A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!-Chapter 84

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84 Allegations

Jane felt her heart leap out of her chest as she gawked with eyes wide open, at the scary-looking man. She covered her mouth with her hand to stifle the heart-wrenching scream that almost escaped it. Cold sweat beaded her forehead and she felt three drops of her urine escape her stiffened body.

“Calm down lady,” the gruff man spoke in an irked tone. “I simply asked a modest question. Where are you going to?”

“I...I...I...I...I was g...g... going to the c.. convenience.” Jane stuttered. She was irritated at her panic mode and wished she had magical powers to disappear.

“Fine! Follow me!” Sky spoke in a slightly irritated tone. He wondered if he was looking that scary to have made the pretty baby-faced girl turn this pale. He swiftly handed her over to a female security detail and returned to his duty.

Jane observed that the entire surrounding was heavily guarded by mostly men and two women in black suits and dark shades. She felt traumatized as she knew there was no way to escape.

She had planned earlier to use the convenience as an excuse to escape the event premises. However, she knew that options didn’t exist anymore. All she had to do now was calm her raging emotions and pretend as she had always done.

She walked into the convenience and entered one of the ladies’ room cubicles. She sat down on the closed toilet seat and breathed in severally to calm her tensed nerves. She checked her phone for a missed call, a message, or a warning from Frost. However, to her disappointment, there was nothing of such.

After almost twenty minutes of sitting down and doing nothing. Jane stood up and flushed the toilet as though she had been using it. She came out of the convenience looking calm and walked back to the dressing room.



When the ARILPORTER BOSS brand was done showcasing its’ designs, Denise instructed every staff member to report back to the company for an emergency meeting. She strictly warned that no one was permitted to go home until further directives were given. She also informed all the creative department staff members that they would be escorted to the company for a special questioning section.

Afterward, Denise left the dressing room and placed a call to the public relation manager. She instructed him to handle damage control and address the press, stating the brand’s innocence to the theft allegations.


At the end of the runway show competition, the results were announced. As expected, the Treshvire fashion brand won the show with a landslide score. The result of the third position was announced but the second position was withheld.

A brief meeting between the judges and the CEOs of F&K fashion home, and ARILPORTER BOSS brand was conducted in a private room. The second position was reserved for one of the above-mentioned brands, which was the genuine owner of the displayed designs.

The atmosphere inside the room was tense that you could cut the air with a knife. Chloe and Ella sat on opposite sides of an oval table glaring at each other. While two judges occupied both ends of the table.

Before the meeting started, the judges quickly warned both CEOs to act civil and refrain from using unnecessary words.

As expected, Ella complied without a fuss. However, she continued to glare at Chloe with a haunted expression. Inwardly, she thought of a thousand ways to make Chloe pay for the humiliation she was currently going through.

“You are such a miserable disgusting criminal!” Chloe spat out, unable to control her anger. She felt like jumping on Ella, -who was just a few inches away from her, – and strangling her to death. However, the room was heavily guarded and she could only sit still and voice out her anger. “When I’m done dealing with you for your shamelessness, you will be forced to crawl back into that disgusting hole you came out from.”

“Miss Chloe, please refrain from using such demeaning language here!” One of the judges warned a second time. “Otherwise, your company will be disqualified irrespective of who the real culprit is. So...”

“What rubbish are you talking about!” Chloe’s eyes shot dagger at the judge who was still speaking. “Do you know the humiliation the useless animal has made me go through? How would you feel if someone stole your weeks and months of hard work, huh? Would you seat down calmly with the thief and pretend nothing is wrong?”

“Mr judge, my patience has its limit,” Ella said in a calm but firm voice. “If you do not gag or throw this raving despicable lunatic out of this room now, I’ll be forced to take matters into my own hands.”

Chloe instantly stood up and charged toward Ella. “Who did you call a raving lunatic?” Her eyes were set ablaze and the only word that kept ringing in her mind was, ‘kill, kill, kill.’ she was a few inches from Ella, – who remained seated and didn’t flinch, – when she saw herself in the air.

“Let go of me!” Chloe yelled as she fought hard to release herself from the security guard’s grip; who had prevented her from going physical with Ella.

