Allure Of The Night-Chapter 436: Married the prince

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Marceline Moriarty, who once enjoyed attention from people and being in the limelight, suddenly turned uncomfortable. It was because of the people who once showered her with compliments, the same people looked at her differently and she could sense it.

Her wooden leg creaked every time she moved and wobbled like a broken toy. She was uncomfortable, with some of the guests looking at her and some looking at the hem of her dress behind which was her shoes.

Marceline replied, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Lady Aurora couldn't believe that even this vampiress could turn away. She said, "You were there at the Council. All of you are lying! Everyone, one of you. I will expose you all!" Turning to her daughter, she ordered, "We are leaving now."

When Marquee Hooke and Lady Aurora started to walk, Rosetta didn't move from where she stood.

On sensing Rosetta not walking with them, Lady Aurora stopped and turned. She frowned, while trying to keep her temper and repeated, "I said we are leaving, Rose. Come now, we have urgent matters to deal with."

Rosetta parted her lips and replied, "I won't be coming with you and father, mother."

Lady Aurora frowned at her daughter's words and blurted, "You won't come? Don't tell me you want to stay here after the humiliation they have caused upon us. Upon you."

Marquee Hooke wondered what was wrong with his daughter. Earlier, his wife had mentioned how happy their daughter was about the wedding.

"It is Eve's wedding, and I want to be here celebrating it. Not doing things I don't want to do. I have grown up," Rosetta had to frame her words before blurting it carefully. She didn't know how to tell her parents the news about what had happened last night.

Lady Aurora huffed, "Behave, Rose. There's no need to cause a scene. So come with us. We are leaving immediately." The woman's hand reached out to grab Rosetta's hand, but Rosetta took a step back and Eve stepped forward.

Eve remarked firmly, "Rosetta isn't going anywhere. She is now a member of the Dawson's family."

Lady Aurora said in a low voice to Eve, "I don't know what you have filled Rosetta's head with, but it would be wise for you to stop here. She is my daughter."

"A daughter isn't someone you pawn, Marchioness Aurora Hooke," Eve spoke to the woman, while protecting Rosetta. "A daughter is to be cherished. To be loved and cared for. Not using force to get your own means. Rosetta belongs in the Dawson's house."

"She's a Hooke. Rosetta," Lady Aurora was losing her patience with her daughter, and her hand itched to strike her daughter's face to straighten her daughter's errant behaviour. "You are a Hooke, and not someone from a low disgusting family."

Rosetta had never gone against her parents, and what she had done until now had been indirect ways without their knowledge. But today, and right now, she had to take her stand and be strong. She took a deep breath and said,

"I am not a Hooke. I am Eggs or Weaver…"

People around them started to murmur more, ready to soak into the drama that was taking place and curiosity rising in their minds. A few couldn't believe that the young vampiress was willing to change it from a prestigious name like Hooke.

Lady Aurora took two steps forward and said, "I am not in the mood to fool around or listen to you speak nonsense. Whatever it is, we shall talk about it once we get back home."

Rosetta shook her head, "Mother. Father. I am a married woman, and am capable of taking decisions myself. You do not have to worry about me anymore."

"What rubbish are you talking about?" Lady Aurora glared at her daughter.

Marquee Hooke hadn't heard about Eggs, but he had heard the Weaver name. The marchioness felt sick in her stomach and asked, "Who… who is Weaver?"

"Eugene Weaver," Clayton said, the name he had read from the registry.

"Who is he?!" Lady Aurora demanded from Rosetta and Eve.

"I am Eugene Weaver."

Everyone turned their gazes to look in the direction where the voice came from. There stood Eugene, who wore a brown suit that belonged to Lady Aubrey's late husband. He made his way to come and stand next to Rosetta, holding her hand and the young vampiress's heart fluttered at the gesture.

"No…." Lady Aurora took a step backwards, where her movements staggered and before she could fall, her husband caught her. "This can't be happening," she whispered in horror.

"Rosetta, dear," Marquee Hooke tried to change his daughter's mind with sweet, convincing words, "We understand that you want to live a life of your own, and wanted to ma—"

"Eugene and I are married to each other. In front of a priest, in the chapel. I bear his ring on my hand as a sign of our marriage," Rosetta raised her hand to show the dull ring on her hand, which only spun her proud mother's head more.

"H—how could you do this to us, Rose?! You cheated us…" Lady Aurora murmured with her body shaking in a rage.

"Eugene makes me very happy and cares for me, mother," Rosetta gave her reason.

Marquee Hooke held a pure look of disgust and disappointment on his face. He stated, "This marriage is not valid. It cannot be considered without our presence and you don't have our blessings, Rosetta."

Rosetta felt an ache in her chest and she lowered her eyes. She heard her mother snap at her, "We were offering you the prince and you chose a beggar. You can't do one thing right."

"Eugene is not a beggar," Lady Aubrey was the one to speak. She was nothing less than a protective mother to Eve and Eugene, and she wouldn't stand there, listening to people look down upon them. She said to the marchioness, "He is a far more respectable man than you and your husband. And I think he is more rich than you both are now."

"What do you mean?" Lady Aurora narrowed her eyes, feeling embarrassment starting to catch up to her.

"I think you know what she meant, Marchioness. It would be best for you to leave and not interrupt our day," Eve remarked.

When Lady Aurora's hand raised, Vincent warned her coldly, "Touch her I will kill you with my bare hands."

"Mother, stop it," Rosetta said in a hushed voice. She said, "I have already made my decision and I am Eugene's wife. You should accept him as your son-in-law."

"That my daughter married a servant? Never!" Lady Aurora glared at Rosetta.

Rosetta said to her mother, "It is true that he works for the family to feed himself. But his work doesn't define him. No one should. I don't do any work, some work is better. Maybe I didn't choose a prince, who would never love me. But I chose someone who will keep me happy and love me. I love him very much and in a way, I married my prince. So please," she looked at her parents pleadingly.

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