Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse-Chapter 256 - Three Vs Hundreds (Part 8)

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Chapter 256 - Three Vs Hundreds (Part 8)

"You want... You want me after conquering China to advance to the north of the continent to conquer Russia?" Bai Zemin finally reacted after almost a solid minute of silence.

To be completely honest, Evangeline's second condition was too much of a surprise for him. Rather than a condition perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it a request since, just as she said earlier, in fact such a thing would be advantageous for him.

If Bai Zemin really did advance northward and ended up conquering Russia, not only would he be gaining a large number of survivors, manpower, and experts; but also many doors filled with possibilities would appear before him. After all, Russia was one of the countries with the largest land area and therefore its resources were also incredibly rich.

In this new mana-influenced world, not only humans and animals were constantly evolving. Plants began to evolve and some of them turned into valuable treasures like the Thousand Lightning Plant that Bai Zemin found at that time in the female dorms of the university. But besides plants, according to Lilith, the world should have different metals and materials incredibly valuable to the current him and his faction; materials that in the past did not exist, that were just fantasy, and that could only come into being after mana and magic evolved, mutated, or created them.

Of course, while it was true that the advantages were enormous, so were the dangers. In just one of China's many Districts, Bai Zemin had had the misfortune of meeting several terrifying enemies that put his life in risk several times. Had it not been for his cunning and tactics to defeat those who were stronger, he would have long since become a corpse and a source of power that would boost the victor's growth.

So how hard would it be to explore and conquer Russia? It would undoubtedly be more difficult than China. After all, Bai Zemin could grow in this land because it was his homeland. But this would not be the case in foreign lands. It would be extremely difficult to get the Russians to entrust their lives to a foreigner, and not to mention that Bai Zemin did not know the terrain of the northern country.

"Right. That is my last condition." Evangeline did not hesitate and nodded. She looked at him with a serious expression and continued, "You don't need to worry. If in the future you have the power to conquer China, then who's to say you won't be able to do the same with Russia? Besides, I will be there to help you. It won't be so difficult then, don't you think?"

In fact, with the help of a Russian woman such as Evangeline, everything would be simpler. It was just that Bai Zemin had never thought so far ahead. For now, all he wanted was to become the highest authority in China before the world entered its Second Stage of Evolution... Because during those seven days when he and Lilith stayed inside his workshop, she told him that something big would happen during the change and that he would need to dominate a world power or he would regret it forever.

As to what would happen, Bai Zemin had no idea. But he trusted Lilith 99%, so he practically did not even doubt her words. It was then that the idea of becoming King and eventually Emperor was born within him.

At that moment, an indifferent voice that was not Evangeline's brought Bai Zemin out of his deep thoughts.

"Why are you so surprised?"

He turned slightly and looked at Shangguan Bing Xue, who was looking at him with her blue eyes that seemed to be as deep as the ocean but as calm as a lake without ripples.

"If you rule China in the future, then you will definitely try to rule the rest of the countries in Asia. Gradually you will even try to reach Europe, and then America." Shangguan Bing Xue said as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "Don't you know how the mind of us, humans, works? Once you achieve your goal, ambitions start to grow, which gives birth to a new goal higher than the previous one."

"..." Bai Zemin could not refute her words.

Human beings were greedy and nonconformist by nature. It was because of this greed and nonconformity that technology advanced and humans learned not only more about the world they lived in but also about part of outer space. However, this also had its disadvantages... And that was that because of these two characteristics, it was very difficult for a human to be truly happy with what they had.

When a person was thirsty, they wanted a glass of water... But when that thirst was satisfied, the same person wished for a plate of food to satisfy their hunger... But when that hunger was satiated, that same person wished for a coat to protect against the cold... And when that person finally got that coat, he or she wished for a house to protect him or herself from the rain.

It was an endless and never-ending cycle just like the cycle of life and death.

Understanding this, Nangong Yi and Nangong Lingxin realized that in fact, there was no need to be too surprised. Just as Shangguan Bing Xue said just now, it was in the human DNA not to conform.

Besides, if they really had the power to rule one of the largest and most powerful countries such as China, then why couldn't they have the power to rule other countries? Unconsciously, Shangguan Bing Xue's words planted a small seed in the hearts of the Nangong siblings, and the way they looked at Bai Zemin changed; it was as if they were looking at the savior.

As to whether she did it on purpose or not, probably only she was aware.

In the end, Bai Zemin sighed and after hesitating, nodded, "I accept your conditions. However, all of this is based on your strength and your contribution being worthy. If your strength lags behind, if you disobey my orders, or if your merits are not worth mentioning; then you can forget that this conversation ever existed. If you are okay with it, then we can close the deal here. Otherwise you can leave."

