Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard-Chapter 183

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Chapter 183

TL/Editor: raei

Status: 5/week mon-fri

Illustrations: none

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Ian introduced the Knights of Santiago and his companions to each other.

"The Deputy Commander of the Knights of Santiago, Sir Dehitri."

Dehitri, who Ian hadn't seen in a long time, still had that sharp, eager look in his eyes.

"Deputy Commander? You must have earned your comrades' trust, Sir."

"Haha! Not at all! All my senior knights left, so I'm the only one remaining!"

"Ah... That must be disheartening."

Ian assumed Dehitri's seniors had withdrawn due to injury or death.

"What? No! It's cause for celebration!"


"They've all found good lords to serve under."

The senior knights hadn't left due to injury, but because they'd successfully landed cushy jobs working for nobles.

Indeed, that was worth celebrating.

"Then it must be Sir Dehitri's turn soon?"

"Certainly not! With evil running rampant in this land, how could I think of my own comfort?"


Isn't it okay to consider it?

With that level of experience, employment would be guaranteed.

That's what Ian thought, but Dehitri's expression showed no sign of deception.

His eyes were as clear and transparent as a lake.

"Oh ho. That knight truly has deep faith. He's an exemplar among knights."

"Isn't he... a bit strange?"

"Strange? What do you mean, Ian?"

Ian thought Sir Dehitri, the clear-eyed fanatic, was a bit of an odd fellow.

It wasn't like he had a personal grudge. And it's not like he was farming XP like in an RPG.

Was it normal to voluntarily roam the empire, fighting monsters? Not at all.

Sir Dehitri was a knight without a home, without a wife, without a lord to serve, wielding his sword solely according to God's will.

Even if Sir Salvador hunted monsters as a pastime after retirement because he had nothing else to do...

For Sir Dehitri, this was his profession.

It wasn't something a sane person could do.

"He's uncommonly devout."

"That may be, but..."

Belenka highly praised Sir Dehitri's righteous chivalry.

Ian had similar thoughts.

He's a strange person, but not a bad one.

"Ian. I believed the day would come when I'd fight alongside you again."


"Praise the great heavens! Hahaha!"

His boisterous nature hadn't changed a bit.

Salvador shook hands with Ian's group.

"I'm Salvador. Just a worthless old man."

Maria didn't know Salvador, Kira had only heard of him, and Belenka wore an expression like a teenage fan meeting a superstar.

"Then sir, are you 'White Wolf' Salvador?"

"Hehe. What an embarrassing nickname. Young wizard lady."

"I'm not a wizard..."

Kira briefly considered whether she needed to lie even to this famous Sword Master.

But soon, Kira smiled charmingly and said, "Yes. I'm Kira the wizard, sir."

Kira was a real wizard who had learned the basics of the Maronius language from Ian.

Though still a novice, she was confident enough to proudly introduce herself as a wizard to others.

"Sword Master?"

Maria tilted her head in confusion.

She wasn't old enough, nor had she grown up in a village with much news exchange, to have heard of Salvador's fame.

In contrast, Belenka's face was visibly brimming with excitement as she grasped Salvador's hand.

"It's an honor to meet you, Sir Salvador!"

"Hehe. I'm pleased to meet you too."

Conversely, Salvador seemed to find Belenka the most bothersome.

He'd seen far too many reactions like hers!

"As expected of a Sword Master! Is this the aloofness of the strong?"

"He just seems annoyed by you..."

"No way! Sir Salvador isn't that kind of person!"


Huff huff.

Ian found Belenka's enthusiasm puzzling.

Wasn't she usually indifferent to everything except money and jewelry?

"That man is a living legend!"

Like the empire's common knights, Belenka too had grown up listening to bedtime stories about "The Exploits of Sword Master Salvador."

Salvador's tales were very famous in the empire, as minstrels and biographers had thoroughly milked his stories and spread them far and wide. freewebnσvel.cøm

If this were modern times, he could have sued all those cyber-leeches for copyright infringement, but unfortunately, this was the medieval era without copyright concepts.

It was an open secret that Sir Salvador wanted to kill the minstrels who made him their subject matter.

"Sir Salvador. What do you think of Belenka?"

"Well. She's a decent kid. Young, agile, with lively eyes. Being a lady is her only flaw."

Salvador coldly evaluated Belenka.

Having met all sorts of knights, he didn't give special treatment to Belenka's martial prowess.

If anything, he pointed out her lack of strength due to being female.

"Belenka seems to admire you..."

"Hehe. It's undeserved attention."

Even Ian could understand this response.

It meant, 'Don't bother me.'

He was just an old man who disliked putting himself forward.

But Ian still hoped Salvador would showcase his skills.

Belenka was so expectant, after all.

Honestly, Ian was curious about Salvador's abilities too.

He'd seen him fight well against a manticore before, but... that was a battle with a monster, wasn't it?

"Old man. Would you consider teaching Belenka a thing or two?"

"Oh my. My knees have been aching lately..."

Is he saying he doesn't want to spar?

But Ian had bait that could hook Salvador.

"Come to think of it, I heard a rumor that Takarion is working on his next piece..."

"Golden Finger's next work?!"

"He said he'd show it to me first when it's finished... I think your granddaughter might really enjoy it too..."

"What?! She doesn't read that kind of gospel!"

"Ahem. Salvador?"

