Dark Magus Returns-Chapter 900 This is Dark Magic

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Chapter 900 This is Dark Magic

The two brothers from the Demonic Faction were infamous. This was because they always got the task done. Of course, they hadn't always been strong middle-stage warriors.

This was because Belil, the head of the Neverfall Clan, was careful in his selection of tasks. He always picked something that seemed out of reach for the brothers, but not quite impossible. freёwebnoѵel.com

At least not in the eyes of Belil. Many of the tasks given to the two would have been impossible for many warriors, but it was because the brothers had completed every single mission successfully that they had become infamous.

This was to the point that even when there was a big issue from the larger clans and the Neverfall Clan, the two brothers would be sent in Belil's place, and if a fight would occur, he trusted them to deal with the situation.

They were the face of the Neverfall Clan, and when dealing with tasks, they would do whatever was necessary. The other clans and citizens could only guess what they had done to achieve their accomplishments.

In order to overcome the impossible, they must have done some underhanded tactics, but was that really the case? If they were from the Dark Faction, perhaps, but the Demonic Faction was all about strength—they had to overcome everything with their own power because that was the Demonic Faction's way.

"Idore! Trubin!" Raze screamed at the top of his lungs. His mind was so far gone at this point that he was seeing what his anger allowed him to see.

Whether it was due to the influence of the Bloody woman or due to Raze's Dark magic going rampant while he was in his breakthrough form, he didn't know, but immediately both of his hands faced the two brothers.

"It looks like he wants a fight!" Fing said, holding onto his gourd. "It appears that we might get to decide the pecking order of who's best out of all of us after all!"

Out from the palm of Raze's hands, large jet streams of flames went toward the two brothers. Quickly, slightly flipping his body in the air, Fing pulled out the gourd and landed on the ground.

He was on one knee and held the gourd in front of him. Han looked unfazed as he stayed behind his brother, trusting him in his actions.

When the flames were ready to hit them, they started to be sucked into the gourd. The flames were intense, and Fing could feel his fingers burning.

He had to move his Qi over to his hands to protect them from the flames. In the end, though, all of the flames were consumed.

When Raze stopped his magic attack, he could see the two of them were fine.

Fing then lifted the gourd, and liquid started to fall as he consumed it. The gourd looked as if it was limitless as liquid continued to fall.

Eventually, he stopped himself and wiped the water from his mouth.

"How much energy was even in that attack?" Fing said, and then kicked off from his position. The ground broke beneath his feet as he came toward Raze.

"I should have expected that fire wouldn't work against you," Raze said as his arms started to electrify.

When Fing was right next to where Raze was, several sparks came off from Raze's body. It wasn't like the single lightning strike attack that he would throw.

This was a constant form of electricity that was hitting Fing. Fing had both of his arms crossed, and he had his arms in a cross shape. Strangely, the attack was pushing his body back.

'Damn it… what is with this power? I can't even move my arms.'

Han didn't seem to be getting hurt by the lightning—it appeared to be something that was meant to just stop him from attacking, and with the other hand, Raze had gathered Dark magic.

Moments later, a large Dark Pulse shot out from Raze's hand, aiming to hit Fing directly.

Before the attack even reached him, a swift high note was heard, and a strong force hit the Dark magic away.

When Raze turned his head, he could see Han playing a strange flute in his mouth.

"The one-man army. Possibly the strongest mage in existence when it comes to one-on-one battles," Raze mumbled under his breath. "I still haven't figured out your power, and you appear to be using a strange tool."

Han continued to hold the flute in his hand and blew into the device. Each time a note was played, a strange attack was lashed out toward Raze.

When it went to hit him, though, a strong force of wind that surrounded Raze appeared for a moment. It looked like a type of barrier that had stopped the attack.

'What is that? I shouldn't pay it too much attention. Right now, I need to keep attacking!' Han thought.

He continued to blow into his flute, and each time, Qi attacks were aimed at Raze. The wind barrier was seen activating, stopping the attacks.

"Stopping a foolish item like that is quite simple," Raze said as he stretched out his hand and opened it.

In doing so, the lightning attack had stopped hurting Fing, allowing him to be back in the fight again, and a large gust of wind passed the two of them.

Han tried to continue blowing into his flute, yet no noise was being made. With no noise, it appeared as if no attack was coming out from his weapon.

'What has he done? Is he controlling the air in this space now?' Han thought. 'This opponent not only has strong powers but powers that we don't understand. This whole thing we are having to learn as we fight… it's going to be incredibly difficult.'

"There was always one thing that I had the upper hand with you guys on, and that is…" Raze stretched out both of his hands, and two forms of large masses of Dark magic around one meter in diameter appeared in both of Raze's hands. "That's Dark magic."