Biohuman-Chapter 58 Duo Match (1)

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Lee Seng's watch beeped and he looked down.


Lee Seng turned to look at Olivia. She stared at her watch and then looked at Lee Seng.

"What's your number?" Lee Seng asked. Olivia extended her wrist towards Lee Seng.


Lee Seng tapped his watch and then inputted Olivia's number in. The watch beeped and in an instant Olivia's watch pinged.


Olivia tapped yes and both watches swirled with green and a checkmark. 𝑓𝑟eℯ𝒘𝗲𝑏n𝑜𝚟𝙚𝒍.𝒄o𝐦


"I guess that's it." Olivia smiled. She lowered her watch and folded her hands behind her back. Lee Seng nodded and lowered his wrist. The Academy used a lot of modern technology. He hadn't really seen any special Academy technology other than the teleportation enchant on the watches.

"Alright, it looks like everyone has paired up." Icarus spoke up. "Let's roll for the matches." A loud rolling noise echoed throughout the gymnasium. The sounds of pinging echoed throughout the gym. "On your watches will be the three matches you'll be participating in followed by the gymnasium you will be testing in. The scheduling will be different for everyone. Follow it as best as possible."

The large screen above the stage started to show different matches in the different gyms. Lee Seng looked at Olivia who was studying the matches on her watch. He sighed and stared at his watch.

#26 vs #35 --- GYMNASIUM A -- STARTS IN 10 MINUTES

#26 vs #78 --- GYMANSIUM A -- STARTS IN 30 MINUTES

#26 vs #2 --- GYMANSIUM A -- STARTS IN 2 HOURS

'Hmm, we got two fights back to back basically. This would suck if team 78 didn't have a fight during our fight. That would give them an edge.' Lee Seng thought.

"Hey, Lee Seng. We can move to Gym A." Olivia tapped Lee Seng. Lee Seng looked up and nodded.

"Yeah, that's fine." Lee Seng and Olivia started to move out of the gym together. "We have two fights back to back, basically. This is going to be interesting." Lee Seng sighed.

"Yeah, I saw. I'm not too sure about that but at least we get plenty of rest for the last fight." Olivia commented. "I just hope the first fight goes smoothly. The chances of meeting someone you know and knowing their power beforehand is a big advantage. It's going to be a rough start for us but hopefully the first fight will get us in the groove of things."

Lee Seng nodded. Olivia was right. The point of this part of the exam was to work together with someone. There were high chances that you would work with someone you didn't know. Lee Seng friends liked to take the test together so they would have an advantage working together. He sighed and rubbed his temples as he stepped into the hall and turned right.

Lee Seng and Olivia made their way to Gymnasium A. Examinees walked in groups of two, some stopping to talk to people or make their way to their gyms. Every group Lee Seng passed gave him looks. Olivia went through the hallways like the stares didn't harm her. She squeezed through the crowds with an 'excuse me' here and there.

Lee Seng followed her all the way to Gymnasium A. People were milling about and talking about strategies as they entered.

"So, you ready for this?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, I guess I'll be as ready as anyone can get." Lee Seng answered. Olivia nodded as they both turned the corner of the bleachers.

"Ahh, who's team 26 anyways?" A guy confidently asked too loud. Another guy rubbed his nose and shrugged.

"Whoever they are, they're going down!" Guy 2 boasted. "They don't got nothing on us!"

"Ahhh, I guess you're team 35." Olivia spoke up. She stood a couple feet away from the two snobby guys who could possibly pass as thugs. The two thug looking guys turned to look at Olivia and began to laugh.

"A girl? We're going to fight against a girl?" Guy 1 laughed. Lee Seng rounded the corner and stood next to Olivia.

"These two talk too loud." Lee Seng commented. Guy 1 and Guy 2 narrowed their eyes, stopping their laughs and stared daggers at Lee Seng.

"And who is this punk?" Guy 2 asked. He marched forward with his chest puffing out. Lee Seng licked his lips and stepped forward. Olivia glanced at Lee Seng and watched.

