Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest-Chapter 26: Brand New Skills!

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I looked into my status as the guide spirit spoke to me quickly after, as always, he recommended me to spend the Stat Points into Mana so I could always have more "fuel" for any situation. Even using the Fishing Skill intensively used a bit of Mana, so that was actually a pretty smart idea. I never thought I would be min-maxing MP from all Stats but it made sense now that I thought about it.

"As always, spend the Stat Points into MP, that's the best course of action," said the Guide Spirit. "After reaching a certain level, probably after reaching your second Job Class, you could begin spending them in other stats… I guess. But MP never ceases to be useful and your other stats could increase more easily with crafted equipment."

"I see…! Then all to MP!"


[You have exchanged 20 Stat Points for +40 MP!]


[Due to having reached 500 MP in less than Level 10, you have acquired a new Title: [Apprentice Magician]!]

As I checked at my stats again, spending the 20 Stat Points gave +40 MP, so that was nice. And… what's this?! I gained a Title by just assigning my Stat Points into MP? Seriously? I was a magician? But my Job Class was Farmer… Oh well, let's check this out before moving on.

[Apprentice Magician]

Acquisition Conditions: Reach 500 MP before Level 10.

Equip Bonus: +100 MP, +40 INT, +40 WIS

A Title given to an Apprentice Magician whose Stat Points have been proactively assigned into MP! You have reached a quantity of MP that not many players have reached at this stage, as an Apprentice Magician, your journey as a mage is just starting!

Wow, wasn't this title pretty good though? Although Big Game Slayer gave a nice bonus to all stats, this one was more specialized in Magic! And then there were the other Titles about Cooking and Fishing, but I could freely switch between Titles depending on what stat gain I need, they're like equipment in that regard, but easily given out instead of having to craft them by hand, which seemed hard for me at the moment.

"Every time you Evolve you could equip another Title," said the Guide. "So hoarding a lot of Titles by doing different types of achievements is recommended."

"What? So I could equip two Titles when I evolve?!" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, every time you evolve you change! Your existence becomes greater and you can use more of the power from your Race as it develops its true roots. You know, they said that every Race descends from a God, actually, and your own race is created by Gaia, the Goddess of Life and Souls, every time you evolve you develop more of those roots. It is the same for every other Race," said the Guide Spirit. "Because your existence becomes "greater" you could equip more Titles, gaining a Title Slot with each evolution."

"I-I see…! But how many evolutions are out there?" I wondered.

"Well, a lot! I couldn't really tell you all of them, and each Evolution has prerequisites and are attached to quests, the same for Job Classes, so make sure to always pay attention to NPC! Well, at least the Tree of Beginnings, he's the one that handles our quests," said the Guide Spirit.

"I understand…"

It seemed that to evolve into a stronger Species or even upgrading my Job Class required interaction with NPC and to unlock different quests as well. How interesting…

Well, for now I should use my Skill Points into some new Skills, or probably upgrade my other Skills in the process? I mean, I think I got enough MP for them, although I didn't know if the Level 3 Green Magic Spells could be conjured leisurely, most of them were very costly to make any effect at all… Let's check the Skill Tree again first.

[Skill Tree: Dryad]

[Plant Synthesis: Lv0]

[Life Drain: Lv0] PICKED

[Spirit Magic: Lv0]

[Natural Charm: Lv0]

[Daughter of Nature: Lv0] PICKED

[Spiritual Shield: Lv0]

[Plant Companion: Lv0] PICKED

[Nature's Rage: Lv0]

[INT UP: Lv0]

[WIS UP: Lv0]

[MP UP: Lv0]

[Skill Tree: Farmer]

[Tame: Lv0] PICKED

[Cooking: Lv0] PICKED

[Brewing: Lv0]

[Crafting: Lv0]

[Sewing: Lv0]

[Fishing: Lv0] PICKED

[Alchemy: Lv0]

[Robust Body: Lv0]

[Farm Animal Companion: Lv0] PICKED

[Farming Tools Usage: Lv0]

[Terrain Adaptability: Lv0]

[Soil Manipulation: Lv0]

[DEX UP: Lv0]

[HP UP: Lv0]

I could pretty much pick anything I wanted, or all of them! But I have now begun to understand why there was a Skill Restriction of 10 and 10. If people were allowed to wield more than 10 Skills of Race and Job Class, it would be a bit too much. I didn't know if they were allowed to use more when evolving or Changing Job Class though.

"Can we equip more Skills by Evolving or Changing Job Class?" I wondered. The Guide Spirit answered me rather swiftly, coming out with a clever answer.

"D-Do you actually think the developers would allow you to do that?! Ten slots for both are good enough!" he said. "If you players were allowed to wield more Skills than these limits, you would become way too overpowered and there wouldn't be much of a challenge in the game… You could switch skills as much as you want to prepare for any situation, so it is nothing too hard. Like changing equipment I guess."

"Oh, I guess it would be a bit broken if we were given a lot of Skill Slots…" I said while giggling.

"Your Skill Tree keeps expanding with each evolution and job class change too, so these won't be the only Skills you'll ever have available. Make sure to choose wisely what to spend your Skill Points on! You can't spend them all into buying Skills, saving for Leveling them is also important."

"Okay, okay, I get it. I will only get three Skills this time."


