Counterattack System appeared when I'm already At The Mahayana Realm-Chapter 174 - 173: Practicing Martial Arts Really Can Prolong Life

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Chapter 174: Chapter 173: Practicing Martial Arts Really Can Prolong Life

Translator: 549690339

“I don’t know when you arrived in Jiuzhou, but what is certain is that you didn’t just arrive recently.” Ji Zhi pointed to his unique eyes and said, “I can see events from up to two hundred and eighty years ago. And you were already in the far north, frozen in ice, two hundred and eighty years ago.”

“Until recently, a passing cultivator accidentally layered two warming talismans. He felt hot to the touch, and in his panic, he dropped one.”

“The warming talisman continuously released heat, melting the snow and ice and finally melting the ice block on you.”

Ji Zhi explained what he saw in the past.

“Maybe it’s five hundred years ago in Jiuzhou.” Jiang Li said, based on the task issued by the system, the twelve kings arrived in the Ring Universe five hundred years ago in Jiuzhou time.

He also calculated the time flow rates between the Ring Universe and Jiuzhou. Five hundred years ago in Jiuzhou corresponded exactly to three hundred years ago in the Ring Universe, which corresponded to the history mentioned by Meng Jiaoxi.

“According to the locals, the arrival of the twelve kings was three hundred years ago.”

“So much time has passed, the earth -shattering kings must have been eliminated by our peak human powers.” Abruptly wiping away tears, seeing that his hometown was so peaceful, it must already be fine.

Thinking about how nervous he’s been these days, it seemed rather ridiculous.

With this thought, Ab typically relaxed and collapsed into the chair.

However, how were the powerful kings defeated? Are there more powerful people in our world than I know of, or is there something I don’t know about?

None of this matters, as long as I can still survive, nothing matters… Ab was drowsy, wanting to fall asleep, but then he woke up abruptly.

He heard the people of the Ring Universe speaking.

“Wait, why can’t I understand what people are saying?”

Jiang Li sighed.

As expected, there are big problems with these twelve kings, they’re not as good as described in the history books. “It’s a long story, I’ll tell you when I get back.”

“Transport back to Jiuzhou.”

[System hint: After this transfer back to Jiuzhou, the number of free transfers will be used up. If the host wants to transfer back to the Ring Universe, it will cost 76,600 origin points]

[Do you wish to return to Jiuzhou?]

Jiang Li pondered, the system’s hint was very clear. More than seventy thousand origin points, to him who is at the Golden Core Stage, it’s a astronomical number. If he goes back to Jiuzhou, it will be very difficult to return to the Ring Universe.

What should I do, do I go back like this?

Oh, I’m in the Mahayana Realm, I have endless origin points, so it doesn’t matter.

“Old Bai, prepare to start, let you see what the other world looks like, and also, can you draw a few more Remote Communication Talismans? Ji Zhi can’t contact me, and I can’t contact Yu Yin.”


“Gather at the Imperial Palace, there will be locals there.”

Jiang Li found Yu Yin again, who was attending a morning court session. In the court, all the ministers were trembling.

The deterrence of the four Transcendence Tribulation Stage individuals using all their strength to fight in the universe a few days ago was too great. Every time the ministers thought about one of the four being their own empress who was staring at them, they felt a tingling sensation on their scalps.

Even if they have nothing to hide, they are scared, let alone those who do.

Yu Yin knew that the ministers were up to no good, those ministers formed a


She knew it well, but she didn’t care. These people really have all kinds of ideas, but their ability to get things done is also very strong, the Tianyuan Emperor Dynasty needs them.

Yu Yin wasn’t worried that the ministers’ petty tricks could shake her rule, she’d just exhibited the power of the Transcendance Tribulation Stage, and those ministers who had evil intentions immediately tucked in their tails and dutifully performed their duties as ministers.

As long as she is in the Transcendance Tribulation Stage, these ministers can’t make waves and will not become a force to be reckoned with.

After the court was dismissed, Jiang Li found that Yu Yin was carefully shaking a Ruyi gourd, opening the gourd’s mouth, and pouring the thick liquid, accompanied by roaring thunder, into a bowl.

