Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 315: The Three Devilish Children Vs The Number One Devilish Child!

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Chapter 315: The Three Devilish Children Vs The Number One Devilish Child!

Chapter 315: The Three Devilish Children Vs The Number One Devilish Child!

“Asmodeus…” The confused voice rang out from Asmodeus himself as Seere and Banzan looked at him in shock.

And without exchanging any more words…


The air rippled crazily as the ground itself fractured to pieces due to the sudden release of power.

A beautiful white light, brimming with an otherworldly holiness emanated from Seere body as he slowly levitated into the air, his aura chagrin to become like a sage completely out of this world.

A dark aura flared out of Banzan’s body reaching even up into the clouds and from within, a gigantic Astral Phantom of a setting devilish bodhisattva appeared.

His two hands gently resting on his laps while his dark eyes turned to look at Asmodeus on the ground as Banzan also floated upwards and stood on the sky.

“I’ll ask you the last time, devil. Where is Asmodeus…” Seere asked once again, but this time his time was different, filled with a powerful presence as if it were a god talking to a mortal.

“You’re pretty impressive. I guess the Nostradamus family now possess a good genius too. Lucky them…” Asmodeus said, his hands placed on his chin as he repeatedly nodded.

“Anyway, I’m the Devil Called Demogorgon. As for the one you called Astrodamus, he’s just one of my clones. The one I implanted one of my thousands of souls into. My access to your puny world. He’s merely one of my bags. And I have too many bags to care about remembering each of their names.

As for the one you called Asmodeus, he’s currently sleeping. Once I’m done with what I came here for, I’ll wake him up. If I killed both of you, the other devil lords might think I’m trying to kill all of their clones, and that would be too much hassle to bear. You both better scram out of my way and let me continue my business if you know what’s best for you…” Asmodeus said as he ignored them and continued on his way.

But suddenly, he stopped on his feet as his crimson eyes flashed with a dangerous glint.

“I gave you both a chance to live, yet you ignored it. Then I’ll kill you and resolve any hassle that might come later…” He decided as he looked at the gigantic palm, slamming downwards with horrific power.




The ground beneath Asmodeus feet began shattering to pieces, even through the palm had yet to even land.


“Tch, annoying bug…” Immediately Astrodamus raised his hands, upwards as a red colored lightning arced down from the clouds gathered above him and slammed down on his palms, stopping just an inch away from it.

Immediately, it began compressing and compressing and less than a split second later, a ball of lightning which could rival a football in size appeared in his palms and he unceremoniously tossed it towards the palm falling on him.


The entire space shook crazily as white lines appeared midair at the source of the collision, creating a devastating shockwave that rippled out in a circular formats, the glasses around the place shattering to pieces as they were forcefully blown to bits by the power.

Immediately, the gigantic palm slamming towards him was halted by the ball and the entire arm jerked backward, cracks appearing allow over its body before.


The Astral hand exploded into bits of energy, and the two-armed bodhisattva was reduced to a one-arm bodhisattva in the first exchange!

“Tch, and here are thought you were special breeds. Guess I was wrong…”

A vein popped upon Banzan’s forehead and in the next second, cuts appeared all over his skin as blood began dripping out of his body while the sound of cracking bones echoed throughout the place.

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Yet, a frown never appeared on Banzan’s face as he maintained his neutral expression.

“Amithaba, you have treaded too far on the path of evil!” He said out loud, drawing a snicker from Asmodeus.

“What about you, A Dark Monk? I’m guessing a total of 800 souls are required to form that Astral Phantom. And you say I’m a devil? Are you drunk?” And Immediately he directed his attention away from Banzan Ashe turned to look at Seere.

“You’re the one who piques my curiosity the most. So show me what you’ve got…”


And immediately, white gas puffed out of Seere’s mouth as a single golden star was born from the center of both his white pupils.

“Fall Back!” He ordered, and immediately Asmodeus face changed as he was mysteriously lifted off his feet and…






His body uncontrollably tore through countless skyscrapers, slamming through them uncontrollably as blood appeared from the corner of his teeth.

“No wonder you have me such vibes, so you’re the envoy of the Speech Devil! It really is a powerful ability but…” Asmodeus said, even through his body was currently tearing through walls in the skyscrapers.

And immediately, his head which was inching dangerously close to the next wall suddenly turned as Asmodeus forceful twisted himself midair, and gently landed on the wall, with his feet instead, a circular ripple undulating outwards from the source of his landing.

“It can be broken with a strong enough will!” He mused as he raised his head up to look at Seere around 200 meters away, when suddenly he watched as the young man’s lips moved.

“That was a mistake!”



A colossal headache slammed on Asmodeus brain as his mouth opened wide, blood trickling into it from above.

Raising his hand up to his forehead, and then he could feel it, the smooth bullet hole on his forehead that completely drilled through his skull.

“Eh?” And unceremoniously, he landed on the ground with a thump, unmoving.

— — —

At the top of the skyscraper…

Aura slowly released her hands from the trigger as she breathed out stale white air.

“PHEEW, That was surprisingly easy…” She said out loud with a smile as she dragged out a soda can from her bag.