"... I was about to say that, but I've been so forgetful lately...! My granddaughter just can't get enough of those gospels!"

Having barely preserved his reputation, Salvador laughed awkwardly and patted Ian's shoulder.

"Teaching young knights is this old man's only joy!"

"Haha. That's fortunate!"

Afterwards, Salvador truly sparred with Belenka.

"Please teach me!"

"Hehe. Go easy on me."

The result of the match.

Salvador's overwhelming victory...!

Even Ian, who was watching, was impressed.

Clearly, Belenka was an incredibly skilled knight.

But against Salvador, she couldn't even last a few exchanges before crumbling!

"Wow. You're strong, old man."

"Hehe. It's just sparring. In a real fight, who knows?"

Watching Salvador stretch, Ian was certain.

This old man would surely prove to be a formidable asset.


"That was close. Belenka."

Ian offered a light consolation, worried Belenka might be discouraged.

"Ian! Take back what you said earlier!"

"...? Take back what?"

"That Sir Salvador found me bothersome!"

Belenka seemed overjoyed by the mere fact that Salvador had sparred with her, regardless of the outcome.

"How could such a kind and diligent person find me bothersome?"


No, that's...

The words reached Ian's throat.

But he shook his head.

He didn't want to crush Belenka's childlike wonder with harsh words.

Ian wasn't a T-type person, after all.

"You're right. Sir Salvador is amazing."

"Hehe. Of course he's amazing!"

Something felt a bit off, but at least Belenka's morale had improved.

Good things were good.



From the next day, Ian once again began preparations for the journey.

Ian first set the course.

"Can we pass through the Talian domain?"

"Of course we can."

It would be a long journey. Getting supplies at Talian would certainly be good.

But Ian didn't place much importance on supplies.

He was more eager to confirm that Lucy and the Talian domain were safe.

"Then after visiting Talian, let's go see Duke Araz."

It would be a journey accompanied not only by Ian's group, but also by Inglan and Salvador. The length could hardly be considered short.

"It'd be better to go up by ship."

Salvador suggested.

In this medieval fantasy world, ships were almost like cheat keys for travel.

It's no wonder major cities developed along the coast.

The cargo transport capacity of ships was like rain in a drought for medieval people who couldn't even pave a proper road.

"Sounds good."

Ian readily agreed to Salvador's plan.

There was nothing better than waterways for transporting Ian's group, including the knights, all at once.

After obtaining ship requisition rights from Count Gremlin, Ian moved to the nearest dock.

"Hold it! You there, ship captain. Give us a ride!"

"Who are you to suddenly demand that?"

"We're carrying out the Count's orders!"

When Salvador presented the requisition order, the captain immediately bowed his head.

He was a merchant who traded while sailing his ship.

And merchants were always good patrons for nobles...

"Oh my! My lord! Have mercy!"

"Hehe. We're not bandits."

The captain didn't believe Salvador's words.

What kind of people were nobles!

They were ruthless bastards who treated commoners like NPCs, and when bored, would strike the final blow to make them cough up money and experience points!

Nobles must enjoy this medieval era.

They can do whatever the hell they want!

'Cruel bastards...!'

The merchant shuddered at Salvador's cruel tyranny.

For now, he's just asking for a ride on the ship, but...

When they reach their destination, he might threaten to hand over all the cargo.

No, he certainly will!

That's what the "requisition order" issued by Count Gremlin meant.

Originally, it was a document granting the right to politely borrow someone's belongings, but in reality, it was closer to a document stating that no responsibility would be taken for any damage inflicted on the other party.

"Oh no! I'm done for!"


The merchant started throwing a tantrum, screaming his lungs out.

Ian was dumbfounded watching this scene.

Really, does he hate giving us a ride that much?

"Villagers! I'm being wronged!"

"Hehe. Well, this is..."

As the merchant screamed bloody murder, the fishing village residents began to peek out one by one.

Most were civilians unrelated to combat, but they were still rough folks who worked at sea.

They stared at Ian's group with tense expressions, holding fishing spears or nets.

Any ordinary group would have tucked tail and run at this sight.

Medieval knights may be fighting machines, but they're still just humans.

Fighting against that many people would be reckless.

It wouldn't be right morally either.

"Ian, my boy. The atmosphere is quite hostile... It might be better to give up on sea travel."


Salvador's words were right.

If they tried to take the ship by force, it looked like it could come to blows.

'This is strange?'

But Ian couldn't understand such a reaction from these sailors.

This was clearly within Count Gremlin's sphere of influence.

A requisition order issued in the Count's name was presented, yet instead of cooperating, they're resisting?

"They don't seem to be welcoming us."

"If we just push through using the Count's name..."

As soon as Inglan said that, the Knights of Santiago stared at him intently.

Inglan broke out in a cold sweat.

"... Ahem. We can't do that! Of course not!"

As long as the Knights of Santiago were with them, forceful violence would never be allowed.

Ian shrugged his shoulders.

Wizards have plenty of useful means besides violence.

Ian climbed atop a pile of crates.

"Listen to me for a moment!"


"I am Ian the wizard!"

As soon as Ian finished speaking, there was a surprising response.

"A wizard?"

"He definitely just said wizard...!"

The villagers, who had been hostile until now, suddenly started flocking around Ian!

Ian tilted his head in confusion.

"Oh my, Wizard! Please save us!"

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