“LADIES!” The judge boomed at the top of his voice. “Please! Put your emotions in check! We have no proof yet, to determine the real brand that cheated. Until then, let’s come to a peaceful resolution. This...”

“There will be no peaceful resolution!” Chloe screamed at the top of her voice. “That b**ch stole my designs and is going to pay dearly! Get ready for a court battle tomorrow!”

The judge, who had been rudely interrupted by Chloe for the fourth time sighed loudly and shook his head in disappointment. He wondered how this lunatic of a lady was able to successfully run such a reputable brand. He wondered where Frost and Kyle were. He was puzzled at their stupidity for letting the spoilt brat take over their hard-earned company. He looked in the direction of Ella and was amazed at her level of calmness in all of the commotion. He shook his head one more time and apologized to Ella for Chloe’s insolence.

“Due to the arrogant behavior of Miss Chloe Robinson,” the second older judge, who seemed to have had enough of Chloe’s drama, spoke up in an irked tone, “this meeting is hereby adjourned until after the court decision is made public.” He badly wanted to disqualify the F&K fashion company. However, he feared the consequences of doing so. He had heard countless times about the ruthlessness of the Robinsons. Hence, he decided to leave the matter to be decided by a law court.

“Thank you for that splendid decision,” Ella said and stood up like a prestigious empress addressing her subject. “If you will excuse now,” she turned her attention to the karate-chopping maniac, Chloe, -who was still ranting on and on, – “we shall see in court, b**ch!” She put on her shades and left the room.

Chloe felt stung by Ella’s last statement. All the demeaning words she had been spitting out seemed not to affect Ella. It felt as though there was a wall of glass bouncing all her words back to her. It was as if she could hear Ella but Ella couldn’t hear her.

Feeling frustrated and dejected, Chloe poured out her anger on the poor security details that had temporarily barricaded her from attacking Ella. She struck and cursed them until her voice wore out. However, they stood their ground and did not permit her to leave until Ella and the judges had left the room.

When Chloe was finally granted her freedom, she rushed out of the room, to the entrance of the hall amidst camera flashlights and eager journalists asking numerous questions. She searched around for Ella and when she couldn’t find her, she angrily stepped into her car and zoomed off.


Within a space of thirty minutes after the winter collection show, the news of the controversy and theft claims between the F&K fashion brand and the ARILPORTER BOSS brand spread throughout Amzone city like wildfire. fre𝑒𝘸𝚎𝚋n૦ѵℯl.c𝒐𝘮

No one celebrated the winner of the just concluded show. Instead, only the hot juicy gossip was aired on virtually every television station. 𝐟𝙧ℯ𝑒𝒘𝐞𝒃𝗻𝒐ѵ𝘦𝑙.com

The social media platforms did not spare Ella’s company as ridiculing videos, images, and statements were released by the second. Anti-fans of the brand crucified Ella calling her various demeaning names and claiming she was guilty as charged.


Chloe, who was in a victorious mood released statement after statement claiming that the ARILPORTER BOSS brand was built on a foundation of lies, deception, betrayal, and theft. She also stated that Ella had sold her body to the Treshvires philandering son in other to secure a spot in the fashion and retail world. She further released information that Ella was currently at war with her family as they did not approve of her marriage to the Treshvire family. Finally, she called on everyone to help her seek justice and run Ella, with her bag of deceit, out of Amzone city.


Back at the ARILPORTER BOSS fashion company, the atmosphere was very moody. It was as though someone important had just died. Staff members spoke in whispers as they were afraid that if they raise their voices, an instant brutal hail would fall on their heads.

Every member of the creative department was assembled in the meeting hall. They all waited in silence and anxiety, for the CEO and COO to step in.

Abby was a complete mess. Her eyes were red and swollen from excessive crying. She couldn’t believe that the company’s designs were stolen right under her nose. She was more horrified by the news as she watched the evil CEO of the rival brand shred her boss like a piece of tissue paper.

“Who could have done this to us?” Abby said out loud, as more tears poured out of her eyes. “Why! Why such wickedness?!”

At that point, Leon, Ella, and Denise stepped into the room with two hefty looking men in dark suits and dark shades.