After Taken as a Prisoner of War, the Vampire Queen Turned Me Into a Vampire and Made Me Her Daughter-Chapter 241: Gradually Brightening Fire

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Chapter 241: Gradually Brightening Fire

The ruins of Swan Goose Castle lay at the northwestern edge of the human alliance, its origin shrouded in the mist of time. Historical records indicated that the stronghold had crumbled to its current state long before the resurgence of demon hordes in the third epoch, its exact construction date lost to the mists of time.

The ancient stone-brick walls were partially buried in the surrounding mud, their engravings and motifs eroded beyond recognition by the wind and sand.

Only a few moss-covered fragments of the original stone walls remained, with the rest of the site being completely overrun by weeds.

The crumbling mud walls, devoid of any aesthetic appeal, held no potential for tourism, and thus no hope of generating revenue. Government officials saw no reason to allocate funds for their restoration, leaving the unremarkable ruin to languish in obscurity. Even the local lord, tasked with overseeing the territory, would likely struggle to recall its name.

“Squad Leader.”

“Laws, did you hit your head against the door on your way out? I’ve told you a million times not to call me ‘Squad Leader’ during this operation.” A sturdy man wearing dark sunglasses shot a warning glance at his subordinate.

“My apologies for the lack of foresight, sir…”

“Knock it off with that tone! You think anyone’s gonna believe you’re not a knight with that stuck-up voice? Get into character. We’re supposed to be thugs, so act like one! Put some menace in your eyes!” The sturdy man admonished his subordinate.

“Yes… Squ- Sir.”

“Mhm, you got it right this time. Speak, what’s the matter?” He nodded slightly in approval.

“Are… Are we going a bit too far with this?” Laws hesitantly asked, after struggling to find the right words for a long time.

“What are you getting at?…” The sturdy man narrowed his eyes.

“…Our clandestine discussions and dealings with that evil cult. No matter how I look at it, I can’t help but feel that these aren’t things we should involve ourselves in, don’t you agree?” Under the intense gaze of the sturdy man, Laws summoned his courage and voiced the doubts that plagued him.

“…Got a smoke on you?” The burly man averted his eyes and slowly heaved a sigh.

He took the cigarette from Laws and lit it up.

The stimulating effects of the tobacco eased the tension in his eyebrows.

“A justice that’s bound by formalities and procedures would only serve to tie one’s hands… His Excellency, Enzo, used to tell me that all the time.” The man said, exhaling a slow plume of smoke.

“Does it really matter whether the process is right or wrong as long as we achieve a just outcome? We’re knights, not tacticians. Planning strategies and anticipating outcomes are beyond us. So why question it? He gives the order and we fight – That’s what it means to be a knight.”

“And His Excellency, Enzo… his vision had never faltered. I’ve always believed in him, and I’ll brave through fire for him if necessary. Besides, the Chivalric Head himself has tacitly given his approval too, hasn’t he?”

“You’re right. My apologies, Squad Leader. I shouldn’t question the actions of the Vice Chivalric-head.”

“No problem. Our lord, the Radiant Knight, had once said that doubts make your sword waver. If something’s on your mind, you should speak up.” The sturdy man abruptly stopped, dropping his half-smoked cigarette to the ground and stamping it out.

“Our guests have arrived. Time to earn our pay.” Watching a group of black-gowned individuals approach from a distant hill, a meaningful glance flitted past his eyes.

“My sincerest apologies for keeping our esteemed guests waiting. I am a humble servant of the Ancestral God, codename: Falsehood.” With a bizarre clown mask adorning his face, the leader of the group spoke deferentially in a loud, shrill voice.

“Glock.” The sturdy man’s brows imperceptibly furrowed, as he introduced himself in a succinct manner.

“I must apologize for keeping you esteemed knights waiting for so long, especially after the lengthy journey you made to be here. Our master has instructed us to prepare this gift for you. We hope you will kindly accept it.” Falsehood waved his hand and motioned for two black-gowned individuals to bring over a black box.

