Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard-Chapter 125

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Chapter 125

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None

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“I apologize for interrupting the meeting.”

It was a member of the Sgonu tribe.

He bowed to the Okaha high chieftain and then whispered something to the Sgonu high chieftain.

The Sgonu high chieftain nodded with a stern expression.

“It seems that arrogant wizard was telling the truth.” 𝔣𝖗𝔢𝔢𝔴𝖊𝖇𝖓𝔬𝔳𝖊𝔩.𝔠𝔬𝖒

“What is it, high chieftain?”

“Our warriors found the frozen corpses of Yagons deep in the holy mountain.”

The Sgonu coalition had also dispatched an investigation team as soon as they heard the news from the holy mountain.

They discovered Yagon corpses in a different location from the one Ian had identified.

“The Mountain King intends to wipe out the Yagons.”

Darkness fell over everyone’s faces.

The northerners hunted Yagons extensively, but they did so moderately to ensure they could hunt again the following year.

“This cannot be overlooked!”

The northerners growled fiercely.

There was no need to specify whose opinion it was.

All the northerners were furious.

“We don’t know why the Mountain King targeted the Yagons. But if we let this go, we will all suffer!”

The Okaha high chieftain shouted.

Ragnar, Helga, and even Shaman Pyra clenched their fists and shouted in agreement.

“Gather the warriors! We will directly question the Mountain King about the truth of this incident!”


Amid the heated atmosphere of the meeting.

Ian quietly focused his gaze.

The northern god Hrundal had told Ian to come to his dwelling.

Although Ian was not a space-time wizard, he could glimpse the future indirectly through the Arcana cards.

The Mountain King's palace.

Ian felt a fateful pull from that place.

‘I will come soon, Hrundal.’

Ian left the meeting hall with the warriors.



Okaha and Sgonu.

The two tribal high chieftains naturally suggested an alliance.

From now on, the northerners had to confront the Mountain King.

But as indicated by his title "King," the Mountain King was not an easy opponent.

They had to fight in treacherous mountains, and the outcome was uncertain.

In this situation, having as many comrades willing to fight and die in their place was beneficial.

“We are heading out!”

“To the Ice Palace!”

Ian quietly marveled at the gathered northern warriors.

Wow... how many are there?

According to what Pyra told him, 1,000 warriors had been conscripted from each coalition.

With 1,000 warriors, they could devastate a barony or a county.

And with 2,000 warriors from both Okaha and Sgonu combined.

It was almost as if the barbarian army was stronger than a civilized army.

... One might think so, but in reality, these 1,000 warriors were just a collection of people hastily rounded up.

They gathered all the idlers who had failed in hunting and were just lying around at home.

It might not seem like a reliable force, but the northerners insisted, "Every northern man is a warrior!"

So, 1,000 warriors it was.

Despite everything, 2,000 people was an overwhelmingly large number.

“Mountain King! Come out, Mountain King!”

Ian ascended the holy mountain once again with the northerners.

This ascent was much easier compared to the last time.

They had an overwhelming number of warriors with them!


As the human army appeared, the Mountain King’s army responded.

A horde of red-eyed Grendels attacked the human army.

Each Grendel was physically superior to an average human.

They were armed with primitive wooden clubs with roots still attached as they charged into battle.

“Oh Hrundal!”

“To the Ice Palace!”

The northerners shouted barbaric battle cries and clashed with the Grendels.

The Grendels had the advantage in simple one-on-one fights, but the northerners had overwhelming numbers.

The Grendels were outnumbered!

“Haha! The Mountain King isn't such a big deal...”

“Watch out!”


A massive maw appeared above the head of a northerner who had been laughing maniacally, covered in blood.


A giant beast bit down and swallowed the northerner in one gulp.

“Damn it!”

“It’s a Lindwurm!”

The Mountain King's army had deployed giant beasts.

The Lindwurm was a massive, four-meter-long creature that resembled a snake with legs. It spewed toxic saliva filled with dangerous bacteria.

Its appearance might have seemed comical, with legs attached to a snake-like body.


“Stop it! Now!”

The giant beast used its sheer mass as a weapon.

When the four-meter-tall creature charged, the northerners fell like bowling pins.

“Wow! What an incredible beast!”

“I'll be the one to take its head!”

Instead of being intimidated by the giant beast, the northerners swung their axes, eager to claim glory.

They were certainly fierce people.

As Ian drew a magic circle on the ground, he watched the northerners' fight.

“Ian! They’re trying to cause another avalanche!”

“Yeah, it looks that way.”

Ian murmured as he watched the mysteries swirling on the mountain ridge.

Beyond the physical battlefield, a mystical battle was taking place.

The Grendels, knowing the terrain well, were attempting to trigger another avalanche to sweep away the humans.

But the possibility of an avalanche had already been anticipated.

On this side, there were many shamans standing by.


The shamans gathered together and consumed hallucinogenic mushrooms.

This helped bridge the gap between mysteries and humans, reducing the passive nature of the Arcana cards.

“I see it, I see it...!”

