Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 366: Finally Awakened...

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Chapter 366: Finally Awakened...

Chapter 366: Finally Awakened…

For a split second, Quinn underwent an experience that he had never gone through before. The feeling of two worlds trying to crush from both sides.

Immediately Atherston clapped, it was like his hands were now space and an invisible force crushed him from both sides, as his knees immediately gave way and he fell down head-first onto the ground.

The entire place went quiet as Atherston stood in the air, his eyes looking at the figure of the young man on the ground as his eyes furrowed before he slowly descended on the ground.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, already done at just 20%. That’s not enough…” Atherston said as he crouched to Quinn’s level his hands immediately reaching for his hair, but immediately Atherston felt the softness of the hair in his hands, he immediately shut backward with speed.

Arriving fifty meters away from Quinn, his eyebrows furrowed in slight worry before remaining emotionless…

“Tch, I was too late…”


As soon as Atherston’s hand connected with Quinn’s hair, immediately the strange runic lines on Quinn began rapidly activating. And this time, they weren’t blue at all, instead they were a crimson color and Quinn’s hair also began turning crimson red.


A pillar of red soared through the sky immediately collapsing the space around him and parting apart the sea of clouds below before they all calmed down and tightly covered Quinn’s body.


Shockwaves rippled outwards as Quinn suddenly shut up to his feet instantly, standing upright. His eyes which were formerly blue were now a complete crimson red which seemed to be made of only blood, and within those eyes, crimson red veins could be seen wriggling in and out.

Slowly Quinn directed his gaze all around him, looking at the vast mountainous area before turning his gaze at Atherston, but that only lasted for three seconds before he directed his attention away from him.

Raisin his hands to his face. He clenched and unclenched his hands repeatedly as his crimson eyes furrowed.

“This is the first time I have ever felt so weak…” He mused to himself before an incredibly devilish smile appeared on his face.

“So, I was finally awakened. There was someone among your lowly bloodline who was able to awaken my totem. How devilishly satisfying…” Quinn mused out loud as he put his hands down and stared at Atherston.

“Hey, kid. How long has it been since the last god Realms War?” Quinn asked as Atherston clicked his tongue in disgust.

“There will be no need for you to know. I’ll be exorcising you right now…” Atherston said as he slammed his right leg behind him and got into an air-tight battle stance.

Immediately all the runes in his organs began lighting up crazily with a silver aura as Atherston ordered in his head.

“Activate 50% of the Runic lock…” Atherston said as he looked at Quinn in front of him and immediately decided to unleash his strength from the former 20% to 50%. That shows just how serious he was with the fight.

“Fmph, fmph, fmph. You smell familiar…” The vice suddenly rang out behind Atherston as the hot breath brushed against his neck.

Immediately, Atherston’s face changed as he hurriedly turned behind him and smashed out with a punch that blew apart the surrounding space into nothing, but the punch had not even reached Quinn at all when a hand covered in runic red lines slapped it away as he looked directly into Atherston’s eyes.

The sourc𝗲 of this content is freēwēbηovel.c૦m.

“Tch, no wonder I find you disgusting. You’re a descendant of those trashy Voidspace…” Quinn mused in disgust as Atherston let loose another devastating punch but Quinn simply stepped to the side even quicker, the punch passing right by his face and then he threw out a sudden kick at Atherston’s chest who immediately raised both fists to his chest and the kick slammed o it as instant later…


Shockwaves rippled forth from the point of collision as Atherston was immediately sent flying into the distance, but he didn’t move too far as he manipulated the entire laws around the area. Increasing gravity by hundreds of folds while also increasing the friction on the surrounding space.


The ground beneath his feet caved in as he landed on the ground and slowly turned to look at Quinn who was slowly walking forwards towards him from the distance.

“You remind me of your ancestors. 300 years ago. They were helpless pieces of trash who were about to be devoured by other races. But I helped them prosper, I gave them my blood. And what did they do when their problem got solved? They all immediately turned their back on the deal and played around with my blood, changing its fundamentals, and to avoid my fury, they killed anyone whose bloodline regressed to match the true original bloodline. You all are a piece of ungrateful bastards…” Quinn spat out and stretched his hands to the side, the spear-like weapon appeared in his grasp as he began walking towards Atherston.

“Your condition was too overboard. Sacrificing 3 young maidens among us when more than five are born in a single day is a deal that went too far…” Atherston replied as he also stretched both hands to the side and instantly, two halberds appeared in his hands brimming with horrifying silver light that collapsed the space around them.

“Tch, bastards. If it was too overboard why did you agree to it in the first place? When you handled your problem, then it got overboard? Hehehe…” Quinn laughed out loud and instantly he began running forward the end of the spear dragging on the ground behind him as he shot forward with horrifying speed.

“You all from the last god Realms War are all a group of trash who refused to die. Then you take advantage of the less fortunate race like us, bestowing us your power in exchange for your trashy ass to once again being reborn anew. Your birth would only cause another god Realms War.

You all should just die…” Atherston roared out loud as he also shot forward with horrifying speed.

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