Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground-Chapter 43: Test

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Chapter 43: Test

While Atticus was lost in thought, the imposing cargo doors of the ship creaked open, inviting them inside.

As they all entered, the doors closed behind them, and the ship promptly took off.

After walking for a few moments, Atticus and the others entered a spacious hall within the ship.

The hall he entered was a grand expanse of gleaming metal and sophisticated technology, illuminated by soft ambient lights that glowed like distant stars.

The walls seemed to curve seamlessly, creating an illusion of boundless space. Elegant arches adorned the ceiling, stretching gracefully overhead and meeting at the center in an intricate design.

'Damn, this is amazing,' Atticus thought in awe. He then redirected his attention to the front of the hall where a raised podium stood.

After a minute of anticipation, a figure emerged and made his way to the podium—a man with the typical distinctive white hair, radiating the unmistakable aura of a master-rank.

His rugged appearance exuded toughness, and he was clad in all-black attire that bore a resemblance to military clothing, which only served to emphasize his authoritative and commanding presence.

The crowd began to murmur at the revelation, but a display of the master rank's aura silenced their voices.

The man's authoritative voice resonated throughout the hall as he introduced himself, "Welcome to the Raven camp! I am Elias, one of the instructors at the camp."

He paused for a moment and then continued,

"As you're aware, this is where every 10-year-old in the Ravenstein family spends their next three years. The camp's primary purpose is to train and prepare you for the academy. More detailed information will be provided later, but for now, we shall commence with a test that will determine your treatment in the camp."

As Elias lifted his hands, approximately twenty bags levitated and landed gracefully in the hands of each children.

He continued, "In each of the bags, you'll find a compass and a bracelet-like device. I strongly recommend that you put on the bracelet immediately."

They followed the instructions and promptly put on the bracelets. Atticus, felt a connection form between himself and the bracelet. 'An artifact, huh? I wonder what it does,' he pondered.

"What you've just put on is an artifact. For now, all you need to know is that it will teleport you back here if it senses that your life is in danger. It possesses numerous other functions, but you'll learn those at a later time," Elias explained.

Elias's words sent ripples of panic through many of the children. Their life in danger? What sort of test do they want to administer?

Elias couldn't help but notice the widespread panic among the children, but he had no intention of addressing their concerns, 'Weaklings are not needed in the family.'

He also noticed some of the children remained composed even after they found out their life might be in danger.

He noted their faces and his gaze suddenly stopped at Atticus. He kept staring at him as if trying to unveil his secret.

'He's the one. This should be interesting' Elias thought with a smile.

Undeterred, Elias pressed on, "The compass will guide you to your destination. I strongly recommend you take this seriously. Ranks will be assigned based on who reaches the destination first."

Atticus's mind raced, thinking of different possibilities at a fast rate 'A test? A compass, hmm' His mind churned with possibilities: 'It's a race. But how would they ad-' until a realization struck him 'Wait! Where are we standing?'

As if in response to his thoughts, Elias's voice boomed once again, announcing the initiation of the test. Without warning, the floor beneath them gave way, and Atticus and the others fell.

Panic erupted as screams echoed through the air, the sudden descent causing most of them to panic. Only Atticus and a handful of others managed to maintain their composure.

They suddenly remembered the bracelet and held on to it as if it was their life line. The tension in the air eased somewhat, but it was short-lived.

Elias's voice resonated once more, "Oh yes, gravity isn't your only enemy."

The sky above them suddenly erupted with a cacophony of screeches, and a horde of beasts with spiked dorsal fins that run along their elongated bodies descended upon them.

'Skythorns,' Atticus identified the creatures immediately.

These were magical beasts, creatures that underwent evolution and transformation through the absorption of mana. This process triggered substantial changes in the beasts' physiology, abilities, and even their appearance, enabling them to adapt and grow stronger over time.

