Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground-Chapter 533 Surbordinates

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This 𝓬ontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.𝒄𝒐𝙢

Chapter 533 Surbordinates

Atticus didn't refuse, he turned his gaze and focused at Yotad kneeling figure, causing the latter to bow down more. The same thing occurred as he turned towards Dario.

Atticus nodded and immediately channelled his mana into his space ring, bringing out an engraver from his space storage.

He had used his finger and blood during the summit because he had no access to an engraver. Yotad and Dario weren't facing upwards, but they were well aware of what was happening.

Mana contracts weren't as simple as many would think. Although it hadn't been the main reason, it was still a part of why the academy completely banned mana contract in the academy. They were absolute, that part was correct.

But in order to draft one, one would require the ability of clearly engraving your intent with your will. They both knew who exactly Atticus was, the son of the family head and direct grandchild of Magnus.

But this ability wasn't something that even a grade 1 runesmith could achieve talk less of a person who wasn't even a runesmith in the first place.

One would need to be in at least Expert- rank and had awakened their perception in order to have such control. However, Atticus was in the Advanced+ rank?

Only one thought came to their head, 'what was master Magnus doing?'

However their questions were answered in the next second. Atticus didn't even take a second, a crimson glow ignited at the tip of the engraver and with swift movements, Atticus drafted the contract on each golden paper and returned his engraver back to his space storage.

He didn't feel any drain, his will was already too high to be affected by something this small.

He had chosen simple and at the same time direct clauses and eventually made just 3.

t-The contractee shall exhibit unwavering loyalty to the contracter and shall not engage in any actions, directly or indirectly, that would harm or betray the contracter.

-The contractee shall be strictly prohibited from disclosing any confidential information, conspiring, or collaborating with any party regardless of whether they seeks to harm or undermine the contracter or otherwise.

-The contractee shall follow and obey the words of the contracter and the contracter alone at every instances and would never follow the orders another except the contracter is aware of it and had given approval.

These clauses were designed to ensure loyalty, prevent betrayal, and make sure his orders were law.

The eye brows of Yotad and Dario trembled, disbelieve coloring their features. They both knew Atticus was incredibly talented, but only to an extent.

If they were to pretend and say that he had managed somehow, the fact that he had done it so effortlessly and there wasn't a single ripple of demotivation on his face brought about another shock.

Air wrapped both mana contract and floated towards Dario and Yotad. They both had the same contents so Atticus hadn't bother and have gave them each one.

"Read it and decide if you want to sign it," Seeing them immediately reaching out to the contracts Atticus added firmly, "I'm instructing you to read it first. I will not have someone unwilling as my surbodinate,"

The duo paused, before nodding their heads in unison and grabbed the contracts from the air. The glowing crimson letters were as clear as day and weren't much.

All it took was a glance for them to comprehend the clauses and in the next second, they each signed and accepted the contracts.

They turned into motes of light entering the bodies of the duo and coalescing in their navels just where their mana core were located.

There was no hesitation in their actions. The Ravenblades live for the Ravenstein family, this fact has been indoctrinated into their minds even from a young age.

However, despite their unwavering loyalty, none of them dared to refuse considering who was standing behind Atticus.

"Good. Dario will show you to your quarters and also attend to your needs from now on. You're free to have your bath and relax for the time being, it's going to be a long ride to our first destination,"

Magnus words were followed by him adruptly vanishing as though he were never there.

Atticus was already used to this action and didn't bother being shocked. Turning toward his two new surbordinate, Atticus sighed softly as he saw that they were both still on their knees.

"You don't have to kneel, stand up," Atticus instructed. They both hesitated but ultimately relented and stood up. Atticus words were basically law now.

Seeing them bowing their heads, Atticus frowned, "Raise your heads. I understand I'm your master and you guys surbordinate but you don't have to be so cringe. Relax, your unwavering loyalty is all I need,"

The duo took Atticus words differently. Yotad immediately raised up his head, following Atticus command. The ravensblade were used to following their master's words to the last letter, no questions asked.

While Dario was mildly surprised. Did he really win the lottery and get a nice and humble young master? Dario shook his head, it was too early to tell.

"Show me to my quarters?"

Atticus words brought Dario out of his thoughts. He suddenly flashed a smile, straightening out his suit, he bowed and gestured toward a random direction. "This way young master," 𝔣𝖗𝔢𝖊𝔴𝖊𝔟𝔫𝔬𝖛𝔢𝖑.𝔠𝔬𝔪

Atticus nodded and followed behind him with Yotad attaching himself directly behind Atticus.

After a few seconds, Atticus found him in an hallway a sudden question popping in his head,

"While I understand the need for a Ravenblade, what about you? Why are you serving me?" Atticus suddenly asked, "Just answer the question," he added, stopping Dario who was about to turn and respond to his question respectfully.

Dario cleared his throat awkwardly, "Apologies young master. The Ravenblade is here for protection while I'm here to answer any questions you have about the human domain and it's happenings. My family isn't that high up in the Ravenstein family hierarchy, but we're all well versed in politics,"

'So basically an information trove huh,"

"I can also get anything you might require, from potions to runes to books, anything,"

Atticus listened to Dario talk about his uses as though he was in a job interview. Yotad remained quiet, simply walking behind Atticus.

After a minute of moving through the airship, they eventually reached door,

"We're here young master,"