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D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad-Chapter 1415 - Finally Back Home
--- Kat ---
Kat and Lily flopped down. Which was probably a bad idea. Lily was lucky enough to flop onto one of the bags, but Kat's head smacked right into one of the spatial boxes causing her to bounce off and land on the floor. Kat could've stopped herself from hitting the floor… but she couldn't be bothered. "Ow," grumbled Kat.
"Why did we think that was a good idea?" asked Lily. "I mean… we KNEW the boxes were there. We had them next to us the entire time we were talking to Mint and we saw them coming with us during the transport. Why… why did we think that was a good idea?!"
"I don't know but I'm feeling pretty silly at the moment," mumbled Kat. "I guess… I dunno I guess I just feel relaxed? I know we were meant to relax while we were at the inn… but for me at least it was mostly training and even when I was relaxing properly I still didn't feel as relaxed as I do right now,"
"Hmm… you were thinking about it earlier but I wonder if deciding on a home dimension is a bigger deal then it seemed at first. What if you felt like you were in hostile territory the whole time?" asked Lily.
"Eh… we've not had that issue before. I think I was just too worried about Sylvie. Well that or I don't know how to relax properly anymore," said Kat. "Though… could also that we were running around all day trying to talk to pretty much everyone. That was a bit of a pain,"
"We didn't actually get to everyone though," added Lily.
Kat shrugged, face still against the carpet. "Meh. It was nice to see the people we did see but it's not like we were close to EVERYONE. We got all of the main people. Except Kress. Sort of.
Not sure if I should count the encounter we had with him or not but I can't say I'm too beat up about it,"
"So… what now?" asked Lily.
"Sleep probably," responded Kat. Lily nodded and got up to throw herself on the bed. She paused looking down at her outfit and sniffing a bit but found nothing wrong. She'd had a shower that morning and she'd stuck to her Memphis form for most of the day. Shrugging she flopped down on the bed… and then transformed after thinking about it a little more. Then she waited… and waited.
"Kat what are you doing?" asked Lily, transforming back to human just so that she could properly question Kat out loud.
"Resting," answered Kat.
"Why are you on the floor! We're in your room. Your bed is right here!" retorted Lily.
"Honestly? Floor is pretty comfy right now," answered Kat.
"Get your butt up here," ordered Lily.
Kat considered her options and decided it was worth getting up, "Ok but you can't transform," answered Kat. Lily blushed but didn't say anything as Kat lay down next to her and wrapped her up in a hug. Lily just knew this would make it much harder to get to sleep. She was so focused on the feeling of Kat's hugs she didn't even notice when she drifted off.
Morning came and of course Kat was awake first, but she just let herself remain in place until Lily started to stir. Lily hadn't managed to do anything lewd accidentally in her sleep this time… but that's mostly because Kat was holding her tightly. Lily had her arms bound by Kat's tail and Kat's legs restrained Lily's.
Not that Kat's girlfriend was complaining, especially not when she got to use Kat's boobs as a pillow all night.
It did make it a touch awkward when Lily tried to stretch out and found herself barely able to move. "Um… Kat I can't really move," mumbled Lily.
"I fail to see how that's my problem," returned Kat. "You're quite cute and I'm pleased to have the chance to snuggle with you like this,"
"Kat, we've slept together every night for… quite a while. I wasn't really keeping track of the specifics so why go this far?" asked Lily.
"Ah, that's because you're in your human form at the moment. I've got to get you used to this. As adorable as your Memphis form is, it's not very huggable. It's a bit too small. However like this? Now I've got you in a proper hug and you cannot escape," said Kat.
Lily let out a soft giggle as she tried to shift a bit in Kat's embrace… but it just made her more aware of how tightly Kat was holding onto her… and all of the different parts of Kat's body she could feel. Lily felt her face heating up at the same time of course. "Um… maybe we should get up and see everyone else?" offered Lily as a way to escape.
"Hmmm… I suppose…" agreed Kat. Instead of letting Lily go though, she just stood up and pulled Lily into a princess carry. "I'm still keeping you though,"
"You weren't this romantic while we were on vacation, what's got you so… I don't want to say clinging because I AM loving this but I also can't think of a better word for it… so yeah clingy I guess," asked Lily.
Kat shrugged as she opened the door with her tail and walked downstairs. Kat could hear Callisto in the kitchen moving around and cooking something. The smell of it was wafting upstairs but Kat didn't care enough to work out what exactly it was. "Hmm… part of it is that I wanted to let the new couples have their time.
Didn't want to do anything excessive where it could get back to them and mess things up if they felt like forcing things. It's not like they've known each other long… and I wouldn't want to encourage Marigold. She really doesn't need it.
"On the other hand, seeing them act like that? Especially when we saw Kress and Stan together? I knew I needed to con you into sleeping with me in your human form more. I'm surprised at how easily you caved last night, and even if it isn't something you're quite up to doing regularly… I think it's something you should consider once a week.
"Because you know what Lily? I love you. I feel that in my heart, and I feel your love for me across the link. We settled into a very nice and comfortable routine that I don't have anything against… but I wanted to do a bit more. Sure for me there isn't much better then hugs, but even this much has been very nice,"
Lily blushed not really knowing what to say. Luckily, she didn't have to say anything. Callisto called out a "Good morning you two. I see you have returned from your vacation,"
"Yup we're back. We could've stayed longer but well… that would've cost money and it was a good enough excuse to return," answered Kat.
"It's no issue, and I'm sure you were worried about Sylvie as well. She has been fine, misses you of course but we also went to see those friends of hers from the science fair a few times and that has been good for her, so if there was ever a time to be away for a vacation instead of just work, now was the time," said Callisto.
Kat frowned at that. "Wait but she didn't mention anything in her 'letters' about visiting friends. Why didn't she mention it?"
"Well she did not say why to me… but if I had to guess it was for a minor bit of revenge. Do not think she does not notice that you occasionally leave things out of your letters or downplay how much you get hurt," said Callisto.
Kat pouted as she flopped onto the couch with Lily, pulling the smaller girl into another tight hug. "Booo, but that's completely different. I avoid that sort of stuff so that Sylvie doesn't get too worried about me. If anything I was more worried before I knew she was spending time with friends,"
"Ah, but I did not say it was the same, I said it was a bit of minor revenge for you leaving things out of your own letters. The fact that you worried more was likely the point. Sylvie is not a fool, leaving things out of your letters just makes her worry. Granted, perhaps not as much if she knew the truth, but it still makes her worry.
So I suppose it is only fair for you to be worried like this," retorted Callisto.
Kat continued to pout on the couch. "Ah, so mean," mumbled Kat as she snuggled into Lily's hair. "She's already playing tricks on me. They grow up so fast. At least I know you wouldn't keep stuff like that from me right Lily?"
"She kept the fact she was in love with you a secret for most of your friendship," added Callisto.
"Hey! I came clean about it eventually and that's really not what Kat's talking about!" grumbled Lily. Callisto just laughed as she flipped the quesadilla in the pan, unconcerned by the joint glares she was receiving.