Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy-Chapter 240: Academic Achievement Rate: 33.33% (4)

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Chapter 240: Academic Achievement Rate: 33.33% (4)

Three years of hard work. While most people avoided student council work, I volunteered, and by my second year, I was mentoring juniors who acted like my superiors. But what could I do? I was just an ordinary child of a minor noble family and wasn’t even the heir. To live with dignity, I must overcome such hardships and become a civil servant.

Perhaps the heavens pitied me because a great blessing came my way this year.

"I'll see you next time in the administration."

"Thank you once again. It would have been impossible without you, Prosecutor."

"Nonsense. You would have become a civil servant without me. I merely shortened the time."

I bowed several times to the living embodiment of grace before me, expressing my gratitude.

Despite this, the Prosecutor downplayed his assistance as if it were nothing when in fact, that time-saving grace was invaluable to me.

A true mentor...!

The Prosecutor had become my life's mentor. No one could tell me otherwise.

A letter of recommendation was usually obtained through favors or deals. However, the Prosecutor gave it to me without any strings attached, recognizing my potential that even I was unaware of. And it wasn’t just any letter, but one from a high-ranking civil servant.

"The representative of the Disciplinary Committee is heading to the Army, right?"

"Yes! That's correct!"

"Unfortunately, I'm in the administration, so I don't know many people in the Army. I may not be able to support you much after my recommendation."

The Prosecutor, who encouraged those heading to the administration, patted the shoulder of the student heading to the Army.

The Disciplinary Committee representative seemed deeply moved. Receiving a recommendation was already a lifetime benefit, and yet the Prosecutor apologized for not being able to offer further support.

"I've spoken to the Invincible Duke on your behalf. He likes young talent, so you'll be rewarded if you work hard."

"Th-thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Haha, I'm the one who should be grateful."

The other student council members looked at the representative of the Disciplinary Committee with envy.

Meeting a Duke, even for a few seconds, would be a lifelong dream for some. Being remembered by such a person was a tremendous blessing.

To be honest, I felt envious, but quickly brushed it off.

"If you have nowhere else to go, come to the Prosecutors' Office. We urgently need office staff in the Senior Manager’s office."

The Prosecutor gave some final words before leaving the student council room; they were almost like a direct invitation.

A true superior...!

At that moment, I decided. I would join the Prosecutors' Office no matter what.

I would dedicate my whole life to the Prosecutors' Office.

***I heard Marghetta giggling beside me as I walked with a serene expression.

"Congratulations, Carl. You've got some great subordinates now."

"Haha. It's a blessing for the Empire."

Specifically, it was a blessing for the Prosecutors' Office.

This is the best.

I couldn't help but smile. It couldn't get any better. After enduring a year, I finally got the chance to ‘recruit’ those who were ripe and ready.

I invited those heading to the administration to the Prosecutors' Office and even introduced the sole candidate heading to the Army to the Invincible Duke, creating a small debt. These debts sometimes resulted in the Army sending people to the Prosecutors' Office.

It felt like collecting ten coupons and getting a free chicken, but who cared?

"Next year, I'll be a third-year too."

Seeing the third-year civil servants being sold to me—well, more like joining me—Marghetta muttered with a slightly sentimental tone.

As people she spent two years with were leaving and she was now the senior, it was natural to feel a mix of emotions.

"Yes. And the year after that, you'll be getting married."

At that, Marghetta flinched and looked around nervously.

"You can't drop out."

"...Fufu, of course not. A member of the Valenti family would never do something so irresponsible."

I spoke softly after sensing her thoughts, and her delayed response came.

Was her answer slightly sullen, or was it just my imagination? If I hadn't added that comment, Marghetta might have seriously considered quitting.

"That's right. Besides, someone needs to be able to give a proper answer when our children ask about school life."

To comfort the somewhat gloomy Marghetta, I patted her head as I spoke.

Yes, one parent should at least have a diploma. It'd be too sad if the father was uneducated and the mother was a dropout. The children might be disappointed and rebel against their parents.

"Y-yes, you're right. Of course."

Thankfully, my words seemed to cheer her up, and she smiled brightly.

Thanks to that, it looked like it would be a happy closing ceremony.

***The end of the second semester of the Academy also served as a closing ceremony. Telling busy people to return in February for a separate closing ceremony would be too inconvenient.

This allowed us to lead the third-year students directly into the administration... To be direct, it lets us ‘recruit’ them right away.

"Three years may be a fleeting moment in a lifetime, but if that moment can be a small stepping stone in your lives, then your three years have been invaluable."

We were in the Academy’s auditorium, where the Principal was giving his final advice to the third-year students.

Meanwhile, Sir Villar and I were having a rare, peaceful moment in a corner of the second floor.

"You're returning home after a year."

"Yes, that's right."

Sir Villar's calm reply couldn't hide the happiness in his expression.