"Her partner." Lee Seng answered.

"Her partner!?!" The two guys said in surprise. Guy 2 stuck his finger out and jabbed it into Lee Seng's chest. Lee Seng felt the rough finger jab into his pec and then Guy 2 pulled his hand back, trying to hide the fact his finger hurt.

"God that hurt." Guy 2 hissed under his breath.

"So what if you're her partner? Doesn't mean nothing!" Guy 1 shouted. A small crowd of people were watching them. Lee Seng sighed and his tail swished faster in annoyance. Lee Seng took a single step towards the two guys and they both jumped out of their skins. Lee Seng let out a smile and slowly nodded.

"She placed 3rd and I placed 5th on the Singles matches." Lee Seng motioned. "If I were you guys, I would be scared."

"S-scared? Ha, you're bluffing." Guy 1 stuttered.

"The 3rd place and 5th place decided to team up? Isn't that a bit unfair?" A woman whispered.

"That's Lee Seng Chang, the Creator's son, right?" A guy whispered.

The whispers began to build and Lee Seng smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, you must be good if you have so much confidence. We'll see you on the stage soon." Lee Seng waved. Olivia chuckled as they started past the two thugs and out of the crowd that formed.

"Woah, I didn't think you could talk like that." Olivia praised. "You're really good."

"Years of rebelling have paid off." Lee Seng grinned. "Let's just hope I got into their heads. I want this match to be easy." Olivia nodded as the two of them walked over towards the third section of the gym. The gym was split into three and pairs were already getting ready to fight. Olivia and Lee Seng reached their section where their team number glowed brightly in the air.

"Splitting the gym into thirds and then breaking that into thirds. They must be trying to push out people quick." Olivia observed. She pointed over to the middle section. "We're there." the two walked to the middle section and stepped in. Olivia set her purse down off to the side and Lee Seng strapped the bow back onto him.

"You're good a melee combat, right?" Lee Seng asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"If you and I can overpower them close range then that would be best. Otherwise, I'll try my best to keep them off you, so you can stun or disrupt their Dark Matter flow."

"Are you gonna use the bow?" Olivia pointed.

"I'll use it if I have to."

"Round 1 will begin soon. Please make your way to your designated area if you are participating. I repeat, round 1 will begin soon. Please make your way to your designated area if you are participating." The AI voice spoke aloud.

The two thugs walked over to the other side and stepped into the ring. Lee Seng casually stretched his arms and legs, watching them eye him and Olivia. They began to do their quick warm-ups and Lee Seng bit his lip. His tail swished side to side out of nervousness. He closed his eyes and started his breathing exercise.

In. Out.



In. Out.

"Round 1 will now commence." The AI voice spoke. Lee Seng opened his eyes and looked at Olivia. Olivia had a smirk on her face and was looking straight at the two thugs. "3... 2... 1... Begin!" The thugs, Lee Seng and Olivia sprinted at each other. Olivia slammed her palm into Guy 1's chest and pushed him backwards. Olivia blinked and Guy 1 froze in place.

Guy 2's arm grew and he swung at Olivia. Lee Seng quickly jumped and punched the huge arm away. Guy 2's arm flew backwards, pulling his weight backwards. Lee Seng dashed forward and swung his fist at Guy 1. Guy 1 flew backwards knocking into Guy 2. The two fumbled into each other.

Lee Seng chuckled as he watched the two struggle to pull themselves up. Guy 1 retracted his arm back to normal and the two smacked each other as they got back on their feet.

"Get off!" Guy 2 yelled.

"You're in my way!" Guy 1 protested.

The two scrambled and looked at each other. Olivia quickly moved closer. Lee Seng pulled the bow out and watched. The two heard the running steps and swung in fear. Olivia blocked the first attack and pulled Guy 1 off his feet and slammed in onto the ground. Guy 2 swung forward and Olivia dodged right and landed a punch square in his face. Guy 2 stumbled backwards and fell onto his back.

A loud horn went off and Lee Seng looked up and watched as their team number turned green.