[You have exchanged 6 Skill Points]

[You learned the [Spirit Magic: Lv1], [Spiritual Shield: Lv1], and [Robust Body: Lv1] Skills!]

[You exchanged 10 Skill Points]

[The [Photosynthesis: Lv1], [Green Magic: Lv2], [Life Drain: Lv1], [Cooking: Lv1], and [Fishing: Lv1] Skills Levels have increased by one!]

[The [Green Magic: Lv3] Skill has unlocked three new Spells: [Plant Whisper], [Recovery Antidote Sap], and [Tracking]!]

And done! I got a bunch of new stuff to check out, and I get some sort of fun by always looking at it, so time to check out everything in detail! First of all, I decided to learn these three new Skills because they sounded pretty interesting. I have not spoiled myself about Skills in the Game's Wiki Page or Fandom Page, so I was just going blind into the game for the best experience, but these three skills piqued my interest.

[Spirit Magic: Lv1]

The Magic that only special Races connected to the elements and nature can conjure. It is a special Magic that calls forth the power of Elemental Spirits. To summon Elemental Spirits, the player must be closer to a Dragon Veins and conjure the magic. Depending on the Spells, Spirits can go with the Player or only work once with them.

Each Spirit has a different personality and not all of them might like to be with you, others might not even hear your call if your heart is not pure enough. Make sure to always be polite with Spirits, they're giving you a favor, not the other way around.

Available Spells:

Level 1: [Dragon Vein Detection], [Land Spirit Call], [Spirit Enhancement]

This was a very interesting Magic! So it only worked in certain areas of the world? It was more like a Geomancer, right? I remembered my husband used to play that Class once in a Final Fantasy MMO… But sadly all these old MMO got suspended after the Full Dive VR boom, so all those memories were gone… Well, at least this Skill was similar to that? It could conjure spells only in certain areas… Let's see the spells' details as well.

[Dragon Vein Detection]

Cost: 10 MP For every Dragon Vein Detected.

Cooldown: 10 Minutes.

Channel the spiritual power within you and detect various Dragon Veins across the map. After Conjuration, you're able to accurately detect Dragon Veins within 20 Meters around you. Dragon Veins appear all over the world and can be of many elements.

[Land Spirit Call]

Cost: 200 MP/400 MP/500 MP

Cooldown: 5 Minutes

Channel the spiritual power within you and humbly call upon the help of the Land Spirits, who surge from Earth-type Dragon Veins to aid you in battle. They can emerge in three variations: [Small Rocky], [Boulder Golem], and [Land Titan] randomly.

[Spirit Enhancement]

Cost: 200 MP

Cooldown: 5 Minutes

Utilize your connection with spiritual energies and enhance your affinity with spirits temporarily, while also enhancing the power of all Spirits you've summoned for battle or support by +20%.

Looking at all these three Spells, I was left surprised and rather fascinated by the intricate mechanics of this Magic, it sounded so fun! I was going to use it tomorrow to help us out! Apparently, I could just detect "Dragon Veins" and from them, I could summon different spirits. It said that there were many elemental spirits but the only ones I could summon for now were Land Spirits. And now, the other two Skills were also pretty useful.

[Spiritual Shield: Lv1]

Call forth the power of the spirits dwelling in Nature to generate a powerful Spiritual Shield around you, which can block up to 20% of all Damage taken in exchange for MP. This acts as a Passive Skill that can be turned on and off, and the cost of MP varies depending on the damage taken. Increase the Level of the Skill to reduce more Damage.

This was a very simple Skill but one that would come in handy for me! It was pretty much my own version of the magician's Mana Shield Skills, which allowed them to have a shield at all times that decreased damage taken in exchange for their MP. It seemed to be pretty useful, so I was going to use it whenever there was a big fight to come so I didn't have to run away as much!

[Robust Body: Lv1]

As a Farmer your body has to exercise in the fields and constantly move to maintain your Farm at all times, due to this, your body naturally grows stronger and capable of harboring larger quantities of Stamina. HP, STR, and VIT are increased by +10%, and your Satiation Meter depletes at half the speed.

This was amazing! With this, my satiation wouldn't go down so easily and I could do more stuff like Fishing, Cooking, and in the near future, settling up a farm and farming! And it also enhanced HP, STR, and VIT… I didn't know how much I would be using STR, but that's still a useful stat for stuff like Fishing because you needed a lot of physical strength for that one.

With all these Skills, I was left more than satisfied for now. After checking them out, I decided to rest for the rest of the night and log out.

"See you tomorrow, Acorn, please take care, alright?" I said, as I petted his little squirrel head.

"Sure thing, Lady Planta! Please sleep well!" he said.

"Thank you, sleep well too," I said.

As I was about to log out, I suddenly remembered something.

"Wait! Guide, could you find a player named Dark Reaper? The user is a female and close to Level 200…" I said.

"Huh? What with that out of nowhere? But sure… I can. Erm, there are over fifty people with name variations of "Dark Reaper", they just add numbers or letters at the end or beginning… Oh, there's a guy named XxXxDarkReaperxXxX… I guess that's not her. Is this the name of your daughter? She really chose an unoriginal one."

"Please don't criticize my beloved princess' naming options and just search for her…"
