Blossoming Path-Chapter 115: When the Student Outshines the Master

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Chapter 115: When the Student Outshines the Master

If there was one thing Liang Feng's novels were accurate about, it was the process of cultivation.

The elixir melted the instant it touched my tongue, releasing a burst of intense flavors—bitter, with earthy undertones. It was a complex taste, like a blend of fresh herbs and potent spices, leaving a cooling minty sensation that quickly transformed into a subtle warmth as it slid down my throat.

But then, the warmth turned into a torrent. The initially soothing flow of qi transformed into a raging river, and then into a terrifying waterfall, cascading through my body with overwhelming force.

I gasped, feeling the sheer volume of qi flooding my system.

This was the essence of the Wind Serpent.

The qi surged in like an explosion, nearly suffocating me with its intensity. It was hard to comprehend how such a small amount of liquid could produce such immense energy.


I instantly abandoned all other thoughts, concentrating on my dantian and guiding the surging qi from the elixir.

It felt like a dam had burst within me. The rushing qi was violently expanding my meridians, forcing my qi circulatory system to widen and adapt. I trembled, feeling as though my entire body might tear apart under the pressure.

‘Control it… carefully.’

The qi began to move beyond my control, coursing through my meridians with a will of its own. Yet, rather than panic, I felt a surge of exhilaration. The immense qi was clearing away impurities and revitalizing my very essence. My meridians widened, even the smallest blood vessels and the most clogged pathways were being forced open and purified.

Your Qi has advanced to Qi Initiation Realm - Rank 3

Every fiber of my being came alive with the fresh sensation of renewal.

I finally understood why such elixirs were so highly coveted. No amount of training could replicate this feeling. The elixir was doing what years of cultivation could not achieve, pushing my body and qi to new heights.


‘This is too much.’

The qi continued to overflow within me. I couldn't absorb it all at once; it needed to be guided and assimilated slowly over time. Greed would lead to disaster—Qi Deviation could result if I tried to rush the process.

Slowly, I gathered the swirling qi, directing it with careful precision. I cycled the energy throughout my body, ensuring a steady flow and preventing any stagnation or imbalance. With every breath, I utilized the Crimson Lotus Purification technique, purifying the energy within me, relieving the pressure.

Elder Zhu was correct; the elixir was incredibly pure, and barely reduced as I sifted through to ensure the qi was as pure as could possibly be. It was the ideal panacea for someone pursuing purity like me.

Finally, the storm calmed. I opened my eyes, feeling my body shake with the residual energy. I was filled with more qi than ever before, a sensation of boundless vitality and strength.

Your Qi has advanced to Qi Initiation Realm - Rank 4

It felt like I could achieve anything.

I opened my eyes to see Windy in front of me with an empty bowl. It seems he had finished his share of the elixir, with significant changes to his status.

Name: Windy

Race: Wind Serpent (Aberrant)

Affinity: Wood and Metal

Cultivation Rank: Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 4

Special Abilities:

Tail Whip: Delivers a swift and powerful tail strike infused with qi.

Paralyzing Venom: Injects venom that temporarily paralyzes the target.

Moonlight Empowerment: Gains increased power and vitality under the moonlight.

Bond Level: 2 (Friend) - Windy has developed a closer relationship with you, displaying increased trust and willingness to assist in your cultivation journey.

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He had went up by three stages! Incredible! Perhaps his compatibility with the Wind Serpent beast cores had something to do with it?

"Whoa," I mumbled, flexing my fingers experimentally. "I feel like I could punch a hole through a mountain."

I tilted my head as I continued to observe his face.

Snakes were relatively expressionless, but Windy's eyes were uncharacteristically wide, his jaw hung open in shock. He was staring intently at something on the ceiling.

I followed his gaze and nearly jumped out of my skin.

Tianyi, normally a delicate wisp of blue, was now a radiant beacon, her wings blazing with an otherworldly light

What the hell?!

"What in the heavens?!" I yelped, scrambling back from the bed. "Tianyi, are you trying to blind us?!"

No response. Just more blinding light. It was like staring into the sun, except the sun was a giant, glowing butterfly.

"Windy, cover!" I yelled, grabbing the still-stunned serpent and diving behind the bed. "I think she's about to go supernova!"

The air crackled with energy, and I braced myself for an explosion. But instead of a deafening boom, a gentle hum filled the room, growing louder and louder until it resonated in my very bones.

What was happening to her? Was this a breakthrough, or something more dangerous?

Seconds felt like hours as I waited, tense and ready for anything. The light seemed to reach its peak, an intense, almost blinding blue that filled every corner of the room. The energy in the air was palpable, a living force that pressed down on us.

Then, as suddenly as it had intensified, the light began to fade. I peeked over the bed, cautiously lowering my arm. Tianyi hovered in the air, her wings still glowing softly, but the intense brightness had subsided.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She fluttered down gracefully, eye-level with me. Whatever had happened, it seemed to have been a positive transformation.

Name: Tianyi

Race: Mystical Butterfly

Affinity: Wood

Cultivation Rank: Essence Awakening Stage - Rank 1

Special Abilities:

Qi Haven: Transforms frequented areas into concentrated qi zones, boosting recovery and cultivation efficiency for those within its boundaries.

