Black Corporation: Joseon-Chapter 182

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Chapter 182

As March arrived, Hwang Hui returned to Hanyang for the regular report.

Please forgive my disloyalty during the reckless incident last year, Hwang Hui pleaded for forgiveness as soon as he entered Geunjeongjeon, prostrating himself flat on the floor.

The incident he sought forgiveness for was his inaction during the Giyu Rebellion when he had not moved an inch from the north.

* * *

Sensing the chaotic atmosphere just before the Giyu Rebellion and the invasion by nomads, Sejong had immediately sent a secret command to maintain your position.

However, receiving the secret command and not moving from his spot was enough to be criticized for disloyalty. A slight misstep could have led to impeachment, intertwining with past incidents.

Fully aware of this, Hwang Hui had immediately consulted with the military to start forming a special mobile unit upon receiving the command.

However, gathering suitable personnel from the troops spread out in the northeast, let alone the unexplored territories west of Baekdu Mountain, and assembling them all took time.

By the time he heard of the uprising in the south and was about to deploy the troops, the situation at Gyeongbokgung had already been resolved.

-Thus, you and the military commanders in the north should fulfill your duties as assigned.

Upon receiving Sejongs subsequent order, Hwang Hui clicked his tongue lightly.

Tsk! Ill have to prostrate myself when I go to Hanyang this time.

* * *

Given the circumstances, Hwang Hui immediately prostrated fully upon entering Geunjeongjeon.

As Hwang Hui sought forgiveness with full prostration, Sejong responded nonchalantly.

I had already issued an order before the incident, and you faithfully followed that order, so you have done no wrong. You may rise.

At Sejongs command, Hwang Hui bowed deeply.

Your mercy is boundless!

Gathering himself, Hwang Hui cautiously walked forward and handed over a document to the Chief Eunuch.

Receiving the document from the Chief Eunuch, Sejong carefully reviewed the contents of the report.

After quietly going through the report, Sejong turned to Hwang Hui.

Have you received reports about the peasants currently settling in?

Yes. We have already secured sufficient land.

And how have the Jurchen tribes reacted?

Given their sparse population, they seem unthreatened. In fact, some of the Jurchens who have been farming all along are even hopeful of learning agricultural techniques from the Joseon farmers.

Relieved by Hwang Huis response, Sejong sighed.

Thats fortunate. Its good that they didnt react hostilely despite foreigners entering what they considered their territory.

Sejongs comment prompted an explanation from Hwang Hui.

The effectiveness of the vaccination law played a big part.

At Hwang Huis words, Sejongs eyes sparkled.

The vaccination law? Has smallpox finally been eradicated in the Jurchen territories?



The Jurchen region was no stranger to the ravages of smallpox. Fortunately, thanks to incense, Joseon had almost completed vaccinating against cowpox early on, and as a result, no cases of smallpox emerged among the peasants who moved north or their families.

Why do the Joseon people not succumb to smallpox?

The sight of Joseon people unaffected by smallpox filled the Jurchens with curiosity.

Their questions were answered when they witnessed the Joseon people administering cowpox vaccinations. After settling in the north, vaccinations were given to children who were born there and had safely passed their first year, a practice that naturally piqued the interest of the observing Jurchens.

What is being done there?

That? Its to prevent smallpox.


Their eyes widened at the Joseon peoples explanation.

Just by receiving that needle, one is spared from smallpox?

Thats right.


Has this man lived his whole life being deceived? If it were a lie, why would the king have issued a decree?

A decree?

By decree, all Joseon people received that injection. Since then, there have been no new cases of smallpox.

Hearing this, the Jurchens flocked to the government offices.

Please allow us, or at least our children, to receive that injection!

We are now subjects of Joseon too! So please, allow us to receive it!

Convinced by the Jurchens pleas, Hwang Hui immediately contacted the capital to request cowpox vaccinations for the Jurchens.

Sejong readily agreed to the request, and a large medical team was dispatched to the north.

Through their efforts, widespread vaccinations were administered, and for the esteemed Jurchens, smallpox ceased to be a terror.

* * *

Hwang Hui continued his report.

With the spread of cowpox vaccinations, even tribes that were previously hostile towards settling have begun to settle. This has significantly reduced armed conflicts.

Thats a relief.

As Sejong expressed his relief, Hwang Hui presented a gift.

The settled Jurchens have offered a tribute to Your Majesty.

A tribute for me? What is it?

It awaits in the courtyard of Geunjeongjeon.

Is that the sound of horses Ive been hearing? Lets take a look.

Sejong descended from the royal residence, his face filled with anticipation.


Stepping out into the courtyard of Geunjeongjeon, Sejong couldnt help but exclaim in awe at the sight before him.

