Black Corporation: Joseon-Chapter 386

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Chapter 386

While Jang Yeong-sil and his subordinates were creating a model Challenger-class ship equipped with a spring-powered mechanism, a water tank was being built in a corner of Area 51.

“It would be best to actually float it… If that’s not possible, wouldn’t it be better to float it on the Han River at least?”

As one researcher supervising the construction of the water tank grumbled, a colleague beside him chided:

“Hey! Have you forgotten what His Highness the Crown Prince said?”


When Hyang ordered experiments using model ships and a water tank, the researchers in charge of development came forward to object.

“There’s a large margin of error between models and reality! We need to experiment with actual ships, even if they’re smaller!”

The developers’ objections were reasonable. With the reforms progressing and all sorts of devices being created, measuring instruments had also advanced. The problem was that despite this progress, there was still considerable error.

However, it was unfair to blame the measuring instruments entirely. Even the wood, which was the most commonly used main material, varied greatly in quality. The iron, which was the second most used material, was being produced exclusively by the national ironworks, but there were still variations in quality.

Of course, Hyang wasn’t one to overlook this, so continuous quality control and new methods to maintain consistency in quality were being applied, but compared to the 20th or 21st century, it was still a “tearful” situation.


For these reasons, the researchers wanted to build actual ships and engines, even if smaller, for experimentation.

However, these objections and assertions from the researchers had to be buried immediately with one word from Hyang.

“If you insist, go directly to Minister Kim Jeom and secure the budget yourself.”


Because of this incident, the researcher who was again advocating for actual ships had his mouth shut like a clam.


As promised, Jang Yeong-sil created an experimental model ship in five days and submitted it to Hyang.

“Anyone who sees this might mistake it for an immortal using magic to shrink a ship.”

At Hyang’s praise, admiring the precisely scaled-down model of the actual Challenger-class warship, Jang Yeong-sil smiled and replied.

“I put my skills to use after a long time.”

“Of course! It was Director Jang’s craftsmanship! I thought it was extraordinary!”


As Hyang observed the model ship made by Jang Yeong-sil with fond eyes, he noticed the paddle wheels installed on both sides of the hull and turned to Jang Yeong-sil.

“Are these paddle wheels easy to attach and detach?”

“Yes, as requested by the research department, I made it easy to attach and detach paddle wheels of various sizes and shapes.”

“I see. Hmm…” freewёbn૦νeɭ.com

Humming, Hyang stroked his chin beard.

‘No matter how I think about it, a screw propeller would be better… How can I make them understand this?’

After pondering for a moment, Hyang asked Jang Yeong-sil.

“Can you make one more spring mechanism that produces the same power as the one attached to this model ship?”

“Pardon? It’s possible.”

“Then make a cart with the same weight as this model ship. Put the spring mechanism on it so it can move. Is that possible?”

“It’s not too difficult, but may I ask why?”

To Jang Yeong-sil’s question, Hyang pointed to the paddle wheels and explained the reason.

“When attached like that, we can’t know how efficient it is, can we?”

Jang Yeong-sil nodded at Hyang’s question.

“That’s true.”

“In that case, wouldn’t it be better to have something to compare visually side by side?”

After thinking for a moment at Hyang’s words, Jang Yeong-sil answered.

“That’s right. I’ll make it and submit it within five days.”

“That’s excellent, as the water tank should be completed by then. I’m counting on you.”

“You can rest assured.”


Shortly after Jang Yeong-sil left, Jeong-cho, Jeong In-ji, and Lee Chun entered Hyang’s office.

“We heard that the model ship has been completed.”

Hyang, who was just about to place the model ship on the conference table and wind up the spring, welcomed their visit.

“Ah! You’ve come at a good time. I was about to test run it, fresh from Director Jang’s hands.”

“Is that so?”

At Hyang’s words, the three men’s eyes lit up. Despite their age differences, they had all evolved into inevitable enthusiasts whose eyes would spin at the sight of moving machines.

Tak-tak, ta-da-dak.

As he inserted and turned the butterfly-shaped winding key, the spring wound up with the sound of gears meshing. After winding the spring to some extent, Hyang removed the key and then released the stopper attached next to the spring mechanism.


With the sound of the spring unwinding, the waterwheels attached to both sides of the model ship on the stand began to turn.



As they watched the turning waterwheels with various exclamations, Jeong-cho asked Hyang.

“Is it possible to adjust the speed?”

“According to Director Jang’s explanation, it should be adjustable in three stages. Just a moment.”

Hyang engaged the stopper to stop the waterwheels and then moved another lever attached to the side.

Click! Jiing!

With a louder noise, the waterwheels began to spin at a faster speed.



After observing the movement of the waterwheels until the spring was fully unwound, the three men took a step back.

“What do you think?”

At Hyang’s question, the faces of the three men organizing their thoughts didn’t look very good.

Jeong-cho was the first to speak.

“It seems quite useful, but there’s an unresolved question. According to the Wujing Zongyao, such paddle wheel ships appeared as early as the Song Dynasty, so why doesn’t the current Ming navy use them?”

As soon as Jeong-cho finished speaking, Jeong In-ji continued.

“I feel the same way. If those paddle wheels were useful, they would still be in use now, but looking at the current Ming naval warships or merchant ships, none of them use paddle wheels, do they?”

To the questions from Jeong-cho and Jeong In-ji, Hyang offered a plausible reason.

