A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees-Chapter 393 - : The Oak Guard and the Inn in the Clouds

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Chapter 393: The Oak Guard and the Inn in the Clouds

Translator: Lonelytree

In the end.

Matthew still decided to hang a sign on the other partyโ€™s body.

[Iโ€™m a cannibal tree. Youโ€™ll be eaten if you get close!]

โ€œIn the future, I have to find out how much he eats and feed him blood regularly.โ€

Matthew thought.

After exchanging some pleasantries with the oak tree guards.

Matthew asked Lulu,

โ€œCan you turn me into a fairy at any time?โ€

Lulu said,

โ€œOnly in this oak forest, and the transformation will not last more than six hours.

โ€˜ My shapeshifting spell is actually just injecting a portion of my own power into you. If you want to unleash the true effects of the sceptre and crown, you have to become a real fairy.โ€

She clearly saw through Matthewโ€™s thoughts.

Matthew shook his head regretfully.

The attributes of the princess set were too good, but it was a pity that it could only be used in the fairy form.

Even Luluโ€™s transformation spell could not fully activate its power.

It seemed that he had to master the True Transformation Spell to become a fairy!

โ€œActually, even if I become a fairy, it wonโ€™t have much effect because I donโ€™t have many Nature-type spells.

On the other hand, the soul form is a little more interesting. I have the characteristic of โ€˜Soul Projection,โ€™ but itโ€™s too dangerous.โ€

Matthew carefully put away the princessโ€™s two-piece set that he had obtained for free.

Then, the two of them began to hold the โ€ Enemy of the Forest โ€ ritual.

The purpose of this ritual was to communicate with the will of nature and lock onto the enemy that was the greatest threat to this forest.

The ceremony itself was not complicated, but it would consume a lot of energy from the host.

Matthew was worried that Lulu wouldnโ€™t be able to hold on, but Lulu stubbornly said that she could.

At that moment, Lulu was the leader, and Matthew was the assistant.

They used leaves to form a circle on the ground.

Matthew stood in the centre of the circle.

Lulu began to communicate with the will of nature.

Under the moonlight.

The crown on her forehead shone brightly.

A clear and low moan sounded.

Matthew activated the Oak Domain to lighten Luluโ€™s burden.

Not long after.

A powerful magic power entered Matthewโ€™s eyes.

His vision seemed to be covered by countless clouds.

A voice sounded in his ear. โ€œAre you tracking the enemies in the forest?โ€

Matthew replied loudly,

โ€œYes, sir!โ€

120 kilometres to the southwest. Itโ€™s not on the ground but in the clouds.โ€

The voice said.

In an instant. ๐‘“๐“‡โ„ฏโ„ฏ๐“Œโ„ฏ๐‘๐‘›๐˜ฐ๐‘ฃโ„ฏ๐˜ญ.๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ

The fog in front of Matthew quickly dispersed.

He saw a lone vine hanging down from the sky. He didnโ€™t know where it led to at the bottom and where it came from at the top.

A platform could be vaguely seen on the vine.

There were some small houses on the platform.

A few figures were moving around at the door.

Matthew couldnโ€™t see clearly.

When he tried to wipe his eyes and see more clearly, all the scenes quickly faded away.

In his mind, there was an additional blurry coordinate.

There was no specific location in the coordinates. But no matter where Matthew was.

He could sense the direction of the location just now.

โ€œIn the northwest!โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s the direction of Jiliu City!โ€

[Hint: You have discovered the temporary camp of the Order of Withering, the Cloud Lodge!]

[Cloud Lodge: A hunting lodge built by the cloud elves. It is suspected to have been abandoned and has become a gathering place for the Witherers.]

Good heavens.

It was actually in the sky.

No wonder there was no reaction from Eliโ€™s nose.

Matthew guessed that the white cat wasnโ€™t a Witherer. She must have communicated with the Witherer through some kind of method.

This was not simple.

However, considering that the Order of Withering had the help of the God of Midnight behind them, he had to be careful.

It wasnโ€™t unusual for the Cult of Withering to have a True God as external aid.

Matthew stared in the northwest direction and did not act rashly.

