Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 85: Soul Splitting Pain

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Chapter 85: Soul Splitting Pain

Date 22 Mar 2321

Time 22:03

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234.

The more I knew about various types of cards available in this world, the more I felt as if I could die any moment while I would not even know the reason for why and how I was dead. This also had many psychological effects on me leading to me feel like I was back in my past life where I could not trust anybody or relax for a second or let down my guard because it would cost me my life. I thought I could live a new life in this new world but the more involved I got in this new life more of my insecurities surfaced.

Recently I no longer had the scene of security as I felt a constant threat to my life which kept me on alert therefore I always felt that I had to get stronger but I seem to have not enough time to get stronger, so I decided on creating my second origin card which would be the fastest way I could become stronger.

I had everything in place for my second origin card, the Viltronian soul pathway arrangement for a human core, Dungeon Calamity seed, Soul Jades, resources, capital and had decided to create my soul pathway tonight but who knew that fate had other plans for me instead of increasing my strength I ended up spending all my money and in knee-deep debt creating cards for an infiltration and rescue mission.

[ C-rank Rainbow Scale full body armour Item card x1 -$14.2million

C-rank Shoulder Mount Blaster Item card x1 -$7.32million

C-rank Core x1 -$125,000

C-rank Green Horned Frog Poison gland x2 -$9.12million

C-rank Soul beam Rifle Item card x1 -$6.78million

C-rank Physical strengthening skill card x1 -$8million

D-rank Stealth Cloak x1 -$6.805million

D-Poison Gas Bombs x5 -$7.65million

Total Cost -$60million]

Yep! Ronnie’s rescue cost me freaking $60million… otherwise rescuing him wouldn’t have been as easy as it took. Fuck! I poured all my money like water to rescue this shit I don’t even know just because I owed mama Wyatt.

It would have cost me less if I chose to directly kill all the Zhang mercenary goons and step on their corpse to rescue Ronnie but then I would become a wanted man and would have been on the run just like in my past life.

Fuck! I tried to calm myself by thinking about the different ways I would take my revenge on the Zhang mercenaries but it did not help as taking revenge in legal ways was boring. Revenge on Zhang Mercenary was no longer young Wyatt’s revenge, it had become personal because if not for them kidnapping Ronnie I would not have to pour what was left of all my wealth in on Ronnie’s rescue mission.

I had made $86million while working with Fine Gold of which $20million was used to pay the loan given by Corey’s pretentious aunt, and another $20million was used by Susan to purchase a D-rank Parallel Thinking card leaving me with $46million.

Adding the $4million I had left from the auction money after buying the hoverbike ingredients for $2.15million I had an approx total of 50 million dollars bank balance which I wanted to use to create my second origin card because the faster way to become stronger than having strong cards is to have a strong origin card.

But who knew all of a sudden out of nowhere I had a cousin whom I would end up rescuing which would cost me 60 freaking million dollars. Not only did I use all my money for the rescue I ended up taking a $10million loan in Susan’s name. Why take a loan in Susan’s name you ask because she has better credit points than me so she gets better interest rates than me. Who would you loan money to, a high schooler with a silver grade grimoire or an auction manager at association guild mall? It is obvious.

My shop just went online on the grimoire network today morning and I was already knee-deep in debt. I had 11 Soul Jades given to me by Elliott, I could sell one of them and all my money troubles would be gone, poof! Just like that. But that would be dumb because I could not buy a soul jade even if I wanted to for twice the price I would be selling my soul jade for. Knowing that I had all this wealth but I still had to take a loan in my friend’s name frustrated me.

I could pay off all the debt by selling the C-rank poison blaster mounted full body armour, C-rank Poison soul beam Rifle and the D-rank Stealth Cloak since I no longer had any use for them but to get the best price for them I would have wait for next mall auction.

Within a day I went from a millionaire to debtor, in my last life even though I was on a run I never had any shortage of money but in this world no matter how much money I earned I still ended up with debt. I started to believe that Lady Fortune did not favour young Wyatt. I needed to get stronger for that I needed money that’s when the walking treasury walked into the warehouse, the lord of The Bright family William Bright.

William Bright had right what I wanted,

A butt load of money, check.

Mysterious and powerful origin card, check.

Dire problems which I could solve, check.

William Bright was like a godsent answer to my prayers. Ever since I knew about his Origin card I wanted to know more about and solve all the mysteries behind its power and make them my own. From the rumours of Williams origin card, it was one of a kind as it was able to initiate a conversation with the card apprentice and put forth demands if not satisfied it could even punish the card apprentice, which is unheard of as the card apprentice are the masters of the cards and grimoires and origin cards are supposed to be a part of the card apprentice.

Even a small discovery in solving this card’s mystery can mean a huge boost in the strength of my second origin card because what I had planned for my second origin card was more than just a human core or dungeon calamity it was a game-changer and I think the mysterious of Williams origin card can help me further achieve my goals. This is the reason I did not hesitate to taunt this pervy old man even at the cost of my life.


My cry for help was so loud that Ronnie who was sleeping peacefully on the couch jolted and fell on the ground. As for Corey, it took a while for her to process my words but she rushed to my rescue. Jackie rushed behind her too but was stopped by Susan who asked her to hide just in case for the worst possible scenario while Susan herself rushed to my rescue.

Thinking about the safety of the unborn baby in her belly Jackie listened to Susan and stayed behind as even a small disturbance in her soul pathways could lead to severe consequences for the baby whose soul pathways are in the process of being formed.


“Shut it brat! Do you think Corey can save you? if you don’t close your trap believe it or not I will crush your soul to powder.” William was frustrated this was the first time someone dared to sully his love for his granddaughter by comparing it to a paedophile.

The Rage William was feeling was beyond words, he wanted Wyatt to suffer not just for a moment but for eternity, he wanted to leave an imprint that would teach this smart-mouthed noisy brat not to mess with someone who can kill you with a thought or you are not capable of killing.

Blinded by rage William did something which he would not wish on his enemies he started to use to slice apart a small piece of Wyatt’s soul.

Feeling his soul being sliced, Wyatt who was sweating like he was in a sauna suddenly slumped to the ground and rolled in pain from actual soul splitting.

Ronnie, who just woke up did not know what happened all he knew from Wyatt’s cry for help was that the old man in front of him was killing his cousin. Without giving it a thought he summoned his grimoire and using his E-rank physique enhancement card he threw the couch next to him at the old man.

William did not even dodge the couch as once it neared 3 feet to him it burst into powder. William was having his share of fun slicing up Wyatt’s soul but before he could even finish he heard his beloved granddaughter shouting, “Grandpa stop it right now! Otherwise, I won’t speak to you anymore for the rest of my life…
