Apocalypse Rebirth: Beauties Surround Me-Chapter 33 Waiting for Your Return

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Chapter 33 Waiting for Your Return

Breakfast was ready, and Daisy still seemed a bit sulky, constantly competing with Elijah during the meal. Bella watched the two of them playfully.

After breakfast, the three of them rested for a while and then began practicing body forging techniques together.

Although they knew there were flaws, it didn't affect the excellent results they achieved.

They planned to correct any mistakes when they reunited with Charlotte later.

Among the three, Daisy, needless to say, was already very skilled.

Bella finally completed the entire set of movements.

Elijah observed and guided them, and when Bella finished, he couldn't help but praise her, saying, "Bella, you did very well today. It wasn't in vain for me to provide in-depth guidance all along!"

Bella couldn't help but roll her eyes at his so-called "in-depth guidance." Was it even serious?

"Practice a little more every day from now on. Although your strength hasn't increased much yet, it will still help with your overall health. When you have the chance to awaken your abilities in the future, it will definitely enhance your strength!" Elijah advised.

Bella pursed her lips and nodded in agreement.

"Daisy, let's take a break from body forging techniques for now and focus on getting familiar with our new weapons. After lunch, we'll rest for the afternoon and discuss our route!" Elijah paused for a moment before continuing.

"Sounds good!"

So, they each took their respective weapons and began getting accustomed to the weight, feel, and usage methods.

Daisy chose a knife, not just for the playful "three-knife style" and wanting to give one to Bella and Abigail each, but also because she had learned some basic knife skills from Charlotte.

Although it was more of a playful nature, Charlotte mainly trained them in using knives and swords.

Influenced by anime, both Daisy and Abigail preferred using knives.

So, when they occasionally went to play with Charlotte and saw her martial arts practice, they would join in.

Inspired by this, they even created a dance routine combining some knife techniques. It was a huge hit at last year's school event.

However, back then, they mostly practiced with wooden knives, as real ones were too heavy, making it difficult to persist for long periods.

Now, with Daisy's greatly enhanced strength, the feeling of a real knife in her hand was lighter than before.

Daisy didn't unsheathe the knife but instead gestured with the scabbard. Unlike the elegant and graceful movements of a sword, the knife involved more powerful and forceful strikes.

Daisy recalled Charlotte's advice from the previous night. Beginners should not be confined to the forms and routines of knife techniques.

They should first practice the basic use of the knife.

Sweep, chop, flick, slice, graze, parry, slash, thrust! 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝔩.𝔠𝖔𝔪

All knife techniques evolved from these eight basic movements.

Only by mastering the basic movements of knife techniques and making them instinctive could one avoid confusion in the face of the enemy and reach the level of countering moves with ease.

Daisy had learned these basic movements before, although she only vaguely understood them.

She saw them as extracurricular relaxation and supplementation to her dance lessons.

But fortunately, she had a foundation.

Now, with her greatly enhanced physique and having faced off against zombies several times, albeit mostly relying on her abilities, practicing knife techniques felt completely different.

In the past, when she practiced each basic movement, it was just practice. Now, she was thinking about facing zombies—whether her strike angle was appropriate, if her strength was sufficient, and if she could kill with one blow.

And because of body forging techniques, she began to understand the force techniques of each movement, whether they were as Charlotte had taught, and if there were any areas for improvement.

This was the beginning of her entry into knife techniques.

Observing Elijah, he didn't really care much. He didn't know any core actions of marksmanship—blocking, grabbing, or stabbing.

However, he had a year of experience poking zombies with a crowbar during the apocalypse.

He could use the spear as a crowbar, and with the weight of this spear, even swinging it like a club could easily crush a zombie's skull.

At the moment, his priority was to become familiar with the weight and length of the spear, strengthen his grip, and strive to make it as easy to use as an extension of his arm.

With limited space in the room, Elijah practiced thrusting on the balcony.

With his left arm in front and his right arm behind, he held the stainless steel spear with both hands, exerting force with his legs, twisting his hips, and turning his waist.

The spear thrust out like a dragon, piercing through the air with a cold gleam, causing a whistling sound from the friction.

"Very powerful!" Elijah felt the impact of the thrust just now.

He had a feeling that even if there were an iron plate in front of him, he could pierce through it with one thrust.

He couldn't help but grip the spear tighter.

The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. So, he couldn't wait to practice again.

The two of them practiced until noon, sweating profusely.

While Bella cooked, she started the generator, and they managed to get a little electricity, experiencing a bit of modern cooling.

"Ah, it would be so great if we had electricity every day, and water too! It's been so long since I've had a bath!" Daisy slumped in her chair, feeling the cool breeze from the air conditioner.

To save water, although they were sweating profusely, they could only wipe themselves down with wet towels, and the used water had to be flushed down the toilet.

But thanks to this, their bodies didn't smell too bad. Even a little fairy would become smelly if she didn't bathe in this hot summer!

However, this also made their water supply more and more tense.

"Very soon, once we reach our destination, there's a whole ocean waiting for you to enjoy!"

"Yeah, I want to play in the water on the beach! I heard the most famous thing about Azure Isle is the golden beach and the marina filled with luxury yachts. We can even go boating out to sea..."

Daisy closed her eyes and daydreamed.

"I can't wait for everything you said!" Bella brought out the food and also felt a bit wistful. Even though staying here might be safer!

"Alright, let's eat, let's eat. In the afternoon, we'll plan our route. As long as everything goes smoothly, all your dreams will come true!"

After lunch, Elijah took out the map, and the three of them planned their route together.

The fastest route was undoubtedly to head east from their neighborhood for about seven to eight kilometers until they reached the coastal road.

Then, they would head south along the coastal road for about 30 kilometers until they reached their destination—Azure Isle!

However, there were dozens of traffic lights along this route, and each one could potentially cause congestion, making it impossible to proceed normally.

So, they needed to consider alternative routes. How to quickly bypass blocked roads when the main route was congested.

They discussed until evening, preparing various plans, but the specifics would still need to be decided after a field inspection.

After dinner, Daisy went back to her house to change into outdoor clothes. Elijah also got dressed neatly under Bella's care.

"Before we come back, don't go out, and don't open the door for anyone. Wait for us to come back. There's enough food and water in the house to last you for a few months..."

Bella suddenly covered Elijah's mouth with her fingers.

"I don't want to survive alone for months. You must come back to get me!"

"I will!" Elijah looked at her worried expression and kissed her softly.

Bella also hugged his neck in response. They only let go when Elijah felt Daisy heading upstairs.

"Do you like my outfit today?" Bella asked Elijah, a little shyly.

"I love it!" Elijah replied without hesitation.

"I'll wear this outfit until you come back. You can do whatever you want then..."

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts