon stopped in the airport's private part.

While the three admired the view of Miami, Sandra's voice broke through, "The cars are waiting for us at the entrance. Try to ignore the press-they're eager to interview you, Nancy."

He watched as Nancy nodded in agreement with her trainer. When the plane came to a stop, everyone stood up and made their way out, quickly escorted to a nearby car. Archer noticed a crowd of people snapping pictures as they passed by.

Irritated by the attention, Archer used Mana Manipulation to cloak them from prying eyes. The trainers shot him surprised looks but remained silent while Nancy giggled. "That's one way to block out the nosy people," she grinned.

The trio laughed with the trainers as they piled into the SUV, quickly taking off toward the nearest hotel. Archer watched the buildings blur past as they merged onto the highway, subtly channeling Mana Manipulation to expend some of his excess mana while they drove.

Archer felt tired due to the constant mana use, which caused Ashoka to comment, "Stop using magic. You're wearing yourself down. It doesn't matter if you're a Demi-God. Even they have limits, my love."'

He nodded as Nancy moved closer, tapping her thigh with a playful smile. "Come on, let me give you a lap pillow. You look exhausted."

Without wasting time, Archer rested his head on her soft yet firm thigh as she gently ran her fingers through his hair. Smiling down at him, she said, "When I first met you, it felt like I was standing in front of a predator. But you've shown me you're not."

Following that, the trio went quiet while admiring the chaotic city outside. As Ashoka ran her fingers up and down his thigh, Nancy still played with his hair, causing him to look at the tiger woman.

'What is she playing at?' he thought with a smile.

"I want you tonight, husband," Ashoka revealed, causing the navy-haired woman's head to snap in their direction.

Archer cast Mana Manipulation, blocking the driver's hearing. Nancy commented with a knowing smile, "You don't plan on leaving me out, do you?"

"Are you sure you can deal with the consequences of provoking a dragon?" Ashoka questioned as her amber eyes gleamed in amusement.

Nancy's cheeks went red before she gulped before answering, "Yes, Lexi told me that I would be yours forever, and there's no escaping, which I accept. Nowadays, it's hard to find someone loyal and loving who doesn't have ulterior motives, thanks to my family's money."

"I honestly don't care about the Davis Family fortune. I earn millions from helping Earth's governments, and I have a horde of wealth so large that it could cover the whole UK in a sea of gold and gems," Archer replied while looking into her green eyes.

The two women laughed before Nancy questioned, "Lexi said you spent a lot on your kingdom; how much have you spent so far?"

"Trillions of gold coins," he answered. "I needed to give Draconia a boost, and thanks to all the government programs I started, the population boomed, which allowed me to raise more legions and fleets for the incoming war."'

Her expression changed to one of concern as she spoke, "Do you have to go to the war?"

Archer was just about to answer, but Ashoka interrupted, "Yes. The whole world is against us and wants to destroy our home. They haven't invaded the island thanks to his Death Mist." "Why do they hate you so much?" the navy-haired woman asked with a sad smile.

He sat up and stretched as he answered, "Because I'm the White Dragon, and the Alliance hates that because they see me as the Demon King of Thrylos."

She nodded in understanding before revealing something, "Did Lexi tell you? Amelia and your brother Billy are having a kid but have moved to Germany for her husband's work."

"Only Ellie and Michelle want to see me," Archer responded while the car turned into their


The three of them got out and went to check in so he could rest. As they approached the counter, Nancy whispered, "Why are you calling your mom by her name?"

"She isn't my mother anymore; I was born to another in a world far from here. Michelle is mine and only mine," Archer replied, causing Ashoka to giggle.

While driving, the three heard the radio alert saying a category four hurricane would hit

Florida in the next few days. When Nancy heard this, she frowned before calling Sandra.

Archer could listen to everything but said nothing.

Once the call was done, she looked at him and spoke annoyedly, "The fight has been moved to tonight. Could you make me feel fresh, babe?"

Archer nodded before casting Aurora Healing on her, who groaned softly as the rejuvenating energy flowed through her, leaving her feeling revitalized. Once the spell faded, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Arch," she said with a smile. "I feel much better now."

After that, they got out of the car, and Sandra commented, approaching them, "Hang out in your room for a few hours. We are going to organize the arena, Nancy."

The navy-haired woman agreed with a nod before the group entered the hotel's foyer, where an attendant led them to their room. While walking, Archer looked around and noticed the place was decorated, and a few people were looking out the large windows.

Dark clouds loomed ominously over the city, prompting Archer to narrow his eyes as he spotted something shifting within them. Turning to Ashoka, he urgently spoke, "My tiger, protect Nancy with everything you've got. The Swarm is up to something again." Without hesitation, Ashoka began chanting, ancient-looking armor materializing around her as she drew a gleaming sword. Archer's eyes widened in surprise, but Ashoka's voice was resolute. "Go destroy them while I keep her safe."

He nodded, steeling himself for battle, and then used Blink to teleport outside, summoning his wings as he soared into the air. While flying, he heard a voice boom over the city, "White Demon! I know you're here; fight me, or I'll kill your precious tiger woman."

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