“Isn’t it a matter of power? To turn those waterwheels, wouldn’t you need a lot of manpower inside the ship to turn the pedals?”

At Hyang’s words, Jeong In-ji immediately shook his head.

“Don’t warships already carry rowers anyway? Considering that…”

Pausing briefly, Jeong In-ji concluded.

“If the results using the steam engine are not better than the methods using manpower and animal power described in the Wujing Zongyao and Western books, we should look for other methods.”

At Jeong In-ji’s conclusion, Jeong-cho nodded. Seeing this, Hyang turned to Lee Chun.

“What do you think, Minister?”

To Hyang’s question, Lee Chun immediately declared.

“The navy probably won’t like it very much.”


Shortly after, the three men left Hyang’s office. After seeing them off and returning to his seat, Hyang muttered with a satisfied face.

“I think I’ve chosen people well.”

Although Jeong-cho, Jeong In-ji, and Lee Chun gave negative predictions, they didn’t say that the current plan should be overturned.

The common point among these three was that they didn’t unconditionally reject challenging projects brought forward by their subordinates.

As long as it wasn’t a truly absurd plan, these three would say the same thing to their subordinates.

“Organize it a bit more and bring it back.”

No, even if it was a truly outrageous proposal, if it was armed with reasonably sound logic, these three would accept it initially.

And after several revisions and improvements increased the completeness, they moved on to the next step.

“Then let’s try an experiment.”

And after the experiment, regardless of success or failure, they demanded mountain-high analysis reports.

Because of this, the skills of researchers and craftsmen continued to develop.

Of course, there was an exception here too, which was the project proposals put forward by Hyang. Whenever Hyang presented a project proposal, the three would allocate manpower and proceed with the work without any discussion.


The day after the water tank was completed, the public experiment finally took place.

Amidst the gathering of craftsmen from the Development and Verification Departments, researchers and craftsmen who had heard about it, and naval commanders who had come out, the model ship and cart made their appearance.

“Then let’s begin.”


At Hyang’s order, two researchers came forward and wound up the springs.


As soon as Hyang’s order fell, the stopper was released, and the model ship and cart began to move forward.

When the test that continued all day ended, the faces of the researchers were not good at all.

“Even considering the difference between land and water…”

In nearly 20 races, the model ship never once beat the cart. It failed to secure a single victory in races conducted with various types of waterwheels of different sizes and shapes.

“This is a result created by the difference between land and water. Although it may be slower than moving on land, it will be faster than anyone else in water!”

“Hmm… Is that so?”

Nodding slightly at the researchers’ assertion, Hyang turned to the naval commanders.

“What do you think?”

To Hyang’s question, the naval commanders immediately replied.

“It might work for civilian use, but it’s impossible for warships!”

At the naval commanders’ negative statement, the researchers strongly objected.

“Why is that?”

As the researchers demanded an explanation, the naval commanders explained their reasons.

-The space occupied by those paddle wheels would reduce the number of cannons. This is absolutely unacceptable.

-Those paddle wheels are likely to become targets at a glance. If the paddle wheels are damaged, not only will maneuverability be lost, but they are highly likely to become obstacles hindering proper maneuvering.

-To prevent this, armor, whether wooden or iron, would need to be installed on the outside of those paddle wheels, which would unnecessarily increase the weight of the warship.

At the navy’s explanation, Hyang inwardly muttered.

‘Minister Lee Chun was right. Come to think of it, both Minister Lee Chun and the navy pointed out the reduction in the number of cannons as the first problem, as expected of the ancestors of the artillery department…’

While Hyang was thinking this, the researchers and naval personnel were engaged in a back-and-forth argument.

“If the number of cannons decreases, can’t we just load more powerful cannons?”

“If we can load more powerful cannons, wouldn’t it be better to load many of them?”

“Although those paddle wheels are large, they can move faster! Wouldn’t that reduce the risk of being hit?”

“Warships don’t always fight in the middle of the sea.”

Finally, after the continued argument, Hyang concluded.

“The paddle wheel method isn’t bad, but it’s not suitable for military use. This seems to be the most appropriate conclusion, doesn’t it?”

At Hyang’s conclusion, Jeong-cho, Jeong In-ji, Lee Chun, and the naval commanders all nodded.

Seeing the ‘high-ranking officials’ and the ‘client’ reach the same conclusion, the researchers all became dejected.

“Although the result shows it’s not suitable for military use, I still think it’s a good method. At least we no longer need to just wait for the wind. You’ve all worked hard.”

At Hyang’s encouragement, the researchers managed to brighten their faces slightly.

“We’re truly grateful for your kind words.”

“Now that we know the shortcomings, we’re just a little bit away. Please put in a little more effort.”


And so, the experiment left them with the homework of ‘developing a new propulsion method’.


While the researchers were spending several sleepless nights trying to solve the task of ‘developing a new propulsion method’, which was close to ‘heading on bare ground’, Jang Yeong-sil came to see Hyang.

“Your Highness. About that propulsion method.”


‘Could it be!’

As Jang Yeong-sil mentioned the ‘new propulsion method’, Hyang’s eyes sparkled and his voice rose.

Seeing Hyang’s reaction, Jang Yeong-sil cautiously opened his mouth.

“How about modeling it after the shape of a windmill?”

‘As expected!’

Inwardly cheering, Hyang offered Jang Yeong-sil a seat.

“Let’s discuss this in detail!”