Apocalypse Rebirth: Beauties Surround Me-Chapter 17: She seemed a little embarrassed

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Chapter 17: She seemed a little embarrassed

Elijah buried the corpse core of the zombie dog in the pot where the zombie grass was planted.

The emerald green leaves swayed gently, as if expressing joy.

"What kind of plant is this? It's glowing, so amazing!"

Daisy finally noticed the zombie grass, curious as she held her utensils, eating and asking.

"It's zombie grass. As for its use, you'll find out later!"

Elijah placed the zombie grass properly and said to Bella, "I've eliminated all the dangers in this building. As long as we stay inside, it's safe." š‘“š‘Ÿš‘’š“®š“Œš‘’š’·š˜Æā„“š‘£š“®š“.š’øā„“š˜®

"After Daisy finishes eating, take a break, and then in the afternoon, we'll move all the useful supplies back together!"

"Daisy... would you like to move up here with us or continue staying on the fourth floor?"

Daisy didn't hesitate and replied, "I'll stay on the fourth floor by myself!"

"Aren't you afraid to be alone?"

For some reason, hearing this question, Bella felt a strange sense of joy.

But she also admired Daisy's courage to live alone.

"Not afraid! I have Abigail with me, oh, and also Little Yellow!"

Daisy patted her chest, causing her chest to tremble slightly, which made Elijah couldn't help but glance at her a few more times.

"Abigail? Little Yellow?"

"They are my roommates. Although they've turned into zombies, Elijah has already controlled them. Little Yellow is a small dog we found on the third floor..."

Daisy chattered on about what happened downstairs, revealing the awakening abilities of both of them.

"Awakening abilities..." Bella was both surprised and envious. At the same time, a certain persistence in her heart began to waver!


Around 3 PM in the afternoon, the three rested and then started moving things upstairs.

Bella, not being an awakened individual, was much weaker in strength and endurance.

After a few trips, she was panting heavily, but she didn't say anything and gritted her teeth to persevere!

Elijah simply let her continue searching through the rooms they had already searched with Daisy, looking for anything they might have missed!

Surprisingly, they found quite a few good things.

Of course, some of them were things Elijah didn't need at all, but were crucial for women, like sanitary pads...

During the move on the third floor, a skinny little dog caught Bella's attention.

When it saw Daisy, it immediately staggered over, its tail wagging like a windmill, rubbing against Daisy.

"Wow! Little Yellow is okay!" Daisy happily picked it up.

This little dog belonged to the occupants of this apartment on the third floor.

Since they were not around, the little dog had gone hungry for several days.

After Daisy found it, she fed it some milk, and now it had recovered.

"It didn't eat much just now, probably hungry again! Give it some liquid food, but don't let it eat too much at once!"

Elijah planted a seed of consciousness for it while he was at it.

If Daisy wanted to keep it, she had to guard against the possibility of it turning into a zombie.

If it did become a zombie, then they would have another zombie dog!

Elijah chuckled, scaring the little dog into burying itself in Daisy's arms, making Elijah quite envious. Not afraid of suffocating either!

Elijah muttered a sentence to himself.

Busy until 5 PM, they finally moved everything. After a short rest, Bella began to organize the supplies and categorize them.

Most of the pile was stacked in the dining room and kitchen, such as rice, flour, oil, some dried vegetables, and vegetables.

A small portion was placed in Elijah's bedroom, like alcohol, drinks, snacks, and instant food.

Once she roughly sorted everything, she started cooking some perishable food.

On the other side, Elijah and Daisy didn't idle either.

Elijah began to teach Daisy the Golden Elephant Body Forging Technique.

"Golden Elephant Body Forging Technique? What's that?" Daisy, eager for dinner, didn't want to move at all.

"It's a set of body forging techniques that can quickly enhance the physical qualities of awakened individuals. It's effective for ordinary people too, just not as noticeable."

Bella, who was choosing ingredients, faintly heard and immediately understood why Elijah's strength had grown so fast.

"Can it make me as strong as Elijah?" Daisy's eyes sparkled.

"Even more so... Here, let me demonstrate the first two sets of movements for you to see!"

Elijah walked to the central space in the living room and performed two sets of movements with agility.

Daisy watched attentively, occasionally mimicking the movements beside him.

After Elijah finished, Daisy was still not satisfied and was trying to recall the movements.

"Daisy, try practicing on your own first, and I'll point out any mistakes."

"Sure thing, Elijah!" Daisy stood where Elijah had been and began to recall the movements. Soon, she started moving.

Elijah was immediately astonished! It wasn't that Daisy didn't do well, but she did it too well!

Her gestures, twists, and turns were almost flawless, with only slight deviations in breathing and some angles of exertion.

"Very impressive, Daisy! You learned this much just by watching once!" Elijah felt a twinge of jealousy!

"It's nothing, really. When we learn dancing, we often memorize movements, so I have some experience!" Daisy giggled.

"You learned dancing? No wonder..." Elijah nodded in understanding.

"Alright, practice the movements again, and I'll point out any problem areas!"

Since she was his girlfriend, Elijah didn't hold back. He touched wherever he needed to touch and sometimes sighed inwardly!

"Indeed, she learned dancing... Her body's flexibility... if it were in bed..." Daisy didn't mind and earnestly corrected her movements.

Once the first two sets of movements were mastered, Bella had finished cooking the meal.

"Why do I feel like I'm getting hungry so quickly practicing this?" Daisy immediately lost interest in practicing when she saw the food.

"You! You're just a foodie!"

"No choice, I'm just hungry!"

The two of them joked as they sat down at the dining table.

As the sun set, another day passed. Taking advantage of the remaining light, the three of them enjoyed their dinner happily.

"Mmm... I'm so full!" Daisy leaned back in her chair, stretching luxuriously.

With her movement, her chest became particularly prominent, catching Elijah's eyes.

"Today I treated her to three meals. Shouldn't Daisy fulfill her girlfriend's duty?" He cleared his throat and was about to say, "Daisy, tonight..."

Before Elijah could finish, Daisy suddenly clenched one hand and pounded it on the other.

"Oh! I forgot Little Yellow hasn't eaten yet! Elijah, I'll go home and feed Little Yellow first, I'll come back tomorrow!" With lightning speed, Daisy dashed downstairs.


Bella couldn't help but laugh! A smile so charming, it lit up the entire room! Elijah's eyes sparkled!

Looking at the radiant smile so close to him, Elijah jokingly said, "Bella, now that you've eaten and rested well, how about I teach you the second set of movements for the Golden Elephant Body Forging Technique?"

Elijah just wanted to retaliate against her earlier laughter and didn't really expect her to agree.

But to his surprise, Bella only hesitated for a moment before immediately replying, "Sure!"

"Hmm?" Elijah glanced at the darkening sky outside.

Although it wasn't completely dark inside the house, it was dim enough that objects far away couldn't be clearly seen.

This level of brightness was simply inadequate for teaching, as Elijah understood, and Bella naturally understood as well. Yet she still agreed!

Could it be...?

Elijah stared closely at Bella and noticed her lips lightly nibbling, her eyes watery, unable to meet Elijah's gaze directly.

She seemed a little embarrassed, yet also seemed to be hinting at something...

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