Beast Taming: Infinite Simulation as a Tamed Beast-Chapter 315 - 248: The Volcanic Crater of Fuyue Mountain

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Chapter 315: Chapter 248: The Volcanic Crater of Fuyue Mountain

Translator: 549690339

Vincent Wolf had not been running for long when he heard a massive explosion coming from behind him.

The rumbling was punctuated by the sound of collapsing structures, which sent chills down Vincent’s spine.

“They really did come out!”

Vincent, mounted on Barry, stole a glance behind him.

A horde of demon beasts poured out from the temple, low-ranking creatures like mountain demons, umbrella demons, and canine demons were emerging in droves. They were ferocious and attacked the outside world like mad beasts.

The sight startled Vincent.

Even with his substantial increase in power, he still couldn’t handle such a large number of vicious demon beasts.

Time to run!

Just as Vincent was making his escape, a phone call came in. It was still the Island Owner.

“What the hell have you done?! Why did a surge of demon beasts explode on Ofunato Island just after I gave you some intel?!”

As soon as the call connected, the other party’s questioning hit him like a tidal wave, leaving Vincent stunned.

‘What? It’s not my fault! I didn’t do anything!”

“So what the hell is going on? I just got the news that multiple demon domains on Ofunato Island have simultaneously erupted into a monster surge. Unlike the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade, they attack anyone or anything they see, and many civilians have already been injured or killed!”

“Multiple demon domains!” Vincent was equally shocked. It turned out that the Chaotic Demon Domain wasn’t the only one that had erupted into a monster surge.

How could this happen?!

If the breaking of the seal on the Chaotic Demon Domain was a coincidence,

then the simultaneous breaking of the seals on dozens of demon domains on Ofunato Island couldn’t just be a coincidence.

Vincent was now certain that Miao Shihe was on Ofunato Island. If not for him, the current situation would be unexplainable!

“Listen, Island Owner, the person causing all this trouble is the one I’ve been trying to find. He’s likely an Evil Beast Master planning a plot to overthrow the entire Archipelago Alliance during the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade. The current disaster was all his doing!”

Vincent didn’t know what Miao Shihe’s intentions or plans were, or whether his actions were targeting the Archipelago Alliance. But at this point, he had to frame Miao Shihe to avoid any potential trouble Iwashita Hisao might cause. “Your non-native Grandmaster did this?”

Although Iwashita Hisao was somewhat doubtful, he still chose to believe Vincent.

He had no other choice. After all, Vincent had only just arrived on Ofunato Island. Even if he could break the seals on the demon domains, he wouldn’t have had enough time to do so for all the domains on the island.

The intel was also given to Vincent by Iwashita Hisao himself. If Vincent were the perpetrator, wouldn’t Iwashita Hisao be an accomplice?

“What’s the name of this Grandmaster you’re looking for, and what does he look like? I’ll send people to search for him right away! ”

With Iwashita Hisao now actively seeking Miao Shihe, Vincent relayed everything he knew.

“Okay, I’ll notify you once I find him.”

Iwashita Hisao said he would notify him, but did not specify about what.

However, Vincent didn’t mind. After all, Iwashita Hisao was also trying to hunt down Miao Shihe, so they were on the same side.

But before Vincent could hang up, he heard a terrified voice from the other end of the line.

“Impossible! Those demon beasts are all headed in the direction of the Fuyue Mountain’s volcanic mouths!”


A volcano?!

Vincent almost thought he’d misheard!

Fuyue Mountain currently has 252 volcanic vents distributed around Mount Fuji, with some at the peak, some halfway up, and some at the foot. Some of these vents have been dormant for a long time, while some still show signs of activity. If Mount Fuji were to erupt on a large scale, these vents might erupt at the same time or one after the other, causing disasters in different directions and ranges.

Fuyue Mountain is one of the largest active volcanoes in the world. The might of its eruption would far exceed that of the Death Demonic Domain’s volcano eruption. It could potentially impact the entire Archipelago Alliance!

“Oh no!” Before Vincent could react, Iwashita Hisao’s panicked voice came from the other side of the phone. “There’s also a demon domain at one of the largest volcanic vents. No beasts have emerged from it yet… Could it be the Grandmaster intends to break that seal last, forcing the volcanoes to erupt all at once?!”

Upon finishing this sentence, Iwashita Hisao hurriedly hung up the phone and started preparing emergency measures.

With the sound of the call disconnecting echoing in his ear, Vincent’s mind started racing.

“What should I be doing next?”

“First off, if I can’t prevent Miao Shihe in time, there’s a high chance that the volcano will erupt. Considering my current speed, I may not be able to escape.”

“If I try to prevent Miao Shihe, can I actually succeed? He’s a Senior Grandmaster after all…

“But if I don’t go and start running right now, there’s a big chance that I can escape… ”

After hesitating tor several minutes, Vincent made his decision.


If not for the sake of saving the people of the Archipelago Alliance, then to prevent Miao Shihe’s plans from succeeding!

Vincent did not cross continents to come to a foreign land just to run away!

If Miao Shihe had spent one or two years traveling to the Archipelago Alliance to carry out his plans, then this matter must be of great importance to him.

To break the seals on more than a dozen demon domains before the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade is no easy feat for Miao Shihe. The seals on these demon domains were placed by Taion’yo Master Seimei, a figure of Legendary Beast Master equivalent during ancient times, using their life force.

Miao Shihe, a mere Grandmaster, would willingly pay a huge price to break these seals ahead of time, indicating that there must be enough corresponding returns to warrant this action, or it could be a necessary step to achieving his ultimate goal!

And Vincent didn’t want to see any part of Miao Shihe’s plan go smoothly!

Not to mention, in the past three days, not only had Yvonne improved, but also Barry had seen a leap in power.

Barry’s current attributes, life and death, had both reached 100 percent, meaning it had perfectly evolved into the Life-Death Slime King. Its Species Level had jumped straight up to High-grade Monarch!

After reaching High-grade Monarch, aside from merging Rapid Healing and Death Touch into the Super Grade Life and Death Power, the quality of Barry’s Devour had also increased by one grade, becoming a Super Grade talent. Moreover, its proficiency remained at the master level!

With these advancements, Vincent now had the confidence to take on an average Monarch!

Vincent refused to believe that Miao Shihe would be unscathed by forcefully breaking the seal!

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