A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees-Chapter 594 - : Above All Lives

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Chapter 594: Above All Lives

Translator: Lonelytree

โ€œBut Edmond is also thinking for the sake of the Alliance. If I were to choose a mage other than the Seven Saints to be the leader of the Alliance, I would choose Edmond without hesitation. He may not be a good person, but he will be a very good leader. โ€œDo you know what a good leaderโ€™s basic qualities are?โ€

Matthew blinked.

It meant that he didnโ€™t know anything. Soria smiled gently and continued,

โ€ That is to understand the art of compromise.

โ€œImprisoning Isabelle was a compromise between the Alliance and the gods. In that era, the foundation of the Alliance wasnโ€™t stable yet; natural disasters occurred frequently in the prime material plane, and the outer planes were even more unstable.

โ€œAs one of the leaders, Isabelle never understood what compromise was.

โ€œShe thought she was Yin.

โ€œHowever, she did not have Yinโ€™s strength.

โ€œTherefore, she became the target of compromise.

โ€œSheโ€™s a very extreme person, so she canโ€™t understand what weโ€™re doing.

โ€œShe swallowed the Chaos Mystery Lock and transformed herself into a Divine Lich.

โ€œBut you must not imitate her.

โ€œBecause she has the ability to transform back at any time, but you donโ€™t. โ€œThe two Lich Apprentices who followed her back then have long since been

reduced to ashes.โ€

Soria said this with a smile in his eyes and a gentle tone.

But Matthew heard a strong warning.

What she meant was-

If he cooperated with Isabelle, he would be reduced to ashes!

Matthew could only lower his head deeply, then lift it up forcefully and look at Soria.

I will make a decision that follows my heart.โ€

Soria smiled.

โ€œI hope your heart is guiding you in the right direction.

โ€œBut then again, Isabelleโ€™s idea is somewhat correct.

โ€œAfter getting used to compromising.

โ€œSome people might not be able to be tough anymore.

โ€œIf he could always sacrifice a small number of peopleโ€™s interests in exchange for more of his own interests.

โ€œThen who would be willing to fight to the death?

โ€œTo put it bluntly.

โ€œThose whose interests were sacrificed would never have the chance to make a sound on a higher stage, f๐ซe๐šŽwe๐š‹n๐จ๐˜ƒel.๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐ฆ

โ€œAnd their predicament.

โ€œWhat does it have to do with us, existences above all living beings?

โ€œWe are holy mages, legendary mages, and we hold power that they cannot look directly at.

โ€œWe can even comfort ourselves that we didnโ€™t compromise but only made a better exchange.โ€

When she said these words.

A strong sense of self-mockery appeared on her face.

Matthew was a little confused.

He realized that he did not understand Soriaโ€™s position at all.

If Isabelle was a firm radical, then he had once thought that Soria was a conservative like Edmond.

But now, it seemed likeโ€ฆ

She seemed to agree with some of Isabelleโ€™s ideas.

Matthew could only sigh and say,

โ€ These things are still too far away for me. Iโ€™m not much different from the common people you mentioned. Forgive me for not being able to feel the vision and structure of the common people. After all, Iโ€™m just a small mage with low magic power.โ€

Soriaโ€™s eyes flickered when he heard that.

โ€˜ Not to the extent of a little mage. Although I canโ€™t see much of your background, a person who can catch Ronan and Isabelleโ€™s eye is definitely not an ordinary person.

โ€œDo you think that the spells that I solidified for you are something that ordinary people can enjoy?

Itโ€™s just that Isabelle placed a bet on you, so I naturally had to follow up. In order not to arouse her disgust, I delibera tely took your money.โ€

Matthew was stunned.

These words implied that there was a strong tacit understanding between Soria and Isabelle.

They called each other best friends.

But that was fake.

However, on a deeper level, they seemed to still maintain a tacit understanding.

But was there a need to make it so complicated?

Just as Matthew was confused.

Soria said even more clearly,

โ€œActually, she asked you to come and look for me today because she wanted to send me a friendly signal.

โ€œShe wanted to ally with me against the nameless mageโ€Do you know the nameless mage?

โ€œHim, Isabelle, Link, and I are the four known Holy Mages of the Alliance.

โ€œStrictly speaking.

โ€œI replaced Isabelle, who betrayed the Alliance and became a Heavenly Mage.

โ€œShe isnโ€™t actually a member of the Alliance now.

โ€œHowever, her prestige in the Alliance was too high, so her enemies could not completely eliminate her.

โ€œAnd the most powerful enemy was the supporter behind Edmond, the nameless one who was also a holy mage.

โ€œThe nameless had no name.

โ€œHe was Yinโ€™s descendant, but his ideology was completely different from Isabelleโ€™s.

โ€œThe nameless Wizard was very low-key, and his strength was unfathomable. In the Alliance, you would hardly hear any legends about him.

โ€œHe was truly a nameless person.

โ€œHe is also Isabelleโ€™s greatest enemy.

โ€œYou donโ€™t have to know too much about him. Just like you said, youโ€™re still very weak. If you enter the higher-upsโ€™ game early, youโ€™ll be at risk of being crushed at any time.โ€

Of course, thereโ€™s no need for you to be frightened by what youโ€™ve seen today. You donโ€™t even want to eat or drink. The game between Holy Mages is dangerous, but weโ€™re also much more tolerant than you think.

โ€œTo put it more bluntly, Isabelleโ€™s goal will be achieved if you come to me.

โ€œShe asked you to help her kill Edmond. The symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning. She only wants your loyalty.

โ€œThe key to this matter is to let you come to me in the name of seeking advice..โ€