Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 127: Patience

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Chapter 127: Patience

Date 24 Mar 2321

Time 9:52

Location Sky Blossom City, Whiteburn Manor, Main Courtyard, Study room

I could see that talking business with Jake was intense for Susan. After all, Jake accused her of using his children’s trust. As for buying and selling in the black market it is not illegal but frowned upon, after all, trade of unrestricted goods is not a crime.

C-rank Liquid Spirit Gold also known as Liquid gold or LSG. Is a very rare ingredient in the black market where everything is available. But in the regular market, you can procure tonnes and tonnes of it for the right price.

LSG is the product of doping gold with fine spirit sands found in the Whiteburn family’s A-rank Gate dungeon Maya Sand Dunes. One kg of LSG costs $30,000. LGS has a high demand and the Whiteburn family has a monopoly on LSG in Sky blossom city and its nearby city. And is still able to maintain the monopoly because they just stick to the production and supply side while hiring powerful allies for the selling part. This way everyone is happy.

Then came the Black market which was putting a dent in the Whiteburn and its allies pockets which they took care of by owning about 11% of the black market in sky blossom city and its neighbours. And the general public thinks the Whiteburn family is a bunch of muscle heads who only understand violent and barbaric means.

Done analysing Susan and her nature, Jack turned to me and said, “Mr Wyatt you have my respect at the young age you have achieved which may take years and lots of resources for others to achieve.”

I was still pissed at Jake as while talking with Susan he repeatedly trashed my online shop as a small-time shop. But still, since the man in question was loaded and a potential customer, I kept my professional smile and respectfully said,” Lord Jack I was just lucky.”

“So you were gambling with my son’s origin card and future.” Thundered Jack glaring at me. To me, his glare felt like a hungry gorilla staring at me, funny right.

“I had already mentioned the possible risk to your son and daughters, Lord. But they still chose to trust in me and have the origin card created by me.” If this guy wants to flip the script then sure be my guest flip the whole crew. I was just being humble by saying I was lucky but You blame me for risking your son’s future then I will throw the ball in your son and daughters court, two can play at this game.

“I see, you mentioned all the risks to them or made use of their desperation to fill your pockets.” And with that Jack threw the ball back into my court.

“Lord, If anything you children pledged your honour to make me work for free for them, you can ask your daughter.” You gorilla I am the repeat champion of this game, this your last warning.

Hearing me Jack frowned and glared at his twin daughters, Beth snorted while Amy buried her head in Eliza’s embrace.

“Why isn’t anybody answering me!” Jack thundered once again, pledging one’s honour for someone of Jack’s position and power was a big deal for him, as the saying with great power comes great responsibility. People see something associated with Jack Whiteburn’s name than they expect a certain standard that was the power of his name and honour, now his children pledge it without thinking twice.

Seeing father angry Pax who knew the culprit and his father’s anger chose to take the blame upon himself, “father it was me who pledged your name!”

Hearing Pax take the blame, Amy tried to get off Eliza’s embrace and clarify the misunderstanding but Elize did allow her to break free instead strengthened her embrace and rendered Amy immobile. Beth knew Pax was not capable of this and knew the culprit wasn’t her unless Wyatt was lying… then she looked at Amy, to her eyes it looked like Amy was hiding in Eliza’s embrace.

Right now Beth was torn between two worlds, should she stay quiet or voice out. Her pompous side told her that she should stay quiet but her caring sister side said she loved this of her brother and sister equally and cannot allow one to take advantage of the other. Usually, her pompous side would sound right to her but today her caring sister side made more sense and felt right. So, she voiced, “Father! Pax is lying. Amy pledge your name.”

“Are you trying to take the blame for your sister?” with a stern voice Jack asked Pax, who did not budge and said, “Father! big sis Beth was out shopping she doesn’t know a thing.”

“Enough shenanigans! Beth, were you out shopping or not.” Jack’s face had darkened with anger which scared Beth, who lost her resolve and admitted, “yes, I went shopping.”

“I had it, Beth! for lying to me no more pocket money for you until I see maturity in your behaviour. Pax for pledging my name casually you will have to earn 22 tonnes of LSG you wanted by completing the task I give you. Form a party of 5 and clear 30 E-rank dungeons, 15 D-rank dungeons and 5 C-rank dungeons. Do you understand me?” Jack dictated Beth and Pax their punishment.

“Yes!” Beth and Pax agreed.

Taking care of his family, Jack turned to me and Said, “Mr Wyatt I have seen the card fight between Pax and Paul, your creation is amazing and praiseworthy. I misunderstood you earlier and thought that you made use of my children’s desperation and filled your pockets, you didn’t right Mr Wyatt.”

This MF! He did not apologise for wrongly accusing me nor thanked me for helping his kids when the entire Card creationist guild turned their backs on his kids. Not to mention how he used Susan and now me to create teachable moments for his kids. This selfish prick, I risked my life by creating his son’s origin card and yet he is still shamelessly trying to mess with me. I haven’t met somebody so shameless as him in this world.

“Family head Jack, I heard Whiteburn takes pride in repaying 10 what they owe. I was wondering if the Whiteburn family had a Cerberus core, I need it.” I was done playing games with this old fool, so I reminded him to stop it and get straight to the point.

“Ah! You young ones are so impatient and ignorant.” Said Jack referring to me bringing an end to his charades and asking a high price for the gratitude I accumulated. Cerberus core is indeed very costly and I was asking too much but now my greed did not matter, what mattered right now is whether Jack thought that his son’s life and his name are worth more than a Cerberus core or not.

“Eliza! provide Mr Wyatt with what he needs. And make sure our guests feel welcomed during their stay here. Pax remain and the rest don’t disturb me.” Ordered Jack. Not surprising that Jack thought his son’s life and his name are worth more than a Cerberus core.

“Yes, Father!” Agreeing to her father, carrying immobilised Amy in one hand Eliza directed the rest of us out of the study room.
