A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!-Chapter 92

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92 Delusional Kyle

After Kyle left the Zeal international entertainment company, he drove down to Frost’s house. On his way, he placed a call to Frost’s wife. However, just like Frost’s number, hers was also unreachable.

At this point, Kyle was thrown into a state of panic. He feared that something bad might have happened to Frost and his family. A million threatening thoughts clouded his mind and he dreaded the worst as he approached Frost’s driveway. Could it be that Frost was under surveillance by a criminal organization? His thoughts were in frenzy.

When Kyle finally stopped in front of Frost’s gigantic house gate, he was denied passage into the premises. He angrily turned off his car engine and stepped out. He walked towards the security post and inquired bluntly about Frost’s whereabouts.

The middle-aged security personnel simply told Kyle that Frost was around but he had no intention of seeing anyone.

“What the hell do you mean by that load of nonsense?” Kyle suddenly lost his temper. “Don’t you know who I am anymore? Do I need permission like others to see my friend and partner? He questioned the security man in an irked tone. “Please don’t waste my time and open up the gate. Otherwise, I’ll make sure you lose your worthless job.”

Kyle turned around to walk back to his car but a familiar voice caught his attention.

“Sir, it’s the boss. He wants to speak to you.” The security man held up an intercom receiver.

Kyle grudgingly took the intercom receiver from the security man’s hand and answered it. “Frost, what the hell is wrong with you? What has happened to you, man? Where have you been since morning? What happened to your mobile phone? I’ve been trying to get in touch with Mia too. Are she and the kids alright? Where is this whole confession and mistress stuff coming from? Why are you stopping me from coming in? Is...”

“Enough, Kyle!” Frost boomed into the earpiece, thereby interrupting Kyle’s lengthy questions. He have been given only two minutes to discharge Kyle and so far Kyle had used up a minute and thirty seconds asking stupid questions. “My family and I are doing great. Everything you heard about my confession is the truth. I don’t need anyone checking up on me right now. You will see me in court tomorrow.” The line clicked.


Kyle stared at the phone in his hand in disbelief. Frost had never dropped a call on him like this in the past. He knew Frost had a temper issue, however, this was different. It was as though Frost wanted to get rid of him quickly.

“Is Frost in trouble?” Kyle mused incoherently as he dropped the phone and trudged back to his car. He entered his car and sat there lost in thought for almost thirty minutes. Feeling all gloomy and dejected, he sluggishly started his car engine and left the premises.

Kyle returned to the office and was met by another episode of interview drama on screen. However, this time, Chloe Robinson totally lost her senses.

“This lunatic again!” He said out loud. “I warned Frost. I warned him about selling our shares and inviting the hopeless and impertinent brat. Giving her the title of CEO was the biggest mistake we ever made. Now, look at where we are!” He shook his head and clenched his jaws.

“The brainless and idiotic Chloe was meant to counter Frost’s confession. However, she chose to worsen the whole matter by insulting and fighting the presenter on a live television show. Ohh...we are so doomed this time!” Kyle massaged his temple and heaved a heavy sigh of frustration. His head started aching terribly from all the thinking and worrying.

Frost was Kyle’s backbone, but now he had bluntly pushed Kyle out to face the nerve-racking music alone.

Kyle locked himself up in his office for the whole day, thinking of what to do. The same question kept resurfacing anytime he thought of Frost’s action; ‘why did Frost place himself on house arrest?’

Finally, it hit Kyle. First, Frost goes missing during the morning hours. Secondly, he comes out of the blue and grants an interview that incriminates him and his company. Thirdly, he locks himself up in his house and refuses to talk to anyone.

“Definitely, something was wrong somewhere. Could it be that the people blackmailing Frost were in his home?” Kyle’s eyes shone at the puzzle he had been able to solve. “Yes, that’s the only logical conclusion! Frost is in danger and needs help.”

Kyle quickly picked up his phone and dialed 911. He reported that his best friend and partner had been kidnapped and held hostage in his home.

At first, the police helpline personnel thought that Kyle was drunk and had lost his senses. How can someone be kidnapped and at the same time be held hostage in his house? Wouldn’t that defeat the kidnapping mission?

Nevertheless, a patrol team was sent to Frost’s house to fulfill all righteousness.


It was a few minutes past seven PM when a police patrol vehicle pulled up by Frost gate. Two police officers alighted from the vehicle and strolled to the security post. They introduce themselves and stated their mission.

