Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 355: The Only Way

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Chapter 355: The Only Way

Chapter 355: The Only Way

[Evolving into a true Chaos Devourer…]

“What!?” The golden notification panel appeared and Zera’s eyes widened in shock.

[Have you forgotten that you’re only a halfling with 50% of the human genome and 50% of the Chaos Devourer genome…]

“I haven’t,” Zeras replied curtly.

[Good. To be able to contain such a vast amount of Chaotic energy within your body. You would have to be a true Chaos Devourer. Only the body of a true Chaos Devourer would be able to absorb such an amount of energy…]

“But how do I do that? I know I was supposed to evolve once I reach level 20 but it still really is impossible now that you know, everything has been tuned down to 5% of its initial capabilities…” Zeras replied his gaze uncertain.

Becoming a true Chaos Devourer, the feeling was no doubt a great one that would provide him with a next-level amount of strength but Zeras wasn’t happy with that news. One of the things he was most afraid of in life was that. Becoming a true Chaos devourer. He had a nagging feeling; that he would never be the same again once that happened.

[The system might have been reduced to five percent of its true functionality but that doesn’t mean it is no longer active. You would have to take on quests to fill up that bar and reach level 20. And I don’t really know how long it will take to reach that if the system will only reward you with 5% of the normal EXP that would have been given. My approximate calculation says if you go all out, you will fill that bar up in two years. But going all out would mean completing quests with every passing second…]

“You know that’s impossible. The quest isn’t always there. I would have to put myself in a challenging position to generate them and that doesn’t happen every passing second…” Zeras mused out loud.

[I’m glad you know that. So, you at least know it should take around 3 years for you to complete the bar. Luckily for you, you have three more years to live. Perfect, huh?]

“No. No, it’s not perfect. Not perfect at all. It is too risky. What if I couldn’t complete the quest quickly enough in three years? I would Die! DIE!” Zeras roared out loud.

[Hey, you weren’t expecting it to be easy, were you? You just lost everything. You should be happy there is even a way out of your crises. I have stated the risk, Zeras. Now it is completely in your hands.]

“Huu…” Zeras exhaled loudly as a horrifying headache pounded within his head.

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“And there is no other way?” Zeras poked.

[I’m afraid there is none. You have to fill up that bar within three years. Then you’ll head over to the Humban planet and you will use the Chaotic object in the Malevolent Sea to evolve into a true Chaos Devourer before you then be able to store all the chaotic mana in your body.]

“I wish it was as easy as you listed out. I haven’t even started cultivating for a year and now I have to complete various quests for the next three years! And even if I do complete the quest. How would I get on the Humban planet? And if in some way, I was able to get there, how would I survive the malevolent sea, long enough to reach the core where the object is? There are cosmic rank stage fish within that sea and they can swallow me up with a single gulp. How can I just walk past their nose and grab away the object that is responsible for their growth and expect to come out alive? This is too risky…”

[I’m not arguing on that. But Zeras, if you can pull this off and you truly succeed. Do you remember when I told you, that the EIA, the nine families, and the entire Earth are inconsequential in the grand stage of things? Once you evolve into a true Chaos Devourer, you will understand what that grand stage is. You will come to understand what you truly are the definition of what power is and the true meaning of a being with an SSS-grade bloodline!]

“Ah, it is not like I can refuse to pull it off. What will happen to my absolute morph gene and my Astral Titan gene once I become a true Chaos Devourer…” Zeras suddenly asked.

[Well, both your genes work on mana. But once you become a Chaos Devourer. Two things can happen to them. They either get flushed out completely. The Chaos Devourer gene is a very prideful one and it had only allowed both of those trashy genes of yours because it only dominated 50% of your DNA. Once it dominates 100% of your DNA. It really is hard to tell, if it will allow your gene to stay…]

The system replied as Zera’s heart went cold.

[The second possibility is that it will keep your genes and they will be run by Chaotic Energy instead of Mana.]

“And won’t the change of energy source cause them to change too?” Zeras asked with a raised eyebrow.

[Of course, it will. Chaotic energy is the opposite of mana, so you can expect your genes to take on the absolute negativity of what they were. In short, they would never be the same again…] The system replied as Zeras looked on blankly.

“Well, it is at least better than the first option…”

[Now that you know what you’re going to do. Are you going to go for it….”

“Yes. And this time, I’ll be going all out…” Zeras said as he stood on his feet and headed for the door when suddenly, the golden-colored notification panel appeared once again.

[Time-Base Quest Has Been Issued: Fill Up the Bar and Reach Level 20.]


1. Evolution Into a True Chaos Devourer.

2. Shop Will Finally Be Unlocked.]

[Time: 3 years.]

[Punishment: Death!]