Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 69: Human Soul Core

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Chapter 69: Human Soul Core

Date 22 Mar 2321

Time 11:02

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234, Card Lab

Clear Scale Earthworm scales have many special abilities but the most fascinating thing about them to me is their small size and each scale is like lego pieces they join together to form one large scale and break to form a smaller scale so as not to hinder the Earthworms movement and give it a sturdy frame when it requires.

I was planning to replace Elliott’s bones with these scales, crazy yes but not when you know that the gene defect which made Elliott’s bones brittle would help the clear scales in reducing their actual size from micrometres to nanometers.

Yes, the size of clear scale earthworm is very small and its scales are micrometres in size that is approx to the size of an average cell in its body, therefore even though clear scale earthworms whole body is covered with scales it could still bend, compress, and contort like a normal earthworm.

Osteogenesis imperfecta is caused by defective genes which affect the collagen protein in the body in turn weakening the bones. But in the case of clear scales, it just reduces the size of the clear scale and not affecting it in any other way, because unlike bones which require a sturdy large size to show their strength clear scales strength lies in their small size.

Turning from micrometres to nanometers in size the clear scales ability to assemble and connect has gotten stronger more than enough to assemble into a hard skeleton frame for Elliott’s body.

But this is not possible by just transferring or altering soul pathways, I will have to evolve Elliott’s soul pathway into replacing clear scales for bones using the Viltronian evolution method and modifying the soul pathway arrangement of the soul core.

Thinking of what I had to do next I take the new fused origin clear scale earthworm core and erased the unwanted soul pathways in it.

Then I took mandragora root and core, mandragora is a spirit root plant monster which with age gains wisdom and the roots start taking the human form.

I was going to extract and transfer the spirit ability of mandragora into fused origin clear scale earthworm core so that what remains of clear scale earthworm in the core would use the spirit ability of the mandragora to give birth to wisdom and a spirit will.

After I transferred the soul pathway of the mandragora spirit ability into fused origin clear scale earthworm core, all the soul pathway in the core merged to form a miniature human baby within the core.

The baby looked ugly and ghostly, its entire body was covered in clear scales, its eyes and mouth were hollow. now the core was fit and ready to house a living soul.

Removing Elliott’s soul from the soul incubator I transferred it into the core.

Feeling the presence of Elliott’s soul the sleeping spirit baby woke up in vigilance and started to attack Elliot’s soul according to its instincts but its no match to Elliott’s soul in strength.

This spirit baby had just been born and its strength was nothing compared to the strength of Elliott’s 3% active soul.

Soon Elliott’s soul swallowed the spirit baby and took its place in the core, and I helped it completely take over the core by rearranging its soul arrangements according to the soul arrangement of the viltronian core forming a mini Elliott in the centre of the core but this Elliott was bald and covered in clear scales head to toe.

And I could see soul pathways from the core reaching out and connecting with the soul pathways in Elliott forming a bond between them. Now the whole core had become Elliott’s fate ingredient, not just the clear scale earthworm part of the core.

Finished with that I took Matango spores and core, Matango is a mushroom type monster.

What’s unique about this monster is unlike mushrooms it doesn’t live of decaying organic matter but only lives of inorganic matter. Its spores fuse and grow on anything inorganic that it touches be it gases, liquids, solids, or even energy sources.

Matango spores property is quite similar to the ability of clear scales therefore I was going to use it to strengthen the ability of clear scales.

After I transferred the soul pathways of Matango in the core, the clear scales covering mini Elliott in the core grew brighter.

Even though I had completed creating the soul core, it was still not mature as it was only 3% of Elliott’s active soul control it had to grow equal to Elliott’s complete active soul control to be able to communicate with him and actively try to fuse with him, like how Jaya’s core tried to fuse with her despite the grimoire blocking it.

Jaya’s core was with her since her birth and had slowly matured with her till her 16th birthday. But Elliott’s core was just born and I could not sacrifice 16 years of my precious time on just one origin card creation so I had to mature this core using an external stimulant like the High wood wisps and soul jades.

It took a total of 3 soul jades for the core to mature, and just when it was about to initiate contact with Elliot I activated the morph ability in the core and turned the core into a card successfully creating a human soul core origin card.

[Origin card creation completed…]
