A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!-Chapter 73

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73 Revelation II

“Six weeks or less?”

These shocking revelations kept reverberating in Leon’s drumming heart. He tried to gasp for air as he felt breathless. He let go of his father’s trembling hands and stood up. Clutching his chest which was about to explode, he took unsteady steps to the window. Unable to take the turmoil anymore, he started punching the wall causing his knuckles to bruise.

Rex quickly dashed toward Leon and arrested his vibrating body in his arms, to prevent him from hurting himself any further.

“Why, dad?... Why so early?...” Leon spoke between gritted teeth as burning tears flowed down his reddened strained face. “Nana told me y...you had a f...few m...months. This is too much for me to handle, dad! I still need you around!”

Rex placed his right hand on Leon’s head as though he were just a child. He soothed him tenderly revealing his gentle nature. “You have to be strong for me Leon. My weak heart can’t take your tears. You, your mum, and your sisters mean the world to me. I will never stop thanking the stars for blessing me with such a wonderful family. I will never regret that I got to spend such a memorable life with you, my son. I have watched you grow from infant to the man that I know worship. You are my one and true pride, son.”

Leon toughened up and stifled his tears. He wiped his face with a handkerchief from his pocket and stared into his father’s eyes with a determined expression.

Somewhere in Leon’s chaotic thoughts, he remembered the promise he made to Nana Esther.

Nana Esther had told him that Rex wanted to be treated like the role model father he had known him to be.

Leon knew that his broken heart could worsen his father’s state. So far his father had been so brave enough to keep his sickness away from the family for more than three years. A few weeks will be no trouble for him, seeing how healthy he looked.


“Dad, I’m sorry I allowed my emotions to get the better part of me. I promise to be strong for you and the family.” Leon spoke firmly.

Rex’s lips curved up into a priceless smile. “That’s my boy!” He patted Leon on the back and gestured for him to have a seat.

Rex walked towards the wall-mounted wine shelf. He picked up an expensive bottle of red wine and two glasses. He unscrew the wine cap and filled his glass and that of Leon’s. He offered Leon his and raised his glass to the air for a toast.

“To a life well spent and better days ahead, cheers!” Rex click his glass to Leon’s raised glass and they both sipped their wine and chatted freely like nothing was amiss.

“Dad, I want to ask you one question.” Leon raised an eyebrow like a detective about to learn a new secret. “Was it because of your health that you wanted me to get married?”

Rex chuckles heartily at Leon’s expression. “Yes, son. Moreover, your days of mourning over Ruth were long overdue. After I spoke to you Nana, we both figured that it was time for you to move on. From the look of your current status,” Rex scanned Leon in a flash. “I can proudly say that marriage suits you perfectly or if I may add, Ella suits you perfectly.

Leon couldn’t hide his beaming face at the mention of Ella’s name. Her name always brought warmth and peace to his heart.

“Drink up, son, and let’s join your mum.” Rex finished his drink in a single gulp. “We have been here for almost two hours. You know women and anxiety. It’s like combining a snowstorm and an avalanche.

Leon chuckled happily and finished up his drink.

Afterward, both father and son joined Marissa in the dining room for a special feast.


After spending a long time with his parents, Leon said goodbye and left the mansion. He just drove out onto the highway when he got a call from Ella. Before taking the call he pulled over to the safe side of the road and parked his car.

“Hi baby, are you missing me already?” Leon smiled as he waited for Ella’s response.

“You know I do, you don’t need to ask,” Ella spoke cheerfully. “Are you on your way back it will be evening in a few minutes from now?”

“Yes, I am. I had to stop by the roadside to take your call. I hope you’re well?” Leon sensed a little tension in Ella’s voice.

Ella took a deep breath before responding. “Yes, I am fine. Although Maggie is coming around. She plans on staying with us at the villa. She said she would not be going anywhere until she was able to change my mind. I don’t know what to do. What do you advise?”

Leon’s cheerful face dampened at the mention of Maggie’s name. He gritted his teeth as he thought of what to do with Ella’s mum.

Leon remembered how Maggie had treated Ella the last time, causing her so much pain. He had sworn never to allow Ella’s family to taunt her again. Maggie’s presence in the villa would sure cause a whole lot of commotion. This was something he would never allow.