Moonlight Empowerment: Gains increased power and vitality under the moonlight.

Qi Siphon: Can absorb small amounts of qi from its surroundings to sustain itself.

Qi Transfer: Can imbue living beings with energy by transferring its qi, providing a small boost to those who receive it.

Qi Infusion: Infuse your body with qi, strengthening and making it faster.

Bond Level: 3 (Close Companion) - Tianyi has formed a deep bond with you, displaying loyalty and commitment to your shared journey. Her abilities may strengthen in response to your connection, and she will be more attuned to your emotions and needs. Additional abilities or enhancements may become available as your bond continues to grow.


I couldn't help but gawk at her status.

Essence Awakening Stage?


A small voice cut through my thoughts. So quiet that I thought it was a hallucination. I turned around to see if there was anyone there.

I froze, my eyes darting around the room. The voice had been faint, almost like a whisper carried on the wind. But there was no one else here—just me, Windy, and Tianyi.

'Kai… you can hear me?'

The voice was clearer this time, distinctly female. I whipped my head back towards the glowing butterfly.

This... This was unexpected.

“You’ve surpassed most third-class disciples in qi reserves. And the energy radiating from Tianyi… it’s on par with a first-class disciple.”

It was rather late now. The process of creating the elixir took the entire morning and afternoon, and my evening was spent consuming it. The heavens clearly favored me, as I had run into Feng Wu just as I had left my quarters to find someone to tell.

Feng Wu took the butterfly from my hand, and she happily perched on his finger, teeming with pride and joy. The glow around her had grown even stronger, the snowflakes melting before they even touched her.

"Her qi reserves have far surpassed mine," he said, almost enviously. "I’m honestly a bit jealous."

I blinked, trying to process his words. "Wait, how is that possible? I split the elixir evenly between the three of us. I should be the one with the most impressive result, but I only went up two stages, while Windy went up three. And Tianyi... well, she's in the Essence Awakening Stage now! What gives?"

Feng Wu chuckled, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Kai, have you really thought about how different your bodies are? You're a human, Windy's a snake, and Tianyi's a butterfly. The same elixir isn't going to have the same effect on such vastly different entities."

Oh. Right. Forgot to consider that in my musings.

"And don't forget, your body doesn't ingest all the elixir at once. Some of it has yet to fully integrate into your body."

Feng Wu’s words hung in the cold air, and I could feel my thoughts spinning. "Wait, so you're saying... there’s more of the elixir’s qi still in me?"

He nodded, his eyes studying me with that same knowing look. "Exactly. You should check how much of it is yet to be incorporated into your dantian. It’s not uncommon for a powerful elixir like this to take time to fully integrate."

I closed my eyes, focusing inward. Almost immediately, I noticed a profound change. My qi circulatory system, which had once been weak and thin, was now robust and cycling energy continuously. The pathways that had felt fragile and narrow before were now wider and stronger, allowing the qi to flow more freely.

Then, I turned my attention to my dantian. What I felt nearly took my breath away. It had grown many times over in just a single night. The space inside was vast, like an ever-expanding reservoir of pure energy. But what really caught my attention was the residual energy surrounding it—a thick, dense cloud of qi, still waiting to be fully absorbed.

When I opened my eyes again, I met Feng Wu’s gaze. "I’d say about thirty percent of the elixir is left, still slowly integrating itself."

He raised a brow, clearly intrigued. "That’s odd. Most people aren’t able to ingest that much qi in one session. Tianyi likely absorbed the qi all at once, not needing to integrate it slowly because her body is far more compatible with qi. She’s a spirit beast, after all, and one that’s used to cycling qi naturally. Her entire being is designed for it."

"And Windy?" I asked, looking down at the snake coiled around my wrist.

"Windy’s situation is probably closer to yours. He’s young, and while he’s advanced rapidly, he might not have been able to integrate all the qi yet. His body will absorb it as he matures, so he’s still got a lot of growth ahead of him."

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. "I know... but it’s still unbelievable how quickly things changed after that elixir. I mean, I’ve spent months cultivating, and this... this was just one night."

The man nodded, his expression turning serious. "That’s why I was so shocked when you tried to surrender the elixir after winning the wager against Elder Jun. And even more so when they sent another to you as a gift of congratulations for placing so highly in the Gauntlet." free𝑤

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory, the absurdity of it all finally hitting me. "Yeah, I guess I didn’t realize what I had in my hands back then."

I shook my head, the realization settling in. "So, how long does it usually take to fully integrate the rest of the qi?" I asked, curiosity laced with a hint of impatience. The idea of having all this untapped energy just sitting inside me was tantalizing.

He shrugged, his expression turning noncommittal. "It varies. It can take anywhere from a week to a few months, depending on your inclination and the amount of qi left. But," he added with a gleam in his eye, "there is one way to speed up the process."

My ears perked up at that. "How?"

"Through training, of course. By pushing your body and your qi to their limits, you can force the integration to happen faster."

I felt a grin spread across my face. "Are you willing to show me how?"

Feng Wu laughed, a deep, hearty sound that echoed through the chilly air. "I thought you’d never ask. Come on, let’s see what you’re really made of, Kai."