Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 98: Visit The Vet

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Chapter 98: Visit The Vet

Date 23 Mar 2321

Time 07:47

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234, Cardroom

I searched the grimoire network for info on the new data stats physique and trait that appeared in my grimoire, after a few detours I finally landed on a forum that had what I wanted but I did not know if I could trust the info on this forum because first, it explained all the stuff about what physique and trait meant but then the essay went into a totally another direction where it talked about the conspiracy of government and the secret families.

The essay no longer made sense to me I decided to save the data in my grimoire to read it later but soon the whole forum was deleted from the network by the authorities due to code violation which sparked curiosity in me maybe if I had not seen the forum be taken down by authorities I would have never bothered to read the info I saved just now any time soon but now I decided to read it completely and more seriously this time.

Authorities would only delete something which they really did not want the general public to read and know about. There are lots of forums on the network which talk about the conspiracy of the government and secret families, some even gain popularity but you don’t see authorities take them down, they just leave those forum on the network giving the netizen a false sense of free speech. But in reality, the Authorities will not stop at anything if they have something to hide, this is something I had learnt from my experience in my past life.

The Info I saved was titled Physique, Traits and Ugly truth behind them. This essay was divided into two parts, the first part talked about Physique and Traits, it was very detailed and self-explanatory. According to the writer, Physique and Traits represent a whole new ability that is not a result of the contracted grimoire or its card, it may be due to mutation or a new power/ability system apart from the power system of the grimoire itself.

In the second part of the essay, the author conveys that the chance of mutation being born in the total human population was less than 1.3%. Therefore not many know about the physique and traits data that appears in the grimoire except for those who possess them. And another reason for the general population not knowing about something’s amazing as physique and traits is that the government is trying its best to hide it from them.

The author also explained why the government is trying to hide this from the general populous, he blamed the secret families, clans and sects. The members of these families, clans and sects supposedly are born or have a way to develop physique and traits which they do not want to share with the public. Further, the author goes on about how the government is helping the secret families, clans and sects in hiding info about physique and traits from the general public.

If I had read this article a few days ago I would have not thought much about it but today it was different after reading the easy I knew what the author was talking about was true because if I can gain abilities outside of grimoire through other ways like soul mutation and human core then It is not a surprise that the secret families, clans and sects that had lived in this world for ages must have already found other ways to gain abilities other than contracting grimoires and using cards. This article only made me warier about the government of this world and question whether the government is a puppet under powerful secret families, clans and sects.

Now I started to doubt the explanation for the 34% general tax set by the government, government claimed that the taxes were so high because many villages and towns get destroyed due to dungeon break and more than half of the tax is used to relocate the refuges of these towns and villages. But now thinking about the possibility of the government being a mere puppet under the influence of secret families, clans and sects I think most of the taxes paid by the general public is pocketed by these secret families, clans and sects.

The deeper I thought I felt as if a curtain covering my mind had been lifted, the false sense of security given by the puppet government dulling my survival instincts had finally been lifted and my instincts screamed for me to grow stronger and to gather as much power as possible.

Since I was able to successfully gain a physique and two traits I knew that the government and the secret families, clans and sects also had away to get physique and traits, considering the gravity of these data I guess neither the government nor the secret families, clans and sects ever considered about copyrighting their own methods to gain physique and traits, maybe these precious methods are considered as the secret and heirloom of their respective organisation or family. Who am I to blame the greed of these secret families, clans and sects because I was also not going to share my mutated soul method with anybody no matter how close they are to me.

looking at the time, it was almost about time Susan showed up but I did not leave the cardroom yet instead started to practice the Abyssal Giant Bear form of my Abyssal Giant Bear spirit guard card. Now I had mutated soul energy which is twice as powerful and efficient as the normal soul energy I wanted to test how practising Abyssal Giant Bear form would feel now.

I circulated the soul energy according to the Abyssal Giant bear form and executed all the forms physically in a very detailed manner without a slight margin of error and soon I received resulting feedback from my body It made me feel like I could overcome any obstacle and was powerful enough to punch through my way out of anything, I felt invincible. This feeling was very addictive, losing the sense of time I practised the abyssal giant bear form for 45 mins, if not for receiving a notification alert I wouldn’t have stopped because the feeling I got while practising the abyssal giant bear form I had never experienced it be it in this life or previous life this sheer feeling of being unstoppable and indestructible washed away all my worries and fears, this state where one is fearless and free of worries is very addictive for those who have experienced the cruel tyranny of being held back due to worry and fear.

[You have received a message from Uncle Wyatt. Open/ Mark as Read/ Delete]

*open*with my thought I directed the grimoire to open the message,

[Wyatt, We are leaving the village now hiding in the cargo of Guild Association Merchants, we will reach Sky blossom city by afternoon. I will contact you when we reach the address you mentioned.]

It was a message was from uncle Wyatt informing me that they are fleeing the village by hiding in the Guild association merchants cargo. To think that uncle Wyatt who did not leave the village even when his most trusted brother papa Wyatt asked him to move to sky blossom city to start a business together now had to flee the village while hiding like a criminal due to his son’s mistake makes you wonder is it worth having children.

The village was everything to uncle Wyatt, as an orphan who did not know his origin or never had a place to call home the village was uncle Wyatt’s home. This was the place where he gained a sense of belonging since he had built this village with his own hands. This was the place where he found and fell in love with the love of his life. The village was more than a place to uncle Wyatt that’s why he refused papa Wyatt’s offer to start a business together at sky blossom city and now he had to flee from his home with his wife like a common criminal just because his son couldn’t keep it in his pants or wrap it in latex.

Seeing uncle Wyatt’s pain I wanted to drag Ronnie and get him fixed like a dog. In anger, I walked out of the card lab and slammed the door shut on my way out scaring Susan, Corey and the adulterer couple.

“Good morning, no luck creating cards today?” Asked Corey

“No way! Card creation went better than I expected.” I lied, soul mutation was a secret I would take to my grave or God forbid if someday I had a child of my own I will pass it to him/her and let them bear the greed of the world until then I will lie my ass off and keep it a secret.

“Wyatt, did you even sleep at night? I knew it, letting you sleep at the warehouse will turn out like this. You know health is more important than wealth.” Nagged Susan.

“Yes! Yes!” I just agreed with her since I was not in the mood for more nagging.

And also who said health is more important than wealth, maybe for poor people because it was not worth spoiling their health for the small sum of money they earned but my day’s work was worth 15 soul jades and a calamity seed till now. With that much money, I could literally buy health in this world of cards and dungeons.

Then I turned to look at the adulterer couple, Jackie bowed her head and hid in embarrassment for what transpired yesterday night while Ronnie had a proud smile on his face, fuck this ungrateful and ignorant punk who does not even know what the people around him are going through to keep him safe, especially his parents and me. Shit! I spent $60million to save this moron, my eyes twitch thinking about $60million but calming myself I said, ” Ronnie my dear cousin how about we visit the Veterinarian.”
