A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!-Chapter 53

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53 Fireworks

Susan’s brows furrowed and her nose crinkled as she paced up and down in her hotel room. Her eyes glinted with a malicious and dark flare as she thought of her new plans to set up Ariella with Richard.

She had been trying to call Richard, but his mobile number had been switched off. She was worried because she knew of his plans to teach Leon a lesson. Also, she was anxious to share her new plans with him.

Aside from setting Ariella up with Richard in Ariella’s former house, Susan planned on convincing Richard to forcefully have sex with Ariella. If he did this, he would get his juicy revenge on her. And Ariella would be thoroughly damaged.

Tomorrow, she would meet up with Ariella and collect the keys to her house. After sneaking Richard into the house, she would invite Ariella over for a girl’s chit-chat, at the end of the day. And every other plan for that evening would fall in place.

Susan let out an angry sigh when she tried Richard’s number again and it was still switched off.

“He had better come up with a very good excuse for turning off his mobile phone,” she hissed out loud.


Richard stepped discreetly into the Wick clubhouse. Unknown to him, he was discreetly followed by a spy and men in dark suits.

Even though the clubhouse was lively and enticing, Richard didn’t bulge. He was not there to catch some fun. He had an urgent mission to accomplish. When he introduced himself to the bouncer at the private red-painted door, he was ushered into the secret room where a horrendous-looking man by the name ‘Black Spider’ welcomed him.


“Where is the Falcon?” Richard queried irritably. “I’ve been waiting since last night up till this hour and I haven’t gotten my revenge. If not that he came highly recommended, I would have concluded that he stinks at his job.”

“Watch your tongue pretty boy,” Black Spider glowered at him. “Or I’ll be forced to pluck them out and feed them to you.”

The tiny hair on the back of Richard’s neck stood. But, he toughened up shaking off every ounce of fear. He wasn’t going to let this overfed ugly-looking slum dog address him in that manner. After all, he had paid handsomely for their services and he deserved a satisfying result.

“Is this how you treat your top clients? Bullying them when you don’t have any results to give?” Richard scoffed with a frosty glare at Black Spider.

Black spider wanted to badly punch this annoying man in the face. But he restrained himself when he thought about the consequences that will be visited on him by the dreaded Falcon.

The Falcon was known to prize his highest-paying client. Whenever he was around, he would give these clients, VIP treatment lounges and beautiful girls to keep them happy. Like he always said, ‘the rich folks pay the bills, treat them with respect.

Also, the Falcon was known, to keep up with his end of a profitable bargain. He was never known to deliver late on a business deal.

Ever since the clubhouse resumed their morning activities, Black Spider had been worried about the Falcon’s uncommunicated absence. He tried calling him at home severally but only got voice messages. He finally decided to wait till the end of the day’s business before going over to visit his boss at his home.

Now staring at this pretty boy, who was obviously clueless about the operations of the underworld, Black Spider’s anxieties came back to life. He could smell danger written all over this business deal.

He swallowed his pride and tried communicating in a raspy gentle voice to Richard.

“We haven’t seen the Falcon since he left the clubhouse last night.” His eyes glinted with fear and anxiety. “Calling him had also been futile. Why don’t you drop your number and take mine? I’ll get back to you once I get in touch with the Falcon.”

Richard, sensing that his journey to the clubhouse had been unproductive, grudgingly dropped his contact and stormed out of the private room.

Outside the private room, he noticed that the bouncer that had earlier ushered him in was nowhere to be found. Feeling unperturbed he walked out of the clubhouse.

A few minutes after Richard left the Wick clubhouse, a regular drinking client of the clubhouse let out a screeching scream. The bouncer who happened to be drugged, have been strangled in the gent. His lifeless chest had a bloodied warning inscription on it. The inscription simply read; ‘Get ready for some fireworks tonight.’

“This is horrific!...”

“What animal could have done this?...”

“This can only be the work of a drug cartel...”

Different witnesses to the hideous crime had something to say.

This information was brought to the notice of Black Spider and he quickly cleared the clubhouse. He had no plans of dying this night as he clearly understood the threat. At the moment, he was unsure of which enemies the Falcon had pissed off.

As promised, at about a few minutes past eight PM, the Wick clubhouse was raised to rubble by some dynamite explosives.


[DISCLAIMER: This novel is written exclusively on the Webnovel platform. The author, Tres_Aguila has no bearing with any other platform. Beware of pirates. Thanks.]