The skythorns were formidable and menacing creatures that inhabit the skies of Eldoralth. With their predatory instincts and powerful physique, they are often feared by those who traverse the open skies.

A chorus of curses erupted from the group. The shrieking Skythorns suddenly swooped down, their hungry eyes locked onto the youths. Some tried to fend them off, but their efforts often met with failures making them get teleported.

Atticus's senses sharpened as he scanned the chaotic scene, assessing the situation with a clear mind.

This was his first encounter with magical beasts. He had mentally prepared himself for this day, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't anticipating it.

He observed some of the children as they effortlessly dealt with the attacking beasts.

An aloof young girl, seemingly unfazed by the sudden threat, effortlessly retrieved an arrow from her spatial storage. With practiced precision, she imbued it with mana before releasing it with remarkable accuracy. 'Not bad' Atticus commented.

His attention then shifted to a boy who expertly wielded daggers, their edges encased in mana. With agile maneuvers, he swiftly navigated through the air, executing precise strikes that dispatched the beasts with ease.

The coordination between two friends caught his eye next. The muscular young man produced a broad sword from his spatial storage, effectively cleaving through the beasts' ranks, while his companion employed blinding techniques to disorient the creatures, creating openings for his friend's attacks.

Atticus was most impressed by the red eyed girl. As the Skythorns closed in on her, her body ignited with flames. Utilizing this fiery aura, she propelled herself towards the nearest bird, incinerating it upon impact.

'She can already wield her bloodline this expertly?' Atticus was somewhat surprised by that. An intermediate rank at 10 year old is not something you see everyday and she was already so skilled at using her bloodline powers.

However, his focus was momentarily broken as a group of Skythorns swooped down on him, menacingly threatening to attack.

They were hideous, to say the least. If this had been Atticus before his training, he would have run without looking back. But years of training and fighting had steeled his mindset. He was no longer the Atticus from Earth; he was now Atticus Ravenstein.

Atticus closed his eyes and took a deep breath, 'Here goes nothing'

He opened his eyes and swiftly drew and re-sheathed his katana, the motion akin to a lightning bolt in its swiftness.

As the beasts drew within a 5-meter radius, their bodies seemed to distort and fragment, each splitting into two distinct entities.

'Hmm, not as hard as I thought my first kill would be. They're only using Novice rank beasts to test us," Atticus speculated. During his lessons Atticus had discovered that beasts use the same kind of rank classification as humans. From Novice to Paragon rank.

He had expected his first fight with magical beasts to be filled with struggles and close calls. He wasn't expecting it to be this easy. 'Damn, I've gotten too strong. I'll have to look for stronger beasts later.'

The five too were attentively observing their surroundings, trying to see who would be their competition. Their shock was palpable when they witnessed Atticus's remarkable display of strength. A unanimous thought reverberated through their minds: 'He's strong!'

Meanwhile, Nate's anxiety was palpable, his forehead beading with sweat. Internally, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, 'Thank goodness I turned back.'

Within the confines of the control room aboard the ship, a group of five men stood in front of an array of screens, closely monitoring the unfolding events.

One of them, breaking the silence, spoke with a note of intrigue, "Seems like there's no shortage of promising talents this year, wouldn't you say, Marcus?"

Marcus nodded in agreement, a trace of admiration evident in his voice. "Indeed. Young Miss Aurora, in particular, is exceptionally gifted. To wield her bloodline with such mastery at such a young age is truly remarkable."

As their praise flowed freely, the group of men in the control room couldn't help but notice Elias's intense focus on a single screen. Curious, the others followed his line of sight, and their collective gasp of astonishment resonated through the room.

On the screen, a composed young boy with spiky, mane-like hair expertly manipulated the air around him as he descended gracefully. An air of serene confidence enveloped him as he effortlessly dispatched any of the beasts that entered within a five-meter radius with uncanny precision, severing them with remarkable skill.

Elias's lips curved into a knowing smile, "This camp is going to be particularly interesting this time around."


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