Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 123: Challenge Letter

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Chapter 123: Challenge Letter

Date 24 Mar 2321

Time 9:04

Location Sky Blossom City, Whiteburn Manor, East Wing, Family Arena

“Oh my god! Ohmygod!!…We won! We won! Our Pax won!” Shouted Beth in enthusiasm hearing the referee announce Pax’s victory. Her enthusiasm was so high that she almost choked her twin with her hug.

Amy had a silent smile on her face which showed that she was very satisfied with the results considering all that time and planning she had put in for this to happen. This was not achieved because of her family which was against her and her siblings or her father and elder sister who was missing the whole time… all this was her’s and her sibling’s achievements, it felt good to know that they were something outside the huge shadow of the family or her father and elder sister.

“Hey! you guys by chance you know where I can collect my winnings.” I asked, fuck! I was rich again with a ratio of 1: 11 I made a killing this time. The rush and excitement I am feeling right now are indescribable I placed 102 soul jades on Pax’s victory the underdog boy genius and now I would get 11 times of my bet that is 1,122 soul jades… the Whiteburn had thought that Pax had no chance of winning against Paul and had given such a ratio profiting me someone with the inside information in Pax’s new origin card.

But this indescribable feeling died down fast hearing Pax’s alarmed shout, “Wait! Do not deactivate the barrier! The arena is filled with Firefox-bane poison vapours.”

Firefox-bane poison vapours!! Fuck! now that’s one cruel and easy way to mass murder unsuspecting people. Realising that I could have just died miserably along with the rest of the unsuspecting audience if not for Pax discovering Paul’s final punch line most of my happiness and excitement died down. But seeing 3rd Elders in action and display his strength as he directly exposed himself to the poison without a shred of worry I realised ‘strong have no worries’ if I was strong and confident about my strength like 3rd elder I would not have to worry about the Firefox-bane poison vapours and ruin my happiness and excitement.

Thinking this I followed the twins to collect my winnings and then waved the IOU at Amy and said, “When will you pay me back.”

“Haven’t you made a lot of soul jades off our family already!” Argued Beth.

“That is what your family owed me, This is what you guys owe me.” I said glaring at Beth, “Money is no object but a man has to be paid for his work. you won’t understand this after all you guys never worked in your life.” Forget bitch Beth… the expression on Amy’s face told me that I would not be paid anytime soon.

Amy was in a bind right now because if she paid the card creationist with family money it would only mean that she could not achieve anything without the family wealth, but she did not have her hard-earned wealth to pay the card creationist… finally Amy realised that if she had to get out of the shadow of her family, or her father, even her elder sister and take care of herself and her siblings she should go independent and earn what she needs and not expect the world to just give her what she wants.

Just when Amy was about to explain her dilemma to the card creationist a rude voice intervened,

“DALTON WYATT! You have been served with a Life/Death challenge letter.” A middle-aged woman in a cheap office suit declared, waving the letter on my face.

Karma! I just waved the IOU on Amy’s face and now a challenge letter is being waved on my face. Infuriated, I grabbed the letter from the middle-aged woman’s hand, who left as soon as I took the letter.

In the letter, there were four big words. Life/Death Challenge letter!

In this world, Card fights and deathmatches were extremely popular

In Sky blossom city, there were almost no other forms of entertainment as exciting as a deathmatch!

Card fights had become the most popular form of entertainment!

Beth asked, “will you accept?”

Card fights required the other party’s consent.

If the other party did not agree, they could not forcefully attack the other party! After all, this was still a civilised era and laws still existed.

I opened the letter to see who the challenger was, as I could not guess who would want a deathmatch with me, after all, I have pissed a lot of people within just a week of my rebirth.

It was Kevin Zhang of the Zhang Mercenaries. Why the fuck would somebody of Kevin Zhang’s calibre challenge a high school nobody and what happened to their plan of scamming and extorting me.

I did not understand why would Kevin Zhang issue a challenge to me out of the blue, what provoked him to challenge me… did he get the wind of all the money I am making. No! nobody from my past knows what I have been up to these days.

‘Is it because of the incident with Ronnie…’, I thought upon further consideration it seemed impossible, ‘no way I was so thorough I did not leave behind any clue?’

‘Fuck! The biggest clue is Ronnie himself with just him missing how long would it take for Kevin to connect all the dots’

‘… 2 days! Yes, that’s how long it took Kevin Zhang to connect all dots and serve me with a life and death challenge letter.’

‘But how did he find out my relationship with Ronnie? And how can he be sure that I was behind all this? No! Those are not the important questions right now, the question I must be asking myself right now is whether I accept the challenge or not.’

With that in my mind, I check the challenge date, time and place in the latter… 30th this month, morning 10:30 at the guild association mall arena.

Seeing the date of the challenge my nerve eased up, by then I would have already gotten strong enough that a mere silver grimoire Card soldier would not worry me.

“I will accept the challenge” I replied to Beth.

“I thought all card creationists are cowards who just knew to be profiteers while run and hide at the first sight of trouble.” Scorned Beth with her signature pompous smile.

“Beth! For the love of cards will you just shut up!” Shouted Amy seeing her twin show her nature again to their benefactor.

I ignored Beth’s scorn, I had to accept this challenge because the MF mastermind behind young Wyatt’s suicide was this muff Kevin Zhang and he had to pay for his crimes against young Wyatt with his life.