He was about to say something when he remembered Nana Esther’s warning to accommodate Ella’s mum. He massaged his temple in frustration before responding to Ella’s question. “Honey, don’t trouble yourself. I’ll be in Amzone city in less than two hours. We will both pick Maggie up at the airport when she arrives. Together we will manage your mum. When she gets tired of staying with us, she would leave on her terms.”

Leon could hear Ella breathing a sigh of relief. “Thanks love!” She said excitedly. “I know I can always count on you. Please drive safely.” She blew a kiss and ended the call.


At exactly 6:00 PM, Maggie arrived safely at Amzone city.

Against the advice of Uncle Moses and Aunt Edna, Maggie stubbornly embarked on this journey to bring her daughter back. She was so determined to stir trouble between the couple by rekindling her relationship with her daughter.

Before leaving Springchad, Maggie promised uncle Moses that she will take good care of her health. She promised never to fall ill or allow her health to depreciate on Ella’s account.

When Moses asked Maggie what she would do if Ella refused to divorce Leon, she simply said, “I will return to Springchad and live out my remaining days in misery. If I die in the cause of heartache, Ella should be blamed.”

Maggie brought out her phone from her handbag as she walked out of the arrival terminal. She was about to dial Ella’s number when she caught sight of Ella and her husband.

Glaring at the happy couple in anger, she walked nonchalantly toward them.

Earlier, before Maggie’s Arrival, Leon had sat Ella down and given her a pep talk. He spoke to Ella about the need to act as one before her mum irrespective of what Maggie did. He stressed that Maggie would look for a weak spot between them and use it against them. Hence, they were to cover each other’s lapses. He promised Ella that he would treat her mum as though she were his.

After agreeing to certain conditions during Maggie’s stay at the villa, they both went over to the airport to pick her up with John driving behind them.

“Hello, Maggie, you’re welcome on such short notice,” Leon smirked at Maggie’s crinkled nose and contoured face. “I hope you had a nice flight?”

“Welcome to Amazon city, mum,” Ella said in her most charming voice.

Maggie ignored Leon’s questions and sarcastic tone. She glared at Ella who was safely tucked in her husband’s arms. “Take me to your house, now!” She hissed out loud and walked ahead of the couple.

“Ma’am, can I get your bags?” John, who was tagging behind Maggie asked politely.

Maggie remember John from the last time she visited. He was the bearer of the heartbreaking news. She hissed again before handing over her luggage to him.

All this while Leon and Ella walked slowly behind the enraged Maggie. They were both amused by her behavior and communicated through hilariously beaming eyes.

When john ushered Maggie into the black limo, she requested that Ella sit beside her.

“Ma’am, that wouldn’t be possible.” John bowed and spoke calmly to the piqued mother-in-law. He had been earlier instructed to take her straight to the villa and hand her over to Paul.

“Let’s see what my daughter has to say about this!” Maggie spoke between clenched jaws. “Also, stop calling me ma’am. “You can either call me Maggie or Mrs. Porter.” Her infuriated eyes fiery darts at John.

Just then, Leon and Ella stepped out and walked towards the riled Maggie and the poor driver; who already looked overwhelmed when the journey had not started.

“Ella, you are riding in that car with me,” Maggie spoke authoritatively as she pointed to the black limo. “These people are strangers to me and I do not move around with s...” ƒ𝐫𝒆𝐞w𝗲𝚋𝗻૦𝘷e𝙡.c𝑜𝙢

“Point of correction, mum,” Ella took the words right out of Maggie’s mouth. “These people, as you so rightly put it, are my family. Please accord them the proper respect.” She boldly stood up to her mum for the first time.

Maggie was taken aback by Ella’s insolence and boldness. Ella had never spoken to her in that manner. It was obvious that her no-good husband had influenced her negatively.

“How dare you, Ella.” Maggie’s eyes flared up. “How...”

“Mum, I never invited you over. You invited yourself. Is too early to start making a fuss.” Ella tightened her grip on Leon’s hand as it gave her the boldness she needed. “It’s either you ride with John in that limo, or you take a chartered taxi. I will be riding with my husband in a different car.”