©Novel Buddy
Chapter 1168: The tunnels
The next three days passed in focused meditation. Erik dedicated every spare moment to form neural links, following Emily's advice.
The steady movement of the caravan helped Erik focus.
The dense forest gradually thinned as the convoy moved, revealing glimpses of their target in the distance. The Law Gate's silhouette rose above the treeline.
The Law Gate stood massive and heavily fortified ahead. Through the trees, Erik saw automated turrets and watchtowers lining its perimeter. The structure's thick walls also had multiple layers of defenses, clearly built to resist any attack.
<The blackguards really made this place to never be taken. It was hard to see images, but from here, everything takes on a different dimension.>
from the
Looking up, Erik noticed anti-air platforms scanning the skies while still being inside the energy shields' field. Those were already powered on, most likely only by the generators. There was no doubt, though, that once the battle started, the barrier masters wouldn't waste a second before joining in the defense.
This also confirmed what he already knew-attacking head-on would be impossible. Sneaking their way in was their only chance to bring those barriers down.
The caravan slowed to a stop some minutes later, and a clone went to Erik's trailer. "Master, we've arrived at the main entrance point."
He nodded and jumped down from the vehicle, his boots landing on the damp earth. It rained for three whole days.
The heavy rains turned the dirt roads into muddy, slippery paths and reduced visibility, making traveling hard for the convoy. Despite these problems, the vehicles pushed through, reaching the area on schedule.
Erik looked around, and then, not without difficulties but less than he expected, he spotted the entrance through the thick foliage. It was deliberately rough and natural-looking and could be easily mistaken for a natural formation.
Yet for someone who knew there was a tunnel there, it wasn't that natural at all. The blackguards knew Erik was preparing something. They didn't know what, or when, he would strike, but they knew. Many tunnels had been discovered by them. It was just that Erik prepared some to use as a decoy, and only those were found.
"The spot looks good," Erik said as he checked the entrance. "But we could make it harder to see in a couple of places." He pointed out where the tunnel might still be noticeable.
The Chimaeric Demons nodded. They knew that, but given how hectic their days had been, they couldn't do better than this.
"We'll strengthen the camouflage immediately," the Chimaeric Demon said. "The recent rains helped establish native growth, but we can work on it."
"There is no need," Erik said. He then focused his mana and used his powers to make the vegetation around grow. Not that much to look artificial, but enough to cover the entrance better.
This content is taken from freёnovelkiss.com.
Plants quickly grew from the ground, covering the entrance. Green stems pushed through gaps and holes, while ferns and moss spread over the rocks. Young trees sprouted up, reaching for the light above.
Vines grew and wrapped around the existing plants naturally. Local flowers popped up between rocks, perfectly matching the surrounding plants.
The entrance now looked completely natural. You'd have to know it was there to find it, even if you were standing right next to it, and even in that case, it was hard.
The others climbed down from their trailers. Emily stretched, working out the stiffness from days of travel and relentless meditation.
Amber observed their surroundings while Mira went to examine the cave entrance.
"Have we reached the place?" she asked. But it was clear she already knew the answer.
"Yes. This is one of the access points. The network extends for kilometers beneath us, all the way to the Law Gate's foundations."
Mira nodded.
"We shouldn't waste time standing around here."
She strode toward the entrance, and the others followed.
The group entered the tunnel, followed by the Chimaeric Demons pulling their trailers. Darkness enveloped them, broken only by the beams of electric torches.
The Chimaeric Demons chose not to install permanent lights. This made it harder for others to spot the tunnels and saved them time and effort, but it made it harder to see.
A pungent odor hit the group soon after. Emily wrinkled her nose, unable to hide her disgust. "What is that smell?"
The answer was obvious for many reasons. Emily asked that more out of habit, rather than ignorance.
"The Thaid corpses, my lady," a nearby clone said. "We've gathered tens of thousands of them throughout the nation and brought them here. This is an unfortunate side effect."
"Yeah... I guessed," Emily said.
Erik looked around the tunnel. The walls were sturdy, with drains built into the floor and walls reinforced with different kinds of alloys.
