Blood Assimilation-Chapter 166

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166 I come in peace!

Randy observed the old man that suddenly stood out from the crowd, and when he started saying something, he tilted his head to try to see if he could maybe understand anything the other party was saying, and sure enough, just like before, he did not understand a single word the other party was saying.

With that, Randy only shook his head at the old man while gesturing to the old man that he did not understand anything he had said.

The old man appeared confused when he noticed the reactions from this red-haired young man. He only asked what he came here for, and the young man shook his head in response instead of replying to his question?

Clearly, the old man did not understand Randy’s gesture just now.

At this time, Randy, on the other hand, held his chin and then pondered as he looked at the group of people for a bit. As he looked at the group, he noticed that their appearance was quite familiar, or perhaps, it was more accurate to say that their appearance was identical to the people from the Western District back in his world.

Noticing this resemblance, Randy suddenly thought to use the English language that was widely used by the people from the Western District to see if they could understand him with that language.

Although he doubts that they would understand a language from another world, it was still worth a try since it was his only choice at the moment.

As for the reason why he could speak English despite it not being his main language, it was quite simple. Most of Randy’s grandparent’s origin was from the Western District, so he knew how to speak English along with his main language.

In reality, he knew all kinds of languages that he happened to find interest in and learned since he did not have anything to do most of the time when he was alone.


Despite that, Randy found out that he still could not understand anything these people were saying since earlier. Based on this, it could only mean that these people spoke a vastly different language compared to the people from his world. Which was very understandable, but he still wanted to give it a try and see, nonetheless.

With that decided, he raised both of his hands, looked straight at the old man before briefly glancing across the crowd behind him, and then afterward, he opened his mouth and said in a seemingly friendly but loud tone: “I come in peace! I don’t intend to bring you all any harm. Earlier, I saved that little girl over there as she was about to be assaulted in the forest. I am lost and looking for a way out of the forest. I was going to ask her for directions, but she quickly ran away right after I had saved her. But as I was saying, I was looking for a way out of the forest, so I decided to follow her here. I hope you don’t take any offense to my sudden intrusion! Do you understand my words?!”

Everyone was immediately stunned when they heard Randy speak just now, and Randy himself thought that they either did not hear him or did not understand his words as he had thought.

Seeing as how they did not respond to his long explanation for a while, he continued to ask in confirmation: “Can you not understand my speech or language? If not, then...”

Just now, Randy had tried his best to convey his intention through his words and actions to the old man and everyone else in a very calm and gentle tone so that they would understand that he did not come here to harm them.

But it seemed like that did not work, seeing as how some people amongst the crowd still held on to their weapons tightly, and the others displayed perplexed expressions.

However, unexpectedly, at this moment, the old man suddenly raised his hand to signal for the rest of the people behind him to withdraw their weapons.

Seeing this signal from the old man, some of the people behind him exchange gazes before they reluctantly dropped down their weapons, albeit still in their hands.

However, there were still others who protested strongly against this decision from their leader as they spoke to the old man all the while pointing fingers in Randy’s direction.

Randy had no idea what they were saying so he only looked on with a calm gaze while hands still remained in the air. But he could still guess what they were saying based on their expressions that they were full of caution, fear, and displeasure at this moment.

The old man still ignored their warnings and insisted that they put down their weapons, and at that, those belligerent people only clicked their tongues in annoyance and begrudgingly dropped down their weapon but still maintained their vigilance as their eyes were now fixed intently on Randy’s body.

The old man looked at the young man in the distance and displayed an apologetic expression, and then he opened his mouth to speak, dumbfounding Randy because he did not expect something like that to be possible in this world.

“I... Uder... Stand. So... rry for the mis... under...stand... ding. We were just on edge... we live clo... se to the Mes... stic forest. Than... kyou... for... sa... Ving... My... Grand... daugh... ter.”

Randy blankly stared at the old man with his mouth slightly opened when he heard these words. Although the words sounded slow, almost incomprehensible as a result of the old man pronouncing each syllable at a time, there was no doubt that this was a language from his world. 𝐟𝐫𝗲𝙚w𝚎𝐛𝙣𝐨𝙫𝘦𝗹.c૦m

The old man noticed his surprised expression and only smiled amicably in response and then gestured from him to come over: “Yo... ung man, come closer, I wo...ld like to tha...kyou for saving my grand... daugh... ter in my vill...age.”

After managing to say this, the old man then turned to the young girl behind him, gesturing for her to come out. At this moment, she was peeking her small head from behind the old man with a curious expression.

She did not know why her grandfather could speak with that red-haired young man in that strange language just now, but it seemed like the red-haired young man was not an evil person like she had thought. However, upon recalling the events from before, she still felt reluctant.

In the distance, Randy did not approach the old man right away as he had suggested and instead asked in a daze: “You can understand my language? I thought that the people in this wor-”

Randy hurriedly stopped himself and did not finish his sentence when he realized what he had almost given away just now.

There was no way he would give out the fact that he came from another world to these people. However, this situation shocked and astonished him enough that he almost gave it away without knowing.

With his thoughts now straightened, the next moment, he cleared his throat and then said: “I understand. I will come with you. But, by the looks of things... It appears that my presence is not welcome in this place. Like I said before, I came here in peace, so there’s no need for them to be on guard against me.”