“I see the future where the avalanche happens...!”

The shamans, like temporary space-time wizards, performed short-term foresight.

In truth, the structure was the same as that of a space-time wizard.

They were contacting the mysteries of time and space to glimpse the future.

“But it won’t happen!”

“Oh Hrundal, protect us!”

The shamans collectively contacted the mountain’s mysteries to prevent the avalanche.

A struggle ensued between those trying to cause the avalanche and those trying to stop it.

Pyra pointed at the Lindwurm and shouted.

“Ian! Can you stop that monster?”

“Yes. I’ll cast a spell.”

Coincidentally, Ian was the only shaman and wizard with free hands.

To stop the Lindwurm, Ian drew a magic circle on the ground.

He placed a topaz at the center of the circle and chanted in Maronius.

“[Lightning of the sky!]”

This was a high mountain.

The movement of the wind was swift, and the activity above the clouds was clearly visible.

Ian decided to call upon the mysteries of lightning.

[Hmm? Someone called me?]

“[I called youuuu!!!]”

Ian shouted at the top of his lungs.

The mysteries of lightning resided high in the sky and did not easily listen to voices from the ground.

That was why wizards had to shout.

But the northerners didn’t know this...!

To the northerners, Ian's magical language sounded like bizarre incantations.

As Ian loudly chanted the magical language, the northerners naturally focused their attention on him.

“La – Igna – Sigeus!”


Ian shouted with all his might, hoping his voice would reach the mysteries of lightning.

His voice echoed powerfully.

“What is that Imperial saying?”

“I don’t know...”

The northerners, puzzled by Ian’s strange words, watched him closely.

Moments later, they witnessed something that left their mouths agape.


As soon as Ian shouted in the unknown language, dark lightning clouds gathered in the sky...

Lightning began to crackle in the clear sky!


“Could it be?”

The northerners watched the wizard chanting in the middle of the magic circle with wide eyes.

Something... something was happening!

“Ira – Ictus!”


With Ian’s thunderous incantation, a massive lightning bolt struck down from the sky, hitting the ground with immense force!

The lightning struck the Lindwurm directly.

The Lindwurm died on the spot without even a proper scream.


The smell of seared meat filled the air.

The warriors, who witnessed the overwhelming sight of the lightning strike, stood frozen like statues.

Then Ian, catching his breath, shouted.

“Hrundal is watching over the battlefield!”


“We will be victorious!”

Inspired by Ian's fervent cry, the northerners raised their bloodstained weapons.

The barbarian warriors shouted at the top of their lungs.


“Hrundal is watching us!”

“The Ice Palace awaits us!”

The northerners, their morale soaring, charged at the Grendels like berserkers.

The Grendels were bewildered.

Their avalanche attempt had failed.

The Lindwurm they brought was struck down by lightning.

What could their foot soldiers do now?

... Useless. Just bring us popcorn, Grendel!


The Grendels started to flee in panic.

The fierce warriors chased them, but pursuing them was not easy.

However, that hardly mattered.

The objective was clear.

The Mountain King’s palace, deep in the holy mountain.

“Warriors! Advance!”




Ian checked the status window that popped up before him.

[Great Skill: Lightning Strike]

[A skill that captures free-roaming lightning and hurls it to the ground. It’s not easy to succeed, but a well-aimed lightning bolt can destroy any object!]

[You have conversed with the mystery of lightning for the first time.]

[Your understanding of the atmosphere has increased significantly!]

[Your Great Skill ability has improved!]

[Level Up!]

[Skill: Great Skill – Lv 4]

[You are an excellent practitioner of great skills.]

‘Was I... lucky?’

Ian tilted his head but concluded that he was indeed lucky.

This was a high mountain, a place ideal for handling the mysteries of the wind.

The fact that the mystery of lightning responded to Ian’s call wasn’t mere coincidence.

He used a magic circle and offered topaz as a sacrifice.

If the spell had failed, it would have been considered unlucky.

The variable was Ian possibly being overwhelmed by the lightning’s mystery, but...

His body, strengthened by the elixir, endured the encounter with the powerful mystery without issue.

Having summoned lightning and roasted a monster, Ian immediately began his wizardly actions.

Which meant he started talking.

Wow! Long live Hrundal!

Whether northerners or imperial citizens, they all had a strong affinity for their gods.

Hearing that a god was with them on the battlefield naturally boosted the soldiers' morale.

The already fierce northerners, further encouraged by Ian, easily overpowered the Grendels.

Adjusting his scarf, Ian looked toward the giant cave.

The ruler of the holy mountain, the Mountain King.

The Mountain King hadn’t shown himself even as the Grendels were being defeated.

Perhaps, from that point on, the Mountain King's defeat was already sealed.


The phoenix, Winnie, chirped.

[‘He’ wants to meet the Mountain King.]

Ian nodded.

That cave was the Mountain King’s palace.

Ian prepared to enter the cave.

There were many things he needed to ask the Mountain King.

Read Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's Power
AdventureFantasyMysteryMartial Arts