"Very well. I agree." Evangeline also realized that this was the most that Bai Zemin was willing to give in so she didn't push any further. She just had to continue acting as she had been acting since day 1 of the apocalypse and everything would be fine.

"Perfect then." Bai Zemin smiled slightly and extended his right hand, "Welcome aboard."

Evangeline looked at his outstretched hand for 1 second before extending her own to give him a handshake in greeting, "Though I still need to see your faction and how you work with it, based on your current confidence I think I won't be disappointed."

"You can rest assured in that regard." Nangong Yi sighed lightly and pointed out, "Believe me when I say that compared to this base, the faction established by Bai Zemin and the others is a paradise."

Shangguan Bing Xue seized the opportunity and interjected, "So, can you explain everything? How did you come here and who sent you to attack us?"

Evangeline gritted her teeth and said hatefully, "Just thinking about it pisses me off... Those damn bastards are really cruel!"

Then, she explained the whole situation and the process without leaving out important details.

About five minutes later, Bai Zemin's group finally understood everything.

"I must say that this fellow named Shan Li is really quite a clever rat." Bai Zemin chuckled. However, his eyes flashed with almost undetectable coldness as he said, "Not only did he pay off several storekeepers to pretend to be victims of robbery, but I daresay he also mixed truths with lies so that you wouldn't find out that the twelve people we killed today were actually unprincipled scum."

Indeed. From the moment Shan Li contacted Evangeline he already had everything planned. He had even paid a certain amount of food to several storekeepers to be part of the farce so that when she went to inquire into the situation on her own before accepting the mission, the storekeepers acted as if they had really suffered injustice.

Bai Zemin looked out of the window and was deep in thought as the others looked at him waiting for his decision. However, Shangguan Bing Xue already knew what his next move would be. After all, she already knew him well enough since even though they had only known each other for a little over a month, a lot had happened during that period of time; enough for her to know what kind of person Bai Zemin was.

He was definitely not one to take personal attacks with a smile.

"I guess we'll start tonight then."

Bai Zemin's words confirmed Shangguan Bing Xue's thoughts and she shrugged, "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting it."

Bai Zemin turned his face slightly to look at her and said calmly, "Although I would really like to get sleep a short nap, I think it will be better if we sleep comfortably in a bed, don't you think?"

"I can't say no to that." She nodded and couldn't help but chuckle.

"You two sure are innocent." Nangong Lingxin covered her mouth and giggled softly as she looked at the two of them.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Bai Zemin did not understand.

Shangguan Bing Xue looked at her in confusion as well.

Nangong Yi shook his head and said with a faint smile, "Next time, you should be careful with your words, Bai Zemin."

"Hah?" Bai Zemin really couldn't keep up with these two. What was the thing he said wrong?

Nangong Yi and Nangong Lingxin looked at Shangguan Bing Xue, but seeing her indifferent and confused at the same time, the two siblings looked at each other dumbfounded.

"Maybe... Maybe our dirty mind is what's wrong here."

Nangong Lingxin smiled bitterly and Nangong Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"So." Evangeline interrupted, "We are attacking tonight itself?"

Bai Zemin looked at her and frowned slightly as he asked quietly, "You can move with your current condition? It's not that I'm trying to offend or demean you, but what we're going to do next is break into Kang Rong's village, and from what I understand the defense there is incredibly tight."

Nangong Lingxin nodded and her expression turned serious, "That's true. I've been there a couple of times with my brother and we've counted around 300 men stationed at different key points. Several of them are powerful soul evolvers that cannot be underestimated."

Evangeline frowned when she heard this. In fact, she had never been to Kang Rong's village but she had observed from afar and knew that sneaking in would not be easy even for her, forget about attacking from the front then.

The frown on Evangeline's beautiful face deepened even more when she realized that with her current condition it would be dangerous for her to attack Kang Rong's village. Although she was not severely injured in any way, the pain she felt all over her body did not allow her to move freely and normally. After all, it had only been about two hours since she and Bai Zemin fought, it would take her at least ten more hours to fully recover and by then the sun would be peeking over the horizon.

Challenging several soul evolvers and challenging hundreds of heavily armed men in her current state would be no different than suicide.

In the end, Evangeline raised both hands in surrender, "Forget it then, I guess I'll just stay here."

Bai Zemin nodded with a faint smile, "That's probably better."

Then, he looked at Nangong Yi and said calmly, "Nangong Yi, stay here and protect Yi Fang and Xiang Feng. If anyone dares to sneak into the building or cause trouble, just kill them immediately without hesitation."

"I understand." Nangong Yi nodded with a solemn expression.

While he was strong, his potential was not in fighting many enemies but a few yet powerful ones. It would be dangerous for him to defy a hail of bullets.

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Thanks a lot to all those who use their Golden Tickets to vote for BW <3