Dozens of horses filled the space in front of Geunjeongjeon, each one displaying an extraordinary appearance.

Hwang Hui, standing beside Sejong, continued with additional information.

These are the finest horses selected from those raised by the settled Jurchen tribes. There are ten males and thirty females.

Descending the stairs of Geunjeongjeon to inspect the horses, Sejong was filled with admiration.

Such splendid horses indeed! The settled Jurchen tribes presented these steeds as a tribute?

That is correct.

Upon Hwang Huis response, Sejong instructed the following to the royal secretaries.

Send these horses to Majang-dong and Jayang-dong as per the usual practice.


And order the Ministry of Royal Stables to breed these horses as well.


Following Sejongs command, the royal secretaries immediately gathered palace attendants to execute the orders.

* * *

The Jurchen tribes had presented more than just horses.

Treasures like leopard skins, bear gallbladders, and dried sea cucumbers, obtained from the uncharted eastern lands still untouched by civilization, were presented to Sejong in large and small boxes.

Showing the contents of the boxes to Sejong, Hwang Hui explained,

These items are tributes from the Jurchens, moved by the grace youve extended, including the cowpox vaccinations. The loyalty of the settled Jurchens is profound. All of this is thanks to Your Majestys virtue.

Sejong responded with a slight smile to Hwang Huis praise.

How could this be solely due to my virtue? Is it not also thanks to the efforts of many officials and soldiers of Joseon, including yourself?

Could mere effort alone have achieved this? It was possible because Your Majesty persuaded the Jurchen chiefs. And it was possible because Your Majesty widely propagated the cowpox vaccinations. Now, the shamans of the settled Jurchen tribes are proclaiming, A sage king has arisen, and are praying for Your Majestys longevity.

Is that so? Im grateful for that.

Sejong smiled at Hwang Huis words, but his eyes flickered subtly. After a brief response, Sejong turned away.

Lets proceed quickly; theres much to do!

* * *

The settled Jurchen tribes have presented fine horses and various gifts to His Majesty!

The settled Jurchen tribes are praising the King as a sage monarch!

The news about the gifts Hwang Hui brought spread quickly throughout the capital and the entire Joseon.

It was only natural for the people who benefited from Sejongs reforms to react.

Look at that! Even those Jurchen folks are praising His Majestys virtue, and what are we doing?

Indeed! We live in such comfort under a sage king; we cant just sit idly by!

Consequently, all sorts of valuable items from across Joseon started flowing into Gyeongbokgung.

And it didnt stop there.

In our village, the land is barren and we have nothing to offer as tribute, so lets erect a Stele of Virtue!


In villages where the harsh environment left nothing suitable for tribute, the people came together to erect Steles of Virtue. They rushed to their local government offices, urging the officials.

Were not well-versed in writing, and our handwriting is poor, so could you please write it for us, sir?

Of course!

The local officials gladly complied with the peoples requests. It was an opportunity to showcase their literary talents and add a notable achievement to their records.

* * *

Every time reports came in of various tributes and Steles of Virtue erected across Joseon in honor of Sejongs virtue, the ministers unanimously praised Sejongs benevolence.

The people erecting Steles of Virtue in Your Majestys honor is a sign of a peaceful era! All of this is thanks to Your Majestys virtue!

Grateful for the ministers praises, Sejong responded with a smile.

Thank you. Its all thanks to your assistance as well.

As reports of the peoples adoration became frequent, a hint of bitterness tinged Sejongs smile.

Eventually, Sejong began to drink alone at night.

When Hyang heard that Sejongs drinking had become frequent, she was immediately concerned.

This man! After all the effort weve put into maintaining his health, now he turns to alcohol? In Joseon, liver failure could mean the end!

That night, upon hearing that Sejong was once again drinking alone, Hyang sought him out.

Where is His Majesty?

He is at the Gyeonghoeru Pavilion.

Lead the way.

Yes, Your Highness.

* * *

Upon arriving at Gyeonghoeru, Hyang found Sejong.

Your Majesty, its getting late. The air is still chilly, perhaps its time to head inside?

Sejong, slightly inebriated, looked at Hyang with a broad smile and spoke.

Ah, my eldest! Its been a while since weve shared a drink, hasnt it? Chief Eunuch, bring a cup for the Crown Prince.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Father, I

As Hyang attempted to decline, Sejong, with exaggerated gestures and voice, ushered him to sit.

Ah! When your father speaks, you sit! Where are you trying to go? Sit down, sit! Lets enjoy a drink together, just father and son, after so long!

Realizing Sejongs condition was not good

Sensing that Sejong was not in the best state, Hyang quietly took his seat.

Facing Sejong across the drinking table, Hyang cautiously asked,

Is there something troubling Your Majesty?

Sejong shook his head dismissively in response.

