BIOLOGICAL SUPERCOMPUTER SYSTEM-Chapter 1038: Not a Vacation (4)

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Chapter 1038: Not a Vacation (4)

Two days after Erik's ship arrived at the island outpost, it was fully repaired. The Chimaeric Demon pretending to be Captain Roth stood on the pier. He looked at the ship with

satisfaction, seeing that all the damage was now gone.

Engineers and technicians still swarmed the ship, though, storing their tools into crates they were going to bring down. Some of them were still making the final adjustments.

The sea thaid attack wasn't the direct cause of the damage. But it started a chain of events that led to the ship needing repairs. The engineers seemed experienced with this kind of problem. They fixed the ship quickly and did a good job. Most likely than not, they had worked on similar issues before.

Captain Roth spotted the lead engineer making his way down the gangplank, a tablet in hand and a satisfied expression on his face.

The Chimaeric Demon straightened his posture, adopting the stern demeanor expected by a high-ranking officer.

"Report," he said as the engineer approached, snapping to attention.

The engineer saluted before launching into his explanation. "Sir, the repairs to the ship's hull have been completed. We've reinforced the damaged sections with our strongest alloys, and I'm confident it will withstand even the most aggressive thaid attacks. Of course, if they are not too strong, sir."

Captain Roth nodded. "Excellent. What about the resupply?"

The engineer glanced at his tablet. "As per your request, we've restocked the ship's provisions. Food, water, medical supplies, ammunition-everything has been replenished to maximum capacity."

What the engineer didn't know, of course, was that the Chimaeric Demons had secretly added much more stuff to these supplies.

While the entire base was resting, they had smuggled additional resources onto the ship, preparing for the long journey ahead and for the many Chimaeric Demons that were going to hatch in the next few months.

"And the weapons systems?" Captain Roth pressed.

"Fully operational, sir. We've even upgraded some of the targeting systems. The ship is now better equipped to deal with the threats it might encounter."

Captain Roth made a small nod of approval. "Well done. Now, the most important question: when can the ship set sail? We can't keep it here for too long."

Those words gave the captain something to think. For the past days, words that this ship was on a secret mission could be heard throughout the base. That was because of the Chimaeric Demon's fault.

He seemed too eager to fix the ship and make it operational in the shortest amount of time possible. The Chimaeric Demon impersonating Captain Roth knew the mistake he made, but there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't know how the captain was, so his antics stood out.

"Sir, the ship is ready to leave now," the engineer said. "Everything works properly, and it's been safe to sail for about an hour."

"Excellent," Captain Roth said, his tone carrying just the right amount of authority and appreciation. "You and your team are to be commended. Dismissed."

The engineer saluted once more before turning and heading back towards the docks, no doubt to share the news with the others that they could finally rest.

Captain Roth, or better, the Chimaeric Demon who was now impersonating him, watched him go, maintaining his stern expression until the engineer was out of sight. Only then did he allow himself a small smile. Everything went according to plan. The only thing that needed to be done now was for the ship to leave.

He made his way to the command center, nodding to the saluting guards as he passed. Once inside, he locked the door and moved to the communication terminal he brought with him.

He inputted the encryption codes and established a connection with Erik's private channel. After a moment of static, Erik's voice came through. "So?"

"Master," the Chimaeric Demon said, "the repairs are complete. The ship is fully operational and restocked."

"Fantastic," Erik said. "Any complications?"

"None, Master. The outpost personnel is completely unaware of our true identities or intentions. They believe they're simply assisting an allied ship."

There was a pause, and the Chimaeric Demon could almost hear Erik's mind working. "Very good. Set up everything for our departure. We'll leave right now."

The Chimaeric Demon hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Master, what about those of us who have infiltrated the outpost? Should we prepare to leave as well?"

"No," Erik said. "The Chimaeric Demons who have assumed identities here must remain in place."

"Understood, Master. But... are you sure? This will leave you with a significantly reduced force for the journey ahead. And while you can certainly create more of us, crossing the sea with only twenty clones, even for just a small amount of time, could be dangerous given the


There was a soft chuckle from Erik's end of the communication. "I know that, but your concern is not necessary."

The clone nodded. "Of course, Master. May I ask about the logic behind leaving us here? With control over the enemy's communication systems thanks to our virus, couldn't we gather intelligence remotely?"

"A fair question," Erik said.

"While our control over their systems is total, there's always the possibility of offline communication or information being withheld from digital networks. Your presence there will allow us to monitor the situation directly. Besides, the Chimaeric Demons needed on the ship are just those that must help June control it. The others, the ones who had to man the weapons, will be enough to stop thaids. If things go wrong, I will take matters into my own hands. The Chimaeric demons will only need to lure the thaids where I can hit them."

"I see, Master. I think our team here could also help by warning you early if anything important happens in this area of the sea."

"Yeah, that would be great," Erik said.

The Chimaeric Demon straightened, feeling a renewed sense of purpose now that his master gave him a new mission to complete. "We won't let you down, Master."

"I know you won't," Erik said. The Chimaeric Demons never disappointed him. He knew, no, he was sure, they wouldn't mess up. "Now, I need you to send the official authorization for our departure. Send it right now. I don't wont to lose more time than I already did."

"Understood, Master. Is there anything else you need before you leave?"