Sir Villar was the unfortunate knight who had to endure a tearful year because of meeting the wrong prince. Last summer, while everyone else returned home, he had to stay behind in the Empire.

"You've worked hard. I hope you get to rest well this winter vacation."

People might say it was someone else's business, but Sir Villar wasn’t just anyone. He was a comrade who, like me, suffered under difficult superiors.

I extended my hand for a handshake, feeling happy about his return. Truthfully, a handshake wasn't enough; he deserved to be thrown into the air in celebration, but I held back as the ceremony was still ongoing.

"Thank you. I hope you also have a peaceful winter, Prosecutor."

"Haha, I hope so too."

Sir Villar's well-wishes made the faces of prospective brides flash through my mind. Red... white... pink... yellow... and white again...

Unfortunately, this winter seemed to be promisingly turbulent more than ever. Peacefulness seemed far off.

Sir Villar's once calm and happy face now bore a slightly awkward smile, perhaps realizing the same.

"To achieve decades of happiness, people must endure a brief period of hardship. That's how it usually is."

Lost in thought, he finally spoke.

This was unexpected. He rarely initiated non-work-related conversations. Occasionally, we’d chat about personal matters, but it was usually me who brought up the topics.

For him to offer personal advice first... could this be the bond between comrades?

"Hearing that from a senior gives me strength."

I replied with a small smile, touched by his warmth. Honestly, it might not be just a brief hardship, but it would only be fleeting considering the decades ahead.

"Senior... It's embarrassing to hear that, given that the only thing I have over you is age."

"Oh no. If that's the case, then I must say that I have no redeeming qualities other than being young."

At that, we both just smiled.

***The ceremony ended; graduates holding their diplomas scattered, and friends and seniors bade their farewells.

"I’ll go first. Have a great new year, hyung."


Erich left with the teleportation mage sent by the family.

"I’ll be off, too. See you at the New Year’s Ball."

"Are you attending?"

"The Crown Prince thought that it would be good for me to show my face now that he’s come of age."

Ainter, who lived in the palace, also left, leaving information that the Crown Prince’s paranoia had significantly lessened.

Indeed. Now, the Crown Prince has no more reason to worry about his half-brother, whose maternal family had been obliterated. When I first arrived at the academy, the Crown Prince’s position was solid, and now it was even stronger nearly a year later.

"See you later, Advisor! See you at the opening ceremony!"

"You don't have to come next year."

"Haha! Don’t say such sad things!"

I also sent Rutis off with a heartfelt farewell. I hope my sincere wish will reach Enen. Wasn't a year studying abroad enough?

They left one by one, leaving only those who planned to travel to the capital. It should have been a smooth ride in the carriage for a leisurely trip—

"The Duke has requested your presence."

—when an unexpected twist appeared.

A mage from the Valenti family appeared before Marghetta, politely bowing and stating that he was there to escort her.

On the direct orders of the Iron-blooded Duke.


"My lady?"

Marghetta moved closer to me at the mage’s words, looking confused. Her eyes were darting around, and she stayed silent. She must be torn between answering her father’s call and going with her future husband.

However, something was off. Marghetta clearly told the Iron-blooded Duke that she would be in the capital and not in the Duke’s territory. She wasn’t one to forget such simple details.

Why now?

Despite that, the Iron-blooded Duke sent a mage on the day of the closing ceremony. If he wanted to see his daughter, then there was always the New Year’s Ball—


He wants to handle this before then.

I realized then. The Iron-blooded Duke wasn’t just calling Marghetta; he was expecting me to follow her.

I’d be meeting the Mage Duchess at the New Year’s Ball. Moreover, if the Duke heard the rumors circulating in the capital, then he might be concerned that I’d choose the Mage Duchess over Marghetta.

So he wanted to formalize our relationship before then, whether it was an engagement or marriage.


I addressed the mage, who seemed unsure what to do with Marghetta’s silence.

"Please call me Sir Filio, Executive Manager."

"Alright, Sir Filio. Did the Duke give you any specific instructions?"


The mage hesitated before continuing.

"He told me to tell you if you asked that what you’re thinking is correct, so don’t overthink it..."

"I see."

"And he also said not to make any excuses, no matter how many guests you have."


This reply also considered Louise and Irina, who were supposed to join us for the trip to the capital.

If we were to take a carriage to the capital, then we might as well teleport to the Duke’s territory first—a considerate yet heated invitation.

"Mar. Let’s go."

"Carl? Are you sure?"

"The Duke has invited all of us, hasn’t he?"

The answer was already decided.

...Well, a trip to the Duchy of Wulken before our capital tour wasn't too bad. Louise and Irina would probably enjoy it, too.

Damn it.

The problem was that I wasn’t ready to face the Iron-blooded Duke yet.

I thought it would happen next year at the earliest.