His Chimaeric Demons did their job well. This place was enormous enough to hide their army and was built in such a way as to be used as a base.
Erik turned to one of the Chimaeric Demons.
"When can we start?" Erik asked.
"The reanimation process is already underway," the clone said. "Our brothers estimate one hour to raise the entire force."
"Good. I want to launch the attack today. The longer we wait, the worse the fight will be."
Further down the tunnels, the Chimaeric Demons were in a flurry of activity. Thousands of them were raising the dead thaids. Individually, they couldn't yet use many of them, a couple each, at best, but they could make them use their powers.
That didn't matter, though, because there were enough Chimaeric Demons for them to be able to raise the whole undead army without problems.
The atmosphere grew more oppressive as they went deeper into the tunnel complex. Though the earth's musty scent was present from the start, the stench of decay intensified with each step deeper into the tunnel.
The group started getting used to it, at least to the point they didn't feel the need to gag anymore. More Chimaeric Demons came out of side tunnels. Each one stopped to show respect to their creator before going back to work.
"We recently extended the tunnels, master," a clone said as they walked. "The recent downpours actually helped us. They hid the noise from our digging and made the soil soft."
Erik nodded, pleased. "Are they safe?"
"Yes, master."
He paused.
"What about the blackguards-are we sure they haven't heard our digging?"
"Yes. We would have already been attacked, otherwise."
Of that, the Chimaeric Demons were sure.
They entered a room that looked like a command center. Maps were all over the walls,
showing the tunnel system and how close it was to the Law Gate. Chimaeric Demons were
busy organizing everything.
"Let's get this started," Erik said. He then turned to a Chimaeric Demon. He didn't want to
waste even a second.
"Explain the current situation."
The clone nodded and stepped forward. He pointed at the largest map. "Our forces are distributed throughout these sections. The Thaid corpses are stored in these chambers. The main assault groups will come out from here, here, and here." His finger traced the exit
June studied the map. "Are you sure this will work? We won't be able to bring the barrier down unless we cut off its energy source. We will only lose troops."
"It will, esteemed elder brother," the clone said. "We planned this deeply, and each group knows its role. The goal is not to destroy the barrier anyway, but just to give our master time to do his part. There is no way he will fail. The barrier will be deactivated."
Erik nodded. "As we said, the undead will be there just to distract the enemy, and, well, after we do our part, to slay their troops."
Erik's expression hardened, his eyes turning cold and the room getting silent. There was only bloodshed in his mind.
Amber went closer to the map and examined the marked positions. "The northern exit puts us dangerously close to their heavy weapon."
"It's intentional," the clone said. "We will make it look like we are trying to enter from that area. We thought the best thing would be to do this with you entering the opposite one. This
way, you should have fewer problems while inside the barrier."
"The blackguards will find this weird."
"We can do nothing about that," the clone said.
Erik turned to Emily. "Can you try to see something?"
She nodded and channeled mana through her neural links. It didn't take much before she
started seeing something. Vague, of course.
"The initial confusion will help us. I see... chaos in their ranks. But after that..." She frowned.
"It becomes unclear again."
"Nothing else?"
"No. You know how this works. I will need to try again to see, but it will take time before I will
be able to steer the visions to something we need, and even more to find out something
through them..."
More Chimaeric Demons arrived, bringing status reports from throughout the complex. The resurrection process proceeded on schedule. The undead were already heading to the exits. "Master," a clone approached. "The first wave is ready."
"Let's see..."
Erik followed the clone to the place. Rows of Thaid corpses lay in formation. "You got many
flying thaids."
"Yes," the Chimaeric Demon said. "It was easy to get them, but I do not honestly know if they
will be enough. Etrium's technology made flying thaids much less threatening than before."
"At least they will create confusion," June said.
"How many in total?" Mira asked.
"Over 10 thousand in this section alone," the clone said. "The remaining chambers have
similar numbers."
Erik nodded.
"Let me know when you are ready," Erik said. "As for you," he turned to Mira, Amber, Emily,
and June. "We will go over the plan again."