This was a great opportunity to exterminate the Witherers.

He had to be fully prepared.

Then, he would go all out.

He had to annihilate this group of flies that were eyeing his oak forest!

The next morning.

Matthew went to the liegeโ€™s residence to discuss the elimination of the Church of Withering with Rheagar and Zeller.

However, as soon as he entered the door, he met Lorraine.

The latter looked exhausted.

As soon as he saw Matthew, he said listlessly,

โ€œMatthew, Iโ€™m here to say goodbye to you.โ€

Matthew said in surprise,

โ€œAre you leaving already? Not staying for a few more days? Wait, didnโ€™t you say yesterday that you were going to take Eli out to see the world?โ€

Lorraine sighed.

โ€œI was just about to tell you that it was because of what happened with Eli that I wanted to leave early.

โ€œI was going to leave anyway. Youโ€™ve already invited Edmond out of the northernmost floating city. What else can happen in Rolling Stone Town?

โ€œI plan to try my luck at the Highleaf Region. Perhaps I can catch one or two big pieces of news.โ€ Matthew asked curiously,

โ€œWhat happened to Eli?โ€

Lorraine said,

โ€˜ I brought him to Sweetheart Tavern yesterday. Although Eli was resistant, I managed to convince him.

โ€œAt the same time, in order to provoke the Cult of Witheringโ€™s spies, I also asked Eli to bring the white cat with him when he went to the brothel.โ€

Matthew frowned.

โ€œIsnโ€™t this a little too much?โ€

Lorraine looked at him sideways.

โ€œAs far as I know, you seem to do this kind of thing often.โ€ Matthew coughed lightly and changed the topic.

โ€œWhat happened after that? Is he not willing to go in at all?โ€

Lorraine said helplessly,

โ€ Thatโ€™s right, but I tried my best to persuade him. With my eloquence and charm, he was finally convinced by me and successfully walked into the room of the woman named Lily.โ€ Matthew asked again,

โ€œWho is Lily?โ€

Lorraine said,

โ€œYou donโ€™t have to care about who she is. You just need to know that sheโ€™s doing a good job. If you want to meet her, I can tell you her physical characteristics and her usual working hours.โ€

Matthew shook his head.

โ€œWhat happened after that?โ€ fr(e)ewebnov(e)l.com

Lorraine said,

โ€œI lured Eli into Lilyโ€™s room with the white cat.

โ€œAt first, there was no movement inside, but not long after, Lilyโ€™s laughter came.

โ€œI thought it was settled, so I left to have some fun.

โ€œWho knew that an hour later, when I returned to Lilyโ€™s room, I could still hear her laughing!

โ€œI realized that something was wrong and immediately pushed the door open. Guess what I saw.

โ€œI saw two kittens, one white and one black, jumping around on Lilyโ€™s bed.

โ€œThey were having a great time fighting.

โ€œLily was playing with the cat at the side. She looked extremely happy!

โ€œSo, my judgment of the Druids was correct. They are the wildest players.

โ€œThere was clearly a naked beauty beside him, but he had to play with the little female cat all night. If this wasnโ€™t a special hobby, what was it?

โ€œBut she canโ€™t be in heat with a kitten. She canโ€™t do it!โ€

At this point.

Lorraine sighed.

โ€œI admit that I was bragging, Matthew.

โ€œIโ€™ve never seen a guy like Eli.

โ€œI thought he was just young and passionate. I didnโ€™t expect him to really be crazy.

โ€œI canโ€™t change his mind without hurting him.

โ€œHe seemed to have no interest in any other members of the opposite sex except for the little white cat.

โ€œIโ€™m afraid youโ€™ll have to tell him the truth soon, or heโ€™ll sink deeper and deeper.

โ€œIn the end, the one who will be hurt is himself.โ€

At this moment, Rheagar, who was wearing pyjamas, walked over.

He was very interested in the topic they were talking about, so he came over and asked,

โ€œWho are you guys talking about?

โ€œA teenager who is troubled by love?

โ€ Tell me quickly. No one knows how to solve the problem of boys like this better than me.โ€

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