Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 534: Geniuses Teaches Each Other Lessons...

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Chapter 534: Geniuses Teaches Each Other Lessons...

Chapter 534: Geniuses Teaches Each Other Lessons…

“Why aren’t you all moving away from him?” Hades asked his henchmen in fury, wondering why they weren’t behind him yet. Yet they all remained in their position, unmoving.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. How disappointing. Why do you think they must listen to you, Hades? Isn’t it because of the trust they placed in you? The trust that you will always be right, that you’ll always be there?” Zeras asked as he walked towards one of the Angelia, who simply remained without running away from him nor did he show any sign of resisting.

“They watched as their own remained poisoned and slowly died, yet you did nothing and persisted with the fight. They watched as the third pressure descended, taking away the little that was left of their energy.

All they wanted was to simply pass the trial, just like everyone else, and they had already done that. Yet, you requested for them to keep fighting even though you can see they have no energy left.

You care not about them, Hades, you only care for your god-forsaken mission. For your bloody greater good.

And now when they expected you to stop me, they watched you fail, and instead one of their own got eliminated instead. But did I even eliminate them?”

“Of course you did…”

“No. If I did, they wouldn’t be standing with me now. I freed them. They had already fought a good battle and achieved their aim. They had given you the best of their ability. And now, they deserved to be freed. That is what I did, and that is what they wanted.”

“I cared, and you didn’t.” Zeras said as his right hand morphed into a claw and he slashed at the Angelia race’s hand, who immediately disappeared before the claw even landed, and when he left, he left with a peace of mind and an even slight smile…

Something that shocked Hades to his bone…

“Just because you’re so strong doesn’t mean everyone is like you. Just because you are rippling with unextinguishable energy doesn’t mean everyone should also have one…” Zeras said as he arrived before the third Angelia race and slashed once more, as he also disappeared, taken out of the realm.

And now there were only two people left, Zeras and Hades, each of them staring at each other…

“I understand your lesson… I might have been a little inconsiderate with what they want and perhaps focused too much on my mission, so much I forgot what theirs was…” Hades said as Zeras looked at him with a new light. It seems the young one could at least take in a lesson.

“But I have a question for you…” Hades suddenly asked as he regained his maniacal and uncaring aura. “Oh? And what is that?”

“Why should I care about what my henchmen want, when I myself am an army of my own!?” Hades suddenly asked and in the next second, Zeras’s eyes flashed in shock as he watched a second and third Hades suddenly step out of Hades’ body, and then from the second Hades, another two Hades stepped out, the same for the initial second Hades, and from those new Hades, another row stepped out as Zeras watched them multiply until the Hades before him reached a total of 100!

In the next instant, Hades tapped on the spatial ring in his head as a total of a hundred swords suddenly appeared mid-air, each coming to rest in the hands of the hundreds of Hades. And now stood a small army, each holding a weapon of their own…

“Each one of the army of me can easily rip apart those henchmen of mine at their highest peak. Who said I, Hades Angelia, a one in a ten thousand years heavenly prodigy needs some weakling henchmen whose feelings I should consider.

Behind me, is an army of me, whose feelings are mine. Who would never betray me on the excuse of something as mundane as exhaustion…” Hades roared out loud as a powerful wave of energy burst out of Hades’ clones, each one of them not a single bit inferior to the ones he had…

“I have said it before, and I will say it again. You have not even a figment of an idea what true power is!” Hades said and in the next second, Zeras faded away from where he stood, a cataclysmic abyss appearing beneath his feet just a second later, as all the clones suddenly slashed their swords towards him with such horrifying speed and power, that their swords were already in their scabbard in the next fraction of a second, and the ground from where Zeras stood now had an unending abyss that spread into the far distance…

Raising his head to the sky, Hades looked listlessly at Zeras, who was standing in the air, with a long gash tearing down from his left shoulder directly to his wrist.

Even though he had reacted pretty fast, he had still failed to avoid the residue energy from the sword, which were enough to provide a gash in his hand. If the attack had truly landed, then he might have lost his entire left arm… Looking at the long gash on his arm, instead of anger, what actually appeared on Zeras’s face was a big smile…

“I was wounded in the first exchange, even though I clearly dodged the attack…” Zeras whispered as the wounds on his arm suddenly disappeared in the next second. Zeras had forcefully reversed time on his wounds, something that he had done before and could now consciously do himself…

“Tell me Hades, where have you been since all this while…” Zeras asked with a drunk smile as he grabbed his hair and looked at the sky,

In the next second, scales suddenly appeared all over his upper body as his shirt got burnt off, revealing an otherworldly body painted in multi-colored scales that began undulating gently like a calm wave on a shore… “It’s been so long, since I have felt like this…” Zeras mused out to himself as Hades extended his four wings and took to the sky with his armies who also immediately rose up to him, and then he pointed his sword at Zeras as his army of himself immediately flew forward towards him…

And the result was a devastating war that almost tore apart an undying realm.