Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 112: Elder Giant

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Chapter 112: Elder Giant

Date 23 Mar 2321

Time 2:50

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234, Card lab

Thanks to the Baptism I underwent after climbing to the card scholar realm, my body had adapted to the mutated soul energy and two consciousness along with the split in my mental strength. It was as if I was born with a mutated soul and it all felt so natural. If not for my fortunate increase in my strength It would not have been possible for me to reach for such a big project. While my AI consciousness was busy transferring the soul pathways of all the ingredients into the origin core, I was busy analysing the C-rank elder giant core.

C-rank Elder Giant is the evolved form of D-rank Giant, the most visible difference between a D-rank Giant and a C-rank Elder Giant is their height. D-rank Giant’s height ranges anywhere between 9 meters to 13 meters whereas a C-rank Elder Giant’s height ranges anywhere between 18 meters to 22 meters. Though giants are only graded in uncommon rank due to their natural advantage of enormous humanoid body and tremendous strength their threat level is classified in Rare rank. After analysing the C-rank elder giant core I transferred the required soul pathways to the Origin core.

Then I took the C-rank Elder giant heart card, thankfully to preserve the heart, the seller had already turned the heart into a card for free of cost instead of charging it 10 times the original price. The Elder giant being a humanoid creature it had a 4 chambered heart, in each of these 4 chambers I was going to use to place a soul power reactor to form a quad reactor for the power system of the card. Though the Elder Giant’s heart is organic but enhancing it with High wood wisp and black Iron bug essence, it can be turned into a mechanical heart with a quad power reactor which would be perfect for a large power system.

By now my AI consciousness had already transferred the soul pathway of 60 tonnes of black steel and began transferring the black Iron bug essence and the rest of the ingredients. Now, I was going to divide the 60 tonnes of black steel into two parts and then combine them to form a black steel alloy this way the amount of the black steel alloy would remain the same as black steel but its weight will be reduced by 2/3rd. Black steel alloy not only weighs less but is also more tensile and ductile than Black steel. I did not do the same with Susan’s armour because of three reasons. First, I only learnt of this alloy while reading golem creation. Second, even if I had known I was right on budget. Third, Susan’s armour was a normal human size armour so normal black steel strength was more than enough.

By the time I was done with turning all the black steel into black steel alloy, my AI consciousness had already transferred the soul pathways of black Iron bug core, black Iron bug essence, metal tooth slime essence, metal tooth slime core and High Wood Wisp core. It was not surprising that my AI consciousness was more efficient and faster than myself, after all, it was designed after world-class super AI and baptised which a human such as myself could not match its precision and processing speed.

Next, I asked my AI consciousness to mix soul pathways of E-rank metal tooth slime essence with soul pathways of F-rank black Iron bug essence in the ratio of 1:2, respectively. Meanwhile, I was busy smelting the soul pathways of black steel alloy and Pax’s black steel alloy pendant using the High spit Firestone’s. Thanks to the inbuilt furnace I did not have to spend energy maintaining the heat to the appropriate level. Soon I smelted all of the black steel alloy and Pax’s black steel alloy pendant into liquid black steel alloy, this time I was faster than AI consciousness.

Once the AI consciousness was done mixing soul pathways of E-rank metal tooth slime essence with soul pathways of F-rank black Iron bug essence in the ratio of 1:2, I asked it to mix all the soul pathways of black Iron bug cores, metal tooth slime cores and high wood wisp cores in the origin core forming a unique cocktail of soul pathways of black Iron bug, metal tooth slime and the high wood wisp.

Then finally together I and my slave consciousness combined the liquid black steel alloy and the soul pathway cocktail of black Iron bug, metal tooth slime and the high wood wisp to form a ginormous sludge of enhanced liquid black steel alloy. Interestingly enough the ginormous sludge of enhanced liquid black steel alloy given birth to a slime beast Will, similar to the one in Susan’s origin card.

Thanks to the formation of the slime beast will it would be easier for me to create a neural network system using the artificial beast will. Strengthening the slime beast will with the artificial beast will and also programming with all the controls, commands, prompts, protocols and above basic level AI I successfully established a neural network system in the ginormous sludge of enhanced liquid black steel alloy.

Next, I transferred the soul pathways from the C-rank elder giant’s core to the soul pathways of the enhanced Slime beast Will, giving the ginormous sludge of enhanced liquid black steel alloy a skeleton structure and a body frame of a 21 meters tall elder giant. Soon the slime shaped beast Will morphed into a tall elder giant.

Later I transferred the soul pathways of the Elder giant heart along with 4 soul power reactors to install a quad power reactor to the black steel alloy elder giant, successfully establishing a power system for it. Then I test the ability of the neural system and the power system by continuously morphing the enormous black steel alloy between slime and elder giant. The neural and power systems showed no errors and were perfectly installed.


Read Transcendent Dawn