Yu Yin picked up the bowl and drained it in one gulp, looking content and sighing gently.

“What is this?”

Jiang Li appeared and asked curiously.

“Human Emperor.” Several maids saw Jiang Li and hastily saluted.

“You’ve really mastered this art of stealth.” Yu Yin looked at Jiang Li in silence, not knowing how long he’d been hiding and watching her.

“This is weakened Thunder Tribulation Liquid, I recently discovered it. It’s better than wine, you try it.”

Yu Yin poured another bowl from the Ruyi gourd and handed it to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li took a sip and his eyes lit up.

“Good stuff.”

“Hehe, this is what I carefully prepared for my master.” The Ruyi gourd proudly said, it felt that as a gourd, it shouldn’t just be used as a weapon, it should develop new features.

Thunder Tribulation Liquid is its achievement.

The Thunder Tribulation ferments inside the gourd, accumulating into a liquid, and then through shaking, it continually weakens the power of the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, thus achieving a level that a Transcendence Tribulation Stage cultivator can take.

Only a cultivator at the Transcendence Tribulation Stage and above can take this. If a cultivator at the Body Integration Realm drinks a bowl, he’ll definitely have to drink another bowl of Meng PO Soup. Otherwise, the Underworld won’t allow them to be reincarnated.

It’s truly a case of one bowl offered and one bowl given.

“Master, why use a bowl, just drink directly from me.” The Ruyi gourd excitedly revealed its real intentions.

Yu Yin thought about how she usually either kicks or steps on the Ruyi gourd, and decisively refused.

“Can we go to the other world now?”

“Of course.”

Jiang Li told Yu Yin to go to the Imperial Palace first while he went to Mount Sumeru to borrow the Brahma Heaven Tower.

“Are these the locals you were talking about?” Bai Hongtu had been waiting in the Imperial Palace for a long time and had already heard about the situation from Ji Zhi and General Liu.

“Master Bai, Your Majesty, greetings.” With three of the five Transcendence Tribulation Stage people surrounding him, Ab was very tense.

“A native from a few hundred years ago, just perfect to take this little fellow on a trip.”

“Will you go or not?” Jiang Li asked Ji Zhi.

“I’m busy cultivating, won’t go.” Ji Zhi was determined to practice diligently in order to give Jiang Li a thorough beating.

Of course, he didn’t mean beating the present Jiang Li, but the past one.

Ji Zhi estimated that once he cultivated to the peak of the Body Integration Stage or the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, he could go back through the river of time to five hundred years ago and teach Jiang Li a lesson.

The system recorded the coordinates of the Ring Universe, the Brahma Heaven Tower built a temporary passage based on the coordinates, and the four of them stepped through the passage and arrived in the Ring Universe.

“It turns out this is a world where everyone is a martial artist, and they all have the standards of being at the peak perfection of the second layer of Qi

Cultivation, half a step into the third layer of Qi Cultivation. This is terrifying!” Bai Hongtu was astonished. He scanned with his divine sense and found that the physique of the people here was astonishing, and they were very strong even without cultivating.

Of course, it was still lagging behind Jiuzhou, where everyone is at the third stage of Qi Cultivation.

“The practitioner’s dedication of the people here is admirable, choosing to tread the path of martial arts even if it means living only until forty!”

This was what surprised Bai Hongtu the most. The path of cultivation can make you stronger and extend your life, it’s practically perfect. Most people choose to cultivate precisely because it allows them to live longer, becoming stronger is just a bonus.

But the people here are different, they chose martial arts over a lifespan of 140 years. Instead, they use lifespan-burning martial arts secrets to gain the chance to enter the martial path.

These are a group of people who yearn for cultivation, Bai Hongtu admires them.

Yu Yin rolled her eyes, she couldn’t tell if Bai Hongtu was being serious or sarcastic.

“How is that possible, martial arts can prolong life, how can it only last until forty?” Ab exclaimed.

Jiang Li couldn’t face the word ‘prolong life’ anymore: “Then how long can it last, fifty years old?”

“A martial artist can live at least up to eighty years old!”

Updated from fr𝒆ewebnov𝒆l.(c)om