Bedding My Vampire Mate-Chapter 521 Did I Say Something?

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"You were alright when we parted ways so what happened now?" Audrey asked.

Audrey was forced to look in the direction Joanna came from when she refused to talk.


"Let's talk inside your room. I wouldn't want him to meet me here in this state," Joanna murmured.

Without further ado, Audrey led Joanna upstairs to her room.

Inside her room, Audrey pulled a brown chair from the reading table and positioned it close to the bed.

After she made Joanna sit on the brown chair she sat on the bed in front of her.

"It wasn't easy for me and Tony to put you in a good mood before we parted ways, so tell me who the heck made all my efforts go in vain?" Audrey questioned, frowning.

"Was it Laura, your father, Adhara or the old hag who is responsible for this...,"

"I saw him!" Joanna blurted.

"Do you mean Amos?" Audrey guessed the answer without having to think much.

When Joanna didn't say a word she realised that she had guessed the answer correctly.

"What happened?" Audrey asked.

Although the distance between them was about three steps away Audrey felt that they weren't close enough so she stood up and squatted in front of her.

"Did he say hurtful words to you again to keep you away...,"

"I was the one who did that to him this time around," Joanna replied with her head bowed.

"What!" Audrey blurted in shock.

"Yes, you heard me right," Joanna muttered. She bowed her head and covered her face with her palms.

"Despite seeing how worried he was about me, I still went ahead to say hurtful words to him...,"

"I am well aware of how much you have missed him and want to be with him, so why on Earth would you do that?" Audrey admonished. Audrey lifted her hands and placed them on Joanna's legs.

"You clearly knew hurting him means you would equally get hurt, so why did you still go ahead and do it?" Audrey asked in a soft tone.

"I know Drey...," Joanna trailed. Merely remembering what happened made her eyes turn teary.

"I don't know what came over me, Drey. I just...," Joanna choked on words.

"Girl, I know you are hurting right now. Also, I won't tell you that I understand how you feel since I haven't been there before...," Audrey let her words linger.

She stretched a bit and wrapped her hands around Joanna's body and hugged her tightly.

"But I know that this is not the time for you to break down. I mean who will protect him from those scoundrels who want nothing but to kill him if...,"

"They can try all they want but I promise you that I won't give them what they want. I won't just sit and watch them harm the man I love, never!" Joanna declared, her fist clasped until they hurt.

"That is the spirit, girl," Audrey cheered her and patted her back more affectionately.

"Also, I am sure Amos wouldn't take things to heart because he must understand how you feel better than anyone else. Believe me," Audrey encouraged her with a broad smile plastered on her face.

"I wish that the opposite was the case so I can get over this act early," Joanna murmured. Her grip around Audrey's body became firmer.

"Huh?" Audrey exclaimed and pulled out of her embrace in an instant.

"What did you mean by that?" Audrey demanded the fold in between her forehead became profound.

"Did I say something?" Joanna whispered. She avoided looking at Audrey's face despite knowing that this would make her look even more suspicious.

Since it was obvious Joanna wouldn't confide in her, Audrey chose not to pry further. She was satisfied with the fact that she was able to brighten up her mood a bit.

"Go and freshen up. Don't forget that our various majors are holding a meeting very early in the morning concerning the preparation for the carnival...,"

"I told you that I have no interest or whatever in the carnival. There are so many important things to spend my precious time on other than...,"

"And you think this is not important?" Audrey asked. She still maintained her squatting position.

"I mean this will be the first carnival you get to participate in without being forced by your stepmother, Laura or anyone else not to take part in it...,"

"So what if I can participate in the carnival?" Joanna blurted and sprang up to her feet. She spun and strolled towards the window.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't you be happy that finally you can do everything and anything you set your mind on...,"

"And what will I gain from participating in this carnival?" Joanna snapped as she stared out of the window.

"A lot, Girl!" Audrey remarked with a stretch of her hands.

"Just think about it," The excited Audrey said. She held Joanna's shoulders and whirled her a little so they were looking into each other's eyes.

"Doing outstandingly well in this carnival will not only make you gain the recognition that you deserve as the future Queen of this Kingdom. But through this, you will prove to everyone that you are worthy of the seat beside that of the King of this kingdom...,"

"And that is where you are wrong, Drey because I have no intention of proving anything to anyone. I am just me....," Joanna let her words linger as she turned around so that her butt was leaning against the window's edge.

"The thought of making myself look good in front of others and thereby displeasing myself in the process has never crossed my mind not even once," Joanna said in a soft tone.

"I think I understand what you mean but I also believe it would not harm if you show the world that their future Queen is not one to be messed...,"

"I believe what I did to those evil girls was enough to keep them far away from me and everything that concerns me...," 𝒃𝙚𝒅𝒏𝙤𝙫𝒆𝒍.𝙘𝒐𝙢

"Don't you think that would be even better if you did it at the carnival? I mean there will be tons of people there including those that will troop in from the human world," Audrey smiled.

The mere thought of seeing her friend in the spotlight at the upcoming carnival made her natural black orbs sparkle.




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