Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 104: Kidnapped

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Chapter 104: Kidnapped

Date 23 Mar 2321

Time 11:27

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234

“Stop it, Wyatt… Mr Elliott is just being protective of his family similar to you being protective about me, your ‘Family’…” Said Susan intervening between me and Elliott.

Hearing her stress on the last part black lines formed on my forehead thinking ‘there I did it again’ but Susan wasn’t done yet as she continued saying, “Both your intentions are aligned to growing strong and protecting yourselves and your loved ones yet why this misunderstanding and mistrust… Wyatt apologise to Mr Elliott.

And Mr Elliott, I have people I care about too and won’t like to see them in harm’s way. Please be rest assured I will not talk about unnecessary things as I know what’s in the best interest for me and my family.” When Susan said the last part she turned to look at me as if saying ‘I consider you my family too’.

I ignored Susan’s look as she cannot just say it like that, it had to be said directly to me and she had to be as embarrassed as I was otherwise, it won’t count I will not let her off that easily.

And Susan was right, Elliott’s caution was justified after all he did risk his neck and his family’s necks by admitting the existence of Physique and Traits just to keep me from stirring the hornets’ nest to quench my curiosity. I did owe Elliott an apology, me threatening him was uncalled for, ” Mr Elliott, what happened earlier that was uncalled for and I assure you that it won’t happen again. As friends, we need to be trustful of each other and my actions earlier were just the opposite of that. So I sincerely apologise and hope this incident does not reflect on our alliances.”

“Mr Wyatt, please don’t worry I understand where your heart’s at and that is enough and no this incident will not define our alliance if anything I am more enthusiastic about our friendship than before knowing that we have the same goals to achieve through this alliance.” Elliott, same as before he was still amiable and was a bigger person than me by not taking my rudeness to heart and forgiving me.

I was grateful for Elliott understanding and being forgiving and amiable so I wanted to express my gratitude to him once again but a rude sharp voice interrupted me, ” Amy is this the place Corey is working at… this place is a total dump even our servant quarters are better than this dump… you sure about this, check again”

“This is the place, Beth. Wait, I will call Corey to come and receive us.”

“You should have done that earlier”

I and the rest turned to see the source of the rude voice and they were three teenagers, to be precise two girls and a boy dressed elegantly, every part of them screamed that they did not belong here and were filthy rich. Susan got up and headed towards the trio to receive them as judging from their conversation they seem to be Corey’s friends and are here to visit her.

“Hello, I am Susan. Corey’s friend, why don’t you guys head in as you wait for Corey…” said Susan with a professional smile.

“Liar… you are pretty for a commoner but Corey would never be friends with someone wearing such a plain and cheap suit… wait are those sneakers… are you wearing sneakers under your office suit. You are definitely lying to us.” The girl named Beth shouted exaggeratedly.

Susan always wears office suits to work though they were plain and cheap they were in line with the current trend as Susan tried her best to keep them that way, but since Susan no longer had any clients just for today she boldly decided to be in something more comfortable by wearing sneakers instead of heels under her office suit, after all, she would spend most of the time in the warehouse and her only client did not seem to care.

Hearing Beth, the boy next to her pulled on her sleeves meekly and said, “Sister father has warned you not to be rude to others…”

Beth glared at her brother and said, “Pax, I am not being rude I am just stating the obvious… how could someone as elegant and brilliant as Corey be friends with a country hick who wears sneakers under office suits, that’s just blasphemy against fashion at the highest level.”

Amy who was done informing Corey looked at Beth and said, “Beth you are my twin though fraternal how can you be so dumb… how many times do I have to tell you some times stating the truth bluntly is rude. Though this sister here should be sentenced to first-degree murder for killing the fashion, it would be rude to say it to her face. How many times do I have to remind you of this… sometimes I think you do it knowingly just for the fun of it.”

‘Liar’ ‘plain and cheap’ ‘country hick’ ‘blasphemy against fashion at the highest level’ ‘sentenced to first-degree murder for killing the fashion’ hearing these comments Susan was depressed beyond redemption and her confidence in her appearance had shattered to numerous pieces. She grudgingly complained in her mind ‘I just wanted to wear something comfortable for a change, I blame my luck. Kids these days are savage than ever… especially girls they just know the right buttons to push.’

Corey, who was in the storage after receiving Amy’s call hurried to the warehouse entrance after all she knew her friends the best and did not want them getting into trouble with her new friends.

“Hi! Beth, Amy, Pax…” Corey came to the entrance as soon as possible but the damage was done, the sunshine bright Susan was no longer there as the two sisters and their brother torpedoed her into a depressed fashion eating zombie.

‘Aaahhh!!….*high pitched scream*’

Seeing Corey the twin sisters screamed in unison with the signature teenage girl high pitched scream after a few seconds they seemed to have calmed down and looking worriedly at Corey, Amy said, “Corey blink twice if you are kidnapped or being held against your will…”