After a few minutes of reconfirmation, the officers were granted access to the premises.

While the officers were led to the front door, they stealthily scrutinized their environment for any foul play. They indirectly questioned the security man that was leading them. However, the responses they got from the security man were nothing to worry about. Even Frost’s massive house was very peaceful.

When the officers entered Frost’s sitting room, he welcomed them with open hands. He even offered them some drinks, which they politely declined.

“To what do I owe this pleasure, officers?” Frost calmly sat down with a glass of wine in his hand. He quietly took sip after sip of the wine to mask his erratically drumming heart. He had been warned severely that if he attracted attention to himself, bits of his son’s chopped body would be mailed to him.

“Your partner and friend think you’re in danger,” the older officer said bluntly. He was offended by the fact that he was pulled out of his relaxation mode to check up on someone that was obviously doing great. Why don’t some people ever mind their business, he wondered.

“You must be talking about Kyle, my business partner,” Frost spoke in a relaxed tone.

“Yes, that’s the one that called us.” The younger officer responded enthusiastically. He had tagged along hoping for some action. This was his first time being assigned to a field agent. Hence, he hoped to test his shooting skill on one or two criminals.

Frost took in a deep breath and sighed to reduce the burden in his heart. “My partner is currently delusional. I am not sure if he is mentally sound today. I think he needs to be checked in a psychiatric ward.” Frost used this opportunity to express his pent-up anger as though Kyle’s meddling had become unbearable.

“Do you know, officers, that this partner of mine had been speculating false information about me being kidnapped or blackmailed?” Frost smartly turned the table around on Kyle. Even though he appreciated Kyle’s concern, he cursed him inwardly, for almost jeopardizing the life and safety of his family members.

“This Kyle even came around earlier today, disturbing my peace. So, I asked my security men to send him away. I am surprised he decided to act on his stupid claims by reporting me to you guys. Do I look like someone who was kidnapped?”

“Not at all, Sir. We are just doing our normal routine check when a complaint is filed.” The older officer forced an apologetic smile. “We will be on our way now,” he stood and signaled the younger officer to stand up. “Sorry once again for the disturbance. We will be taking our leave now.” fr𝚎e𝙬𝚎𝚋𝚗૦ν𝚎𝒍.c૦m

“No problem officers, thanks for stopping by” Frost faked a smile. He stretched out his right hand and shook the officers before leading them out of his house.

Although Frost was seen smiling on the outside, he was inwardly screaming for the safety of his wife and kids. He wished there was a way he could confide in the police officers without Leon’s evil men finding out. It was as though his entire house had been bugged. The evil men were always ten steps ahead of him. Hence, there was no escaping.


After a very busy and tedious day of work, Ella and Leon were both having dinner, when Leon got a call from Sky.

“Boss, guess who just decided to pay Frost a visit?”

Leon stood up and excused himself from the dining room. He walked into his study and shut the door before responding to Sky’s question.

“Who?” Leon’s chilly voice was deadly. In his current overworked and emotionally stressed state, he had little or no patience to deliver justice for Ella’s humiliation. He couldn’t wait for the court hearing process to start and end. He was eager for every victim involved in the scandal to be laid to rest in pieces.

“Kyle, Frost’s business partner came earlier today and then he reported a case of kidnap and blackmail. Hence, two cops showed up a few moments ago,” Sky reported. “You have nothing to worry about, boss. We have diffused both situations. The cops have left the premises without suspecting anything.”

“Good job, Sky. I think it’s high time we pay that idiot a visit. After all, he’s useless in the whole court process.” Leon smirked devilishly. “Give him my best regards and leave no traces.”

“Thanks, boss! Consider it done with pleasure.”

Leon ended the call and rejoined Ella in the dining room.


At exactly 8:00 PM, Kyle received an urgent call from a strange number that his niece, Silvia had been involved in an accident and was currently hospitalized. Filled with panic and anxiety, he quickly placed a call to his sister to verify the information. However, his sister’s line was not connecting.

Kyle quickly rushed into his bedroom and change his sleeping clothes. He stepped out of his house, got into his car, and sped out of his compound to the hospital the anonymous caller had given him.

On his way through an underground tunnel, he observed that an accident had occurred upfront. He instinctively slowed down and tried to reverse his car when another car crashed into him from behind.

Alarmed at the sudden impact and engulfed in horrifying thoughts concerning Silvia’s well-being, Kyle jump out of his car.

Then there was a sudden...


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