Richard, who was currently with Susan and had settled her sexual needs amidst lies of his earlier whereabouts, listened intently to her juicy plan of bringing Ella to him. He was thrilled and also disgusted by Susan’s manipulative strength. Once he gets Ella back, he would quickly gets rid of this despicable lady before him, Richard smiled slyly.

Sprawled on the bed, and trying to regain his strength from his waist exercise, he received an anonymous phone call.

The caller simply said, “the Falcon is dead. Watch your back!” After that, the call ended.

His heartbeat raced and cold sweat precipitated on his forehead. He picked up his phone and placed a call across to Black Spider. If this was his plan to threaten him then he had lost completely, Richard mused.

Susan sensed the tension in Richard’s expression and tried to enquire the reason for it. But he sarcastically shoved her off and left the room.

Outside the hotel room and down by the lobby, Richard called Black Spider again as he didn’t pick up the first time.

Black Spider picked up the call and told Richard never to call his number again. He stressed that he was a stroke of bad luck to the clubhouse, which had been destroyed. Without waiting for Richard to say anything, he ended the call.

Richard was dumbstruck. The scary-looking, deep-voiced Black Spider suddenly sounded like a wimp. What the hell was happening, he pondered.

As if to confirm Black Spider’s testimony, the newscaster on the television in the lounge showed the currently blazing Wick clubhouse.

Richard watched on in horror at the television. News journalists, firefighters, local policemen in uniforms, concerned neighbors, and a crowd of onlookers, gathered around the scene of the blazing clubhouse.

He thought about the mysterious call and a chill ran down his spine. This could only mean one thing, the Falcon was truly dead.

Richard took a seat as his legs could no longer support his traumatized body. He wondered why anyone would call him with such a threat. Did they know he contacted the Falcon? Or did the Falcon have other enemies after him and someone mistook him as a friend of the Falcon?

He ransacked his memories in vain, for any clue to the mysterious call. He was certain he had no enemies in this city except Leon Treshvire. And from his earlier assessment of Leon, he was just one of those spoilt rich kids who rose to fame due to their parents’ connection. Aside from an inflated bag of testosterone, there was nothing more to Leon, Richard concluded.

Leon was someone Richard had plans of disfiguring, for the public insult and his stolen girlfriend. Until he achieved his aim, he was going nowhere. Thankfully, he wasn’t needed in his football club or any championship league matches. He had taken a month’s break to rest, after a heavily booked football season. Also, If he needed special training, he had enough money to fly his football personal coach down to Amzone city.

Richard’s mind drifted to Susan’s plan for Ariella. This cheered him up and reawakened his spirit. He was determined to fight for Ella’s love. But if she remained headstrong, he would take his pound of flesh, – for all the sexual torture she had made him pass through. In his demented mind, he blamed Ella for his current sex spree.


Ella and Leon arrived late at his villa after he had confirmed that the Wick clubhouse had been destroyed. He lifted Ella in his arms and took her straight to her room.

Ella was going to be very busy the next day. Consequently, Leon wanted her to have a good night’s rest.

After ensuring she had slept off, he walked briskly to his home office and shut the door. He spoke at length with Sky, dishing out orders. Finally satisfied with his initiated phase two assault, he left the office to his bedroom.

Thanks to Leon’s spies, he discovered something new today. Ella’s best friend Susan was having an affair with Richard. And as if the affair wasn’t enough, they were both planning an assault and blackmail on Ella. 𝑓𝚛𝚎ℯ𝘸𝙚𝘣𝚗𝘰νeƖ.c𝒐𝐦

Although Leon had earlier promised Ella never to meddle in her personal affairs, he wasn’t going to sit still and watch these miscreants humiliate his wife. She had suffered enough rejection and mistreatment.

Richard wants to dine with the devil but forgot to use a long fork. His earlier move on Leon was the biggest mistake of his entire life. Only if he knew the beautiful monster he was dealing with.

Leon has been merciful towards him all because of his affiliation with Ella and her family. But his continuous and persistent plotting to harm his beautiful wife may quicken his doom.

For Chloe, Leon decided to monitor her from afar. He would only act when she tries using extreme measures. Unfortunately, she didn’t learn any lesson from her last predicament.

Also, Leon didn’t want to rob Ella of the chance to personally deal with Chloe. After all, Chloe had been instrumental in the loss of Ella’s former job.

Leon was eager to see how Ella planned on carrying out her revenge mission on F&K fashion home and their cohorts.


[DISCLAIMER: This novel is written exclusively on the Webnovel platform. The author, Tres_Aguila has no bearing with any other platform. Beware of pirates. Thanks.]