Troubles? In such a peaceful time, what troubles could there be?

Yet, I see worries in Your Majestys eyes.

You must be mistaken.

Despite Sejongs denials, Hyang persisted with his questions.

Father, what worries you so much?

At Hyangs question, Sejong emptied his cup several times before speaking.

My Crown Prince.

Yes, Father.

Do you also believe that I am a sage king?

Hyang replied immediately.

You are a sage king.

In the 21st century, denying that would get you stoned!

At Hyangs response, Sejong frowned and shook his head.

No, I am not a sage king. How can I be when I displaced my elder brother, the rightful heir, to seize the throne and was responsible for his death?


Before Hyang could finish, Sejong continued.

I am a tyrant, a dark monarch! I exaggerated minor faults to execute and exile loyal subjects and founding contributors of the country. When local nobles opposed my will, I chose suppression over persuasion. Even in dealing with the common people, I didnt spread virtue and enlightenment but manipulated and coerced them into following my lead. How can such a person be a sage king?

Hyangs face hardened as Sejongs pent-up outburst flowed out.


If you hadnt discovered cowpox, I would still be conceding much to my ministers and local nobles in governing the country!

Sejong beat his chest, criticizing himself as if spitting blood.

When I was powerless, I was cautious, but once I gained power, I resorted to the sword instead of persuasion! How cunning is such a person! Me, a sage king? Do you think that makes sense?

Faced with Sejongs self-reproach, Hyang responded with a stern face.

One of the prime ministers in the West once said, The ends justify the means.'

Thats sophistry!

Sejong firmly denied Hyangs words.

No matter how noble the goal, if the means are wrong, the outcome will only be a corruption of that goal! Thats nothing but sophistry and a cowardly excuse.

Hyang held a sad smile in response to Sejongs angry outcry.

This gentleman must have been under a lot of stress from everything thats happened. After all, Im probably the only one he can speak so openly with.

As the head of the family and the king, Sejong couldnt express such concerns to Queen Soheon or even more so to his ministers, who could be considered his political adversaries.

However, the relationship between Hyang and Sejong was somewhat special. For Sejong, Hyang wasnt a threat to the royal authority but a partner with aligned goals, akin to a chief strategist devising various plans and strategies for implementing reforms. Thus, Sejong felt comfortable revealing his innermost thoughts to Hyang.

Hyangs expression softened slightly, and with a voice calmer than ever, he spoke to Sejong.

Yet, do not the people rejoice in Fathers actions? And was it not the decision of Grand Queen Dowager to displace the former Crown Prince, and was Father not compelled to act against him because he rebelled? And as for the traitor Ryu Jeong-hyeon, did he not receive his punishment for failing to recognize Your Highnesss grand vision and for being solely preoccupied with preserving his own power?

Listening silently, Sejongs lips were tightly sealed as Hyang continued, almost as if soothingly telling him not to be pained.

Lastly, those who instigated the rebellion did so not for a greater cause but to protect their own privileges, thus deserving their fate.

At Hyangs words, Sejong let out a sigh filled with regret.

Sigh~ But he was my own brother, a loyal subject who dedicated his life to the foundation of Joseon, and they were the nobles of various localities.

Hyang then asked further.

Then, will Your Majesty abandon the reforms? And will you recall the exiled meritorious subjects who are still alive? Will you restore the families of the nobles who were sent to slavery?

Sejong answered decisively.

No. To recall them would be to revert to the old ways. Such an event must never occur. They must die in exile.

Confirming Sejongs firm resolve, Hyang pointed out the reality.

In my humble opinion, the people call you a sage king and show absolute loyalty to Your Majesty. Would they do so if Father were truly a tyrant or a cruel monarch?

Taking a moment to catch his breath, Hyang concluded.

Your Majesty, you are a sage king. The people themselves are the proof.

The people are the proof? The people are the proof

Sejong pondered over Hyangs words in a daze.

Continuing to mull over Hyangs words, Sejong smiled.

It was as if he no longer had any reason to worry.

Then I must be a sage king. Having donned the mantle of a sage king, I must do my utmost until death.

Sejong emptied his cup and rose from his seat.

I should refrain from drinking for a while. There wont be enough time to work otherwise.

As Sejong stood up, Hyang followed suit and respectfully responded,

Please rest comfortably in your chambers.

As Sejong was turning away, he looked back at Hyang.

With a visibly relaxed face, Sejong extended his hand to Hyang, who was bowing his head.

Thank you. My heart feels lighter because of you.

After lightly patting Hyang on the shoulder, Sejong left Gyeonghoeru and returned to Kangnyeongjeon.

As Sejong disappeared into the distance, Hyang, with a bitter smile, muttered to himself,

Sometimes I forget that he, too, is human. Perhaps its because I first learned about my father through books.

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