“No worries. I simply filled the time with some tobacco. I suggest we get to the heart of the matter now, Sir Falsehood.” Glock waved his hands.

If it were up to him, he would rather not engage with that eccentric group at all.

“Very well, if that’s Mr Glock’s request, we should move to a secluded spot then. This area is too open and exposed, making it simple for prying eyes to spot us. And who’s to say there aren’t rats around too?” Falsehood let out a chilly laugh and motioned invitingly for them to join him.


This 𝓬ontent is taken from fгeewebnovёl.co𝙢.

The figure with the cross-shaped helmet fell silent, knowing the choice he was about to make would dictate the course of the world.

Lin: …→_→

‘I should approach this one step at a time, with the utmost caution – After all, my life is at stake here.’

Lin: …←_←

“Ji Bai, you need to decide quickly. Win or lose, it’s up to you now. You’re nearly out of time!” Huo Lei urged him.

“Got it…” Ji Bai tightly furrowed his brows. Beads of sweat seemed to ooze out from the crevices of his helmet.

“Please wait just a moment, Benefactor Ji! Allow this poor Taoist to divinate your fortune for you!…”

Lin: “…Do you really have to gather such a large group just to play the claw-machine?”

“Are you guys done yet? We were supposed to set off this morning, and it’s nearly noon now.” Hand on her forehead, Lin found herself thoroughly lost for words as she looked at the three grown men crowded around a claw-machine. fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm

“Take it easy, Little Sister Lin. It still isn’t our turn for the teleportation formation yet. Besides, it’s not like there are things for us to do if we stop playing either…”

“…Ooooh, I caught it, I caught it!”

“…” Lin gave an expressionless glance at the number assigned to her squad— 213.

She then remembered that the queue had already moved up to number 212 a moment ago…


Swan Goose Castle, within the underground stone cave.

It went without saying that activities outside of the public eye were usually conducted underground — just like the creatures that made the darkness their home. Vermin, and…

Glock shifted his gaze towards the individual donning a clown mask opposite him.

“Is this the [Soul-Sacrificing Destruction Array] formation you mentioned?” Examining the scroll tube that was handed over to him, Glock asked in an attempt to gauge his reaction.

“That’s right.” Falsehood nodded.

“You’re entrusting us with something this important before we’ve reached an agreement?” Glock raised his eyebrow.

“Is our word not enough for you, Sir Glock? Since we’re willing to believe that your Chivalric Group is sincere in cooperating with us, it’s only fair that we provide you with the formation… Besides, that alone isn’t enough to activate the spell completely.”

“…Hmph, I knew it was too good to be true.” Glock’s tone was laced with sarcasm,

“Of course not, my esteemed knights. It’s important to understand that a [Despair-class] summoning formation like the [Soul-Sacrificing Destruction Array] can’t simply be replicated within a mere scroll or two.” Falsehood spoke in a confident and eloquent tone with an unwavering expression.

“…There’s no free lunch in this world. Let’s hear it – What do you want?” Glock spoke in an emotionless tone as he handed the scroll to Laws beside him.

“There are some conditions, of course, but they’re really simple,” Falsehood got up to his feet. “We simply wish for your Chivalric Group to continue to patronize my cult more in the future.”

“Just that?”

“That’s correct. Our Ancestral God is both magnanimous and upright. He would never skimp from rewarding His devoted followers.”

The remaining scrolls were then packed into the black box and handed over to Glock.

“Well then, Sir Knights, may our collaboration be a prosperous one.”

“……ast senguis florua ire scintilles” A low chanting voice filled the air, like the whisper of a grim reaper.

The humid air ignited. A small flame began to rapidly expand in the dark expanse of the underground cavern.

“This is bad!” Falsehood immediately sensed the danger and quickly ducked down beside the stone table.